hcmoheart · 2 years
open to: any (she prefers women and younger men) plot: your muse has been stood up (or left for some other reason) and Kat steps in
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Kat had been at the bar long enough to watch them a table over checking their phone again and again, politely assuring their waiter the other party was coming. Anyone with eyes could tell they had been stood up. A shame if you asked Kat; they were gorgeous. After she’d finally had enough, she approached the table the next time the waiter came by. “Bring us a sauvignon blanc please. I’ll let you choose as long it’s not a cheap bottle.” Her tone left little room for argument, the waiter doing as she was told as she took the empty seat, unfazed by however surprised the other was. “They aren’t coming,” she said, pouring herself some water from the carafe that was left. “But there is no reason your reservation and this look of yours should go to waste. I’m happy to foot the bill this evening.” It sounded perhaps more altruistic than Kat’s motives truly were. She had plenty of money from her job and getting to fully enjoy the sight in front of her with a potential for more was well worth the cost of a pricey dinner. “I hate that someone decided to act poorly at your expense but it seems to be my fortune.”
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‘‘mm. i didn’t think anybody would notice. guess my pokerface isn’t all that great.’‘ the redhead mocked on the down low for her online date to stand her up like this. dating apps weren’t to be trusted; noted. or rather, the people she met on them. it was all fun and games until she was supposed to meet someone for real. ‘‘well, shit.’‘ jackie threw her phone back in her purse after checking it regularly under the table for any update or message that the woman named lila would run late or take a raincheck instead. ‘‘i’d hate to be treated like a consolation price, but who am i to decline company when wine is offered so smoothly? guessin’ i ain’t the only one who’s been stood up, that is. who or - what brought you here? surely not the food,’‘ this place had been her date’s pick. probably so they could check on her and run off at the very last second when they saw what a mess jackie truly was. ‘’or -’’ she tilted her head with eyes squinted at the hint of a smirk forming, ‘’- is this all a setup? a fishin’ cat or however the kids call it these days? leave me hangin’ online and then swoop in to save the day all very coincidentally, hm?’’
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hcmoheart · 2 years
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Rosie was a bit caught off guard by Cherie’s outburst. In her head, she had thought that Cherie just spent the night partying like a wild party animal and needed a serious wake up call, but now she wondered if she had judged the situation wrongly. Cherie didn’t seem like she was drunk or just came back from a fun time. She seemed hurt. “Like hell you’re walking!”, Rosie retorted - there was absolutely no way she was going to let Cherie walk down a dark empty road in the middle of the night, alone. “I’m not stopping this car so you can get snatched by some maniac out there. Just calm down and tell me what happened, alright? Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
after she ran off from the party, in the dark and cold of the night where rain drizzled from the sky, cherie had ran off to the nearest bus stop she could find. dialed the first person she thought she could trust to pick her up from fuck knows where she was and hoped for some comfort when the car stopped in front of her a slow twenty five minutes later. rosie’s harshness, at least that’s what it was to cherie in the moment, upset her more than anything else as she reached out for the car door handle to unlock it from the inside only to find it locked by the driver’s side and without even trying to get out, it detonated her tears to run down her cheeks and ugly sobs to escape her mouth. ‘’i - some girl from art class invited me to some party and i really thought it’d be nice- to be out some more, i thought she was into me but instead she introduced me to some nobody guy who then -’’ she couldn’t even finish without breaking out in worse sobs, the words got stuck in the back of her throat and she shook her head. ‘’i just wanna get the fuck out of here, go someplace alone, i don’t know - i shouldn’t have called, i’m sorry. fuck.’’
