hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
likevking‌: yoobin
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“Well, I can’t blame you for that. There is a lot to know, but we only have a certain amount of things in the museum at a time. I love seeing people come back, that’s why I asked, but I’ll happily answer any questions you have.” At the mention of her ring, she glanced down. “Oh, it’s not anything special. It was a gift to me from my grandmother.” A bit false, but it’s a good way to hide the fact she needs it to literally survive. “Lapis lazuli, she really liked stones.” Anyone who had any knowledge of vampires knew that daylight rings were made from it, and kept them from burning in the sunlight but she hoped she could still pretend to be mortal.
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“I like learning everything there is, y’know? People tend to add new little details when talking about something more than once, and I find it fascinating in its own right.” Yebai explained even though he wasn’t sure that she really understood what he was talking about. Most humans didn’t. As she explained her ring, he just nodded easily before smiling. “It’s nice that you can have something like that, it’s not something many people in the world get to have. Were you and your grandmother close? It’s a beautiful ring.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
lilacquekisses‌: audrey
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【* ♡. — 】 A loud disapproving scoff seeps into the air as her eyes roll. “I cannot believe you. How are we even friends?!” She gasps, her round eyes widen and practically pop out of their sockets. “And what exactly is Batman doing? He’s a rich man with too many damn issues. He doesn’t even really capture the criminals. At least, Tony does that much even if he is pretty egotistical. He does know that much about himself.” her lips purse ever so slightly at the mention of Peter Parker. “I mean Peter was already out there risking his life so.. isn’t it better to do it with a bit of guidance?” 
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“But at least he wasn’t out there selling weapons to God-only-knows-who and building an empire off of it.” Yebai insisted, shaking his head. This argument was ridiculous, but now as silly as her belief that Marvel was the superior one here. “And Batman catches the criminals! He started his entire vigilante career to put organized crime behind bars. Plus, he’s helped put away tons of his biggest rivals, including the Joker, Poison Ivy, Bane, the Penguin, Two-Face, and so many more! That argument is invalid.” Yebai dismissed with a small wave of his hand. “I guess so but regardless. Tony should have kept Peter out of his fight with Captain America. Peter didn’t even actually know the reason they were fighting! He admired Tony, and Tony took advantage of that.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
thelixira‌: eunji
eunji was looking down at the man who was on the ground while she was stuck in a tree and could only groan under her breath. “i wasn’t…thinking when i climbed up here.” she murmured before looking down at the cat that was by his feet. “i was helping her down, and now i seem to–have forgotten how to climb down the tree…c’mon, please help me.”
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“It’s a bit ironic that you got stuck when helping something get unstuck.” Yebai commented with a small bit of laughter, bending down so that he could give the cat a small pet. “You should come down the same way that you went up? If you remember how you got up there, obviously.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
redcvrpet‌: chaemin
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the other man’s discomfort was clear; written all over his visage and it made chaemin a little sad to see it. “lot of people doing shady shit around here, y’know? prostitutes wandering around, drug deals happening in the bathrooms. just be glad you came into this one and not my place sapphire. stuff goes on in there would make a saint blush.” chaemin finished off his drink and set the crystal glass on the bar, making a motion for the bartender to give him yet another refill. “you want a drink to calm your nerves? or maybe 12?”
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“Bathrooms don’t seem like good places to make deals.” Yebai pointed out, a small frown gracing his features. Though it smoothed out after a moment, his head tilting a little bit to the side instead. “So do you own this place? You should talk to them about the music, it’s rather unpleasant.” He offered his advice whether or not it was wanted, which seemed to be one of his best talents while on Earth. It was interesting how when he couldn’t be seen, humans were more than happy to take his guidance. But the moment that they could lay eyes on him, suddenly he was ‘rude’ or ‘out of line’. Yebai did his best to pay no mind to those opinions though, since he didn’t see the harm in trying to help someone. “And uh, sure? What are you drinking?”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
xshenanigansx‌: chinmae
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Chin-Mae sympathized with them. As a fellow exile, he understood the longing of returning home. “The feeling of homesickness never goes away. Oh, you can distract yourself with new and sparkling things for a moment, but you’ll always feel like an outsider. I deal with it by creating music in my new home.” Chin-Mae glanced in the direction of his apartment rubbing the side of his neck. “Hopefully, whoever’s in charge of your home will forgive you in due time. Perhaps talking about your home will help ease your fears. What do you miss the most about your home?”
