psyche-exploration 10 months
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The 16 Types as Symbols
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psyche-exploration 10 months
Socionics is BS
That's it that's the tweet
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psyche-exploration 10 months
Marina's integration song (3 -> 6)
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psyche-exploration 10 months
Great enneagram podcast that talks about the more spiritual aspects of the enneagram
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psyche-exploration 10 months
Reasons why I think Harry is a 2 (if he's not a 2 core he's at least 2 fixed) : he's into older women, he used to say he always wanted to be the kind of person who didn't care what other's thought of him which is not very apathetic 9y but imagey. I think he came out of his shell as a male 2 with the outfits etc. Also this really screams Holy Freedom to me : https://youtu.be/H5v3kku4y6Q?t=138 or him integrating into 4 and being able to express his individuality. I think he's an ESFP too. Although he is a very mellow go-with-the-flow person so I could see him being a 9 as well, but 927.
As for Ariana she has been criticised in the past for being mean/rude to her fans I think. I could see sx/so too. I think she's contra (it's just a vibe)
As for Gaga, I think you should watch this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WqCka5gr_I&ab_channel=Variety she says she loves being in pain which is very masochistic 4. She's also obsessed with Donnie Darko (a 5) and I could only see this pairing with a 4. She championed a cause throughout her carreer (the LGBTQ) which also seems like a very 4 thing to do. I know these are very small things but I admit I have a hard time seeing her as something other than a 471.
I like the 9w1 typing for Harry Styles a lot. 972 or 973 I think
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psyche-exploration 11 months
The Gut Triad is the Death Triad
Since the sexual instinct is the death instinct (https://enneasite.com/articles/the-sexual-instinct-is-the-death-instinct), and the gut triad is correlated with the sexual instinct, then the gut triad is the death triad.
This can be observed all throughout history as I believe no one has had a bigger death toll than Gut triad people.
Genghis Khan? 8
Prophet Mohamed? 9
Hitler? 1
This can be due to the solipsism of that triad, which turns the people of that triad into an unstoppable force.
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psyche-exploration 11 months
reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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psyche-exploration 11 months
There is no way Harry Styles is not a 2 core (297). As for Ariana Grande, I think she's sp/sx. Look how childish she acts here and tell me that's not an sp2 : https://youtu.be/mN2KnoGbz_s?t=80
And I still see Lady Gaga as a 4...
I like the 9w1 typing for Harry Styles a lot. 972 or 973 I think
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psyche-exploration 11 months
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, <-- Law of Three Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, &lt;-- Law of Seven Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, <-- The Nine Points of the enneagram One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. 聽聽聽One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, 聽聽聽One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them <-- Law of One
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Now who taught J.R.R. Tolkien about the enneagram?
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psyche-exploration 11 months
It's so hard living in this world when no one seems to have a moral compass like you do. - Fi doms
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psyche-exploration 11 months
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Harry Styles, the personification of the 279 trifix (I think he's a 2 sp/sx, 297)
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psyche-exploration 11 months
Laziness, some Attachment Triad dynamics, me hating on 3s
I couldn't imagine living my life in fear of being seen as lazy or a loser. Like it is the dumbest most pathetic most weak fear to have. Having this fear primes you to be a slave to your masters because you actually care about their opinions of you beyond a pragmatic survival perspective. You internalize your enslaver's moral compass as your own which makes you doomed for failure and self-loathing, because their "moral compass" is based on their narcissistic belief that they're superior and they have a right to control and enslave you.
Coming from someone who was raised by parents who tried to drill this fear of being an unsuccessful "loser" into me, and a mother who has given me the most horrific verbal abuse and angry meltdowns because I asked her questions about why I'm expected to care about succeeding conventionally... I've seen what this fear of being a loser does to people. it makes them jump off a cliff when the state says jump. It also makes them horrifically mistreat "loved ones" ("loved ones" in quotemarks because these people don't know what love is) who actually respect themselves, whilst sucking up to evil oligarchs who see them as cash cows and lab rats. They kneel before whoever has status and control and shun everybody else... Not even for pragmatic survival reasons, but because they genuinely fucking believe that high status people are morally superior to low status people. That's the most grotesque part. Not their actions but their internal rottenness, their inverted moral compass. They are devout believers in the religion of materialism and idol worship of the elite.
These people never question who invented the value system they follow or why they invented it, which is the ultimate manifestation of Spiritual Laziness (3 -> 9). They just religiously follow the idea that poor people are all lazy and it's all their own fault for being poor because they didn't sell-out hard enough. Of course, they don't believe that attaining wealth is "selling out", because they blind themselves to seeing this blatantly evident fact. They deceive themselves that we live in a democratic, free speech meritocracy where everything is fair, to justify their weakness-driven investment in a broken game.
If you try to explain to them that we live in a system where people have to compromise their moral compass at every corner to attain wealth, where those who speak for justice are marginalized and impoverished and imprisoned and killed, and you show them undeniable proof of this... it falls on deaf ears. You get gaslit that these facts are fake, and apparently you're only believing this stuff so that you have an "excuse to be lazy". Oh gee, I guess I'm supposed to blind my eyes to the truth of how everything works so that your dumb ass doesn't think I'm lazy? Good to know! Because that's what you're asking everyone to do when you say "conspiracy theorists are just lazy" without providing a rebuttal to their facts. You're basically saying "shut up and go back to sleep, goy."
Unenlightened 3 doesn't have any spiritual perceptiveness whatsoever, it is the most spiritually blind, materialistic type on the enneagram. So they don't know that they are the truly Lazy ones for never questioning the values which they live by. Laziness is not a refusal to go to work, Laziness is not receiving government benefits. People who do these things can be Lazy but contrary to materialist belief, this is not the crux of what Laziness is. True Laziness is about falling asleep into the material realm. Which often means falling asleep into your routine of going to work, paying your taxes, saving up for the next property, and never questioning anything you're doing whilst you do all of that. Falling asleep (9) is the opposite of thinking, scrutinizing, questioning, trying to enhance your perceptions (6).
As soon as you start asking legitimate questions about why you have the values that you have (aka, as soon as you "wake up"), as soon as you make a commitment to doing out what is truly right instead of just doing what is comfortable and accepted and easy... it becomes incredibly difficult to fall back asleep. It becomes nearly impossible to "succeed" inside of the 9-to-5 wageslave system that you once never questioned the merit of, once you realize that we don't in fact live in meritocracy at all and your taxes are funding terrorism. You see the truth of how rotten everything is, how it is all built on lies and a hatred of humanity with the intent of enslaving us. The reason why people refuse to accept at the facts proving conspiracy theories, even if you shove it in their face, is because they are spiritually weak as fuck. They are not emotionally prepared to handle the ostracization and the shaming and the isolation that anyone who wakes up endures. They are not prepared to take the Hero's Journey. They are not prepared to be called crazy and a loser and gaslit 24/7 and then worse: threatened by police if they dont keep their mouths shut. They would much rather live in their materialist lie which is comfortable (3 -> 9 as opposed to 3 -> 6. 3 -> 6 would be waking up to the uncomfortable truths whilst 3 -> 9 is falling asleep into the material realm).
All enneagram fears are evil and bad and lead to bad things but there is something uniquely contemptible about type 3. It's definitely one of the types that's behind executing all the world's problems moreso than the others. I believe that all spiritual rottenness originates from ennea 4 (perhaps because 4 is the center of Origin in general) and then it seems to execute itself most pointedly through it's neighbors 3 and 5. Like if you look at this satanic world, that is who is objectively running it... rich 3s and 5s.
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psyche-exploration 11 months
4 ---> 2 ---> 8
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