healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
ā€œYeah, Celebi. Seeā€¦Celebi, or some of her ability, is required to Purify a Shadow Pokemonā€¦thereā€™s a stone in this village, Agate, and it possesses some of her power. After battling and keeping a Shadow Pokemon in your party for a while, the door to its heart starts to open. And after itā€™s nearly open, take it to the Relic Stone in Agate, and you can Purify itā€¦ Of course, there are these things called Time Flutes, too. When you play it, Celebi will appear and Purify the Pokemon, regardlessā€¦ Rui and I located three of them on our questā€¦ā€ Wes only used two Time Flutesā€”he still had the last one on him. He didnā€™t trust any one else with it, just like the Snag Machine. ā€œā€¦have you seen Celebi?ā€ He assumed she had, by her reaction, anyway. Wes blinked at Yellowā€™s sudden movement. ā€œā€¦did you see something too?ā€ His roomā€¦? Oh, right. ā€œAhā€¦ā€ He took out his key, looking at it for a number. ā€œIā€™m in room nineā€¦I think.ā€ Or was. That all depended on if it was still there or not. ā€œAre you on the first floor also orā€¦?ā€Ā 
The Healer blinked, and gave him a blank stare. She was slightly confused, but could grasp the over all meaning of what he was saying. The female nodded at the question. So battling was something Wes had to do to open up the hearts of Shadow Pokemon. Yellow wasn't sure if she could do that. Battling wasn't her strong suit, but it was obviously Wes'. He really was strong. The Viridian Healer wondered if he could stand a chance against Red.
"Right. I met Celebi a few years back..well saw her anyway with a few friends of mine."The blonde explained."It was because a bad person who was called The Mask of Ice wanted to control time and stuff so he used Celebi to do that."
SheĀ hesitatedĀ before answering his question, and nodded."I thought I did, but I'm sure it's just my imagination!"The blonde said, rushing the last part.
"I'm in room nine too, the second level, though."She explained.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
ā€œOf course. I meant the healing powers, or what you said you had.ā€ Reading people minds would be terrible. He frowned slightly. She must be able to turn it off or something? Wouldnā€™t it just get annoying? This place somewhat reminded him of Snagem Base, the closest thing he could remember to a home. Even if Gonzap was an ass, he rest of the members werenā€™t so bad. He felt terrible for blowing up the Baseā€”their home. But he couldnā€™t think of another way to leaveā€¦ Wild Pokemon. Wes had seen those. Of course he hadā€”he helped get rid of them. ā€œYou mean none,ā€ he responded back to Yellow, looking at her. ā€œThere arenā€™t any. Iā€™ve never seen one. I mean, unless you count Celebi as one, then I haveā€¦but only her.ā€ He was lying. He didnā€™t exactly want to open up to Yellow as to why the Legendary Dogs went missing for a while. After Entei was captured while roaming through Orre, the other two came quicklyā€¦ He blinked. Another Region? ā€œNoā€¦Iā€™ve only been in Orre. We train by battling each other. There are these things called Colosseumsā€¦we have quite a few in different places. You can battle there and train.ā€Ā 
Yellow gave a slight shrugged as an answer. She would be sure to test it out next time someone go hurt. After all, if it did work on humans, that was great, if it didn't, that was okay too.
"Celebi?!"What was Celebi doing in Orre? Last Yellow had seen or heard from the Pokemon was when Gold, Silver, and Crys went and used her power to travel back in time along with the three legendary dogs. The Healer remembered how scared she was when they thought Gold had been lost for good.
Yellow believed everything the male said, having no doubt in his words. That was jut her naive nature.
"Oh..I see."She said quietly, and glanced around, noticing something move out of the corner of her eye. She stopped, and quickly looked back at it once more, but all was still. Was she just imagining something?
