Okay! I’ve transferred most of the posts over to an independent blog right over here. The name is the same (tanchozuru), and I’ll be conducting all activity over there and leave this one as the Awkward Sideblog that I will prob never touch again LOL
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I really hate sideblogs after all LOL I’m going to make a separate blog for Tsurumaru, but since I do want all the content over there too, I’m gonna be... manually transferring all the posts I’ve reblogged onto that blog. I’m sorry if it means you get a shit ton of notifications s w e a t s
will make a new post linking to the blog once I’m done tho o/
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Indeed, what was he proposing? He had an idea, one that he’d been contemplating it and nurturing it and toying with for weeks now, but it was never anything he treated as more than a passing fancy. Yet now, speaking with Mikazuki likes this, giving words to the thoughts and realities he’d always known as distant dreams and vague notions...
(Ah--the start of the grand stage.)
“Haha, well...”
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“You’ll just have to wait to find out. But it’ll be fun--one of the best surprises you’ve ever seen.” He smiled, the sort that was both here and there, close yet distant, and set his teacup down. Despite the pleasant aroma, he hadn’t taken a single sip. “I’ll be counting on you, Mikazuki.”
Surprise me too.
-『三日月』- HE GLANCED down at his tea. “Do you long for peace then?” he queried, staring at those quicksilver eyes, his own at peace. “Do you desire to rest at a shrine for the rest of your days? Somehow I doubt that – we are not yet the old men we claim to be,” Masters were mere masters to him, many having made no impression upon him even if they changed and charted the world that was laid out upon their feet. Strangely enough this saniwa of theirs use him as the blade that he had been forged, to slice and cut and defend as rather than as a trophy, a platitude, a decoration to hang one’s side and wasting away. Truth be told, Mikazuki Munechika hadn’t had this much fun in centuries. 
And Tsurumaru’s last statement caught his interest. 
“So what are you proposing then?”
He had an aged memory, of Sanjo Munechika calling him magnificent and the most wondrous of his creations. Of the swordsmith leading him by hand through the winding roads of Edo to meet his first master - a young and ambitious lord. “You - your masters shall accomplish greatness by your blade,” although what a lie that had turned out to be. 
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“No, it’s not that.”
My, my... had he seemed so broody that Mikazuki thought him to be grieving? What a silly thought. If he truly felt grief anymore at the passing of any master, he was sure to have lost his mind centuries ago. And besides, despite all his aversion towards greed and covetous desire, was Tsurumaru not one of the greediest swords of them all? Always keeping good fortune and longevity for himself and offering none of it to those who laid claim on him, watching his masters pass like the seasons until even that word, master, meant something far removed and distant...
(Haha... perhaps ultimately, he was just as human as they were.)
“In the end, greed is extremely predictable, too. I used to think, I wonder how far they’ll go this time, and they constantly surprised me. Killing others, desecrating graves, robbing from shrines... there really didn’t seem to be any limit to what they’d do for something they wanted, and it grew boring very quickly.”
So--curtains parting for the final act, the climax to a story that’s gone on too long, the most surprising end that no one could ever have expected...
“Say, Mikazuki--don’t you think it’s time for something more?”
-『三日月』- “OF COURSE,” Mikazuki went contentedly back to sipping at his tea, although dark blue eyes continued to watch him. He still found the comment from Tsurumaru about death surprising, an otherwise mar on a beautiful day. “It is quite difficult to return to places that have caused us grief, you are not and need not shoulder this burden alone Tsurumaru-san -” 
He poured himself another cup of steaming tea, still watching the white haired tachi although the intensity had drained out. Mikazuki had too been - agitated at Osaka like something cold had echoed in his chest, something flitting under the surface making his sure hands clammy. Did he - could he have changed history? “Are not all humans rather greedy though? Always desiring and coveting - but that is what makes life interesting. Or as you say, surprising -” he continued, unfazed. 
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Casual scroller here, your drabble was unexpected, but a surprise and pleasure to read ~ Angsty crane is best crane. /cough ♥
!!!!!!!! SHOUTS LOUDLY oh gosh thank you very much! ; v ; that’s so kind of you to say and i’m v v v glad you liked it
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“Mm...” One second, then two, and then he’s finally blinking his eyes open from his nap. “A storm...?”
