danviers · 2 years
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@shcftingpieces asked: spicy hc q’s… 5 ( how many sex.ual partners has my muse had? ) and 6 ( does my muse consider themselves skilled at s.ex? )
5. quite a few. alex had a boyfriend for about six months in college ( a boyfriend she knew she didn't feel anything for beyond a vaguely platonic affection, but who she dated regardless, because her classmates were dating, and the pressure to do the same was too much ), and spent a decent chunk of time before she joined the DEO casually hooking up with guys at clubs in the city — even then, only with guys who'd buy her drinks. ( still, it's something she regrets; there were never enough free drinks to dull the self - loathing that went along with those encounters. ) since coming out, alex has only had two serious partners — maggie and kelly — and despite venturing into the dating scene between those relationships, she's only slept with one other woman.
6. she'd say she's pretty good. but alex isn't really one to brag ( or discuss the more intimate details of her relationships )
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shieldretired · 2 years
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
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Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme (still accepting)
@somewherebetweenrage tagging you because you wanted to know too
If he's mentally drained, he likes to work out -- going on runs, lifting weights, or after losing the serum and having a bad knee, swimming (and walking the dog if it's a verse where Cookie exists). It helps him to stop thinking and exhaust his body enough to find some sleep later. He's also prone to sit down and doodle around on a piece of paper. Not with the intention to create something, just to shift his focus to something that needs little to no energy. He usually dumps these sketches after.
If he's physically drained, he likes to take a long, hot shower, eat a snack that involves strawberry flavor (e.g., ice cream, candy, but preferably real strawberries), and either watch TV or read a book (though, especially without the serum, he's prone to fall asleep during that last part).
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reignthem · 2 years
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@shcftingpieces said: 11 and 13
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spicy hc q’s… 
11. does my muse prefer sex with a partner, or taking care of it, themselves?  sam prefers a partner, unequivocally. the most exciting part about sex for her is the partner, getting to know them, & what they like.
13. does my muse find any non-sexual parts of a partner’s body sexually appealing?  ( ie. hands, abs, etc )  hips. all of the attraction is about the hips.
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byzcntine · 2 years
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continued from here // @shcftingpieces​
it had been a decade or so since the two of them were together, and it felt like only yesterday things ended. she should have known that a college romance wouldn’t make it far past graduation, but for her, blair had always been ‘the one that got away.’ and maybe it was ridiculous to still be holding on to feelings so many moons later. however, if she actually looked back on their years apart, well — there had been a string of non-committals that lead to one very, adorable little one with a head full of golden locks and a heart full of sunshine. a tiny human that came as a package deal, and despite wanting to actually find peace in life with another, jennifer never fully put herself out there. why was just a question she was willing to ask.
and it wasn’t until seeing the other woman — having her back within physical reach — did everything sort of just come crashing down. jj hadn’t sought out further companionship with another outside of a one night stand situation, or a bit of a fling, because her heart was never truly taken back when she and the other woman parted ways. they managed to remain friends, and she genuinely hoped for blair’s happiness. if that had to be brought on by another, she was going to support it. however, seeing her friend and hearing about the woman’s endeavors... it didn’t sit well. and frankly, it never would. 
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“no, i mean...” a small sigh escaped her as she realized what she had just said. way to come left field, jareau. “there’s no reason to be sorry, bee.” and there truly wasn’t any. it wasn’t the brunette’s fault that she was seemingly stuck in the past. one that she thought she had moved along from, but alas, that was not the case. “i just — look, i love you, yeah, you’re one of the best friends i’ve ever had.” she paused, clearing her throat. “but if i’m being honest, it runs deeper than that, and it always has. i think i just maybe... could we hold off on talks about escapades and what have you? i’m trying, really trying, but i don’t know. i’m sorry. this is just — maybe i should go.”
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ofdamages-arc · 1 year
@shcftingpieces liked for a starter from julia !
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" look, i'm not good at this. i just— i'm sorry. " she had to swallow through the lump in her throat. it wasn't like her to be overly emotional, but they'd had a hard day and she was a little drunk. "i should've been there earlier. they caught me off guard, but it won't happen again. we'll be more prepared next time."
