hawksmybirdie7 · 10 months
I haven't been on here in awhile! 😭
Going to post cute Christmas thread soon!
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Midoriya never thought he would get a house. His distance relative pass away gave him their house Izuku met them once in high school.
"Izu are you sure about this?" Shoto his husband looking around he not to crazy about the house being middle of nowhere.
"Don't worry hon your going to love it! I just know it." Shoto sighs leans back in the seat he not sure about this.
"ok babe but if it's not nice we're leaving." Izuku shakes his head pulls up to the house.
"Wow it's bigger then I thought."
In the house
"Someone here!" Everyone crowd's to the window looks outside.
"Are they the new owners?" Tall gentleman wearing Victorian outfit cross his arms," only family members get the house I don't know who got it but I hope they don't sell it."
Guy in suit rolls his eyes," do you really think that guy cares."
"Their coming in!" Viking yells everyone covers their ears.
"You don't have to yell Katsuki!"
"Let's go!' he walks through wall everyone follows.
Midoriya amazed how beautiful the house is.
"Wow Shoto look at the living room it's huge!" Shoto walked in and he couldn't believe how beautiful it was.
"This is really nice." Izuku nods he takes his husband hands said," so what do you think?" Shoto sighs he knows Izuku wants it and their far from his family.....
"Let's take it." Izuku jumps up and down hugs Shoto," yes we are going to love it here!"
Ghosts 👻
"Oh my they're taking it!" Guy and woman yell.
"I can't believe this! Since when did I have nephew? My family hasn't had male we are mainly woman! I haven't heard about him? Woman in kimono says.
"now you do! He seems adorable look how happy he is!"
Midoriya 💚
"Wow look Shoto we have a library!
Looking around Shoto can't believe it.
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Keigo couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight he seeing.
Endeavor shirtless.
Those muscles and abs.
Rumi shakes hear head slaps Keigo on the back he wince.
"Your drooling Kei."
"Fuck Rumi I want to climb him." Rabbit hero shakes her head.
"Babe your hopeless."
"For Endeavor yes I am."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Hawks wants to dress up for Halloween but Endeavor doesn't.
Wing hero sits besides Enji pouting flame hero sighs," Keigo for the last time I'm too old to dress up."
Keigo tilts his head looks at his boyfriend.
"You're not old Enji."
Endeavor smiles softly Hawks always knows what to say huh.
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Tonight was supposed to be date night but Enji was called into emergency.
So Keigo stayed at Enji house he didn't feel like flying home it's late and cold. Shoto having movie night with his boyfriend Bakugou.
Shot invited him to watch them, Keigo wish Shoto would've told him it was horror movie.
Keigo hates horror movies!
When jump scare pop up Keigo jumps hugs Katsuki tightly which irritates younger blonde.
"Why do they do that?!"
"it's horror movie! Aren't you a hero?" Hawks wings fluff," yes I am I fucking hate horror movies ok!" Shoto just watch them bicker he has slight smile on his face he happy Keigo isn't sad or lonely. He takes quick picture sends it to his dad told him Keigo afraid of horror movies.
When the monster shows up Keigo pretty much on Bakugou lap his face in Bakugou arm.
"I didn't sign up for this shit."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
During the meeting all Keigo can think about is kissing Endeavor.
Keigo couldn't concentrate he watching Endeavor talk but he was not listening.
"Hawks." Wing hero blink he refocus.
"Yes." Endeavor frowns he stands up," pay attention!"
Hawks sighs," I'm trying it just you look so hot!" Endeavor shakes his head.
"We need to finish this, after we're done we can do whatever you want?"
Hawks grins Says ok!" Endeavor knows that grin he in for it.
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Bakugou been having trouble sleeping he can't stay asleep more then 40 minutes.
It's causing him some problem, not fighting the way he use to, can't stay awake at work. Bakugou needs a solution.
So he going to a specialist.
Katsuki hopes this specialist helps him because he doesn't want to miss work!
Katsuki walks in the center tells the receptionist he here.
Sits down and waits...hero sighs he hates waiting its seriously not in his nature.
When the nurse calls him katsuki followers her into the room. She gets his weight, temperature all the normal shit.
The one thing she was worried about is his blood pressure. Great...
The doctor came in Katsuki tried not to stare but he hot.
"Hi Bakugou I see your having trouble sleeping and your blood pressure is pretty high. Stress can cause that."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Our anniversary this weekend and I want to surprise Keigo with nice gift. The thing is I don't know what to get him.
Enji walking around the store can't find anything. Keigo isn't hard to buy for because he likes everything I get him. Flame hero sighs decided to home go try again tomorrow. Walking into the house Enji hears.
"Hey dad." Pro hero stops sees his two kids wasn't expecting Touya and Shoto to come over visit him
"Touya, Shoto nice to see you two." It's been awhile since Enji saw Touya he usually traveling for work or doesn't want to see him.
