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Created over the millennia, healing crystals harness the life giving elements of the Earth and the universe. Harnessing the energy of the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans, semi-precious stones connect us to Earth as soon as we come into contact with them. Many people wonder if crystals have healing powers, and while there are many anecdotes describing the curative effects of healing stones, it really depends on your own experience. It takes a conscious effort to open your heart and mind to the power of crystal healing, but once you begin, the journey is studded with beautiful, mysterious, and unique crystals that will rock your world.
What can crystals do for me?
If you’re just beginning to use crystals, a great way to harness their healing power is by using healing stones for manifesting your intentions and what you want to create in your life. When it comes to crystal basics, these otherworldly rocks connect us to the Earth because they are tangible, physical forms that have powerful vibrations. This energy continues to connect with you when you wear these intention crystals close to the skin or place them in your environment. With every thought and intention, these crystals pick up on your unique vibrational energy and amplify the positive vibes that you’re cultivating.
In this magical world of vibrations, crystal energy helps you on your spiritual journey because it works to hold your intention and remind you of your connection to the Earth. A well thought out intention is the starting point for healing crystals because specific intentions instilled into your daily thought patterns also become part of its energy.
Why do crystals work?
Clear Quartz has been on Earth since the beginning of time and ancient civilizations have used crystals as protective talismans, peace offerings, and jewelry. Today, quartz makes up 12% of the Earth’s crust and is used in almost every kind of technology, including time keeping, electronics, information storage, and more. If it’s possible for crystals to communicate through computer chips, then isn’t it possible that this vibrational energy could be transformed in other ways? And with its connection to the Earth and its life giving elements, it makes sense that crystals are universally healing, especially since they’ve made their mark in almost every civilization before us.
One of the first pieces of scientific evidence relating to the power of crystals is the work done by IBM scientist Marcel Vogel. While watching crystals grow under a microscope, he noticed that their shape took the form of whatever he was thinking about. He hypothesized that these vibrations are the result of the constant assembling and disassembling of bonds between molecules. He also tested the metaphysical power of quartz crystal and proved that rocks can store thoughts similar to how tapes use magnetic energy to record sound.
Albert Einstein said everything in life is vibration, and just like sound waves, your thoughts match the vibrations of everything that manifests in your life. Therefore, if you think crystals have healing potential, the positive vibes of the stones will amplify those thoughts.
At every moment, we have the ability to choose our thoughts and as we continue our journey, each day presents us with new challenges and wonderful beginnings. Healing crystals remind us to quiet the chatter of the mind and reconnect to the universally healing vibrations of the Earth. An important lesson to learn from crystals is patience, because just like the eons of time it took for these semi-precious stones to evolve and transform, working with the healing power of crystals also takes time. As you learn, grow, and evolve, use crystals as a reminder to be grateful for the abundance of Mother Nature and the great mysteries of the universe.
How do I choose a crystal?
Healing crystals have been used since ancient times, so there is a wealth of knowledge and experience that has been handed down from generation to generation. Once you know the crystal basics, use your intuition to choose the right healing stones for your spiritual journey. Crystal experts often say that the crystal chooses you instead of the other way around. Walk around the room and see what crystals stand out to you. Whether it’s the dazzling colors or otherworldly shapes and patterns that draw you in, each crystal has a unique vibrational energy that works to clear blockages and ward off negative energy.
Finding the right stone is like any practice of wellness. It requires patience while you quiet the mind and realign the mind/body balance. Hold the stone in your hand and quietly think of your intention. Notice if you feel sensations such as hot or cold, pulsations, or calmness and tranquility. These are all signs that this particular rock is perfect for your healing needs.
It also helps to identify a particular problem or challenge you’re currently facing. If you’re having trouble concentrating, Fluorite help clear mental and emotional confusion, which can prevent concentration. To bring abundance into your life, citrine helps you manifest your dreams by channeling the positive vibrations of the sun. Carnelian is a powerful crystal to get the creative juices flowing.
If you have difficulty letting go of old ideas that are no longer serving you, Black Tourmaline is a powerful gemstone for releasing unwanted patterns that may have turned into bad habits. It helps release all the negative energy in your body and within your energy field. This stone also serves as a talisman for protection, which is essential if you’re the type of person that easily picks up on other people’s energy. Hematite is great for deflecting the negative moods of others by grounding you and reconnecting your spirit to the energy of the Earth.
If you’re seeking more tranquility and calm in your life, amethyst is one of the best intention crystals for relieving stress and bringing balance back into your life. Another gemstone that helps balance out emotions is moonstone, which gives you support when you’re feeling overly emotional or out of touch with your feelings. Rose quartz is also helpful for emotional well being because it opens and realigns the heart chakra, which magnifies feelings of self-love and the unconditional love of others.
Whether you’re seeking out gemstones for their physical beauty or to bring peace and tranquility into your life, they all work to increase your vibrational frequency. If you feel good when you hold the crystal in your hand or have it touching your skin, get ready for opportunity to rock with this ancient healing art.
What is an intention?
Thoughts create vibrations throughout the universe, which makes setting intentions a powerful tool for achieving happiness and well-being. Having a clear purpose provides us with insight into our aspirations, dreams, and values. It also helps us live in the present moment instead of being caught in negative thought patterns. Intentions are like magnets. They attract what will make them come true. Setting an intention is a powerful tool for achieving happiness. Crafting an intention starts by setting goals that align with your values, aspirations, and purpose.