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tagged by: @jurati tagging: @storyofwhoiam (thirteenth Doctor, Kaz, and Kalinda?), @shcftingpieces (Blair!) & anyone else that wants to do it !
Lena Luthor
—    basics.
▸   is your muse tall/short/average?    average/on the slightly tall side
▸     are they okay with their height?   yeah! They honestly don’t really think about it a whole lot. If she wants to be taller (and she often does) they can just put on heels. She would be content being shorter tho cause than they could be Small in someone’s arms (don’t worry tho, Kara’s taller than them)
▸     what’s their hair like?  dark, thick, and long. Also straightened every day for the sake of Appearances. But! Once they get more comfortable not being “perfect” all the time, they let their hair go natural and curly a lot more!
▸     do they spend a lot of time on their hair/grooming?   oh god, yeah. Everything has to perfect. She has her routine pretty down pat, but she will spend way too much time making sure everything’s just how it should be even if she’s not doing something that requires her to  look put together. In the later years tho, I imagine she spends less time trying to look perfect when going to work/doing work related things but still wants to look “presentable” and she does put a lot less work into their appear when they’re just meeting friends or wtvr
▸     does your muse care about their appearance/what others think? oh big time. She fixates so hard on it that their life honestly revolves around other people. They did grow tired of not being able to meet everyone’s expectations tho and so they def lash out at assholes sometimes (usually in a reserved passive aggressive way). But despite that, she really does try to be put together and proper for others sakes
—    preferences.
▸    indoors or outdoors?  okay so, this is a little complicated! I think she would enjoy the outdoors in the sense of like nature but her instinct is indoors (specifically in her own home) because she feels safe there and able to be herself more
▸    rain or sunshine?     sunshine. Rain is kind of a nuisance and also makes their depression worse
▸    forest or beach?     oooh this is hard. I feel like they’d feel safer and more at ease?? In a forest, but! Beaches are fun! And feel like a place to hang out with friends! So that also means safety and home-y feelings! Lena loves her friends and they’re her family, so beach! Even if there is the con of bathing suits and having your body on display for the world to see
▸    precious metals or gems?     hmm prob precious metals! I feel like Lena is a big fan of metal jewelry and she works with metal a lot!
▸    flowers or perfumes?     maybe flowers? She loves a good perfume for herself but they’re incredibly likely to send someone flowers if they like that person and she love giving things to people she likes
▸    personality or appearance?     personality! They’ve dated for looks in the past and it just doesn’t end well. It is a plus if someone’s cute And not an asshole tho
▸    being alone or in a crowd?  they don’t really like being alone but they kinda hate crowds because they’re overstimulating, so alone
▸    order or anarchy?     order 100%. She’s trying to accept chaos into her life tho
▸    painful truths or white lies?    instinct says white lies because they really Hate being hurt but! Considering their experience with Kara being supergirl and the other painful truths they’ve had to live through: painful truths
▸    science or magic?     bro... BRO. You can’t ask her to choose like that. Her entire character is based around science And magic. And plus they’d probably argue that magic is science because everything is science. But uhhhhh... science? Please don’t make her choose lol
▸    peace or conflict?     Lena prefers peace, but they’re Very often causing conflicts. So peace but that’s not what they get lol
▸    night or day?     night. It’s when they get to unwind
▸    dusk or dawn?     dusk, I guess? Dawn is kinda Stressful because she has to get ready for the day and prepare for all of the stressful situation. But if she gets a day off or in later in life when she’s more chill, it’s comforting to be able to sit and drink a cup of coffee when watching the sunrise
▸    warmth or cold?     warmth. It’s comforting and she runs a bit cold, so it’s nice to snuggle up with a blanket
▸   many acquaintances or a few close friends?     a few close friends. Lena doesn’t easily trust people enough to casually let them into her life. But she does know a lot of people?
▸    reading or playing a game?   reading! They’re a lil nerd. Tho they love a good game night and often times she’s reading about ttrpgs soooo
—    questionnaire.
