headed-nowhere · 7 years
Howdy folks! It’s been a while since I was last here - near most two years in August! I began work on a comic for this series and universe, but so much of the world is as if yet undefined, so in the mean time, I figured I would tide over my storytelling side by rebooting this thing - with a few new changes, of course: - Posts prior to this one are largely considered non-canon (might become canon, if I go through with time shenanigans) - Pulses and Radiante have been redesigned and renamed to Jonas and Randy, respectively - Literally everyone got redesigned. Two years does a lot to a bunch of desert dwellers. - Updates will begin again following the Relationship Chart Post! So like, in a few days or so! - It'll be more story driven, characters will only directly interact with asks when it makes sense in world, otherwise they'll be like. story suggestions! I'm super excited to start this again, let's hope it'll survive this time!
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
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“you can take your bullshit human concepts and get the fuck out of my house. they’re not alive anymore. look into their eyes. they’re not themselves. we have to bury them.”
this time on “Tweex gets a  redesign”: they’re a grave digger now. but only for robots.
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
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Finch: “The wasteland has already proven itself to be a mess, why add to it?”  
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
Finch: “I wish you could have met him, I bet you would’ve gotten along.” Metz: “You’re killing me. You’re literally, slowly, killing me.”
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So today I met an interesting couple down at the ‘Wastelands’? Oh yeah. You can tell that they are crazy for each other. 
[Based on this post here that my sister and I found, and this post here by coffee-bean-aisha​ because i couldn’t help but laugh]
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
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Finch: “As for what’s going on, the answer is not much. We’re just trying to build up New Friendship. That and, you know, survive.” 
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
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[A/N: Here we go! First official Welcome to Nowhere post! Lets get this party started!]
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headed-nowhere · 9 years
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!!!Warning!!! Conection to "Radio-Bootv1.2.2" has been disrupted. Please preform a full system reboot or contact your administrator! WARNING: Connection to Neopia Admin Hub disrupted! ERROR #30040! Please consult radio guide for further instruction.
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