hcinator · 5 years
#5yrsago App shows you the way to the illegally hidden public beaches of Malibu
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Back in May, Mark wrote about a Kickstarter project to fund a mobile app that will help you locate the hidden entrances to Malibu’s public beaches, which the local rich and famous people have done everything they can to obscure (including putting up illegal fake signs that falsely declare passage to be trespassing).
The Kickstarter was fully funded and the app is out, and the public is finding its way to Malibu’s public beaches, which is great news – unless you’re one of those people who’s spent decades treating a public beach as your own private patch. Local residents are pissed:
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hcinator · 6 years
In the moment of temptation:
Jesus is loving you (Revelation 1:5b).
Jesus is praying for you (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25).
Jesus is representing you on your behalf (Hebrews 9:24).
Jesus is sanctifying you and making you holy (Philippians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
Jesus is sympathizing with your weakness (Hebrews 4:15).
Jesus is providing a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Jesus is advocating and pleading your case before the Father (1 John 2:1–2).
Jesus is ruling and reigning in complete sovereign power over your temptation (Luke 22:69; Hebrews 8:1–2).
Jesus is upholding you and the entire universe by his word (Hebrews 1:3).
Jesus is preparing a place for you to take you to so that you can be with him forever (John 14:1–3; 1 Thessalonians 4:17)
Jesus is sustaining you that you may remain faithful to the end (1 Corinthians 1:8).
Next time the dreary clouds of temptation come over your room, set your mind on what Jesus is doing to you, and for you, in that very moment. Set your mind upon the things of Christ (Romans 8:5–6; Colossians 3:2), and may your joy in Jesus become too fulfilling, too gratifying, too satisfying to forfeit over to the sad counterfeit pleasure of sin.
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hcinator · 6 years
Learning from the Rich Young Ruler
“All these things I have kept from my youth.” Lk 18:21 NKJV
The rich young ruler may rank as one of the most religious people in Scripture. He kept all the commandments. But you can do nothing wrong, and still do nothing right.
By definition, righteousness is doing something right. But we’ve reduced it to doing nothing wrong. We fixate on sins of commission: Don’t do this, don’t do that—and you’re okay. But that is holiness by subtraction. It’s your sins of omission—what you would have, could have, and should have done—that break the heart of your heavenly Father. If you’re a parent, you understand this. You love it when your kids don’t do something wrong, but you love it even more when they do something right.
You have been saved to serve! Paul says God “created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us” (Eph 2:10 NLT). God has a personal plan for your life called “His Will.” But you can’t just play defense, you have to play offense. You can’t just do nothing wrong, you have to do something right. You can’t just follow the rules, you’ve been called to follow Jesus.
If you feel bad for the rich young ruler it shouldn’t be because of what Jesus asked him to give up, but because of the opportunity he passed up. Imagine saying no to a three-year internship with your Creator! What Jesus asked him to give up was nothing compared to what Jesus offered him in return. Sadly, he said no. But you can say yes, and begin living the most wonderful life possible.
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
Week 74.
It’s 1:48 AM and I can’t fall asleep. It’s been so long since I scrolled through tumblr that my laptop no longer autofills my username and password. And yes, I counted the weeks since my last post and I think I’ve got the right number haha.
Previously on hcinator, I was drowning in my thesis, anxiously counting down the days to finishing my internship. The memes that talk about the feeling of not wanting to care about classes and grades anymore due to impeding graduation and yet still caring enough to feel guilty for not studying accurately depict the past 2 months. And now I’ve already been home a full week, having way too much fun hanging out with new and old friends. This is the first time I’m reflecting on everything so bear with me while I process my thoughts.
I’m not mad at myself for giving myself a break since graduating. I finished a rigorous program and when I think about some of the ridiculous competencies I had to labor through and write about, I still can’t believe I was able to get through it all. Although thinking back, I know I should have been more grateful for what I have been given. I went through this program believing it was a stepping stone and could only see the brightness of tomorrow. And I paid the price for that. Unlike every other graduation I’ve gone through, I felt very little sense of accomplishment. Very little sentimentality from leaving the school that I attended for 2 years. The program dragged on and yet the whole event is a blur in my mind now. The only positives that gave me an inkling of excitement were 1) my family + Michael were there for me, both on the day and during the internship and 2) that immediately following the ceremony, I would be packing the last of my things and going home for good. I hope one day I will be able to fall at God’s feet and say “that program was the absolute perfect match for me at that moment in my life, You were right, and I take back every dissenting complaint or thought I had” because if I’m truly honest, I’m not mature enough to be wholly appreciative right now.