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(bird grandpas being Ichigo’s… wingmen )
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とうけん + くになが │ みすず (Pixiv Id 857967)
Character: Tsurumaru Kuninaga Game: Touken Ranbu
※ Authorized reprint
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“...Salt. But, as usual, you didn’t look surprised at all. You’re so merciless, Uguisu.”
Still, he took the cup from his companion’s hands and looked down at the tea, brow furrowed in thought. He was absolutely certain he put more than enough salt, so why was it that a tea fanatic like Uguisumaru hardly reacted at all?
Hesitantly, he brought it to his lips, if only to make sure--
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--and then promptly spat it out, with his face twisting immediately in disgust. “Eugh! How could you not have tasted that?”
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“… What else is it supposed to taste like the, Tsuru?” Uguisumaru wasn’t sure if another moment taken to taste it again once more, though his mouth was rather worn from how unpleasant it was. But it wasn’t worth making a fuss about. Whatever was in this beverage, it wasn’t tea. He holds his cup to Tsurumaru, confident that he should taste it himself if it should be described differently. 
“Try it for yourself.”
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...A joke; of course. It’d been so obvious, and she honestly wasn’t that phenomenal of an actress, anyway. Had he really fallen for it regardless...?
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“...Gotcha!” Tsurumaru laughed, grinning wide and bright as he was wont to do. “I really surprised you there, didn’t I?”
【  歩美  】  
            His reaction certainly had surprised her, with the blade knocked from her grip away by force, she would’ve never thought he would respond this way… to her small, questionable prank. ❝ T-Tsurumaru-san…! ❞ By just observing his serious reaction, it seemed that she was getting beyond the limit. 
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            ❝ G-Gomenasai… I was just— ❞ her gaze averted away, now looking down at her hands, ❝ t-trying to prank on you… I’m s-so sorry… Please… forgive me… for making you worry… ❞
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What did he want? What a peculiar thing to ask. After all, in the end, was he not just a sword? Whether he was used in battle or coveted as a prize, honored as an heirloom or cherished as an imperial treasure, was it not a ridiculous concept to think, to hope, that he could be entitled to something more than what was given? 
...Perhaps it had been at one point, but through the saniwa’s magic, he was given form. He was given a chance. It was something new and surprising, something wholly different from what he’d seen in years past, and foolishly, hopefully, he wondered if this was ultimately yet another manifestation of the twisted chain they called good fortune. Because with this--with him being able to wield himself, to make his own decisions, to function and act independently if he so wished, was it not every mark of a climax? The beginning of the end, the finale, the final closing of the main scene that had gone on for far too long...
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Easily--naturally, instinctively, habitually--a smile lightened his features, and a pale hand reached out to pat Bel’s head. “To ask such a serious question so suddenly... haha, it really surprised me for a moment there, little master.”
“No.” Even humans grew tired of life, and their lifespans were much shorter than that of swords. On occasion, Tsurumaru’s words were cold, and there were heavy hints of emotional detachment on his end. At first she thought she had been paranoid, but…
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“If that’s really the case…what do you want, Tsurumaru-san?” Had anyone asked what the blades had ever really wanted before? No, that was unlikely, considering before this incident they had only been swords previously. “Would you like to cease existing?”
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(“Tsurumaru? It’s a good name.”
“Yes; it is in hopes that it will bring you good fortune and longevity.”)
And yet, again and again--
(“Haha... like this, I look like a crane, right?”) 
He lunged forward, knocking the blade out of her hand with more force than necessary. “What do you think you’re doing?”
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【  歩美  】  
            ❝ D-do not stop me Tsurumaru-san! I have made my mind to repent all of my mistakes and die in honor as a Fujiwara…! Farewell…! ❞ as she pretended to plunge the sharp edge of the dagger to her chest.
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Green tea kitkat grandpa
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green tea kitkats
last week i bought 3 bags of it bc they were on sale at the market and im already down to 1..........
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“O-Oi, wait--that’s a little drastic, don’t you think?”
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【  歩美  】  
             ❝ I am such a failure of a saniwa… To repent all of the mistakes that I have made, I shall commit a seppuku—! ❞
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“Is something wrong? You look a little panicked.”
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⊰ 雨 ⊱
That moment when you realize that something important is missing from your room.
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