▸     what are some of your muse’s bad habits? okay so Lena has... a drinking problem. Most days after work they get a little tipsy and whenever they’re Very upset, they get Extremely drunk. They also have a bad habit of cutting people out of their life at the drop of a hat because she has a hardcore black and white thought process and if someone does something she considers bad, that person is now bad and it takes a lot of work (or just a better mood sometimes) for people to regain her trust. She also tends to trust too easily (often even when her brain tells her not to). There’s prob others but those are the ones that affect them the most
▸     has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? way too many people. Her mom died when she was four, leaving her to be adopted by an abusive family (her adoptive dad was also her bio dad who cheated on Lillian, his wife and Lena’s adoptive mother, which she didn’t know until adulthood) and it has affected every aspect of her life. She carries herself in a professional and mature way despite only being 22 and has done this for most of her life. She doesn’t know how to cope with her own emotions, so instead she puts them away in little boxes until they come exploding out. She used to dive head first into relationships in an attempt to fill the part of her soul that was missing the love it never received but after many heartbreaks, she’s become way more reserved and distrustful. She’s often unlikely to reveal romantic feelings out of fear of them being used against her. I could literally go on forever about this, but I won’t lmao 
▸     what are some fond memories your muse has?  she has a very specific blurry memory of her and her birth mother playing when she was a kid. It’s one of her first memories. She also has a lot of memories of Lex being there for her and treating her like family when no one else did, but these kind of make them sad now. And honestly a lot of their memories of Kara and the rest of the superfriends make them happy and comfort them looking back on them
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill? if they don’t know the person and are protecting someone they care about/themself, yes. But if they do care about them, it’s extremely hard and they’ll do pretty much anything (often even risking the world) to make sure she doesn’t have to put them at risk
▸     is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? yes, but it can take a lot of built-up trust and they’re more likely to try to save themself. But she will if she has to, especially if it’s someone they care about
▸     what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Lena is... complicated. She will send the person gifts, take them on little dates, and spend as much time with them as possible. She will fawn over every word they say. But she most likely will not ever tell you she’s in love unless there is absolutely no doubt that the other person feels the same. They keep their feelings close to their chest and doesn’t often let them out. 
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tagged by: @shcftingpieces @fasciinating​ tagging: 
Maria Hill
—    basics.
is your muse tall/short/average?    tall enough! she’s 5′9″, often wears heels of some sort so she can be between 5′9″ and 6′0″ depending on the day
are they okay with their height?   she’s great with it! she’s never been intimidated by anyone taller than her, and to be honest, if anyone is uncomfortable with how tall she is, then they deserve to be
what’s their hair like?    anywhere from a bob to slightly longer than shoulder length, although shoulder length is most common — she often wears a bun or a ponytail so she prefers to have it be long enough for that
do they spend a lot of time on their hair/grooming?     to be entirely honest, not as much as she could. she makes sure that it’s clean and not flying away but she is... not that fond of the time that is often involved in doing her hair. if it’s exceedingly fancy, it’s most likely that she either has to be there for her job or she’s undercover.
does your muse care about their appearance/what others think?     maria prefers comfortable clothes, so she has a lot of stylish but utilitarian clothes, a lot of pants or skirts and shirts, a few dresses, mostly for work — if she winds up with something that is fancy but comfortable, then she has no problem with that, but there’s no way that she’s going to wear something that she can’t move in (even undercover) because being mobile is crucial.
—    preferences.
indoors or outdoors?     mmm, indoors, it’s easier to control her environment.
rain or sunshine?     sunshine, but some days there’s nothing better than  a downpour, you know?
forest or beach?     beach has better sightlines, but the forest has more places to hide... 
precious metals or gems?     gems are easier to steal but metal is better to wear because it stands out less
flowers or perfumes?     flowers. perfume gives your position away. 
personality or appearance?     personality. appearance is always a plus but maria isn’t about to spend time with someone she doesn’t get along with, so while she might chat up an attractive person, if they’re a bore she will abandon ship quickly.
being alone or in a crowd?     as soon as maria is in a crowd people start asking her for things, so being alone is better. (crowds are good if she needs a getaway, but hopefully her plans are so good she gets out without anyone knowing that she’s there)
order or anarchy?     order! obviously. she’s charged herself with protecting the world, is there any chance that she would prefer anarchy? (her version of order might be closer to someone else’s idea of anarchy, but that feels like a different question all together.)
painful truths or white lies?     maria deals in painful truths, but — she might prefer being told a white lie in a relationship. she’s found that painful truths there mean that things are going downhill and she’s not always a fan of that.