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hcmoheart · 3 years
Open to younger female muses (18+ obviously) | Plot: JEALOUS OVERPROTECTIVE ROSIE
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“So were you gonna tell me about this new boy that you’re seeing?”, Rosie questioned in a not-so-subtle pry for more information. She had taken the girl under her wing a few months ago and already she was quite attached to her. But it bothered her how quickly she was making friends at school, how quickly she had found a boyfriend, how quickly she had started to pull away from their cozy little family home life. “You know, you should be careful. Boys are nothing but trouble. And there is a lot of crime in this town, it’s really not safe to be going to parties so late.” @indiestarter​
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tonight hadn’t been cherie’s first party and was most certainly not going to be her last, but it was a first for the girl to call rosie to please come pick her up from a horrible experience. an experience she had a hard time talking about- and when the blonde, who had been kind enough to come pick her up, questioned her, lectured her, she felt like a bomb ready to explode. ‘’ohmygod, stop it! i asked you to come pick me up, not treat me like a fucking sixteen year old. i can handle myself perfectly fine! it’s not like we’re dating, i don’t owe you any answers. jesus, i kiss one boy that i don’t even like and you’re judging me. you’re judging me, really?! you know what, stop the car. just stop the car, i’ll fucking walk.’’
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hcmoheart · 3 years
This wasn’t the first time that they were running late because of Narcissa’s desire for some more shuteye. Rosie was about to drag her adorable ass out of bed, but instead all she could do was let out a small giggle as she felt herself being pulled closer. “Honey!”, she scolded her lightly as she rolled onto her back, but it was clear from the look on her face that she wasn’t truly upset. She brought her hand to Narcissa’s face, caressing her freckled cheek. How could she stay mad at a face like that? “I told you, we don’t have time…” Despite her words, a small smirk blossomed on her lips as she lifted her head off the pillow and inched her face closer to Narcissa’s. “Maybe we can fool around once we’re on the plane…but we have to catch it first.”
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using rosie as a mattress, she rested her hands on her chest for her hands to lay on and smirked mischievously like a puppy who had just pulled on a string toy too hard and then fell over. except this was definitely on purpose, she would do anything to stay longer in bed, even if it meant ambushing rosie’s plans and time schedule. which she knew she was pushing right now. ‘’but what if.... what if i didn’t dress into regular clothes and brushed my hair and washed my face, then we could spend like ten more minutes in bed, people don’t care i’d show up in pajamas at the airport, they’d be too busy thinking about themselves! or... stewardesses might, yeah they might judge me - well, i don’t care cause i don’t judge them for wearing tight skirts and scarves and rolled up hair buns!’’ narcissa was obviously rambling, though it were mostly the nerves talking. heights weren’t the redhead’s thing and lord do planes scare the crap out of her.
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hcmoheart · 3 years
answer some questions about love and i’ll tell you why you intimidate people
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hcmoheart · 3 years
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Samara Weaving photographed by Jordan Kirk.
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hcmoheart · 3 years
open to: m/f/nb Connection: stranger, friend, best friend, significant other etc. 
Ever since she was four years old figure skating had been a central part of Logan’s life. It had out as a simple hobby but she took to the ice like a fish to water. She had natural talent and the money needed to fund her professional career. So while most of her time on the ice was spent training or competing it was no surprise that even on one of her two days off a week she was back on the ice. With a half-hearted smile, Logan glides up to the edge of the rink, hands slapping against the sides. “I can’t teach you if you never get on the damn ice,” she called out. “it’s really not as hard as it looks.”
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‘‘listen ... i totally loved this date and watching you perform art on ice, but this is where i have to pass.’‘ marlow was cut out for a lot of things, but ice skating? honestly, it terrified her. ‘‘the second i set foot on ice i swear i’ll break my neck, or worse; cut myself somehow with the blade and end up dead from blood poisoning or something.’‘ she was being dramatic, yes, the most extra of extra. ‘’like i’m not even wearing socks in these heels, so there you go, i’m unable to join you, there’s no way i’m putting my manicured feet in any of those used skates.’’
