haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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Lady Silk  The Man with the Iron Fists
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
(Heaving a heavy sigh, he approaches her and smiles slightly) I know that this isn’t gonna be easy, because I already sort of know how this might end up. (Bites down on his lip) Can you just remember that I love you…? Please?
[She manages a wry smile and rests her hand against Robb's cheek, her fingers lightly tracing its texture] I know that, Robb. And I love you too -- so much [she chokes back a sob and retracts her hand, looking away] But ...
There's a pile of ash where the couch used to be
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
Mark: Don't make me choose between you or her.
Lexie: Why? Because you'll choose her?
Mark: Yeah. I'll choose her.
Lexie: I think our relationship just ended.
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
(He fidgets with his hand, staring down at them) Hey Hay Lin… (Licking his lips, he takes a heavy breathe) I missed you these past couple of weeks… I always end up missing you. (He mutters quietly to himself)
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[Her heart sinks, hearing his words] I -- I missed you too [she frowns and chews down on her bottom lip] Robb, listen. We ... we should talk.
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There's a pile of ash where the couch used to be
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
(He turns around, his throat feeling dry as he stares at Hay Lin) Oh… Hey… (Smiles anxiously)
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Hi Robb ... [a ghost of a smile crosses her face]
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There's a pile of ash where the couch used to be
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
[She pokes her head around the corner and clears her throat]
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There's a pile of ash where the couch used to be
No sweat, I got this. I can somehow tell my twelve-year-old son to stop blowing things up and put on the whole strict parent routine… Okay, I’m totally out of my league here.
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
It was lots of fun. (He laughs, shaking his head) I thought for some reason it would programmed into my mind on how to skate but I haven’t done that since my human life… (His voice drifts before his eyes move back over towards her) I would’ve loved if you were there, Lin Lin. We could’ve taken over the ice skating rink like we did Main Street. (He laughs before nodding his head solemnly, noticing her reaction) I know… I know. (He says softly, stroking her hair soothingly before pulling away) If… If you feel like you’d be a suitable eighteen-year-old stem mother, then by all means go for it. (He says before his face softens, giving her a small smile) But Lin Lin… you’re life has just begun. (He chews on the bottom of his lip) You have the whole world to conquer and paint in every colour imaginable…
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[Giggles] That sounds like quite the sight to behold! But hey, at least Irma was there to peel you off of the ice every time you fell, right? [she smiles warmly] Surely, we would have! The ice skating rink would be our stage and we'd put on one hell of a show! [she says, earnestly enthused by the idea. Her bottom lip trembles slightly, her gaze shifting] That's the thing -- I'm not quite ... done yet, if you know what I mean? There's so much I want to do and see. I still want to travel, and live abroad and experience new things but I feel like, if I decide to settle down with Robb and his child now, that'll basically trap me here. Forever. And I don't know if I want that [she chews down on her bottom lip] Is that terribly selfish?
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Haven't been out of the house for days.
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
I hear you're going to be a step-mother of a twelve year old. Are you really going to stay with a man nearly twice your age and help raise his son? Don't you think you'd want to leave Heatherfield rather than staying in this hell hole? Come on now, Hay Lin. Be smart about this. - ζ
Whatever I decide is none of your concern. Leave me be, for goodness sake!
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
You're my favorite nerd, so when I saw this I had to buy it for you. It's a 3CP-O usb drive.
Love Irma.
THIS IS PERFECT! Irma, you know me so well. Merry Christmas, dear!
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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Merry merry merry merry christmas, Hay Hey. I hope you'll receive lots of joy and love. love you, Will.
Gosh! It's so pretty, Willy. I adore this. Merry Christmas!
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
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Merry Christmas Hay!!!!
Cornflakes! I love it! Thank you so much!
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
Text: Ah, you texted me back and I didn't notice! We wondered where you were. Anytime is good. You can stop by now if you want, we're about to start the first one. There's popcorn...
Text: For shame, Beckett! For shame. Then again, I did the same. Don't hate me! But I'm on my way. Wouldn't miss it for the world!
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haylin-theguardian · 12 years
Text: Great, I think you could too. Plus Irma's been out of the loop and probably wants to hug you senseless.
Text: Oh. She is. Gosh. I'm such a bad friend! Anyway, what time do I need to be there? :)
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