science or magic?     science. magic is the cause of most of her problems these days.
peace or conflict?     peace. if she could manage world security to the point that she didn’t have to worry about that, she would just find a more local problem to solve. and then so on and so forth.
night or day?     night. she gets more done when the rest of the world is sleeping and there’s something serene about being the only one up.
dusk or dawn?     dawn. there’s something about a new day.
warmth or cold?    warmth. she’s perfectly capable of being cold but a lot of her worst memories involve the cold, so if she can avoid it in her living space or her office she will.
many acquaintances or a few close friends?     a few close friends. maria has a hard time trusting people so it takes people a long time to get inside her shell.
reading or playing a game?     reading! playing a game, especially with her friends, tends to lead to someone being threatened or accidental property damage.
—    questionnaire.
what are some of your muse’s bad habits?     she smoked for awhile, in the army. she worries at her nails and rubs the bridge of her nose. she drinks, but not too much. she mainlines coffee. she’s trained herself out of most of her habits because it’s extremely bad to have a tell when you’re a spy, so if you see something she’s either exhausted or you’re extremely close to her.
has your muse lost anyone close to them?     yes. her mother. coulson (for awhile). natasha and tony (in mcu compliant threads, of which there are few.) fury, various times.
what are some fond memories your muse has?     going to the beach as a kid. the first time natasha said she trusted shield. the first time she beat someone bigger than her in karate class.
is it easy for your muse to kill?     she will avoid it if there is a better way to take an opponent down or if having them alive is better for the mission/team — but the second they start threatening someone that she cares about, it could go either way.
is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life?     a few people. mostly, firstly, fury. coulson. clint. natasha. slowly... the avengers. but she’ll always rely on herself first before asking for help because she thinks she should be able to handle her problems herself.
what’s your muse like when they’re in love?     sappy. she doesn’t always show it, but maria doesn’t have a lot of love in her past so when she gets it, she does her best to enjoy it fully. she tries not to grab on to it too hard, because she’s also used to good things not sticking around, or her job getting in the way, but she. i mean, she likes it! she’s not scared of being in love. it sneaks up on her a lot because she never expects that anyone will. love her. so that’s a fun challenge for her partner.
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lieutenantkidd · 3 years
starter for: ↪ laurel lance / @shcftingpieces​
moving to chicago had been a rocky start for stella but soon enough it paid off as the fresh start she so desperately needed. losing a close friend was never easy but the once young girl had fallen off the wagon as result of it. stella’s teenage years were far from being innocent, or good in any way, but she had worked hard to step out of the darkness. whoever had known her before she enrolled into the fire academy of chicago could barely recognize her any longer. she was a changed woman. more mature, still funny and definitely sober. she had persevered and the universe had rewarded her with a new life. it wasn’t without any damage, of course. divorcing your high school sweetheart that you had dragged into an addiction that had consumed you both was hardly a reward. ultimately, stella had to walk away for her own survival. and she was finding the light again.
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problem is, life can never be ever so easy. no. when things calm down, a new storm has to wreck your ship. the last person stella ever thought of handling her going to court as the firefighter expert was the one and only laurel lance. never in a million years she thought she’d see her face again. she had left that part of her life behind and while stella stood in front of the attorney with her mouth agape and paler than a ghost, all she could see was sara’s face. her friend, her partner-in-crime, that had disappeared without leaving a trace all those years ago. “laurel.” she spoke her name softly, her voice cracking on her throat. she cleared it and tried again. “i wasn’t expecting to, ahm, see you. do you,” she looked around as if someone would save her. no one came to her rescue. “... work here now?”
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operativae · 4 years
► @shcftingpieces   /   blair drake
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       Walking the picturesque streets of Wilmington, North Carolina pulled many memories to the forefront of Riley’s mind. It had been four years since he was last in the costal town, and much had changed for the seemingly simple carpenter. The last time he’d been there, it was while he worked for Project Onyx. He’d been tasked with carrying out a hit on a local politician. For what purpose, he never questioned. While there, he had opened a safety deposit box at one of the banks –– one that not even his superiors knew about. Money, guns, falsified passports, and other odds and ends tucked away for a rainy day. The former assassin has them all around the world, though at the time of creating them, he didn’t know what they would be used for. Now that he lived in secret, on the run from the government, he knew the money was essential to carry on.