"What room are you staying in?"She asked.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
Wes frowned and moved from Yellow to walk a little ways down the hallway. Maybe he did imagine something? He didnā€™t see the shadow againā€¦ Shaking his head, he turned back around to face Yellowā€”unaware of the eyes glaring at the two of them. ā€œI guess it was nothing.ā€ He moved his hand from his belt, crossing his arms again. ā€œThatā€™s a little interesting gift you have. Does it only work for Pokemon?ā€ Rui possessed something similar. Although she couldnā€™t read the minds of Pokemon or levitate any itemsā€¦though her having those powers wouldā€™ve been helpful in stopping Cipher and Snagemā€”making it slightly easier. ā€œItā€™s not much of a legend, is it? You possess the gift, so the legend is true.ā€
Yellow frowned, and glanced back once more at the spot Wes had claimed he had seen something move. Her amber eyes then turned back to him.
"I'm not sure. I've never tried it on a human before. I don't want to read their memories and stuff, after all it's there own personalĀ business. I would feel like I'm intruding."The Viridian Healer explained. She stared at him silently for a moment, thinking. Why would he prefer it here? This place was super creepy!Ā 
"You said Orre didn't have a lot of wild Pokemon, right?"She asked, tilting her head."Did you ever travel to another region for training?"That would be the only way to get some decent training hours. You could battle wild Pokemon instead of one trainer after another.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
ā€œCan you really?ā€ That was interesting. He only knew of Rui for having a strange power. Yellow had one also? He snorted slightly. ā€œI donā€™t think you wouldā€™ve been able to live in Orre, then. Not with all the Shadow Pokemon running around.ā€ Wes couldnā€™t imagine the extent of what those Pokemon were feeling. He had an idea, after being attacked on multiple occasions by them, but to be able to know the full extentā€¦it wouldā€™ve been a curse for anyone who was in his region at the time. ā€œā€¦the outside world?ā€ Outside of the hotel? Honestlyā€¦Wes felt like he was back in Snagem Base. Trapped. There were exits, of course, in the base but the feeling was still the same. ā€œAhā€¦yes. I guess you could say I miss it, Yellow. I prefer it to this place, anyway.ā€ He glanced up from Yellow, looking down the hallway for a second before something moving caught his eye. He tensed at the shadow; his hand reaching towards his belt for one of his Pokemon. ā€œā€¦Yellow, do you see that?ā€ He motioned with his head. Maybe he was finally losing it.
Yellow nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly and she avoided his eyes.
"My full name is Yellow de Viridian Grove. It means "Yellow of Viridian Forest". There's a legend that every seven years, a child will be born blessed with the powers of Viridian. Along with healing them and reading their minds and emotions, I can raise their power levels and and I can also levitate some items."Items as a Pokeball. She had never tried anything heavier than that.
The Viridian Healer frowned. Wes was probably right, even thinking about the Shadow Pokemon made her sad, and also a little angry at the people who caused it, even though one of those people was her friend.
Her head snapped up and she stared at him in disbelief.
"You prefer this place? Ho-"Yellow stopped herself. Everyone's circumstances was better, and before Wes had mention he really didn't have a lot of connections. Plus he was once part of a team that caused pain to Pokemon and the people of Orre, causing them to shun him.
So, instead of finishing her question, she looked down to where Wes was staring, a curious look on her face.
"See anything..? No."Yellow hoped he had just been imagining it. If they had to battle, both people and Pokemon could get hurt.
"What did you see?"