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Yebai nodded slightly in agreement to that. He had found plenty of temporary solace in random little hobbies, such as reading, but none of that seemed to be enough in the sense of healing the scars on his heart ( or back ). “I hope so too... it’s what I strive for happening, at least.” He sighed. The thought of talking about home wasn’t the most appealing thought right now but maybe Chinmae was onto something. “I miss feeling like I belong somewhere. Down here, I don’t fit in with them, but until I’m healed, I don’t fit in at home anymore. It’s a double edged sword.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
rvmcr‌: yoobin
Connection: M/F/NB (m if romantic) Muse: Yoobin, a very old vampire working as a museum curator. Plot: Yoobin usually works at the front desk to answer questions. She’s talking to your muse now, who may have seen something suspicious with her or noticed her daylight ring.
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“I’ve never seen anybody that’s so interested in history that they keep coming back. What more are you trying to learn?” Her hands fold in front of her, one purposely covering the blue stone ring on her one hand. “We aren’t having another exhibit come in till next week, you know.”
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“There’s a lot out there to be learned, and I’d like to learn as much of it as I can in this lifetime.” Yebai explained with a smile on his lips. He could easily recite all of the celestial history, but earth’s history was a whole new game for him to catch up to. And he was thankful enough to have met her since she seemed more then willing to help him out, regardless of how many questions he threw at her. “Though this isn’t really related to the museum.... what’s the story behind your ring?” He asked, despite her attempts to cover it up, he had seen it plenty of times. “It’s pretty.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
redcvrpet‌: chaemin
open to: m/f/nb (f if romantic) based on: this post plot: chaemin is a gang leader, your muse is an innocent marshmallow that he wants to protect.
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chaemin crossed the crowded bar, pushing his way through the press of bodies. the music thumped so loudly he could barely hear his own thoughts and he was already polishing off his third drink of the night in order to steady his nerves. he approached them where they sat at the bar and signaled for the bartender to bring them anything they wanted. “listen,” he hesitated, pinching the bridge of his nose. “i don’t know how the hell you ended up in a place like this but i’m worried you’re gonna get hurt. if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask.”
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Having been on earth long enough like this, Yebai had figured that it was high time for him to start getting out in the world to really explore things that he had otherwise never really experienced. And naturally after a little internet searching, apparently a pivotal part of adult human lives were clubs. Which is how Yebai found himself standing in a loud and crowded room, not particularly enjoying himself. Though as he felt another person pressing into his personal space, and speak directly to him, Yebai turned slightly to look over who it was. “I came because I wanted to,” he assured, pausing for a second. “I haven’t been to one  before so I wanted to try it out. And... thank you? Though I don’t know how I’d get hurt here.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
@badlboydown !!
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Everything hurt, still hurt like it was day one of his exile, like he was freshly cast down seconds ago. There were some days where his back ached enough to make him cry; rarely ever from the pain, and almost always from the reminder of what he used to have. Of everything that he had lost in one simple decision. But even still with all of the pain and heartache, Yebai never would chose to go back and make a different choice. The girl, Chen Ting, deserved to live the full life that she had ahead of her, to shape her own path and make the world a better place. Yebai just had this feeling that she would impact the world in a way that no one else could. ( Everyone at home had said he was an idiot for risking everything over a simple feeling, for getting too invested in one of his assignments. But he was positive that it was the right choice ).
Which was also why Yebai had made it his mission on this planet to find Chen Ting- find her and make sure that his risk wasn’t in vain. He may not have his holy powers anymore but he could still be a guiding force in making sure she stayed on the right path. ( Never mind the fact that Yebai was desperately wanting to find something, anything, that connected him to his true home again. And Chen Ting was the closest thing that he would be able to find any time soon ).
And paying attention while walking was still a human habit that he was still trying to remember, not used to not being able to go unnoticed by the masses and instead bumping into every person that he passed. Which was why he liked places that didn’t have a lot of people in them, such as libraries and the stores during early mornings or late evenings. 
Despite liking isolated places, and despite being exiled, Yebai still wanted to do good in the world. Helping others was a deep-seated part of who he was, after all. Plus he liked to think that if he stayed on the right path himself, and was able to impact that world positively enough, then just maybe he’d be welcomed back home. That his wings would be healed and his halo would be returned to its former glory.
