Day four:
I’ve got five minutes to get this done on time! I am most definitely not dairy free. Heavy cream, cheese and butter are staples in my diet! There’s really nothing better than bulletproof coffee, honestly. I obviously substitute almond milk for regular milk (as it has too much sugar), but I’ve never tried to go dairy free so I have no idea how it would affect my weight loss. I might try attempting it if/when I plateau, though...
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Day three:
Here’s how I replenish my electrolytes!
According to /r/keto, (definitely check out that link if you haven’t already) you should be consuming at least 5000mg of sodium, 1000mg of potassium and 300mg of magnesium a day. Luckily, this isn’t hard to do, and you don’t have to take supplements if you don’t want to! (I hate swallowing pills.) If you are feeling under the weather or just crappy in general, and/or getting cramps in your legs and feet, you are probably deficient in one or more of the following:
Add salt to your food! If I start getting cramps, the first thing I do is whip up a mug of chicken broth. I use this bouillon powder. I usually just drink it plain, but sometimes I’ll add a little cream. Delicious!
Did you know avocados have more potassium than bananas? I love avocados, I can eat them straight up or with a sprinkle of salt. My favorite way to eat avocados is in a shake, and if you don’t like the taste of avocados it will suit you perfectly. I take a scoop of chocolate protein powder (this powder contains potassium, magnesium AND sodium and has 1g net carb per serving!), 8 oz. of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, one avocado, a splash of heavy cream and a couple of ice cubes and throw them in a blender. The avocado makes it the perfect creamy consistency, and you can’t taste it. Not only is it a good source of potassium, but a lot of other vitamins and minerals, including magnesium!
In addition to avocados, there are a lot of keto-friendly foods high in magnesium. Dark leafy greens, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, tuna, salmon, and dark chocolate are just a few examples.
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A Series of Comebacks
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Day two:
The very first time I tried keto, I stuck with it for around six months. I loved it, the way it made me feel, and the pounds just fell off. Then my birthday came around and I allowed myself to have whatever I wanted for lunch at my favorite restaurant. (It’s actually an Irish pub, haha. They do fish + chips, Shepard’s pie, that sort of thing. Sooo good but so bad for you!!) When it was time to eat I almost had a panic attack. I could barely eat anything. I felt like even one bite would set me back and undo all the hard work I had done. I’ve had problems with disordered eating in the past, but I told myself that I wasn’t restricting, I wasn’t going hungry, so there wasn’t a problem. A few months later, I was slipping back into bad habits. I was obsessively weighing myself, I was so anxious about going to parties or out to eat. I decided to continue eating keto, but not strict keto. I wasn’t counting calories, logging my food, or trying to hit any macros. The carbs started creeping up, as well as the weight. It’s been over a year since then, and I’m ready to try again. With that said, I’m not going to weigh myself until the challenge is over. I want to focus on how I feel, how much energy I have, etc. I want this to be more about my own well-being, not just my weight.
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Blueberry Lime Cheesecake Muffins
Sweet and zingy, these low carb cheesecake muffins are perfect to pack in your lunch box; or to eat for breakfast on the run!
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For some reason, bacon + eggs for breakfast always puts me on the right track for the day!
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Oh, and just so you guys know, haylan-goes-keto is a sideblog. My main blog is planet-of-my-own, so if you get notifications from there it’s still me!
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Better than Bounty Bars!
These low carb, keto Bounty Bars kick some coconut ass over the sugar-laden original! Vegan & paleo adaptable, you can whip these up just in time for Easter!
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Day One:
Hello! My name is Haylan. I’m doing the #KCKO60 challenge. I’ve been doing keto on-and-off for over a year now but my goal with this challenge is to stay on track for 60 days (hopefully more!) so I can really see results. If you’re doing this challenge as well let me know so I can follow you!
weight: 139.2 lbs | bust: 32” | waist: 28” | hips: 37” 
1541 kcal goal. (894 min, 1926 max) 25g Carbohydrates | 75g Protein | 125g Fat
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It’s here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep Calm Keto on 60 challenge!
Hosted by thefitty and gina145
Cohosts: boohealth and mywaytofindingme.
Artwork from: katiekun​
Hey guys. Welcome to our 60 day keto challenge. It’s time for us to keep calm and keto on. Find it hard to stay motivated? Need some new recipes? Or want to make some new keto friends along the way? Well you’ve come to the right place! Our challenge is here to help you achieve your goals.You can print these posters or have them as your display background for extra motivation and to keep you on track.