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
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a-british-gentleman started following you
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shibaku started following you
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shockingvolktage started following you
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"Um..hello!"She smiled slightly.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
He tilted his head slightly to the side. ā€œYouā€™re a Trainerā€¦and you donā€™t like fighting?ā€ That made a lot of sense. Why did she have Pokemon, then? Unless she was likeā€¦a Coordinator or whatever they were called? She didnā€™t really looked like oneā€¦of course he didnā€™t know what one would look like to begin with. He only knew of them because of Ruiā€”she would tell him about the things she would read in the magazines she bought. Old habits die hard, maybe? No, he shook his head at the thought. Heā€™d somehow earn Orreā€™s trust again. Fein. It was mostly his fault. Thatā€™s what he liked to tell himself, anyway. That fuckingĀ doppelganger. Wesā€™ eyes widened slightly at what she said about him being her friend. He only knew this girl for whatā€¦a week maybe? A little longer? She already considered them friends? ā€¦granted he didnā€™t really know how this ā€œfriendā€ thing worked, either. Rui was the only one close to himā€”he didnā€™t really have to do much for her to like him. Just save her from those idiot Peons and bam, she followed him around, calling him her ā€œgallant princeā€ or somethingā€¦ ā€œā€¦youā€™re welcome? I thinkā€¦?ā€ The exSnagger didnā€™t know how to respond to that. Oh sure, no problem. Iā€™m glad I saved all those Pokemon?Ā He didā€¦but it wasnā€™t his first thought after he blew up Snagem Base. Rui made the decision for himā€”to save the Shadow Pokemonā€¦being very adamant about it too. ā€œI guess so, Yellowā€¦ā€ He knit his eyebrows together, slightly confused.Ā 
Yellow nodded."You see..I can sense the pain and emotions of Pokemon, and when they battle, I can feel the pain they feel. Plus, I just don't like seeing anyone or thing getting hurt, so I try not to battle unless it'sĀ necessary."That was just Yellow's nature. Although she didn't battle often, that didn't make her weak. This girl had took on the Elite Four, and defeated Lance. That was nothing easy in the least bit.
Yellow barely had any idea what a Coordinator was. She had heard Ruby mention it when she was in Hoenn after being turned to stone. It had something to do with the beauty of Pokemon, right? OrĀ similar...
As for the friend part, Yellow would call anyone she liked hanging around with her friend. She also felt her and Wes were past theĀ acquaintanceĀ level.
A soft giggle escaped her lips. Wes was really awkward, and was obviously not good with people. She found that cute. That was something they shared..well kinda. Yellow didn't mind being around people as it was males. The girl had disguised her real gender when she first started her journey, and everyone thought she was a male. Whenever anyone would call her a "he" afterwords, she was always too shy to correct them, so the Viridian Healer would just let them believe what they want.
"Wes-san, do you miss the outside world?"She asked.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
He scoffed slightly while crossing his arms, putting his barriers back up. Who would like the fact that he was one of them? The Trainers he snagged their Pokemon from wouldnā€™t forgive him. And the Trainers he snagged the Shadow Pokemon from were pissed. Who wouldnā€™t? They still eye him with uncertainty. Everyone knows who he isā€”they know what the machine on his left arm can do. He was certain they only tolerated him because he got rid of Cipher and Snagem and purified the Pokemon. To be honest, he wasnā€™t sure why Yellow was thanking him. ā€œWhy are you thanking me. You wouldā€™ve done the same thing too, correct?ā€
"Yes."The blonde said, looking up at him."At least that's what I would like to say. I'm not as brave or as strong as other people, and I don't like fighting. Even if I did try, I'd probably just end up making everything worse."She smiled sadly."Besides, that doesn't change the fact that you and Rui helped the Pokemon, so I should thank you!"
Yellow really didn't see him with any suspicious. She saw a good guy who was on her side, and just had a little bit of a mess up in the past. Yellow herself wasn't innocent. She had tried to kill Lance. Granted, he tried to do the same, but that didn't change the fact she had tried to take someone else's life.
A bright smile now, her amber eyes shining."Besides, you're my friend. And to think that my friend did something that amazing deserve a thanks at the least."A soft giggle escaped the young girl's lips.
"Don't you think so, Wes-san?"
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
ā€œBeing so friendly in a place like this is p-pretty brave!ā€ Feigning a smile, the girl shut her eyes. In all honesty, it was brave. Minatsuki could have easily showed her true side. Minatsuki could have easily disliked her. But, something was actually pretty okay with the short-fry.
Yellowā€™s question made her a bit nervous.