Which is exactly why during a trip to the store, one particular girl managed to catch his attention as he was walking past an aisle. She was smaller in stature and trying to reach something on the top shelf, and Yebai had seen that sort of determined stance on many other shorter humans. It usually meant they were about to do something dumb in lieu of asking for assistance. And in this case, he could extrapolate that she was probably getting ready to climb the shelves. Which... he didn’t see ending well in most situations that he could think up. Most included her ending up getting injured or in trouble with the store employees. 
So naturally, Yebai had to do something. He’d feel bad otherwise. So he simply turned down the aisle and walked over to where she was standing, reaching up and grabbing what he assumed she was trying to retrieve. “Is this it? Or did you want a different flavor?” Yebai asked, though as soon as he took in the girl’s face ( the oh so familiar face ), his eyes widened slightly out of surprise. So many weeks of searching and this is how he finally found her? The Fates really were playing with him.
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
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Oh he’s so handsome what’s his name
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
momcnts‌: kairi
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a voice chimed in, making kairi turn with a smile. the man seemed nice, nice enough not to judge her for mumbling after a turtle. he may have thought she was a little crazy but still kairi appreciated the assurance. “yeah, i think so. i’m sure one day i’ll see little baby turtles when i come visit,” she mused throwing a glance back at the lake. “i rescued him a while ago, he had plastic coke can holders tangle around him,” she him, completely unfazed by the fact he was having a conversation with a stranger.
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“So you plan on coming back to visit him often? That’s sweet.” Yebai nodded his head slightly, coming over a bit closer so he could stand near the lake’s edge too. How she came to find and meet the turtle though was a bit infuriating. Humans were painfully ignorant to the earth that gave them home. “Well it was kind of you to take care of him and make sure he got better... not everyone would have done something like that. Especially for an animal like a turtle.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
badlboydown‌: chen ting
‘  j  – just a while longer.  ’  she had a shift to rush to, but as soft-hearted as  ever  , chen ting couldn’t leave a friend  –  no,  anybody  – when they were distressed. she drifts back from the door to sit next to him again, leaning slightly against him, hand coming up to pet his hair.  ‘  wanna talk about it  ?  ’
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Yebai knew that he was being selfish in his request not to be left alone yet, but right now, the thought of being alone made him feel a little sick and uneasy. He’d find a way to make it up to Chen Ting though, he always did... still, he’d try not to keep her for too much longer. He sighed softly and shrank down to make himself smaller before leaning into her a little bit. “Dunno what there is to talk about. Just feel kinda weird again.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
( open to ) m . f . nb ( sugg. relationship ) strangers / friends ( plot ) he offers to pay for your muses coffee/meal and refuses to take no as an answer
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After completing his own order at the counter, Yebai didn’t hesitate before he turned around to face the person that was standing behind him. “Go ahead and order too, this one will be on me. You can just pay it forward another time.”
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
— translated & adapted from pentagon’s third japanese mini-album, #shine. 
‘ all the things about you, hm… are always on my mind  ’ ‘ wait, wait, wait a minute- ’ ‘ I can never say that ‘I like you’. ’ ‘ your personality and looks are wonderful. ’ ‘ you’re made in heaven, like a miraculous flower. ’ ‘ just be yourself and never change. ’ ‘ you’re always in my mind, nobody knows. ’ ‘ you’re special, there’s nobody like you. ’ ‘ I’m sorry I don’t have the courage to tell you. ’ ‘ just laugh at me. ’ ‘ when our gazes meet I become hasty. ’ ‘ I feel numb.’ ‘ I wanna stay near you, but I feel lost. ’ ‘ baby I’m only yours. ’ ‘ everyone’s hasty when they fall in love. ’ ‘ I know I’ve already fallen in love. ’ ‘ um, it’s not allowed, isn’t it ? ’ ‘ please don’t feel annoyed. ’ ‘ after two or three times I have no more hope. ’ ‘ I’m impatient so I got hasty. ’ ‘ I secretly wish for our happy ending. ’ ‘ I only see you. ’ ‘ I pray for my dream to come true. ’ ‘ I want to walk with the beautiful you. ’ ‘ everybody knows. ’ ‘ I’ll only say it once, so listen to my heart. ’ ‘ that’s it, I love you. I like you. ’ ‘ I love you. ’ ‘ we’ll shine when we fall in love. ’
‘ the way I struggle with emotions is difficult. ’ ‘ I anxiously hid my words. ’ ‘ I can stand it all because you’re here. ’ ‘ it’s true love I know. ’ ‘ I’m nothing without you my baby. ’ ‘ no matter how far away, I’ll be there.’ ‘ even in a desert, even in the middle of a storm, I’m on my way to find you. ’ ‘ I only want to believe in you. ’ ‘ even if I’m in pain, I won’t hesitate.’ ‘ I’m on my way to find you. ’ ‘ I want to protect your smile. ’ ‘ even if I’m on the offroad. ’ ‘ I pray you won’t be hurt. ’ ‘ you are my only light. ’ ‘ I want to stay by your side. ’ ‘ if only I could hold you tight when we meet again. ’ ‘ we’ll meet at the end, right ? ’ ‘ if you’re in my heart, I can endure this. ’ ‘ it was you. ’ ‘ I swear I won’t leave you anymore. ’ ‘ trust me, I’ll stand up again. ’ ‘ I’ll hold you right so you won’t cry. ’