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hcmoheart · 3 years
“Another hour? But I already packed lunches for us and everything!”, Rosie chimed, cheerfully padding across the room, fully dressed and ready to go. She had been awake for about three hours already, but she thought she’d let her little angel sleep a while longer. They were running out of time though. “Besides…it’s always good to arrive at the airport early.” She drew closer, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing a hand on Narcissa’s leg. “Just think of all the fun we’re gonna have…”
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rubbing her eyes, they weren’t willing to cooperate at this time of day. narcissa wasn’t a morning person, rather moped about rather staying in bed than anything else. yawning, she shook her head, ‘’why do we have to go to the airport, why doesn’t the airport just ... come to us? land the plane in the front lawn, totally safe, no one would even bat an eye, i’m sure.’’ the redhead whined, tilting her head as she tried to sit up, blinking her eyes to better her vision. ‘’well if you put it like that...’’ she eyed the hand on her leg, one of her own pulling rosie closer. ‘’there’s lots of fun i can think of us having...’’ she lazily tried to grab her girlfriend towards her, only to roll on top of her and hug her close, not planning to leave anytime soon, ‘’right here.’’
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hcmoheart · 3 years
‘‘just one more hour, please... i don’t wanna gooo.’‘ even though the bags were already packed, the flight arranged weeks ago and they’d have to be at the airport in less than ninety minutes, narcissa hated getting up this early. the clock barely hit 4am and it was still dark out. no birds were awake, so why should she be? ‘‘we can just stay in bed and pretend we’re in amsterdam by looking at photos on google images on my phone, yes?’‘
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hcmoheart · 3 years
didn’t get the job i wanted so it’s depression o’hour aka back on my regular bullshit on this hellsite
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hcmoheart · 3 years
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          the other had been so inaudible from the observation leni had taken. it was in her nature to judge a room of people if she was going to be stuck with them for hours on end. she’d even conjure some crazy scenarios in her mind, at times, however, most of the others on the jury hadn’t accumulated much interest. one was wearing khakis - leni had concluded that if that was your chosen pant wear your life was lacking in excitement. another, a woman, smelled of corn flakes to the point that leni had to move - it was incredible how she still had such an appetite after the aroma - landing her here, beside the red headed woman.  “ she killed him.” a small shrug from the composers shoulders. from her own perspective, “ question is what did the husband do to deserve it - as he probably had it coming. i’ve thought about blowing my own husbands brains to bits.”  he voice fell a little hushed with her nonchalant comments. a comment as such would get her removed from the jury, most likely. with how strenuous the hours in court had been, leni was hoping her husband would remember picking up their youngest from school - or she’d be in the same position miss newton was in. it was prominent that the woman was in a loveless marriage. 
“ the system is broken.”  hands folded in her lap, ankles crossed. “ she what, defends herself, protects herself, can’t take anymore of whatever it is - kills the man, and now needs to be punished for it ? seems a little twisted. doesn’t it ? ”  chin tilted to motion over to miss newton. “ she’d not go into the world being a murderer. look at her. - and if her husband beat her ? threw her into trouble she wanted no business to be apart of.. then how are we to just throw away someone’s life into a crate of metal and concrete ? ”  
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for hours upon hours eleanor had been mostly occupied with herself, mentally trapped by the traumas repeating itself on a loop she couldn’t break out of as miss newton’s story tangled itself in-between. like a continuous trigger the redhead was unable to break out of, until this stranger started talking her. pulling her more and more back to what was reality. she sat in a smaller room, painted white, or rather creamy color of shell. a neutral shade, unlike the people that filled the four walls. not even eleanor could stay neutral on this one, but she had a hard time choosing between guilty and not guilty. ‘’how are you so certain?’’ eleanor bit the back of her finger staring at the photos they each had a copy of, showing details the redhead would never be able to forget. she already knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep the next couple of days, not without night terrors. swallowing at how close the blonde had come, eleanor finally landed her eyes to take the woman in altogether. she was a sight she hadn’t expected to see and for a moment, she was stunned in both her ability to breathe and even think. partly because she hadn’t even taken time to look at each and every other jury member and what had come out of leni’s mouth. shocking her until her explanation followed, causing the redhead to roll her tense shoulders back in a somewhat more relaxed state.
