hazel-sebastian · 10 years
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"It’s been life-changing. From the mad things you do while making it, to the experiences you get from traveling around the world promoting it. The Americans love it, which is fabulous. I love that it’s so quintessentially British, yet so globally huge. The scene of me on the back of a motorbike with The Doctor, driving past Big Ben - I’ve never felt more British in my life!"  © Jenna Coleman for Glamour UK Magazine 
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hazel-sebastian · 10 years
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hazel-sebastian · 10 years
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//so i figured out how to make crackship gifs and
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hazel-sebastian · 10 years
"Eh, I don't know. I think I'd be pretty freaked out if you had tentacles." she said, arching an eyebrow and smirking, "Being pale probably isn't as bad as having octopus arms." Hazel could have gone on teasing him by asking him never to take his shirt off so she could save herself from being blinded, but that would be too risky. No matter how pale, she wouldn't mind if Joseph got shirtless.
Hazel felt a little bad if that had been the case. She knew her mom tried her best to keep her family together and happy, and they were, but Hazel was confident that Melosia had always imagined something more picturesque. She shrugged the thought off for now and held her marshmallow over the fire. 
"So how have you been spending your Valentine's Day?" she asked, "I mean, besides spending the evening of it with the best person ever."
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 10 years
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
She cringed slightly as he brought up the spaghetti. Hazel had probably been a bit too passionate about that when she and Joseph had started talking again...or technically when she started bugging him. "Yeah, that is weird isn't it?" she laughed softly, "Still, I stand by my point that if he likes it and it doesn't kill him, then he can eat it." At least he didn't think she was weird for talking to Rico? Maybe he would if he knew she asked for advice on boys...or boy.
"Good. I don't want to have to be there to witness your death and especially by sweater." Hazel shot a playful smirk his way before grabbing the blanket she left out. "I'm not sure I've ever even seen your arms before. You could have tentacles for all I know."
"Since I grabbed the bag of marshmallows from my pantry." she answered, grabbing two marshmallows and tossing the bag his way, "I didn't even realize we had all this stuff in my house. I totally would have eaten it all by now had I known." She stuffed one into her mouth before putting the other on the end of her stick. "Who knows. Maybe my mom wanted to have s'mores family bonding and never got a chance to grab us all."
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
Hazel scrunched up her nose at his comment and bumped into him. "Don't be mean." she said, trying to keep her little pout going, though it quickly turned into a smirk. Teasing him was fun, and when he poked back at her, it didn't feel like he was actually annoyed. Which ,admittedly, felt really good. 
"There's no hate!" she said, putting up her hands and letting out a giggle, "I just think it's funny is all. We like what we like, I guess. I mean hey, I have a pet ferret that I..occasionally talk to like a person. And I'm sure plenty of people think I'm weird for that..including you." Hazel let out a small laugh before shrugging her shoulders. She probably could have left that part out and saved herself a shred of embarrassment. "Anyways, I was just messing with you is all. I like them. Keep wearing them."
As they continued to walk, the fire she had set up quickly came into sight and was still, thankfully, burning. Hazel sped up her pace, a little too excited to get near the fire and to steal the blanket she had put out in case someone needed one. 
"S'mores, s'mores, s'mores." she snickered, plopping down in the sand.
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
She rolled her eyes and laughed when he shook his hand. Hazel knew she teased him enough so maybe she would hold back the comment on 'toughening up'. "Bias?" she scoffed playfully, "What bias? It's a fact that I am amazing. Not even you can deny that." 
Trying not to laugh out loud was pretty hard, especially when Joseph gave the reaction he did. "Joseph, we live in, by far, the hottest district. There's a beach in my backyard, and yet you wear sweaters every day." She was already snickering by this point, though Hazel really hoped it wasn't actually hurting his feelings.
"I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them, though." she said in an attempt to redeem herself. She actually thought he looked cute in them, but conveying that opinion to a boy who knew she liked him and didn't feel the same way was not the route she was going to go. "They look..nice on you." At least she avoided the word cute?
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
She playfully swatted his hand away and laughed. "Yeah, well if you decided not to come, you'd regret it more. I'm amazing and so are s'mores, so you would have been missing out big time." Hazel flashed a sarcastic grin and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"The ingredients would be back at my house, and they will be made on the beach behind my house." she replied, "It's the closest and easiest place to make a fire."
