headmxstress-blog · 9 years
I have been in the AHS rp community for like two years, and they have been amazing times. Still, Tumblr was a complete dick and decided to delete my previous blog, leaving me without one of my favorite hobbies and all the work I had put in it for two weeks. After that, I decided to make a new blog, but of the 600+ followers I had just a few of them followed me back. And of these, only two or three have still continued roleplaying with me. And despite loving to rp Cordelia, I can’t do this anymore. I keep seeing my old rp friends having many threads, but none with me.
And life, it hasn’t been good for me, even if I’ve actually been quite happy. After my first girlfriend cheated on me and I broke up with her, I had help from a really amazing girl who was also a roleplayer. We even dated, and I fell in love with her. But we broke up after a short time, and she was gone. My other online best friend, who I had met long before this and that I had been friends with for a year, fell in love. And from that moment on, I realized I couldn’t be ruining her happiness with that girl with my stupid breakdowns. So I pulled back, and even though things are better between us and we still talk a lot, I know I am not as important as I was back then. I’m really happy for her though, and for the girl I dated. You two guys know who you are, and I want you to know I have no hard feelings towards you.
But in June, I was molested. I am still not sure if it would be considered rape. I had no one, and I only had one person to talk to in that moment. The girl I had dated. Bless her, she was still my friend. But after that night, she slowly distanced herself from me, and soon we did not really talk. I tried, sent her some nice message for her birthday, try some small talk. But it was useless, and this time she was completely gone from my life.
No one knew I was raped. Not even my parents. Summer came, and I made some new friends that soon were gone too. I had sex with a girl, I had a threesome. I was happy, but at the same time it hurt too much. I felt nothing, honestly. I just wanted to die inside, even if I’m not suicidal. I’ve been depressed for years, I know it, but the psychologist said that I was not depressed enough to take pills. Summer has passed now, and today I logged into this account as usual. My muse for Cordelia is mostly gone except for one person I have threads with, and they post replies like once a month. I have another new muse, but I’m not sure it is enough. Seeing a post by that girl, who does not rp with me anymore, made me scared, because it just feels like I’m not good enough. I don’t feel like anybody cares about me, or my Cordelia.
I’ve realized, in my life everyone means more to me than I mean from them. I leave people’s lives for whatever reason and everything is okay for them, while I’m left feeling lonely. And this rp account just keeps me feeling that.
So I say goodbye to this account. I’m not sure if I’ll ever come back, but for now this is a goodbye.
You all are amazing roleplayers.
Lots of love,
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Lucifer )
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“I don’t know… I miss England. And mices.” Her thick british accent remains, and the mices! She always try to kill them, or eat them, she misses being pestered by mices. Oh! She miss Ella! She hated to admit it but she miss her old maid who truly cares about her, and yet, she was incredible mean to her. She try to push her boundaries and see how far she can go with Lucifer’s bitching. But to her surprise this girl is always positive even in her worst situation…
Now she is here, miles away from home, abandoned and living with strangers. She rested her head on her shoulder, and her flat of her hand resting on Cordelia’s back. For some reason, she was very sensitive in this day, she hates being this weak. She always seems completely selfish. Now tears falling in her face, and she began to sobbing, and cry harder like a little toddler.
The 13 years old teen, was crying mostly because she misses her old life, and feeling loved by someone. She feels completely invisible on the coven. She wants to change it. She just want to be loved and care for someone, anyone.
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   “Well, this is not England, but New Orleans isn’t that bad. About the mices...” her voice died. She was not going to tell the girl to eat rodents, of course. She shrugged and thought about how the girl could be feeling. She was so far away, it must be hard for her. Cordelia sighed, she knew that feeling too well. Her mother had abandoned her too anyway, even if it was closer.
   She hugged the girl and sighed, pulling back slightly and smiling at her. “Hey, listen. I know this is not your house, and that the girls— well, they’re not really friendly. But, I’m sure we could do something for you to have some fun here, maybe make some friends.”
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Joseph )
He answers her kiss, moving his fingers on her nub a bit harder and faster to cause her release to happen.  Her hand’s motion is making it difficult for him to think straight as the stimulation causes his own climax to begin  He grunts as the thick streams of his cum jet out of his tip.
