hcroyalguard · 10 years
Name: Suzuha Amane Age: 18 Sector: oo5
Position Applying For: Aiming for head guard but I can be whatever you want me to be! Please list your work experience: Worked part time at Braun Tubes Workshop (CRT TV workshop in 2010). Fully trained soldier from a resistance group in 2036 (I can explain time travel details during the interview!) Please list any skills, powers: Full knowledge and capability to use military guns, handguns, grenades, knives, and other weapons. Flexible and acrobatic, capable of parkour (fast paced climbing, running, jumping through obstacles) Are you able to perform physical tasks?: Yep, these guns aren’t just for show. I’m pretty strong.  Day or night shift?: Any
Why do you want to work in this guard? I’ve got a lot of experience with fighting and surviving, and protecting people too! And I like protecting people. I’ve never met Princess Sonia but I’d very much like to meet her and show her just what I’m capable of, I won’t let her down! If need be, would you be willing to fight for this princess?: Definitely. Additional comments, questions: I didn’t know there was a Princess in this city, that’s amazing! Thank you for considering this application. If you call me for an interview I swear I won’t let you down.
11 FEBRUARY 2015 Dear Miss Suzuha,      Congratulations!      Upon reviewing your application, I am pleased to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED for the position of GUARD.      I am terribly sorry that both head guard positions have been filled but, considering your impressive experience, if a head guard is unable to fulfill their duties or if they are unavailable, I would be happy to have you fill in! You would be compensated for any additional work you are assigned to, of course! You are also eligible to work as assistant to a head guard as well, if that interests you!      We will discuss the above, your salary, and schedule during an interview with myself and Yosuke Hanamura! Please send us a time you are available! I look forward to meeting you very much and I am truly thankful for your interest!                                        Sincerely,                                                Princess Sonia Nevermind
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hcroyalguard · 10 years
(This application is inexplicably written in both red crayon and leetspeak.)
Name: F3NR1S TH3 GRUMPY 3LF Age: 25 PROB4BLY WH4T3V3R TH4T M34NS Sector: 002 (W3LL D1STR1CT B3T4)
Position Applying For: H34D GU4RD OR JUST R3GUL4R GU4RD 1F H34D GU4RD 1S F1LL3D Please list your work experience: H3 WORK3D 4S 4 P3RSON4L BODYGU4RD FOR 4 M4GIST3R FROM CH1LDHOOD UNT1L H3 W4S 4 T33N4G3R 4FT3R TH4T H3 WORK3D 4S 4 M3RC3N4RY. 4ND TH3N 4S 4 W4RR1OR FOR TH3 CH4MP1ON OF K1RKW4LL Please list any skills, powers: H3 C4N PH4S3 THROUGH PHYS1C4L OBJ3CTS SO 1F TH3 PR1NC3SS N33DS SOM3ON3S H34RT R1PP3D OUT H3 1S TH3 M4N FOR TH3 JOB 4LSO H3 GLOWS 1N TH3 D4RK 4ND PROB4BLY T4ST3S L1KE BLU3 R4SPB3RRY (HOW3V3R H3 C4NNOT R34D OR WR1T3 WH1CH 1S WHY 1 4M WR1T1NG ON H1S B3H4LF) Are you able to perform physical tasks?: Y3S H3 1S V3RY STRONG Day or night shift?: N1GHT 4S H3 1S 4 W4LK1NG N1GHTL1GHT
Why do you want to work in this guard? B3C4US3 H3 1S TR41N3D FOR L1T3R4LLY NOTH1NG 3LS3 SO 1N 4 W4Y H3 1S 4 BORN BODYGU4RD If need be, would you be willing to fight for this princess?: H3LL Y34H Additional comments, questions: PL34S3 FORW4RD WR1TT3N R3SPONS3S 1N D3L1C1OUS R3D 1NK FOR TH3 3NJOYM3NT OF H1S TR4NSL4TOR
[ Your response is written in red ink as per request ] —  11 FEBRUARY 2015 Dear Mister Fenris and Translator,        Congratulations!         Upon reviewing your application, I am pleased to inform you that you are being ACCEPTED for the position of HEAD GUARD (NIGHTTIME).         I am very impressed by your application and experience! I know I will feel safe in your care! I am compelled to reach out to your translator as well! If they would like an official position within the guard to translate and do paperwork you may be unable to do, let me know! I would be happy to pay them for their duties!         If you are available to interview with myself and Yosuke Hanamura, let me know as soon as possible so that we may arrange a meeting! We will discuss salary and scheduling!                                         Sincerely,                                            Princess Sonia Nevermind
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hcroyalguard · 10 years
06 FEBRUARY 2015
Dear Mister Seto Kaiba,
        Upon reviewing your application, I am pleased to inform you that you are being ACCEPTED for the position of HEAD GUARD (DAYTIME). 
       I am very impressed by your resume and I look forward to being in your care! Your reason for wishing to be apart of my guard has deeply touched me and I am certain I will feel very safe with you by my side. 
       I know you are unable to complete an interview and I understand the circumstances! Please contact Yosuke Hanamura when you are able as he has requested to know each and every one of my guards! I hope you and I are able to meet and discuss your salary and schedule as soon as possible! 
                                                              Sincerely,                                                               Princess Sonia Nevermind
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hcroyalguard · 10 years
applying for the position of kicking yosuke's ass
hired. begin immediately
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hcroyalguard · 10 years
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       There’s an unprotected princess roaming Hive City!        With no outstanding physical abilities, she has decided to hire a team of guards to keep her out of harm’s way! The general idea is to act as a secret service of sorts!
       Those hired will be paid more than enough to live comfortably in the city, their schedules will be flexible, and they will be given compensated time off if needed. A specific salary will be discussed if you are called for a personal interview! You do not have to be a certain rank, and Princess Sonia does not judge based on moral compass. You will be hired based on skill set and willingness to pledge loyalty to her alone-- though it is a requirement to keep in contact with and often report to Yosuke Hanamura. 
Additional information can be found here! Please read thoroughly!
The application can be found here!
Direct all questions and concerns here!
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