I am, however, aware that being home has its own battles. I’m now in a short distance relationship (lol), no longer living independently, and anxious about the RD exam and jobs. I need God now more than ever as I balance all these changes to my life on top of finding community that I will be accepted into and can pour into. I can sum up my prayers by a deceptively succinct request: to be more godly in character and spirit. If I let myself handle the difficulties of life, my response will be of impatience, sharp tongue, and selfishness. Because my actions, words, and thoughts are for His glory, I pray that I will firmly reject those that fundamentally fail at supporting that very purpose. This nebulous time is not simply a summer break (though it’s amazing to have one, knowing that the next 40-50 years of my life will be spent without one lol) but a renewing of my being. And I don’t say this with the often wavering nature of a New Year’s resolution but with absolute confidence that revival is in my future. I’m excited for the day that I stop, look at myself, and cannot recognize the person that is penning these words today.
The tone of this post definitely changed in the past hour that I spent writing haha but I’m very glad I was urged to make something out of my insomnia. I can only pray that my motivation can be turned into diligence in the coming weeks. Watch this space y’all because I think I’m coming back.
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hcinator · 6 years
“The weakness of so many modern Christians is that they feel too much at home in the world.”
— A.W. Tozer
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
Week 62 (loool)
I was kidnapped by aliens for the past 2 months so instead of berating me for being so lazy, you should be showering me with sympathy okay.
Alright so why am I writing a post after no inspiration for this long? I finished my defense this past Tuesday and of course that meant that I lost any motivation to do anything. I still have weekly assignments and I’m doing a rotation with WellWorks so this vegetable-ness is completely unhealthy. I’m not really being that much more productive by writing a blog post (I’m avoiding homework as of the moment) and I won’t even be talking about anything intellectual but I just felt like posting today.
I was reading one of the Malaysian blogs I follow and she and her boyfriend had written their answers out to this couple tag thing that went around several years back. Her answers were hilarious and it reminded me of when Michael and I used to answer questions about each other through an app. It’s probably been about a year since we stopped using that app so let’s see how I do on this tag! It’ll be long so I’m totally making up for my lack of posts.
1) tell us about the first time you met and your first impression of him/her: Uh... I don’t remember the very first time because we were in middle school and I’m sure it wasn’t anything formal. We’ve always had mutual friends so I’m sure we naturally started being friends after hanging out at school in friend groups. My middle school impression of him was just “this kid likes to fake bully me and it’s fun to be fake mad” as all good friendships start lol.
2) tell us something funny about him/her: TMI but he poops like 10 times a day (okay maybe max 4) HAHAH sorry but it’s the only funny thing I can think of right now!
3) what’s a weird habit or quirk that s/he has?: He poops a lot lol jk he likes to download phone games and play them for maybe a couple days before getting bored and needing to download more. Does that count?
4) what makes him/her happy?: ME, the weekends, playing volleyball, finding a phone game that he likes lol, hanging out with friends, watching a good show
5) what makes him/her sad?: Me being away, when his friends aren’t getting along and other conflicts. Not a lot really
6) what makes him/her angry?: Being misunderstood (lol sounds angsty but I can’t find the right word to express this). Again not much.