Do I just fucking say it? ā€˜Yeah, I kill people. I was locked up in some crazy amusement park prisonā€™. Everyoneā€™s heard of Deadman, right?? No, I canā€™t..
ā€œIā€¦ was sentenced to serve a term in prison.ā€ Minatsuki said with a soft whimper, half telling the truth. ā€œM-My father tried to touch me and I-Iā€¦ I killed him. The police arrested me and ā€¦ā€ Lifting her hands up, the chained shackles was proof of her sins. Minatsuki forced a smile, even through her lies, lowering her head just a bit.
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ā€œItā€™s okay though. I-I canā€™t try and just ignore it. Iā€™m use to the chains, you donā€™t have to worry!ā€
These fuckers are heavy though..
Looking to the door, the hummingbird would nod. ā€œOf course.. Anything is better then just standing around hereā€¦! Itā€™s so sad with all the flowers dead.ā€
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Yellow looked shocked, and horrified. Why would someone do that to their own daughter?
"I-I'm sorry for bringing that up! I understand why you did it, though."Although Yellow would have tried anything other then killing, the female probably didn't see any other way.
"I'm happy you're safe now, though."The blonde smiled brightly at the female."And I'm here to protect you too, so it's okay now!"
Yellow frowned slightly. It was sad to see these dead flowers here.
"Yes..but maybe we can find new ones to plant?"The Healer highly doubt that they would, but there was no damage in hoping. The blonde turned, heading to the door."Let's just get out of here."
[open] dead flowers
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
Smiling weakly, she looked around, shuffling the think chain-link shackles hanging from her wrist. ā€œN-no, the cafeteria is this way!ā€ Sheā€™d point the way she came, only to see there was no door anymore. The door had completely vanished.
ā€œOh, I guess notā€¦ Why does it keep changing!?ā€ Minatsuki cried out softly, but internally..
ā€œYellow ā€” youā€™re so brave and kind!ā€
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Even if Yellow sensed how she truly felt, she should be happy she wasnā€™t thinking of torturing her for her own sick pleasure. But, Minatsuki had no trouble showing her true sideĀ  ā€” look at that guy with the gun, after all!
ā€œNo, I donā€™t think I doā€¦ I just wish I could go home. I donā€™t know why someone is being so mean to keep us here.ā€ Pouting a bit, she glanced upwards in an attempt to change the subject.
ā€œI-I would explore a bit more, but itā€™s hard for me to find my way around. See, the door I came from isnā€™t here anymore.ā€
Fucking pieces of shit.
Amber eyes shifted to the chains. What was that doing around there? Only criminals or people being torture were put in things like that. Did she think it was a bracelet or something?
Yellow blushed at the brave comment.
"I-I'm not that brave! I just want to help out my friend!"
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"Minatsuki-chan, what's with that bracelet around your wrist?"The blonde ask, pointing at it. There was no harm in asking, right? And if she didn't want to answer, she didn't have to. Sh
"Sorry if it's personal. You don't have to answer."
Yellow frowned slightly at the girl's question. Why would someone lock them in here? Minatsuki didn't belong here.
Looking around, Yellow looked for another entrance.
"Hmm.."Pointing to one, she turned her head back to the female."Want to try heading in there?"
[open] dead flowers
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
The calm and comforting words were wiser then her age, it seemed. It made Minatsukiā€™s eye twitch with disapproval.
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Iā€¦I could have strung you up by your own blonde hair. Cut you like a Christmas ham and watched your insides spill to the floor. But why havenā€™t I..?! DONā€™T FUCKING TELL ME I LIKE THIS LITTLE HALF SIZED PEDO-BAITā€¦
Smiling through gritted teeth, all Minatsuki could do was nod as she shook her pinky back slowly.
ā€œI-I donā€™t think I really n-need much. My h-hotel room seems more then what Iā€™m use to and I know where the food cafeteria isā€¦ā€ Or did she? The damn thing changed so much.