Before you start the challenge we would like to remind you that none of us are medical professionals and that you should participate in the challenge with caution. We are here to promote health and keep you motivated!
You’ll also be able to find us and the challenge on twitter and Instagram at:
Gina: gina1_xx (IG) gina1_x (twitter)
Linda: @thefitty(IG) @deefitty(Twitter)
Boo: @boohealth (IG) Don’t have twitter.
Day 1: SNAP YOUR BEFORE PICTURE! Introduce yourself and tell us how long you have been been doing keto? What are your goals for this month?
Take your measurements as well, you might not always lose weight, but you will lose cm/inches.
Day 2: What’s the longest period you have stayed Keto? Search the KCKO60 tag for inspiration from fellow challengers.
Day 3: Are you getting enough electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium)? Many people experience ‘keto flu’ in the induction stage and this is the result of starving our body of carbohydrates. Stay strong! Make sure you are replenishing your electrolytes with food or supplements if needed. Unless you’re eating under 20g carbs magnesium is not usually an issue, potassium is the most commonly deficient mineral and sodium is something we need to increase on keto as it is lost very rapidly, just like potassium.
Day 4: Are you dairy free? Why or why not?
Day 5: Do you take any vitamins or supplements? Why and what are they for?
Day 6: RECIPE DAY: Try this A-B-C BLT BURGER! Snap a photo and post it to your wall/dash/instagram with the KCKO60 hashtag. http://thefitty.com/2014/07/29/the-a-b-c-blt-wiaw-5/
Day 7: How are you feeling today? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each: keto diet, mood, hydration, sleep, and energy. How has keto been going?
Day 8: CARDIO DAY! Film yourself doing 10 sets (or as many as you can do) of a cardio move (i.e. burpees, hop overs, box jumps, etc) and we will reblog you!
Day 9: Would you ever attempt to go paleo-Keto? How trying to stay dairy free for the next 3 days, starting tomorrow? :)
DAY 10: Do You Test Your Ketones? Or Do You Just Go on How Your Feeling?
Day 11: What’s your favourite meal from before keto? See if you can find a keto alternative recipe and share it! Make it today!
Day 12: Hey! How’d the dairy free project go? What did you use for fat sources?
Day 13: TWEET: an ominous picture of your food with X hashtag and tag our twitters so we can guess what it is. Can you guess what other people’s are, searching the X hashtag?
Day 14: Reflect on your goals so far. How are they coming along? Do you need to make more adjustments to reach your goals?
Day 15: HIIT DAY: Can you take 8 minutes out of your day to complete this challenge? How did you use keto today? http://thefitty.com/2014/11/14/8-minute-hiit-workout/
Day 16: What are you favourite fat sources? What are your go-to snacks?
Day 17: Do you drink on keto? What’s your favourite keto alcoholic drink? Check out this article for more information about mixing alcohol and the ketogenic diet! http://www.ruled.me/ketogenic-diet-and-alcohol/
Day 18: VISIT AND SHARE: Check out the hashtag on Twitter and retweet someone from the challenge!
Day 19: What do you tell yourself when you’ve fallen off keto? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms, and are they strong enough to get you back on track or do you have to use sheer willpower?
Day 20: Keto must-haves? Make a list!
Day 21: How do YOU preserve your willpower (and discipline?)
Day 22: What does a day in the life of you look like from hour to hour? What would the “ideal” day in the life from hour to hour look like for you? (example post) Share it with us! http://thefitty.com/2015/03/24/day-in-the-life-of-rest-week-liplinkup-20/
Day 23: Remember how important it is to stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least 2 - 3L a day. Take a picture of your water today.
Day 24: Besides the obvious being on a keto diet, what else do you avoid? What’s the weirdest thing you eat? Share with us—we’re curious.
Day 25: Who are you inspirations and why? Are they keto themselves?
Day 26: What exercises do you do and when do you usually exercise?
Day 27: LET’S RUN TODAY!  Check out the link below or post your own running workout. http://thefitty.com/2014/07/25/run-your-heart-out-workout/
Day 28: PICTURE DAY! Instagram a photo of yourself. How do you feel on day 25 into the challenge? Have you noticed any difference?
Day 29: Rise and shine. Start your day right with some music while you get ready. What are you favourite songs?
Day 30: Half way there! Go on the KCKO60 tag and message someone you haven’t spoken to before. Tell them how well they’re doing in the challenge and give them some motivation!
