healthanddietblog · 10 months
Gut bacteria can promote resistance in the treatment of prostate cancer
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October 15, 2021 - A mainstay of prostate cancer treatment is depriving it of androgens, the hormones that make it grow. The testes are the main source of these hormones, so treatment can either be surgical removal of these organs or the use of drugs to block their hormone production.Over time, some prostate cancers become resistant to these treatments and begin to spread again. As with many cancers that exhibit these behaviors, figuring out exactly what makes them resistant can be difficult.Bacteria that live in the intestines can be a culprit. Researchers found that some of these gut bacteria in castrated mice and people on androgen deprivation therapy begin to produce androgens that can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. According to this new knowledgepublished in the journal Science, the androgens appear to aid prostate cancer growth and resistance to treatment.This study is the first to show that bacteria can produce testosterone, although researchers aren't yet sure what makes them start doing it. Treatment for androgen deprivation can also result in more of these hormone-producing microbes being present in the gut, the results suggest. Fecal bacteria from people with treatment-resistant prostate cancer have also been shown to be associated with lower life expectancy. Stool transplants from mice with treatment-resistant prostate cancer could induce resistance in animals with a disease susceptible to these hormones. When these mice received stool transplants from people with resistant cancer, the effect was the same: a shift towards treatment resistance.But the opposite was also the case: stool transplants from mice or people with hormone-sensitive cancers helped to limit tumor growth.The results could point to new therapeutic targets: the microbes that live in the gut. In studies with mice, the researchers found that if they eradicate these bacteria, the cancer progresses to treatment resistance much more slowly. Authors of a Commentary on the study say there are other places to look for bacteria that might be producing these hormones, including the urinary tract or even inside the tumor itself. . Thank You For Reading! Reference: www.webmd.com Read the full article
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Lassa Fever Outbreak in Ghana. What you need to know!
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As at 1st March, 2023, there are 14 confirmed cases in Ghana with 1 death. Lassa fever is an animal-borne, or zoonotic, acute viral illness spread by the common African rat. It is endemic in parts of West Africa including Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria. Neighboring countries are also at risk because the animal vector lives throughout the region.
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lassa fever The reservoir, or host, of Lassa virus is a rodent known as the “multimammate rat” (Mastomys natalensis). Once infected, this rodent is able to excrete virus in urine for an extended time period, maybe for the rest of its life. Mastomysrodents breed frequently, produce large numbers of offspring, and are numerous in the savannas and forests of west, central, and east Africa. In addition, Mastomys readily colonize human homes and areas where food is stored. All of these factors contribute to the relatively efficient spread of Lassa virus from infected rodents to humans. Direct contact with infected rodents is not the only way in which people are infected; person-to-person transmission may occur after exposure to virus in the blood, tissue, secretions, or excretions of a Lassa virus-infected individual. Casual contact (including skin-to-skin contact without exchange of body fluids) does not spread Lassa virus. Person-to-person transmission is common in health care settings (called nosocomial transmission) where proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is not available or not used. Lassa virus may be spread in contaminated medical equipment, such as reused needles.