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ā€œI donā€™t want to be a bother. Iā€™m a big girl, after all!ā€
"That's true, you are a big girl, but everyone needs someone to depend on."The Viridian Healer said, thinking of her childhood hero, and friend, Red. She had depended on him a lot, and owed a lot to him too.
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"The cafeteria? I don't know where that is, but I'll help you find it!"Yellow smiled."You're not a bother at all! I like helping people, so doing this makes me happy."
It was a good thing Yellow was naive or else this pint-size pedo-bait might have caught on the dark thoughts inside this girl's head. It was also a good thing that her mind-readingĀ abilitiesĀ only worked on Pokemon and not humans.
"Do you need help with anything else?"
[open] dead flowers
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
Casting her eyes downward, the former Deadman just nodded. ā€œI heard about itā€¦ I d-donā€™t know why weā€™d be trapped. I didnā€™t do anythingā€¦ā€
Fucking hell, I could barely keep a straight face saying that shit.
The next sentence took the young murderer by shock. Did thisā€¦. girl really think she can get them out of here? Did she really want to protect someone she just fucking met? Minatsuki didnā€™t know what to say, looking at the pinky as if it was a foreign concept.
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S-Stop being niceā€¦. and cuteā€¦ God fucking DAMN it, why canā€™t I just fucking kill you?!
Gritting her teeth into a small smile, she hooked her own pinky against Yellowā€™s. ā€œO-Okay, I trust youā€¦!ā€
It's because she's jailbait.
"You don't deserve to be here. No one does."Yellow said, a sad smile on her face that turned into determination as the two locked pinkies."But that's why I'm going to get you out of here! I promise!"
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"Even though we just met, I consider you my friend."The Viridian Healer smiled."I'm glad you trust me! I trust you too! Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
[open] dead flowers
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
He chuckled. He never thought of himself as a good person. Just someone fixing what he started. ā€œI thinkā€¦just you, Yellow. You and your friends. And many others, but. Noā€¦I donā€™t consider myself a ā€œgood person.ā€ ā€œ He never really intended to tell Yellow about the Shadow Pokemon or who was Snagging the Pokemon for them to do the experiment onā€¦but she kept asking questions pertaining to it and honestly, he was tired of beating around the bush. Might as well as be honest. ā€œYellowā€¦ Cipher. They were creating Shadow Pokemon. Shadow Pokemon areā€¦theyā€™re not afraid to attack humans. Cipher closed the door to their heart and made themā€¦basically slaves to do whatever they wanted them to do. Cipher wanted ā€œworld dominationā€ or something like that.ā€ He shook his head. ā€œSnagemā€¦they stole the Pokemon from trainers to give to Cipher so they could do this. Turn them into Shadow Pokemon. Iā€¦I was the Snagger.ā€ He sighed. Telling this all to someone for the first time wasā€¦weird. Rui was there so she didnā€™t have to be filled in all the way butā€¦ ā€œI stole the Pokemon from Trainers to give to Gonzap, who is Team Snagemā€™s leader. I was a part of that. Andā€¦what Rui could do was see the aura they gave off. The Shadow Pokemon. Humans canā€™t see it so no one would really know if a Pokemon was a Shadow Pokemon or not. But Rui could see it so thatā€™s how she helped me.ā€ ā€œI left Snagem after I learned what they were doing to the Pokemon. I stole the portable Snag Machine,ā€ he gestured at his left arm, ā€œdestroyed the base, along with the larger Snag Machine, and left.ā€ He looked at her, wary of what her reaction would be.Ā ā€œTake that as what you will.ā€
"...?"The girl gave him a questioning look. Why didn't he consider himself a good person? He took down Chiper and Snagem, right? That was always good!
As the male began to explain everything that the two teams did, it only made her believe that was more great then before. What those people were doing was wrong, it was as simple as that. He saw that and stopped them.
And then he explained that he was apart of that team at one point.
"...."Silence. Yellow wasn't sure how to respond. How could someone that was as good as Wes be a part of a team as bad as Team Snagem and Team Chiper? That..that didn't make any sense?
