head-in-the-stars0305 · 2 months
So I just posted the first chapter to enjoy the silence and I don’t know if I hate it or not, you guys are free to leave some criticism but please don’t be mean 🥹
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head-in-the-stars0305 · 2 months
Enjoy the silence
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Going to one of those big parties was never really your thing, usually being considered an outcast so you weren’t used to loud music, drunk people and football players being.. well.. football players. You would have never gone to a party like this, but here you were, being dragged to the party by your stepsister Carol because she said you need socialization.
“You know we could’ve walked right?” You told her, knowing the place was just a 10 minute walk from your home.
“Yeah it would’ve taken us like half an hour to get there by foot” she replies, but the truth is that she’s wearing jellies and those things make your feet hurt.
“there’s a shortcut through bachelors in the forest”
“The haunted cemetery? You know they do witchcraft over there, I don’t want to get sacrificed” Carol always believed any rumor she heard so you weren’t surprised by her believing the whole witchcraft and cult thing about the graveyard.
“It’s not haunted, it’s just abandoned and desecrated. I think it’s really peaceful and quite, it’s my reading spot” since you were forced to move here you became really attached to the graveyard, a quite place where you could read without interruptions, you never understood why it was such a comforting place to you, thinking that maybe being surrounded by nature helped you relax. “I like to do wax rubbings of the tomb stones, I also have a favorite” you said with a smile thinking about it.
“You have a…favorite one?…” Carol said, probably weirded out by this hobby of yours, you knew it was weird but you enjoyed it, going to the cemetery, doing wax rubbings, reading.. without anyone to disrupt your peace.
“Yeah, it’s this young man from the 1800s, I tend to his grave and leave him flowers..I talk to him sometimes” oh that young man, you didn’t know his name sadly, sometimes you would guess names that would suit him, like.. Victor or Walton.. he was such an intriguing man, you wished you were able to talk to him, maybe he would get you, just maybe. Visiting his grave was your favorite part of the day, not for a macabre reason, you just enjoyed talking to him and feeling like he was actually listening to you in that moment, that feeling helped you a lot after the accident.
“That’s really weird y/n, please don’t tell that to anyone” you knew you should’ve kept your mouth shut, she thinks you’re a weirdo now.
“I just don’t think anyone should be forgotten..”
When you got to the party Carol instantly left you to join her friends, you stayed for a while at the car looking around before going to the mini fridge near the pool. As you opened it and took out a Pepsi somebody started talking behind you.
“If you’re looking to fade out the booze is inside”
You turned around to look at him and instantly recognized who he was, Andy Clark, a guy you’ve never spoke to but still had a crush on, it was very silly to be honest.
“What?” You asked, already confused as to why was the Andy Clark talking to you.
“The booze, it’s in the house”he replied
“Yeah I think my stepsisters friend brought most of it, I think her name is Taffy or something” You remember Taffy, she was the nicest one in your stepsisters friend group, even nicer than Carol, sometimes she would come to your house to hang out with Carol but you didn’t talk to her much. She was really nice though, you wished she was your stepsister.
“Mhm, you’re y/n Gardner. Andy..Clark” he said, why did he know your name or better, how did the know your name, you’ve never even talked to him how the hell did he know your name.
“Why?.. why do you know my name?” You whispered looking at him and he just laughed, oh my god he has a nice laugh.
“Well you submitted some really strong poems to the Grackle, I’m one of the editors. You’re poems are great, very dark but they’re great” you could’ve died right then and there and you wouldn’t even have cared, he likes your poems, he thinks they’re great.
“Thank you” you said with a smile before Tamara, she has English class with you, came and interrupted your conversation, talking to Andy. “Hey Tamara” you didn’t mind her, she was pretty cool actually.
“Hi, sorry how do we know each other?” She asked.
“We have English together, I usually sit in the back”
“Ohhh you’re y/n right??” Some people would say she was mean but she was actually really nice, at least to you she was.
“Yeah that’s me” you said cracking open your Pepsi.
“Do you.. want a sip?” She said offering you her cup, you weren’t sure what was in there but you didn’t want to look uncool in front of Andy, so you accepted it and drank almost half of it.
You were high, like super high.
You ended up inside the house and Doug found you, you trusted him, he was a nice guy, he asked you about your favorite director, he even held your hair back while you threw up in a trash can.
He took you to a random bedroom, away from all the noise, you were thankful for that. Then a thunder erupted making you jump slightly by the sudden noise.
“Oh no, looks like the angels are bowling” he said, making you smile.
“My mom used to say that” your eyes were closed and you smiled thinking of your mother, though your thoughts were interrupted by Doug.
“Does that feel good?”
You looked at him and then slowly looked down where his hand was.. he was touching you, what. The. Fuck.
You just stood up and ran out the door, Doug shouting something in the back, you didn’t listen you just kept running out without a certain direction, all you knew was that..
Doug was not a nice guy.
Tamara was not sweet.
And you were an absolute idiot accepting a spiked cup, it was all your fault you ended up in this situation.
You just kept running, you stopped when you realized you were surrounded by some familiar trees and in front of you was a familiar grave. Getting closer to him made you feel more at ease, like everything disappeared.
You looked up to the statue that somewhat represented the face of the young man, lightly touching his stone cheek.
“I wish I was with you”
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head-in-the-stars0305 · 2 months
Enjoy the Silence
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After the tragic death of your mother you’re forced to move away from your hometown and start a new life, with a stepmother that despises you. Only being able to find peace in an abandoned cemetery where you find yourself comforted by the grave of a young man who died in 1837, wishing you were with him.
|𝐋𝐅!𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫|
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head-in-the-stars0305 · 2 months
Soo if anyone has any suggestions for the story feel free to leave something under this post, I’ll probably base it on the events of the movie but if anyone wants to suggest some changes then go ahead✨
(Also I’m sorry if my English is not the best, I’m Italian)
I’m literally obsessed with Lisa Frankenstein, also the creature is so aaaaaa, I love him he’s adorable.
Should I write a story for him??(I’ll do it either way)
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head-in-the-stars0305 · 2 months
I’m literally obsessed with Lisa Frankenstein, also the creature is so aaaaaa, I love him he’s adorable.
Should I write a story for him??(I’ll do it either way)
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