Shoto comes over every other Friday he tries his hardest to come over have dinner. Even though they see each at work but Shoto wants more of father son relationship. That makes Enji happy it really does Enji has to thank Keigo for that.
"Yea I just got home and wanted to stop by give you and Keigo gift for your anniversary." Enji takes the bag says his thanks.
"I came by early to let you know I'm going out with Katsuki. You and Keigo can have the whole weekend to yourselves." Enji gave his son small smile and nods.
"Ok thank you Shoto I will let Keigo know." Touya sat down on the couch looks around says," so where is bird brain?"
"Still working Keigo has big case wants to creak it before our anniversary." Shoto knows about that case Katsuki working on it too.
"So what did you get him?" Touya asked he wonder what his dad got Hawks.
"I'm not sure what to get him." Touya gave his dad a look.
"Take him on vacation." Enji hums he could do that Keigo been working none stop.
"I could do that. I know couple places he wanted to go too."
Touya gets up," great, I need to go meeting Tenko for dinner."
"are you ever going to bring him over?" Shoto asked his big brother Touya shrugs leaves.
Keigo stumbles into bedroom takes his uniform off lays it on the ground he goes in the bathroom take a shower.
While in the shower wing hero leans his head against the wall let's the hot water beat on him. Enji heard shower run.
"Keigo must be home." Enji got out of bed walks over to the bathroom opens the door he peeks in the shower to see Keigo asleep.
Head on the shower wall wings on the floor his mouth half open snoring.
Enji shakes his head picks Keigo up turns shower off. He wipes Keigo dry made sure wings we're dry as well. Carries wing hero to bed.
Keigo hums hugs Enji who returns the hug. Flame hero worried about Keigo he working too hard he hasn't sleep in a long while.
Keigo wakes up with terrible headache he wince in pain.
"fuck." Can't even get up Keigo covers his head with the blanket.
Shoto walks in his dad room to see him not there but he does see blonde hair peeking out blanket. Katsuki next to his boyfriend he does not want to be here!
"Keigo." He hears groan Katsuki rolls his eyes went up to the bed pull blanket down Hawks does not look good he pale and eyes squeezed shut.
"Babe tell your dad Hawks isn't coming in today he sick." Golden eyes open," Bakugou why are you here?"
"making sure you don't die go back to sleep." Keigo snuggles in the covers fall back to sleep. Bakugou goes looks for some medicine.
Enji tried to get home soon as possible but villains don't stop.
He got several texts from Touya Shoto Fuyumi Natsuo even Bakugou. That was surprising but he shouldn't be surprised Keigo and Bakugou got close while working this case.
When Enji finally got home it was late.
Taking his shoes off Enji walk in his house notice Shoto still home.
"Shoto your still here?" His son sighs nods," yea Keigo wasn't doing well me and Katsuki stayed."
That's not good.
"Dad I thought you wouldn't choose work over family again. Keigo needed you, you weren't here." Enji lowers his head," is he ok?'
"Katsuki took him to his doctor instead of the hospital there coming home soon."
"that's good I will make sure he comfortable." Shoto stood in front of the door turn around.
"Keigo staying with us." Enji frowns he made plans for them. For their anniversary!
"Shoto it's our anniversary this weekend!" Shoto didn't back down he really mad at his father.
"Dad you didn't respond to us you didn't even call Keigo asked if he was ok?! You ignored us Keigo you needed you. The doctor said he over worked himself sick he couldn't walk. You knew that and you left him. Me and Katsuki found him in bed with terrible migraine."
Enji knew he shouldn't have left why did he leave? Why... now his son angry with him Keigo....would he forgive him?
"Is Keigo ok?" That's all he wants to know.
"He needs rest plenty of fluids I will keep you updated." With that Shoto left Enji knows he screwed up.
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Gosh I haven't posted on here in a very long time 😕
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Keigo likes to cuddle while sleeping he didn't know that for awhile. Rumi told him Hawks was so embarrassed he couldn't believe he cuddle up against Rumi! Rabbit hero didn't care she thought it was cute she would spoon Keigo any day. Her cute little spoon!
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Enji didn't want to date he wanted to stay home relax after hero work. He didn't want to go out meet people that's not for him.
But Hawks wouldn't leave him alone about it. He kept asking if he been on any dates is their anyone he wants to date.
It's getting on Enji nervous!
"Hawks for the last time I'm not going on any dates! I don't want to date no one wants to date middle age man with four kids!"
Hawks blinks then grins leans forward stares at Enji beautiful blue eyes," I want to date you. Your really hot Endeavor I mean I would definitely do things to you make you hotter."
Enji tries to contain his emotions after hearing Hawks say that! But why would guy in his twenties want him?!