‘‘i hate the goddamn system,’‘ she said without doubt, though in a hushed voice. a volume that nobody else really would hear, but the stranger next to her. she took one more glance at the photo on the desk, making her bite her lower lip for a moment. ‘‘i don’t know... it’s unfair how we can so easily decide over someone’s life. we don’t know her, we don’t know what happened. what really happened. it’d be much better to look this woman in the eye, talk with her and hear her out face to face. not like this, in front of people who are ready to ruin her life from the start. she deserves more options than this. get help, actual help. we can’t do that, we’re martyrs for choosing her fate. no matter what outcome, it’ll be hell she’ll go through.’‘
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hcmoheart · 3 years
        Chuckling softly, Keating leaned closer to Emilie and kissed her affectionately on the lips. “You are right there. This road trip will give me ample time to flirt with such a hot lady as yourself.” Keating winked at Em and licked her lips absentmindedly. At least even if the redhead hadn’t flirted with any hot women lately or gone on any decent adventures, the other woman was a great person to practice her skills on.
         Biting her bottom lip, the social media expert leaned into whisper in Em’s ear before returning to the passenger side of the vehicle. “I wouldn’t want to be on this trip with anyone else but you.” @hcmoheart​
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if it hadn’t been for the gentle tug from how the car had been filled up, she would’ve gotten lost in those beautiful eyes of keating. her companion she took with her as the car brought them anywhere they wanted to go, wherever the road ended, what they had was a moment emelie hoped never ended. she would be lying to herself if she tried to ignore the chemistry they clearly had. but emelie was no woman to settle down, she ran away from commitment, long-term relationships and anything that screamed certainty. the only thing she committed to was her job, the money she earned. money that got her on this trip with a woman she couldn’t stop thinking of, who even haunted her dreams at night.
‘‘good. that’s good to hear,’‘ she replied with a hushed voice, her eyes dropping towards keating’s lips even for a split second. the car pulling up at the gas station gave them the cue to get out of here as soon as possible and got in behind the wheel before the redneck even got to open his mouth. the engine rumbling, the wheels met the burning asphalt as fast as lightning and they were off. her hand meeting keating’s knee, she ran her fingers up in a teasing manner, ‘‘for the first time in my life it doesn’t matter where i am, as long as i’m with you.’‘
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hcmoheart · 3 years
elody was both listening and trying to finish up some paperwork as she enjoyed a glass of red wine. a long day made longer by her choice to once again bring work home with her. “what kind of jobs?” the woman questions, looking up from her laptop and turning to watch alyssa by the window. the suggestion of a month long road trip was a little surprising but still intriguing. “you… want to just pack up and go on a month long roadtrip?”
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‘‘hmm,’‘ was alyssa’s quick reaction, there were a lot of events ahead of her, waiting for her, all written down in her agenda in her purse. taking a puff from the killer of lungs between her fingers, she went over towards her most precious belonging. the purse that held her phone, notebook and agenda within hand reach most of the time. ‘‘first job on the road will be a sorority party, then there’s a sweet sixteen, a lesbian wedding in las vegas followed by an auction, a themed party,  a gala dinner and that’s not even half of it!’‘ closing her small notebook, she dropped it back where it belonged and came sitting down next to elody after dousing her cig in the ash tray near the windowsill. ‘‘so? ...what do you think?’‘
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hcmoheart · 3 years
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jury duty. it hadn't been ideal for leni to spend her week caught up in a courtroom with strangers contemplating if a woman was innocent or not. it was better than her usual; twisted in composing melodies, ignoring her husband, dealing with her angst filled sons. at least in this setting she wasn't the one being judged, nor was the blame for everything being focused in her direction. " she killed him. " bluntly. words were sharp, as if glass was inside of her throat, grinding against her words to decorate them into a matter-of-fact sentence. " they wanted a divorce. he was an alcoholic, abusive in multiple ways, a cheater, and golden star piece of shit husband." leni felt sympathetic to the woman. almost admired the strength of putting an end to it all coldly. she'd be lying if she hadn't thought about offing her husband a time, or two. " isn't she the real victim here ? " leaning back in her chair, the woman crossed her legs with a small sigh. her stomach was turning itself inside out. " any idea when we'll be done today ? i need a burger. "