Day 31: If someone gave you £100 (or whatever currency you use) to spend on a weekly shop, what would you keto must haves be?
Day 32: Top 3 most annoying things about eating with people who don’t understand your diet.
Day 33: Let’s try some Keto baking today! Try this Almond bread a wopping 6g net carbs for half a loaf!! http://www.yumdimsum.me/keto-bread/ Or if you fancy something sweet then why not try these chocolate brownies. http://gina145.tumblr.com/post/114576968730/chocolate-brownies-if-you-like-your-brownies
Day 34: Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you meditate?
Day 35: Check your measurements, How are you doing so far? Have you lost cm/inches? Snap some during pics
Day 36: Are you suffering from any hormone imbalances, inflammation, indigestion, autoimmune disorders, etc? Let us know!
Day 37: Do you have a favourite blog? Tell us who they are and why you love them!
Day 38: INSTAGRAM/TWEET/FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE/TUMBLR one of your favourite people doing this challenge and list 3 things you learned/like from them. Remember to tag them!
Day 39: Are you a fan of snacking or a few big meals? How do you structure your eating schedule?
Day 40: Got a sweet tooth? Try making a keto cheesecake You will not regret digging your hands in to this. http://boohealth.tumblr.com/post/101776853905/boohealth-keto-cheesecake-made-by-yours-truly
Day 41: YOGA! Show us your favourite poses! If you’re new to yoga then check out this video with modified versions for beginners!
Day 42: Where did you find out about Keto?
Day 43: 500ml Water Chugging tag!! Down your water and record yourself doing it, tag others to do it too with the tag #500mlwaterchug!! Let’s see how many people we can help get 500ml down!\
Day 44 Let’s see how creative you can get with salad! Make your own keto salad and show us how you spice up the old salad, and where you get your fats from.
Day 45: RECIPE DAY: Make-Your-Own-Cookie Butter! Or how about 3- ingredient Chia Pudding? Cookie butter can be found at http://thefitty.com/2014/07/01/make-your-own-cookie-butter/ whereas the chia pia is here http://thefitty.com/2014/06/27/3-ingredient-chia-pudding/
Day 46: Do you practice intermittent fasting? How long do you go? Being in ketosis means you’re using your body fat as fuel, so you won’t require food to function as much as a sugar burner. Optional activity: Fast for 14 or more hours and reflect on the experience. What did you break your fast with? Did you drink coffee or tea throughout? Instagram your post-fast food photo!
Day 47: What’s your favourite Keto pre- and post workout snacks?? Snap a pic, share the recipe for all of us to try!
Day 48: Time for a quick ab workout! Remember that a strong core benefits your whole body, even if you don’t have a flat tummy https://vimeo.com/108799576
Day 49: Share your meal and Exercise plan and let us know how you’re going to make this last week count!
Day 50: How do you explain keto to those who don’t know what keto is, and why you are eating full fat food! Does it look like they might believe in keto after seeing your results so far?
Day 51: What is your favorite side effect from eating Keto?
Day 52: Cauliflower MASH :) The best thing since going keto was discovering this baby!! Try it out and let us know what you think! Better than potato mash? Here’s the link. http://thefitty.tumblr.com/post/27015928627/so-ive-made-this-a-few-weeks-back-and-fooled
Day 53: After Starting Keto Have you developed stronger will power? Do you feel Stronger, More Energized, Happier?
Day 54: What are you thankful for today?
Day 55:  DANCE: Film yourself dancing wacky and crazy around the house—show the world how fun you are and make a short film
Day 56:  How has this journey changed you? For better or worse?
Day 57: Fat bomb Fat bomb, you’re my fat bomb!! Share your favourite fat bomb recipe, never made them before?? This is your chance! Here are some amazing macadamia fat bombs. You can use a Fat Fast to break a 2 week or longer plateau, or get into Ketosis quicker if you’ve had a cheat! You consume around 90% fat for 2 - 4 days! Why not give it a try? http://gina145.tumblr.com/post/107924765570/i-didnt-have-enough-macadamias-so-i-only-used
Day 58: How Has Your Routine Changed Since Before the Challenge? How About the First Week of the Challenge?
Day 59: Will you continue keto after this challenge?
Day 60: SNAP YOUR AFTER PICTURE! You made it! 60 days of keto. Well done! How did you do these past 2 months? Take your measurements again, how do they compare to your first measurements and measurements on day 30.
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