"Hawks your too young for me find someone else." Wing hero slams his hands on Endeavor desk," I don't want anyone else I want you!" Gold eyes flare determine Enji huffs cross his arms shakes his head.
"Hawks our meeting over." Keigo doesn't move he lays two tickets on Enji desk says," go to the hot springs with me. I will show you what your missing big guy if you don't like it I will leave you alone."
Enji sighs looks at the tickets then at Hawks," fine I will go you better not make me regret this." Keigo smirks," you won't Endeavor san."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Today was supposed to be a good day but no villains have to ruin it! Keigo sighs heavily looks at his hero costume it's ruined he has to go all the way to his agency to change.
"I won't make it to dinner on time." Keigo tries to hurry up change make it to Enji house he hopes he gets there on time.
Enji looks at the clock Keigo late that's not like him. Wing hero did text Enji told him he had to arrest some villains that was hour ago.
"Dad I just got done setting up the table. Are you ready to eat?" Enji looks at his cell again no new texts.
"Yes Fuymi I'm ready is Shoto here?"
"Shoto just got here with his boyfriend."
Everyone sat down began to eat until window flow open Hawks jumps in didn't realize his shoes are wet from the rain landed face first on hardwood floors.
Enji jump up to help Keigo up Natsuo grabs his medical bag. Bakugou laughing Shoto covers his mouth.
Fuymi covers Hawks up in towel," are you ok Hawks?" Blonde covers his face shit that was embarrassing!
"I'm fine." Enji shakes his head leads Hawks to spare room we're he can change Natsuo can see if wing hero has any injuries.
After Natsuo left he told Hawks to stay in the room rest his body was exhausted the doctor to be wasn't happy with wing hero.
Keigo signed pulled blanket up he ruined the dinner that made wing hero sad.
Enji open the door walks in sets the tray on bedside table.
"I brought you dinner." Keigo open eye look at it.
"Keigo talk to me." Blonde sighs sits up head down.
"I ruin dinner." Keigo said sadly Enji hug him rub his back," you didn't ruin dinner Keigo we we're worried about you."
"Really?" Enji nods gets in bed pulls Keigo next to him, wing man hugs Enji back lays his head on Enji chest.
"Get some rest I will be here when you wake up." Keigo smiles tells Enji he loves him older man smiles softly whispers in Keigo ear," I love you too."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Enji wonders what goes through Hawks mind sometimes. What is he thinking about?
Hawks thinking,' I wonder what kfc does to their chicken? Why does it taste Soo good?!'
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Enji woke up to a wing smacking his face.
Pro hero looks next to him sees Hawks still sleeping soundly face pressed against his chest.
Enji sighs tries to roll over but Keigo stops him letting out whine.
"Don't move so warm." Flame hero wants to shove Keigo off him but wing hero still recovering from bad injuries he will let this slide just this once.
But when wing smacks him again....
Enji gently lays Keigo down on his side of the bed puts pillow between them tries to go back to sleep.
He feels shift in the bed," Do. not. move. that. pillow Keigo."
Hawks eyes well up," but Enji."
"No I had enough of your wings smacking me." Keigo sighs hugs the pillow goes back to sleep.
Enji sighs close his eyes he knows Keigo going to move the pillow cuddle up to him. Enji knows it.
And flame hero was right wing hero was in his arms with smile on his face.
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Keigo knew something was up when Enji didn't want to meet up for lunch today. That NEVER happens! We always meet up for lunch!
"Hey babe what's wrong." Keigo tearfully looks at Rumi," I think Enji wants to break up." Rumi stares at him.
"Your so dramatic Kei he not going to break up with you ok Endeavor number one hero he busy!"
"Yea your right. I should get going see you later!" Hawks flys off Rumi sighs text Endeavor let him know his boyfriend being drama queen.
When dinner rolls around Hawks stops at Endeavor agency to give him report on the villain fight when he steps in Endeavor office table setup with food and candles Keigo mouth drops open. He looks at Endeavor who gives him smile.
"Happy birthday Keigo." Looking around speechless," you did this for me?" Enji nods takes Hawks hand lead him to the chair he sits down sips wine he wants to cry no one has ever did this for him he gave Endeavor kiss says," thank you Enji I will never forget this." Two kiss again Hawks is so happy he won't tell Enji about the whole break up thing.
~~~ Fin~~~
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Keigo woke up feeling really warm he hugs the warmth sighs happily. This is first Christmas Keigo with someone. For the first time I don't have to worry about work or be alone it's nice.
Peeking eye open to see Enji still sleeping he looks so peaceful Keigo rests his hand on other hero face smiles at the man. You don't get to see this side of Enji a lot.
Keigo snuggled closer to Enji close his eyes today going to be a great day.
"You're in a cuddly mood." Keigo smiles again," because I'm with you." Enji holds Keigo against his chest and kisses his head.