After a few more moments of silence, Yellow began to speak.
"Well...as much as I don't like the fact you were apart of those teams, you did help stop them, and you helped Pokemon everywhere by doing that."The Healer smiled at the male.
"Thank you so much for doing that, Wes-san!"
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
Oz turned around to take a look at the stranger suddenly approaching him. Their fashion sense was really plain, but it looked really nice on them. All of the yellow, and country like look really made a difference in the darkness of the hotel. It was a good change of the mood here.
He nodded, ā€œYeah! Iā€™m great!ā€ He gave the stranger a thumbs up, ā€œJust a little confuse I suppose?ā€ Maybe more than a little confuse. More like very confused. The events that happened so suddenly today really caught theĀ  boy off guard, he wasnā€™t really sure what steps he should approach to fix this whole problem up. Ifā€¦ He could find that problem that is.
"Confused about what?"The blonde asked, tilting her head as her amber eyes stayed trained on the male. Perhaps he was confused about what was happening here? Yellow knew she was when she had first gotten here.
"I'm not really sure what's going on myself, but from what I've been told.."She began."...we're basically trapped here. That man in the suit trapped us here, and I can't find a way out."
That was simple enough to understand, right?
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
Oz was still stranded in the middle of the lobby. The place was deadly silent, minus a few whispers that he could feel creeping up from the dirty floors. Was this place haunted? It looked haunted. Cobwebs hanging in some of the corners, no light sources in sight and a general feeling of stiffness in the air. He wrapped his arms around himself, clutching his arms and rubbing them to give himself some warmth. Either this place was just naturally frigid or someone forgot to install a fireplace.Ā 
This place couldnā€™t have been abandoned though. Hotels are never really abandoned are they? The place looked rather nice on the outside.
ā€œHello?ā€ Oz called out, he didnā€™t call out too loud though, he didnā€™t want to disturb anyone but he wanted to know if anyone was still out thereā€¦
"Hi there!"Contrast to the darkness that surrounded them, a bright, happy-looking, blonde female stepped forward towards the male.
"Are you okay?"She asked, tilting her head. She had blonde hair sticking out of her straw hat that concealed a long, blonde ponytail. A yellow tunic is what she wore over a black-turtle neck sweater,along with some blue jeans, and purple boots. The Healer looked like a male in this outfit, the dark setting of the room not helping any to illuminate her femininity.
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
How does the good continue to prevail? How does the good continue to prevail?Ā Yellowā€™s words haunted Wes. He had no idea. She was right..about everything. There were thousands of members of each organization. Butā€¦not each one of them were bad. At leastā€¦ ā€œā€¦not every single one of them are bad people. They can change.ā€ He was an example of that. He hoped, at least, more Snagem members would change too. See that what they were doing was wrong. If Gonzap changed thenā€¦then most of them would go along with him. ā€œPeople like us, Yellow. At least, thatā€™s what I like to think. Weā€¦we help good prevail. Even if they areā€¦thousands of people in these sinister organizations, there are a thousand more people who would never harm Pokemon.ā€ He smiled at her response. Red must be someone very close to her, it would seem. ā€œAhā€¦yes. Rui. Sheā€™s the one who helped me defeat Cipher and Snagem. Sheā€™s not a Trainer herself butā€¦I wouldnā€™t of been able to do that without her.ā€
Yellow stared at the male, her amber eyes void of all emotions before a smile tugged at her lipped.
"You're right. I just wish most people wouldn't do bad things in the first place. Seeing Pokemon get hurt for the selfishness of people make me sad. But, at least I know that there are good people like you out there."
"Rui? I'm guessing that's your friend."The blonde said, and looked at him. She wasn't a trainer?"How did she help you then? Could she heal Pokemon or something?"If she wasn't a trainer and couldn't fight, then wouldn't she only get in the way? Wes would constantly have to protect her. That's what Yellow thought at least, seeing how she was oblivious to the Shadow PokemonĀ incident.Ā 
"What did Chipher and Snagem do, anyway? Besides steal and hurt Pokemon, mean."They had to have a bigger goal then being bullies, right?
