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He needs this book. Not just for his job, but as an excuse to spend time with Stolas., without having to admit to his feelings, without having to admit that he wants to spend this time with him.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 3 hours
Good to know. I've seen people highlighting many of the other lines, but I've felt pretty much alone with this one. Not anymore! 🥰
Okay, but am I the only one that, from all the lyrics in All 2 U, is hit by the "All this what if, what if, what if, what if, what if, what if Why, why, why, why why why, makes me burn!"-part the hardest?
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 4 hours
do trans women need to unlearn patriarchal structures and moral values in order to be good feminists? yessir 100%
but don’t do cis women as well?
you’re not automatically a good feminist because you were born with ovaries, and your opinions are not automatically right and worth listening to because of your cishood.
we are all learning, and being a biological female™️ does not make you exempt of having to learn as well.
we all need to collectively do better!
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 5 hours
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first time drawing Stolas hehe
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 5 hours
Jesse: "Yo, Mr. Fring, I've been thinking about this quote, man. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy." What do you make of that?"
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Gus: "Ah, Jesse, I see you've stumbled upon the existential musings of Albert Camus. It's an intriguing concept, to say the least."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again, represents the futility and absurdity of life's struggles."
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Gus: "However, Camus suggests that by accepting and embracing this absurdity, one can find happiness."
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Jesse: "Yeah, but I mean, isn't that just some crazy philosophical bullshit? How can someone be happy in such a fucked-up situation?"
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Gus: "Happiness, Jesse, is a state of mind. It's not about the circumstances we find ourselves in, but rather how we choose to perceive and respond to them."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, despite his eternal struggle, can find meaning and purpose in his repetitive task. By embracing his fate and finding fulfillment in the act itself, he transcends the burden he carries."
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Jesse: "That's deep shit, man. So, what, you're saying we should just accept all the crap that comes our way and be happy about it?"
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Gus: "Not necessarily. Acceptance doesn't mean complacency. It means acknowledging the realities of our situation and finding a way to navigate them while maintaining our inner peace."
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Gus: "It's about finding meaning in the journey, even if the destination remains elusive."
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Jesse: "Yeah? I guess that makes sense in some messed-up, twisted way... Hey, speaking of finding happiness, have you tried Taco Bell's Nacho Fries? They're insane, man!"
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Gus: "...Nacho Fries, Mr. Pinkman?"
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Jesse: "Oh, you gotta try 'em, Mr. Fring! They're like these crispy, seasoned fries with this gooey cheese dipping sauce. It's like a flavor explosion in your mouth, man. I bet you'd love 'em."
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Gus: "If they are as remarkable as you claim, perhaps we can find a moment to indulge. After all, even in the face of existential ponderings, we mustn't forget to appreciate life's simpler pleasures."
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Jesse: "That's what I'm talkin' about, Mr. Fring! We'll have ourselves a little culinary adventure amidst all the fucking chaos. Life's all about finding those moments of joy, even if it means embracing the absurdity along the way, right?"
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Gus: "Indeed, Jesse. Life's contradictions often lead us to unexpected discoveries. Perhaps, we may find a glimpse of Sisyphus' elusive happiness in the process."
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 6 hours
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 6 hours
Teach your children to respect animals and the world around them. Teach them that nature isn't their toy and that their actions have consequences. Teach them compassion for other beings and creatures.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 7 hours
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Saw this and thought of you
Ahaha thank you.
The only Cherub I love and adore💖
We know it’s cuz he’s their Moxxie lol.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 7 hours
Okay, but am I the only one that, from all the lyrics in All 2 U, is hit by the "All this what if, what if, what if, what if, what if, what if Why, why, why, why why why, makes me burn!"-part the hardest?
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 7 hours
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 8 hours
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 8 hours
Something something Moxxie's father being abusive to his wife and Blitzo's father using his children as commodities
Something something Moxxie being the most loving and caring husband to his wife, respecting her wishes and always supporting her as much as he can. Something something Blitzo adopting Loona from a dog shelter and giving her unconditional love and expecting nothing in return.
Something something breaking the cycle of abuse, send post.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 9 hours
We waited so long for full moon that knowing apology tour will drop any day in the next three weeks is crazy
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 9 hours
the way ivan aivazovsky looks at the sea…i think…i think that’s what love looks like.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 10 hours
wheres your whimsy. wheres your fucking whimsy
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 10 hours
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 11 hours
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Oh hey, look. Stella isn't here to hog the bedsheets anymore
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