03.  I’M FINE.
‘ our memories are still deeply engraved in my heart. ’ ‘ on the day my tears dry, will your face disappear ? ’ ‘ flowers started to bloom in the place you once stood. ’ ‘ as I make a wish to you, I’ll sing, so please listen. ’ ‘ you said we can’t go back, but I can’t keep my promise. ’ ‘ I felt jealousy. ’ ‘ I’m sorry for always troubling you. ’ ‘ I’ll search for the days when you were here. ’ ‘ I will be fine. ’ ‘ this was something like destiny. ’ ‘ you were something I sought for. ’ ‘ I gave up on everything because I miss you. ’ ‘ I’m fine. how about you ? ’ ‘ I can’t love anyone else in the same way. ’ ‘ I can’t forget, can’t turn back. ’ ‘ this love can always continue. ’ ‘ on the first say we met, we said it would be forever. ’ ‘ I will earnestly chase for the dream I dreamt that day. ’
04.  悪夢 - NIGHTMARE ( WAKE UP ).
‘ you should be feeling down too, for thinking about me. ’ ‘ without knowing it, you’re hurting yourself. ’ ‘ what should I do? ’ ‘ slowly you’ve gone far away. ’ ‘ I cried and dreamt alone. ’ ‘ please let me wake up from this painful dream. ’ ‘ if your eyes are still ghosting over me, rescue me from the darkness. ’ ‘ I wanna be like how we used to be on that day. ’ ‘ save me now. ’ ‘ wake me up. ’ ‘ can I wake up from this dream? ’ ‘ can we go back to how we used to be? ’ ‘ time moves on and leaves me behind. ’ ‘ I miss and remember you. ’ ‘ my broken heart always echoes for you. ’ ‘ I want to help, but I can’t do anything. ’ ‘ I won’t let you go anywhere else. ’ ‘ wake up and search for the place where we used to be. ’
‘ I close my eyes to chase the sign in my dream. ’ ‘ it fades away into illusion. ’ ‘ throughout the seasons, these days become distant. ’ ‘ it still blooms in my heart. ’ ‘ I wonder if you’ve already forgotten. ’ ‘ ‘you have to be happy’ is just a common saying. ’ ‘ even if I have everything in the world, you’re not here. ’ ‘ ‘if I could go back’ is my unfulfilled wish. ’ ‘ don’t disappear. ’ ‘ in this room, the only thing that’s left is sadness. ’ ‘ I miss your smile on that day we hugged. ’ ‘ if I could go back, I don’t need anything else in the world. ’ ‘ please laugh and say you’re kidding. ’ ‘ didn’t you promise ? ’ ‘ don’t go, please stay with me. ’ ‘ i’ll give away everything. you’re the only thing I want. ’
06.  HEY ! HEY ! HEY !
‘ get down, get down ! ’ ‘ let’s smack it out. ’ ‘ sway to the rhythm. ’ ‘ come on, let’s go shall we ? ’ ‘ let’s go party ! ’ ‘ it won’t end baby. ’ ‘ I like you, yeah. ’ ‘ I wanna dance with you. ’ ‘ follow me for the whole night. ’ ‘ say what you wanna do. ’ ‘ do what you wanna do. ’ ‘ do it, let’s do it. ’ ‘ I won’t stop baby. ’
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
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  ✚ for a friend .  ↺ to help a mun out . ❤ for plotting.
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
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Yibo in Luv Again
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hclyimpulse-blog · 6 years
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Yibo’s Weibo Update
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