healthyhim · 9 months
Local Small Business Video Marketing Marlton NJ.  Is Video Marketing A Powerful Marketing Strategy? https://www.zoomonlinemarketing.biz/
If a prospective client is searching for your business service, and on that first page of Google are a bunch of websites, and a colorful video thumbnail showcasing your business, what do you think the prospective client is going to click on first?
Are you a business owner looking to supercharge your marketing strategy? Well, look no further! Introducing the power of video marketing.
With video marketing, you can take your business to new heights. Let me tell you why it's so important.
Did you know that videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined? That's right! Videos captivate your audience, keeping them engaged and ultimately boosting conversion rates.
Video marketing is a game-changer when it comes to brand awareness. With compelling videos, you can showcase your brand's values, products, and services, leaving a lasting impression on your target audience.
Want to climb to the top of search engine rankings? Video marketing is the way to go! Google loves engaging videos, which can increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.
Building trust is vital for any business, and videos can help you do just that. By showcasing your expertise and knowledge, you can establish credibility and connect with your audience on a personal level.
Social media is where it's at, and videos are the star of the show! Whether it's short-form videos on TikTok or live videos on Facebook, video marketing helps you reach and engage your audience like never before.
We live in a mobile-driven world, and videos are the preferred content for mobile users. With videos optimized for smartphones, you can effectively reach your mobile audience.
Let ZooM Online Marketing get you started with video today!
As part of our promotion, ZooM Online Marketing is offering a complimentary 30-second video ad for your business, and a complete "How To" Optimize Your Google Business Profile pdf, as well as a complimentary evaluation of your Google Business Profile.  No cost or obligation after the video and evaluation.
So, take action today! Visit our website and request your free video ad https://www.zoomonlinemarketing.biz/
Don't miss out on this opportunity for online success!
ZooM Online Marketing 1100 Princess Rd Cherry Hill, NJ  08034 (609) 280-5983
39.918215157, -75.00007593 ZooM Online Marketing - Marketing consultant Cherry Hill NJ
#videomarketing #cherryhill
Local Small Business Video Marketing Marlton NJ, Marlton NJ Local Small Business Video Marketing, Local Video Marketing Marlton NJ, Local Video Marketing Agency Marlton NJ, Local Video Marketing Content Marlton NJ, Local Video Marketing For Business Marlton NJ, Local Email Video Marketing Marlton NJ, Local Video Marketing Services Marlton NJ, Local Video Marketing For SEO Marlton NJ, Local Social Media Video Marketing Marlton NJ, Local Digital Video Marketing Marlton NJ, ZooM Online Marketing
Some statistics that highlight the impact and power of video marketing for your business:
1. 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. (Wyzowl)
2. 66% of marketers get more qualified leads per year using videos. (Aberdeen Group)
3. 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. (Adobe)
4. Including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%. (Unbounce)
5. Emails with video content can increase click-through rates by 300%. (HubSpot)
6. 70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand's video. (Wyzowl)
7. Social videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. (G2 Crowd)
8. 93% of businesses gained a new customer as a direct result of a video on social media. (Wyzowl)
These statistics clearly demonstrate the immense potential of video marketing for businesses. By harnessing the power of videos, you can effectively reach and engage your target audience, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive conversions and sales.
In conclusion, video marketing is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses in the digital landscape. Its ability to captivate and engage audiences, improve SEO, and build trust and credibility cannot be overlooked. With the right video marketing strategy, you can propel your business to new heights, connect with your audience, and achieve your marketing goals. So, don't wait any longer; it's time to leverage the power of video marketing and unlock its benefits for your business.
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healthyhim · 9 months
Local Digital SEO and Video Marketing for Your Business Cherry Hill NJ with ZooM Online Marketing https://www.zoomonlinemarketing.biz/
Are you ready to take your local business to the next level? Well, you've come to the right place! Hi, we're ZooM Online Marketing, your trusted SEO and digital marketing expert. Today, I want to talk to you about two game-changing strategies for your business – local digital SEO and video marketing.
First up, local digital SEO. Picture this – your potential customers are searching online for products and services in your area. But if your business doesn't appear in those search results, you're missing out on a massive opportunity. That's where local digital SEO comes in. By creating and optimizing specific content for your website and videos we crerate for you, you can skyrocket your visibility, making sure your business is right there on page 1 when your customers need you the most.  And no, you do not have to be on camera.