Decide what matters to you. Your values drive the actions in your life, and you’ll need to recognize what truly matters to you if you want to find fulfillment.
Explore areas of your life that need an upgrade. Consider how you can improve your relationships, career, social life, spirituality, health, and community.
Be specific about what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, and why.
Bring your intentions to life. Certain rituals in the following chapters will ask you to write them down. Make sure you write them in the present tense, as if they’re happening now, and affirm only what you want. You should also write down your goal, the end result of what you wish to manifest. Put feeling into it!
I have my crystal. Now what do I do?
One of the most important, and often overlooked, components to working with healing crystals if setting your intention, or programming. In our own words, you have to give your crystal a job and a purpose! Crystals want to work for you, but you have to tell it what to do. In the moments when you’re vibrating at a lower frequency, your intentions can fly out the window. When you reconnect with your programmed crystal, it will help you remember your goals and limitless potential.
Programming your crystal is simple. The first step is to cleanse your crystal. You can choose your preferred method of clearing, and what resonates with you the most. Immerse your crystal in the smoke of a burning sage stick, Frankincense resin or Copal incense. Place your crystal out under the light of the sun or the full moon for at least 4 hours. Bury your crystal in the Earth and allow it to become recharged with Earth energy. If it’s a smaller crystal, you can place it on top of a Clear Quartz crystal or selenite crystal to clear and cleanse any stuck energy.
Next, hold your crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Reflect on your faith, the Earth, and what makes you happy. This will connect you with your highest vibration. Your highest vibration may be associated with a religious or spiritual belief, God, or simply a divine power that’s greater than you. Or it may be associated with a scientific connection—zero point energy. You decide what to call it. Then, while in this space of love and light, ask that your crystal be cleared of all unwanted energy or previous programming.
Aloud or in your head, say: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy or any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of . . .” To finish the sentence, add three intentions for your crystal—energies that you wish it to hold for you. End by repeating “thank you” three times. By saying it three times, you emphasize that what you’re asking for already exists in the universe.
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Here's a Crash Course in Healing Crystals
Channel your inner Spencer Pratt.
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So you’re ready to dabble in crystals? Welcome, my child of the moon. Crystals have grown more popular thanks to the recent wellness boom, the good people of Los Angeles, Spencer Pratt, and our humanistic need to search for small bits of hope in dire times—but they actually stem from ancient practices and rituals. The idea—if you're willing to be chill and suspend skeptism—is that crystals attract certain energies from the universe and can be used as healing tools to direct and amplify intentions. A particular crystal might have targeted characteristics to guide your spiritual journey.
So, whether you’re dabbling in crystals for personal peace of doing it for the ‘gram, we put together a helpful how-to guide for starting a crystal collection.
With the help of Sadie Kadlec, the crystal specialist at Maha Rose healing center in Brooklyn, we broke down the basics of selecting crystals, charging crystals, setting intentions with crystals, and where exactly to begin.
What exactly are healing crystals?
“All crystals are healing crystals,” explained Kadlec. The stones date back millions of years and were formed during the earliest part of Earth’s creation.
What healing crystals should you invest in?
Kadlec notes that there isn’t one specific healing crystal you should invest in but instead suggests finding ones that fit your personal needs. “Select a crystal that calls out to you based on characteristics, properties, and energies that you’re looking to enhance in your life,” says Kadlec. “Each person is on their own journey and as such, their needs are unique.” For instance, one person may need help focusing and use amethyst to address a challenge, while another may be working on enhancing courage and find working with carnelian enhances that pursuit.” It really depends on your personal journey and what you are seeking from healing crystals.
Do healing crystals actually work?
Skeptics, look away. Kadlec explains that it varies from each person. For her? They do. Of course, a crystals benefits depends very much on expectation and intention. If you think it’s working—and it’s just a placebo—isn’t it working? Deep!
How do you charge crystals?
Charging your crystals means optimizing their fullest energy levels, which become depleted from daily use, negativity, and time. Kadlec uses the moon and sun light in hopes of infusing the stones withe energetic rays. Kadlec also notes that cleansing your crystals—with moonlight, selenite wands, or salt baths—is also crucial.
How do you store crystals?
Crystals should have a home. “My crystals live on my alter or in various places around my home,” says Kadlec, who keeps the stones she uses for readings in a special case wrapped in soft cloths. Do store crystals together to allow stones from your collection to connect and grow larger than their individual parts. Another great place to store crystals is on your person. Kadlec carries some of her crystals in a small purse.
What are a few simple ways to use crystals?
Kadlec recommends using crystals in meditation practice with a mantra. Or, place crystals around your home—say beside your bed, or near your desk—to amplify the energy in that space. The last use Kadlec recommends is placement therapy. Laying crystals on the chakra points of the body can be very soothing, she says.
What’s the best crystal to start with?
It’s all about personal choice. Kadlec notes that a number of people come in for a workshop healing session and find a crystal that catches their eye. “To me that’s the a-ha! moment where you know that a crystal has some special work to do with you,” says Kadlec.
Of course, crystals aren't one size fits all. But here's a helpful guide of ten crystals that can meet your personal needs and begin your journey.
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