With the cash emptied into his backpack, he walked towards another destination –– one that surprised even him. The assassination wasn’t the only thing he’d done while in Wilmington. He’d also met a beautiful woman and went back to her home for the night, enjoying her company in a way that he was rarely afforded with his lifestyle. It was a risk to see her again, and he wasn’t even sure if she’d remember him after all these years, but something drew him to the address still burned in his mind. Blair Drake was gorgeous, but she also had a wit to her that fascinated him. He wasn’t sure what exactly he sought in looking for her again, but he knew he couldn’t leave without at least saying hi. Perhaps it was simply his new state of loneliness that made him crave any sort of human contact –– even if it was a simple conversation or familiar smile. 
With those thoughts in mind, he pulled his black ball cap a little further down to keep hidden from the neighbors when he knocked on her door. Thinking back on their whiskey fueled night, he recalled that he’d given her his false name, RIley, not even knowing at this time that it would end up being his permanent identity. At least that should make things simpler, he thought to himself.
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storyofwhoiam · 11 months
@shcftingpieces gets some pain | Starter call | 🌑Inside of a re-occurring nightmare had time and time again
Zoey found herself once again in the dimly lit nightclub, blue strobing lights filling the space. The pulsating beats of the music echoed in her ears; her head pounded and her heart raced to the rhythm. She stood alone, the crowd of strangers dancing — their bodies pressing in around Zoey — oblivious to her fear. The room seemed to close in on her.
Her pulse quickened as she was handed a drink. The light-headedness swept over her. She tried to steady herself, but the sensations were overwhelming. Zoey's vision blurred as she lost control over her own body.
The world spun around her, and she found herself in a dimly lit room. She was seated on a cold, hard chair, her wrists bound by tight, unforgiving restraints. Her captors loomed over her, their faces obscured by shadows, and she struggled to maintain consciousness.
Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of gunfire.
Zoey awoke from the nightmare with a start, her heart pounding, and her body drenched in sweat. She clutched the bedsheets, trying to ground herself in reality. Her breath came in rapid, shallow gasps.
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danviers · 1 year
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“ You know... circumstances aside, I am really glad to see you, ” came Alex's admission; a soft utterance, wearied by one too many sleepless nights.
It wasn't easy to shake the innate feeling of unsettledness that'd blanketed her since she'd arrived in Star City — nor the strange, uncomfortable recognition that the sky stretching out above its unfamiliar skyline was the very same as the too - empty, inherently Kara - less one back home.
@shcftingpieces gets a short thing.
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@shcftingpieces gets a starter for Sexy Surgeon Kyle
                               STEVE MAKES IT TO THE MEDICAL BAY AT SHIELD HQ WITHOUT ANY HELP, which, in his opinion, means that he doesn't need medical assistance in the first place, but Romanoff threatens to knock him out and physically drag him to a doctor if he leaves without getting patched up, so here he is, lightly stumbling through the door and spooking a nearby nurse. "I might need a couple of stitches," he tells the doctor closest to him. The guy looks vaguely familiar (either they met in the cafeteria before or maybe when Steve dragged one of his team members here), and Steve's eyes flicker to the name tag on his white coat. "And while you're at it, it would be awesome if you could dig the bullet out because it's really uncomfortable when my body does it on its own, Dr. Valenti," Steve adds, gesturing at his right arm, which he keeps close to his body. He's wearing the dark blue stealth suit, so it's hard to see blood, but a coppery smell is in the air, and Steve looks distinctly pale – paler than his Irish complexion usually is.
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j-reau · 4 years
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@shcftingpieces​ sent “I promise I’m not angry. I just want to help.” - from emily
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“If you want to help, Emily -- let it go.” The words were too stern. To stern and too angry and clenched behind her teeth. It wasn’t the way she’d ever talk have talked to Emily on a regular day. But it isn’t a regular day. And maybe that was the problem. Everyone had been able to see it. Reid asked. Penelope asked. Emily did what she did best. She let it slide until the right time. And then she pushed. In the quiet of her office while they stepped away from the case for a minute. She can see it there, in Emily’s eyes, that the other woman knows she’s sitting on a cliff’s edge, teetering, rigid, barely upright. That one push off balance and the whole thing falls. It had never been like that before but it was like that today -- today. 