She leans against his body, still moving her fingers as he climaxes. Letting out a moan she rides her orgasm out and breathes heavily, slowing her hand movements to make his pleasure last longer while kissing him again.
A Bad Drive: josephmysteryman and headmistressgoode
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
Send me a "⌘" and my muse will list:
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
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❀ ——— Like for a starter !
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
❀ — I might be deleting soon tbh
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
okAY but give me a plot where the boy is so well mannered and polite and quiet and sHY and the other character didnt even know they existed until he cleared his throat, tapped their shoulder and asked them out (BUT IT WAS SO AWKWARD BECAUSE THEY DIDNT HEAR HIM SO THEY HAD TO ASK HIM TO REPEAT IT AND WHEN HE DID HE RAISED HIS VOICE A LIL AND IT WAS SHAKY CUZ HE WAS NERVOUS) and they felt soooooo bad for him that they said yes and it was quiet and kind of awkward and the night ended weirdly but then the next day he comes back and asks for another date next week and they dont know how to break it to him that they’re not interested but they agree anyway so then after the second date hE GOES IN FOR A KISS AND ITS NOT CHASTE AND SWEET AS THEY EXPECTED IT WOULD BE IT WAS ROUGH AND PASSIONATE AND IT LEADS TO THEM MAKING OUT WHILE SLAMMING INTO WALLS TRYNA GET TO THEIR BEDROOM AND THEY HAVE ROUGH CRAZY SEX AND HE WAS SO DOMINATE AND KINKY AND THE NEXT MORNING HE WAKES THEM UP W BREAKFAST AND ASKS TO DO IT AGAIN SOMETIME AND UGH PLEASE!!!! IT CAN BE M/F OR M/M OR EVEN F/F WHATEVER IDC JUST GIVE ME PLEASE
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Robyn )
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❝ Yeah my roommate is really into it. You have a favourite spell or something? ❞
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[ ❀ ] “ Not really, my magic is quite limited. But, I do love to make the plants of my greenhouse bloom with magic. ”
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
[ unusual-opposites ]
Cordelia was in the greenhouse, peacefully working in her potions and crafts, musing about how things had changed for her. After becoming the Supreme and going public about the witches existance, she had decided that she had to give her life another turn. And so she was leaving New Orleans soon, going to travel through the world. The feeling that someone approached the house made her turn, and soon she was walking to the front door. “Can I help you?” she asked the woman that stood there.
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
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❀ ——— Like for a starter !
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
I hate that tumblr broke my past blog so much, you know? Nothing has been the same after that, people I used to rp with now ignore me and the change makes me lose all muse. I tried something different and then realized it was worse, and now I just am here, staring at my drafts and wondering if people would notice if I deleted anyway.
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Zoe )
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“Who do you think it is? Truly.”
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“Me.” the woman let herself joke for a second before going serious again. “I’m not sure. I... I wish I knew.”
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Robyn )
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❝ Well, thanks. I guess this sorta makes us friends? ❞
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[ ❀ ] “ Yeah, of course. It’s not every day that I meet someone who is used to magic.  ”
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
………..headcanon alert headcanon alert stevie nicks is cordelia’s godmother this has been a public service announcement brought to you by the fact that i have been writing fiona goode for almost two years and still have these kinds of revelations often
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
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“ Luna, sorry. Joe come on, we can talk about it later...     What’s Mortimer saying? ”
headmxstress liked for starter
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❛   SSHHH ! Please !    I can’t understand what Mo’s trying to say ! ❜
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
Taking an accidental hiatus more like my parters asking who the fuck am I
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headmxstress-blog · 9 years
( & Madalena )
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Noticing her change in tone, Lena hooked the rest of her clothing under her arm, turning to look at the other woman with a tilt of her head, clearly confused. “Why the long face, Headmistess?” The former student smirked, attempting to lighten her expression a bit. “You don’t want me to… stay, do you? Don’t you have shit to do? Besides, you of all people know I’m not the best company to have.” She told with a shrug.
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The woman ran her thumb on the phone screen, checking more messages as the other spoke. She glanced at her and rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, you know that there is nothing to do in this coven. And, it is nice to not to have breakfast alone, you know?” she spoke, quickly regretting it. She was being pathetic. “But nevermind.” she added as she stood up.
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