7) what excites him/her?: Shorter work weeks haha traveling, new Marvel movies coming out lol idk
8) what’s s/he like at home?: Moseyer. Mostly moseying, scavenging for food, talks to his parents occasionally LOL
9) what’s s/he like at work/school?: In school? Studious but also a social butterfly amongst his friends lol and at work, he seems to work hard but takes breaks when necessary
10) describe his/her room: You mean wine storage room lol and cleanliness level of an average person. Bed has assorted blankets that he uses as shawls instead of wearing a long sleeve because he gets hot during the night and doesn’t want to take it off
11) do you know who s/he hates the most?: I don’t think he hates anyone haha
12) do his/her parents like you?: Yeah I think so haha but idk if it’s because I’m awesome or because they’re such nice, friendly people lol
13) what’s the first thing s/he would do or say if s/he fell down and scraped their knee: aghhh and then roughly a few minutes later, it doesn’t hurt i’m a man LOL IDK this situation has not come up
14) what would s/he do in an emergency situation with other people involved?: Take charge and assign roles
15) which shop would s/he spend the most time at in a shopping mall?: toy store cuz he’s a child lol jk wherever I want to go, most likely
16) what would s/he have for a typical breakfast?: He doesn’t eat breakfast but I’m sure he’d either want some baked sweet or like breakfast steak and eggs
17) where would s/he want to go for dinner?: We fight over who has to choose so I guess it’s apparently whatever I want lol
18) what kind of movie would s/he choose at the cinema?: Either Marvel/superhero movies or like heist movies
19) describe his/her taste in music: We both like listening to all kinds (our love for country music was one of the foundational points of our friendship lol) but lately he’s into the EDM pop that’s dominating the radio. Also he’s into NPR so no music I guess haha
20) if s/he wasnt going out with you, who would s/he be going out with?: Weird question lol but hopefully someone who loves God, has a great sense of humor, patient, smart... I guess it’s just me HAHA
21) what item in his/her wardrobe would you like to burn: Nothing’s wrong with his wardrobe but if I had to choose, his purple raglan shirt only because I don’t like purple on Asians lol I’m sorry... you wear that a lot HAHA
22) what is s/he good at?: Listening to people and giving them advice, music, taking care of people and making them laugh
23) what is s/he totally horrible at?: Not moseying, multitasking, forming habits (HAHA jk), sleeping early
24) what’s something about him/her that is annoying/infuriating?: He loves singing the same freaking song over and over and he typically won’t know the words so he’ll sing the same line and not even nicely. Complete with dramatic movements, sometimes forcing me to dance or whatever with him
25) what’s something that you two fundamentally disagree on?: That I know all about Star Wars
26) what’s something that you two agree whole-heartedly on?: Jesus is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior
27) is s/he possessive?: Has not been shown
28) why would s/he succeed in life?: He has ambition, brains and a girlfriend that is super supportive and cool
29) what is the coolest gift that s/he has ever given you?: SPURS JERSEYS sometimes I just open my closet and look at them loool
30) what is s/he obsessed with?: Eating, 1N2D, volleyball
31) why would s/he be dangerous?: ...No idea. Could potentially hit someone with a car accidentally? What are they looking for in this question lol
32) what does s/he avoid at all costs?: Upsetting me and going to work before 9 lol oh and peanuts cuz it’s life or death literally. And peppercorns. 
33) what does s/he spend the most money on?: FOOD. 100%. Used to be traveling but now that he drives to Ohio, it’s FOOD.
34) describe his/her typical Sunday: Go to church, go to volleyball (half the time), have dinner with volleyball friends (half the time) and mosey all other times
35) tell us about a time s/he looked absolutely gorgeous: always lol #rosetintedglasses
36) what’s something about him/her that would surprise all of his/her friends?: that he’s a koreaboo LOL jk that’s he’s actually very perceptive and considerate of people’s feelings and needs!
37) what do you love most about him/her?: He always shows me the love that was shown to him by God 
38) the biggest lesson you have learnt from loving your partner: God pours out so that we can pour into each other, not through our own strengths.
Wow that took forever but it was fun to reflect back on our relationship thus far! Maybe I’ll get back into blogging but for now, I should get back to work haha
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
Week 54.
It’s been over a month since my last post! I’m not gonna even try to recap everything that happened over break but it really had everything: hanging out with friends and family, dealing with some family(ish) issues, getting work done, traveling, meeting new friends, and of course, getting tons of sleep. I’m still adjusting to getting less than 10 hours per night, though this week was actually very chill and a perfect transition into the semester. 
I start my rotation at WIC next week and there’re already a few assignments piled up for the week. I’m gonna work on a couple tomorrow all while keeping this week’s goal in mind: being positive and looking for God’s will and blessings in this internship. Being my last semester, I started off thinking, “Lord, please make the days so by quickly and get me out of here.” I had run out of patience with directors and preceptors and didn’t want to give anything a chance anymore. I’m so glad that I went to small group right at the beginning of the semester and received proper rebuke from God. My extreme dislike for the program became greater than my devotion to God, which is an appalling realization. Hating something is already unpleasant and I let that hate blind me from seeing so much potential goodness that God was trying to show me. So far, it’s been successful! My conversations with other interns are very intentional in that I avoid talking about the internship altogether which allows for more interesting, enjoying times getting to know these people that I’ve been with for over a year. 
I can honestly say I’m excited for what God has in store for me specifically through the internship. And now I’m gonna stretch and chill - working out for the first time in over a month is absolutely the worst :’(
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 6 years
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hcinator · 7 years
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