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healer-of-viridian-blog Ā· 13 years
He felt slightly bad for cutting Yellow off so soon. It was weirdā€¦he was enjoying talking to her. The only other person he enjoyed having company with was Ruiā€¦and she wasnā€™t here. Telling her he was a part of what was going on with the Shadow Pokemonā€¦he wasnā€™t sure how sheā€™d react. Rui took it wellā€”but he was sure it was partly because she was in love with him. He laughed slightly at that thought. ā€œAh? So you have an organization also? I wonder if all the Regions doā€¦ā€ Thatā€™s terrible if itā€™s true. Was there no one Region that was peaceful? Wild Pokemon, though. Heā€™d never caught a wild one before. Heā€™d have to visit Kanto one dayā€”along with the other Regions. ā€œRed? He sounds powerful if he took out Team Rocketā€¦ā€ Of course, heā€™d want to battle this Red person too. He wouldnā€™t miss a chance to battle someone strong. ā€œItā€™s good to hear that your home is back to normal, Yellow.ā€
Yellow frowned slightly."I've heard that they do. There are a lot of bad people in this world, isn't there?"She turned her attention away from the male."It sometimes makes me wonder if there really are any good people. All of thoseĀ organizations....the ones that hurt and abuse those poor Pokemon...they all have hundreds, maybe even thousands of members. If are that many bad people in this world, tell me.."The Healer turned her head, locking eyes with him.
"How does the good continue to prevail?"She wasn't complaining about it, she liked it that way, but she would like it better if those kinds of people didn't exist. Why would they hurt a Pokemon like that? Even if they couldn't feel the pain of Pokemon like she could, shouldn't they be able to see it on there faces?
A innocent smiled was on her lips now.
"Yeah! Red-san is really strong! He's the strongest person in the whole world-at least I think she is."The blonde said happily.
"Oh..and what about you, Wes-san? Do you have any friends?"
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His smile faded slightly. Home. Home wasā€¦Snagem Base? Which he left and destroyed soā€¦ He closed his eyes after putting his P*DA up, shoving those thoughts out of his head. ā€œThatā€™s correct. Cipher was theā€¦,ā€ he made air quotations with his fingers, ā€œmainĀ organization, if you want to say.Ā Although they wouldā€™ve not made it as long as they did without the help of Team Snagemā€¦ā€ Wes shifted his eyes off of Yellow to the hallway near them. ā€œAhā€¦yes. I did. With the help of a friend of mineā€¦we disbanded them. They couldnā€™t do what they were doing to the Pokemon any longer.ā€ He didnā€™t want to talk about Team Snagem or Cipher or the Shadow Pokemon anymore. It just made him remember that a lot of that was his fault. ā€œWhat about Kanto?ā€ He tried to change the subject to her region, looking back at her. ā€œWhat is it like?ā€Ā 
"..."Yellow listened closely as the male spoke, curious to why his smile had faded a few moments ago. Why would he be so depress if he help disband an organization that hurt Pokemon? Yellow would be proud of that.Ā 
She opened her mouth to ask him what exactly they were doing, but was cut off by his question. It looked like he didn't want to talk about any more then he already had. Maybe they hurt one of his family members and brought up bad memories? The blonde suddenly felt guilty.
"Kanto has a bunch of wild Pokemon everywhere! Team Rocket used to steal Pokemon from other trainers and from there homes, and force them to work for them. They wanted to become something like kings. At least that's what Red-san told me."The girl smiled, thinking of her childhood hero. It then struck her this guy probably didn't know who Red was.
"Red is the champion of Kanto. He defeated Team Rocket."She explained quickly.
"Where I'm from in Viridian Forest, there used to be lots of wild Pokemon that didn't belong there. Team Rocket caused that, but it's back to normal."The Viridian Healer smiled happily, not mentioning about the battle with Lance or when she was turned to stone. She'll save that for a later day.
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