“That’s why you came isn’t it?” An unamused knowing smile pulled across her face and JJ shook her head, tucking her hair behind her ears and look at the floor. She still couldn’t shake the frustration in her words. The fear and the grief that came out exactly like anger -- she was angry too. But not at Emily. “You’re here because of this. It’s why all of you have been checking in and asking double checking all day.” JJ didn’t usually feel so thrown off her game. She was always the member of the team most impossible to read. But today -- today. 
“I don’t want to talk about.” JJ didn’t give Emily time to answer anything she’s said. She just paced toward the door with a few strides, shoved her hands in her pants pockets and then turned back around, her eyes just a little more apologetic. “I’m sorry. If that is why you came all this way. But I’m fine.”
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byzcntine · 2 years
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@shcftingpieces​ sent:  [  NEEDED  ]  sender approaches receiver and kisses them longer and more passionately than they ever have before.
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it had been a particularly grueling day in the lab —- full ppe required to keep everyone interacting with the day’s tests safe. and while all they wanted to do was go back to their hotel and pass out, kai some how managed to find their way to joe’s with a bit of intrigue. seattle was still a pretty foreign place to them ( despite traveling back and forth ), so when they overheard a number of interns talk about the bar most of the hospital staff made a fool of themselves out, well, it only seemed fair to give it a go. saddling up to the bar with a bit of a sigh, lithe fingers were ran through their hair after a beer and nachos were ordered. hopefully tomorrow would be a better one. 
turning their attention to the scene around them, they took in the different groups of people scattered about the bar before light hues landed on a familiar face. they had been working diligently together over the past few weeks trying to find a breakthrough to no avail. and while that bit alone was enough to make the both of them hang up their lab coats for good, liz had a tendency to make the day a little less trying - to say the least. a simple wave was offered before a generous sip was taken from their drink. now, perhaps they shouldn’t have stared as long as they did in that moment, but... honestly, they couldn’t be blamed. it wasn’t the first time the pair worked together, and each time - no matter the project - went seemingly smooth. pleasantries were exchanged outside of the lab as well as numbers. most days a ridiculous meme or two would be sent to potentially lighten the mood and/or simply offer a small means of acknowledgment that they weren’t in this thing alone. 
what they hadn’t been expecting, though, was for that simple offered gesture to invite such a grandiose response. just as the bottle was placed down in favor of taking a chance on the questionable bowl of peanuts, a hand was placed on the side of their arm to spin the barstool around in one swift move. “h—-” anything else that could have possibly been said was cut off as liz leaned up on her toes, took hold of their face, and all but crashed their lips together in a kiss that seemed to be more teeth than tongue. it took them by surprise, to say the least, but after the moment of initial shock subsided, hands moved to wrap around the woman’s petite figure and pull her in. and had air not been needed the kiss would have continued for far longer than it probably should in a public space, but alas, they pulled back with the smallest of smiles etching its way across their features. “i was going to say hey, but.” a small chuckle escaped curled lips. “i think we — are you hungry?” there was still nachos on the way, but honestly, those could easily be given to someone else if need be.
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ofdamages-arc · 3 years
@shcftingpieces​​ said: “if you’re guilty, i’m guilty.” (kady to julia)
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  a short laugh echoed through her apartment, followed by a small snort. covering her face in embarrassment for a second, she then dropped her hand to the counter, nearly smushing her cigarettes in the process. she’d obviously had just a little too much to drink. her expression sobered within a few seconds, eyes pricking with unshed tears. “ we fucked up, kady. bad. ” fingers shook slightly as she slipped a cigarette from the pack and lit it. 
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Why are you unlovable?
Lena Luthor
you project your insecurities
people want to love you, but you're so worried about if everyone hates you instead that you end up warding them off. you don't have to keep yourself so locked up, it's okay to let someone hold your hand man
Tagged by: myself Tagging: @jurati, @shcftingpieces (Laurel!), @storyofwhoiam (Leah, Rosemary, Harley), and everyone that wants to do it!​
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