Signs and Symptoms of Lassa Fever
Approximately 15%-20% of patients hospitalized for Lassa fever die from the illness. However, only 1% of all Lassa virus infections result in death. The death rates for women in the third trimester of pregnancy are particularly high. Spontaneous abortion is a serious complication of infection with an estimated 95% mortality in fetuses of infected pregnant mothers. When caring for patients with Lassa fever, further transmission of the disease through person-to-person contact or nosocomial routes can be avoided by taking preventive precautions against contact with patient secretions (called VHF isolation precautions or barrier nursing methods). Such precautions include wearing protective clothing, such as masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles; using infection control measures, such as complete equipment sterilization; and isolating infected patients from contact with unprotected persons until the disease has run its course. Read the full article
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Guide to choosing the right IT training for your career
Guide to choosing the right IT training for your career
At a time when the entire market in all industries is dominated by technology and software, this seems to be one of the most important career options for most young people. In addition, with the limited education and curriculum in colleges, there is a lot that students miss and then rely on taking some IT training courses like Big Data, Hadoop, Cloud Computing, etc. Since the options of courses…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Common red flags for learning disabilities
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Understand the physics and mechanics of gears
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A gear is a device that transmits power to another device through a rotating mechanism. It is connected to another with the help of its teeth and exerts its full power. According to its mechanism, it has the ability to amplify power at different torques in different directions, coming from the root source from which it gets the power. It’s an acceptable fact; A gear goes well with another that…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
About the Best Business Loans: Why Online Lenders Are the Best Place to Find Business Finance
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The good news for modern entrepreneurs and owners of non-traditional businesses is that traditional banks are not the only funding option now. The best business loans for one company are not necessarily the best option for another company. There are many types of lenders that offer financing for startups as well as larger, more established companies. Whatever your goals, you can skip a visit to…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Advantages and disadvantages of bilingual teaching
Advantages and disadvantages of bilingual teaching
Bilingual education has become very popular recently, with perhaps the most compelling reason for bilingual education being the concept of educational equality in our country. How is it possible for someone to get a great education if he or she does not fully understand the language in which the classes are taught? Won’t that student become a second-class citizen? Should we just let that happen,…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Introduction to the psychology of Atkinson and Hilgard
Introduction to the psychology of Atkinson and Hilgard
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Amapola - book review
Amapola – book review
Alan Heywood writes a stimulating if at times improbable adventure novel in Amapola. What I mean by that is that the characters seem to be very lucky or just were in the right place at the right time. However, other scenes are a bit reminiscent of a James Bond film. I loved the humor Alan brought throughout the novel and admired the strong female characters. This book certainly has a strong bias…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
History of the London Stock Exchange
History of the London Stock Exchange
The Royal Exchange was founded by Thomas Gresham and opened by Elizabeth I in 1571. In 1698 stock traders were evicted from the old trading center known as The Royal Exchange because of their scuffle. A broker named John Casting began publishing a list of stock and commodity prices. Jonathan’s coffeehouse on Change Alley became the focal point for stockbrokers to operate from. After around 20…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
3D game development tools
3D game development tools
The gaming industry has come a long way over the years. From simple brick games about two decades ago, the world has moved to 3D game development. Game developers around the world are expanding their skills to entertain avid gamers with consistently immersive gaming experiences. As a $10 billion industry, it’s no fun for game developers, it’s serious business. Whether PC, Playstation, Xbox or…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Tips for Selling Textbooks - The Guide to Cashing In on Your Old Books
Tips for Selling Textbooks – The Guide to Cashing In on Your Old Books
If you want to make good money from your old books, the last thing you should do is sell them back to your school’s bookstore. While it’s convenient to head down to the Quad at the end of the semester to unload your textbooks, if you put in just a little extra effort and follow a few tips on selling textbooks, you’ll be making far more money than your school will ever give you . Sell ​​your books…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
What is Bitcoin, how is it different than "real" Money and how do I get some?
What is Bitcoin, how is it different than "real" Money and how do I get some?
Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It does not exist in the kind of physical form that the currency and coin that we are used to exists in. It doesn’t even exist in a form as physical as Monopoly money. They are electrons – not molecules. But consider how much cash you personally handle. You get a paycheck that you take to the bank – or it gets deposited automatically without you even seeing the…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
What are the best Android apps for college students?
What are the best Android apps for college students?
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
What should you know about testing embedded software?
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There are a variety of tools available solely for embedded software testing purposes. These tools, if used for a few hours, can be very successful in achieving the expected results, i.e. the purpose for which the software application was created. However, there is one thing that the people conducting the software test should know in order to be able to conduct this test. Well, it’s nothing but…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Candle Clocks - History and Purpose
Candle Clocks – History and Purpose
Candle clocks are one of the ways ancient people tried to use natural phenomena to accurately record the time during the day. They consist of a long thin candle marked at even intervals. When the candle is lit, it burns at a relatively steady rate, and by tracking where the flame is on you can get a rough estimate of how much time has passed since it was lit. It is almost impossible to know when…
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Teacher-student relationships in the age of social networks
Teacher-student relationships in the age of social networks
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