Another breeze blew past, causing Hazel to rub her arms again. "I'm glad I'll be in front of a fire soon. How come it's so hot during the day, and then at night I'm freezing?" She glanced over at him and snickered lightly. "At least you have a reason to wear that sweater now."
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
Rolling her eyes, Hazel grinned softly. "Well if you ever do meet him, you'll understand. He's like boy genius extraordinaire. Never leaves school, always studying, and going to medical school soon." She often wondered what it was like for Apollo and Marina. The whole family seemed to get along, but there had to be some competition there. "Thank you. I mean, having Sterling for a brother sure makes me look like the superstar child."
Hazel wouldn't have blamed him if he had taken the way through the door. The chances of him falling to his death were slim to none that way, but through the window was another story. Fortunately for her, watching him would be entertaining and perhaps a little teasing would get him to take the risk. "Ah, you're choosing the cool way!" she squeaked, bouncing on her toes and laughing.
It took the strength of ten men to keep her from laughing out loud as Joseph came down, but when his feet finally hit the ground she snickered. "You need to practice. That was a hot mess." she said, beginning to walk, "Eh, I've snuck out of my window enough times to know where to climb."
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
"I would say I'm offended, but now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't want to experience me singing either." She laughed softly and crossed her arms, rubbing the sleeve of her shirt. For a district that was known for its hot weather and beautiful beaches, it sure did get cold at night. At least the fire she had somehow set up without killing herself would help.
She bowed and shrugged her shoulders, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Yeah well, they don't call me the genius of the Sebastian family for nothin'." Hazel paused before frowning slightly. "Wait..no. That's Caspian. Well, anyways I'm runner up." That could have gone without correcting, couldn't it have? 
Hazel took that as a no and nodded softly until he uttered the glorious word 'but'. Her ears perked up and she grinned up at him. "Awesome. Now I think the real question is, are you taking the weenie way through the front door, or are you taking the cool way out through the window?"
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
Hazel tapped her foot impatiently, picking up a few more rocks. She went to throw another, hoping he wasn't asleep already when his head poked out of the window. She flashed a small smile before dropping the rocks by her feet. Thank cod she hadn't thrown that next stone or there was definitely no chance of him joining her if it had hit him.
"Forgive me. I forgot the boombox." she snickered, "If you want to request a song, though, I'll serenade you." Hazel was incredibly glad nothing had become too awkward since Christmas. She still felt embarrassed and stupid after the whole ordeal, but it was better to forget about it and put it behind her.
"It's Valentine's Day. If I came to your door, our moms would have more ammo." she called up, before quickly changing the subject, "Do you like s'mores? 'Cus I have s'mores ingredients at home, and there's too much for me to eat by myself..and not end up regretting it the next day. So if you want to..?" She trailed off, hoping he would get the idea.
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
Hazel continually went back and forth on how she felt about Valentine’s Day. Seeing people with their better halves and being alone always made her feel kind of shitty, but the half price chocolate the next day was always a pay off. As long as she could daydream about one day having someone to spend the 14th with, she could get through the day. 
After school, she spent a great deal contemplating whether she should stay home or do something with a friend. Nadia was surely off with a boy, and looking for Joseph put her in a tough spot. Would it be weird asking the guy she liked who knew that fact to hang out with her on a day dedicated to couples? After stressing for what felt like ages, Hazel decided she had nothing to lose at this point. 
Striking up an idea, she grabbed a few things from the house and grabbed a good spot on the beach before heading over to Joseph’s house.
Tossing a rock or two at his window, Hazel patiently waited. She could only imagine the field day Iris and her mom would have if she came to the door.
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
S'mores: Hazel/Joseph
Hazel continually went back and forth on how she felt about Valentine's Day. Seeing people with their better halves and being alone always made her feel kind of shitty, but the half price chocolate the next day was always a pay off. As long as she could daydream about one day having someone to spend the 14th with, she could get through the day. 
After school, she spent a great deal contemplating whether she should stay home or do something with a friend. Nadia was surely off with a boy, and looking for Joseph put her in a tough spot. Would it be weird asking the guy she liked who knew that fact to hang out with her on a day dedicated to couples? After stressing for what felt like ages, Hazel decided she had nothing to lose at this point. 
Striking up an idea, she grabbed a few things from the house and grabbed a good spot on the beach before heading over to Joseph's house.
Tossing a rock or two at his window, Hazel patiently waited. She could only imagine the field day Iris and her mom would have if she came to the door.
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hazel-sebastian · 11 years
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