"Merry Christmas Keigo." Keigo grins gets on top of Enji holds his hands kisses his lips ," Merry Christmas babe are you ready for your first present. Enji chuckles runs his hand down Keigo back," you don't have to ask I'm definitely ready."
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hawksmybirdie7 · 2 years
Keigo wanted to spend Christmas with Enji but he didnt want to intrude. It's time to be with family and he not part of the family.
They don't know about our relationship yet Enji did say he was going to tell them. Keigo isn't sure when but he knows Enji going to do it.
Keigo sighs looking down everyone looks so happy and here he is miserable.
"I wish I was off I could do something fun." Keigo mumbles he takes his cell out scroll through social media Everyone says happy holidays or posting pictures of themselves with family Hawks sighs again texts Rumi.
Hawks knows she is on patrol maybe they can meet up for dinner.
When Rumi texts him back. "Sorry babe Im meeting up with my mom you can join us!" Hawks says no enjoy your time together. "Well looks like it's just me." Keigo wraps his arms around himself watches the street.
Endeavor got up from his desk and shut his laptop Shoto called him and said everything was almost done are you on your way home? Enji was grateful for his relationship with his kids and ex wife going well. Not completely fixed but it's working.
Enji calls Keigo he doesn't want wing hero to be alone.
"Keigo?" Wing man answers with sorry the wind was strong.
"Enji! Hi didn't think you would call me." Enji frowns why wouldn't he call him and Hawks sounds sad.
"Are you flying?" Keigo tilts his head lands on roof," I was why? Something wrong?" Enji knew he shouldn't do this but he wants Keigo to be with him today not alone.
"Meet me at my office we need to go over something."
"Ok be there in a couple minutes!" Keigo ends the call and flies over.
"He is not going to be happy with me."
Enji takes Keigo to his house bird hero wonder why they couldn't stay at the office.
"Rei and Fyumi made dinner wants us to be here to enjoy it." Keigo doesn't want to intrude Fyumi comes to greet them she smiles that them.
"Hi Dad happy you made it! Oh Hawks san so happy you're here please come in." Keigo walks in and takes his boots off he follows Endeavor.
"Enji good to see you." Enji gave his ex wife small smile nods at her she looks at Hawks san," hello Hawks so nice of you to join us here have biscuit." Keigo takes one bites into it almost moans its sooo good!
"yum this is delicious Rei San I can eat the whole basket!" Enji rolls his takes the basket from him Keigo pouts Rei hides her laugh.
"Let's sit at the table Keigo behave yourself." Keigo grins follows Enji the pro heroes walk over to the table Rei watches them she wants to say something but not now.
"Mom are you ok?" She smiles nods," yes honey I'm good just watching your father and Hawks. How long have they been together?" Fyumi tries to remember what she knew for while now it's funny that they think we don't know!
Shoto walks in with Bakugou the two been dating over year now. Fyumi gave her brother boyfriend bright smile.
"Hi Katsuki good to see you it's been awhile."
"Hey Fyumi and Rei nice to see you two thanks for inviting me." Rei gave the teen hug.
"Let's go eat."
Everyone sat down and ate Keigo nervous calm down but he was still on edge he not use to these family dinners everyone was in good spirits.
Natsuo and Touya behaved they didn't make comments about Hawks being there and Fyumi sweetheart she kept asking me if I want more I declined. After dinner we went in the living room.
"Enji aren't we supposed to work on. Enji cut him off pulled Hawks onto the couch next to him," No we are not working Keigo I brought you here to relax and enjoy Christmas. The commission isn't in charge of you anymore." Keigo sat up look at Enji he wanted to cry.
"You want me here?" Enji nods he really hates seeing Keigo like this he wants to change that.
"Yes I do now relax and enjoy yourself." Keigo smiles and buries himself next to Enji Bodies press against each other. Keigo felt so good he holds Enji tight.
"Geez dad couldn't wait until you're alone." Touya drops himself on other couch Enji looks at his oldest son he raise eyebrow.
"Touya we're not doing anything don't be so loud Keigo asleep." Bakugou sits next to Touya who begins to tease the blonde.
"Ok everyone let's watch some movies then open presents oh is Hawks asleep?" Enji nods runs his fingers through thick hair Fyumi takes picture.
"Let him sleep poor dear looks like he hasn't slept now let's watch some Christmas movie." Enji thankful Rei step in she good at distracting the kids.
Enji not big fan of Christmas movies Keigo woke up middle of the movie he looks around confused then realized where he at.
"Sorry I fell asleep." Enji pulls him close," don't worry about you can go back to sleep we're just watching movies going to open presents Keigo hums close his eyes.
"Thank you for inviting me Enji." Endeavor hugs Keigo close whisper in his ear," Anytime Keigo." That brings a smile to Keigo's face He is so happy to have Enji and his family who welcome him with open arms.
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