@hcmoheart . //
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ever since she and her daughter returned to the united states of america, eleanor never thought to receive an invite for jury duty. an obligation she couldn’t dismiss. it wasn’t the jury duty itself, it’d been the return to a court room. the moment she’d been seated in between strangers, watching the accused sit right where she had been questioned herself a little over a year ago. there had been no jury present, the court room had been empty aside from the judge, her lawyer and the representing accuser of the united states of america. this was different, this was a woman who possibly killed her own husband, with evidence pointing right at it. but her story was strong that played at eleanor’s feelings a little too much for the redhead to remain unbiased. when gory images were shown on the screen, her lunch had started to come back up as unwanted memories flashed before her eyes of her husband’s brain splattering all over the backdoor. shot before her eyes by a mob she had been fearing for ever since she found out about her husband’s double life. she was going to be okay, according to the detectives and assigned therapist who’d worked her case, but eleanor’s anxiety refused to hear about it. the damage was done. as much it was done to this woman she didn’t even know, only met today in court. she hated to choose this stranger’s faith, who was she to ruin this woman’s life by imprisoning her? 
endless thoughts had been buzzing through eleanor’s brain, keeping her occupied with herself rather than the people she was surrounded by. it’d been partly silence’s fault, created by the impact of the court case. her eyes set on the files in front of her, it was the first time she looked up to catch another stranger’s face instead of the victim’s. eyebrows slowly raised, the many voices inside her mind faded off into the distance at the total off topic question, catching the redhead off guard. shit, food. she hadn’t even thought of eating today. ‘’ehm ... i’m not sure but i think we’re in here until miss newton’s fate is decided by... us. or until the judge decides to call us back in for another day, depending on what we strangers vote for.’’ like voting for the damn president of america. the president miss newton would become, yeah. the new bitch in prison or doomed by media for life outside those four walls, yet trapped in a mental cage.
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hcmoheart · 3 years
                real quick: none of you need to apologize to me for taking your time with replies. you are not ‘ late. ’ we are not on a schedule and there are no deadlines; i am not – and never will be – timing you. sometimes things get hectic in real life and/or there’s just no motivation / energy to write. that’s perfectly okay ! i’ve been there and i don’t want you adding anymore stress to yourself over whether i’m upset with you for not responding right away. i promise you i’m not. take your time and answer when you feel ready. i’m excited for your reply, but i can be patient. similarly, if you have motivation for other threads, do them. sometimes muses work for certain threads or characters and not others. if you need to drop our thread, then do it. it’s all good ! no worries ! your comfort and health come first. please take care of yourself.
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hcmoheart · 3 years
hey all ! i know i’ve been pretty absent lately but soon i hope to return and find fun in writing again, thank you all who haven’t unfollowed me and have remained patient, i’ll get back asap ! not sure what i’m gonna do with drafts yet, some i may keep, some i may discard and start over... let me know if there’s any in particular we got going you’d like to continue, starters made for me will absolutely be replied to !
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hcmoheart · 3 years
OPEN TO ‣‣ females & non binary ! CONNECTIONS ‣‣ anyone !
‘’so i got some news to share,’’ lighting up a cigarette after opening up the window, alyssa sat her bum down at the windowsill, a thrill settling in her gaze when her eyes went back to the other. '’ya girl got some very fortunate jobs around the west coast of america, they’re all sorts of events lining up perfectly after one another. it’ll be a month full of fun. so i was thinking... what about a road trip? it’s all paid for, each and every hotel, we’ll be traveling from las vegas to san diego, los angeles, san francisco and more!’’
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