Now let's talk about the power of video marketing. Did you know that videos have the incredible ability to captivate your audience like no other medium? It's true! With videos, you can bring your brand to life, tell your unique story, and showcase your amazing products and services, all while keeping your viewers engaged and entertained.
Video marketing has a tremendous impact on your online visibility and customer engagement. By incorporating videos on your website, and allowing ZooM Online Marketing to share your content all over the internet, and on social media, you can drive more traffic to your site, increase conversions, get more calls, and attract new customers who are eager to learn more about what you offer.
So, whether you're a local restaurant, retail store, or service provider, local digital SEO and video marketing are essential for taking your business to the next level. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow your customer base and boost your bottom line.
Remember, as a top-tier SEO and digital video marketing expert, we are here to help you succeed. So let's get started on your journey to Local Digital SEO and Video Marketing success!
Let ZooM Online Marketing get you started with video today!
As part of our promotion, ZooM Online Marketing is offering a complimentary 30-second video ad for your business, and a complete "How To" Optimize Your Google Business Profile pdf, as well as a complimentary evaluation of your Google Business Profile.  No cost or obligation after the video and evaluation.
So, take action today! Visit our website and request your free video ad https://www.zoomonlinemarketing.biz/
Don't miss out on this opportunity for online success!
ZooM Online Marketing 1100 Princess Rd Cherry Hill, NJ  08034 (609) 280-5983
39.9182151, -75.0000759
#digitalmarketing #videomarketing
Local Digital SEO and Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, SEO Digital Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local Digital Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local SEO and Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local Digital Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Digital SEO and Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local Digital SEO Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, ZooM Online Marketing
In today's digital age, having an online presence for your local business is crucial. With the majority of people using search engines to find local businesses, it is essential to ensure that your business appears prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is where local digital SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and video marketing come into play. In this article, we will explore the benefits of local digital SEO and video marketing for businesses and why it is crucial to invest in these strategies.
Let's start by understanding what local digital SEO is all about. Local digital SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in local search results. It involves various techniques, such as optimizing your website's content, meta tags, and URLs, gaining quality backlinks, and ensuring your business information is consistent across different online directories. By implementing these strategies, you can boost your chances of appearing in the top positions when someone searches for local products or services.
The first and foremost benefit of local digital SEO is increased visibility. Statistics have shown that 97% of consumers search online for local businesses, and 88% of these searches result in either a call or visit to the business within 24 hours. By investing in local digital SEO, you are increasing your chances of being found by potential customers who are actively looking for your products or services. This means more foot traffic to your physical store or more website visits if you operate an ecommerce business.
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healthyhim · 9 months
Local Branding And Video Marketing For Business Cherry Hill NJ https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
Hey there! Are you a local business owner looking to take your brand to new heights? Well, you're in the right place! As a top-tier SEO and digital marketing expert, I'm here to tell you about the incredible benefits of local branding and video marketing.
So, why is local branding so important, you ask? Well, it's all about creating a strong identity within your local community. By connecting with your customers on a personal level and resonating with their community pride, you can build a loyal customer base and become the go-to choice in your area.
And what about video marketing? Oh boy, let me tell you! Video marketing is the secret sauce to success. Did you know that businesses that use videos on their website see an increase in organic traffic by up to 157%? It's true! Videos are like magic. They captivate your audience, hold their attention, and make your brand unforgettable.
With videos, you can showcase your products or services in action – giving potential customers a taste of what they can expect. It builds trust and ensures that they have a clear understanding of what your business is all about.
But wait, there's more! Videos also allow you to personalize your brand. You can put a face to your business and establish a genuine connection with your audience. By introducing your team, showcasing your workspace, and telling the story behind your business, you create an emotional bond that sets you apart from your competitors.
And guess what? Videos even boost your SEO! Search engines love video content, and by incorporating videos on your website, you can improve your search engine rankings and increase your visibility. That means more exposure, more traffic, and more potential customers.
So, if you want to make a real impact in your local market, don't miss out on the power of local branding and video marketing. Connect with your community, showcase your brand's personality, and watch your business thrive like never before.
Remember, as a top-tier SEO and digital marketing expert, we are here to help you succeed. So let's get started on your journey to local branding and video marketing greatness!
Let ZooM Online Marketing get you started with video today!
As part of our promotion, ZooM Online Marketing is offering a complimentary 30-second video ad for your business, and a complete "How To" Optimize Your Google Business Profile pdf, as well as a complimentary evaluation of your Google Business Profile.  No cost or obligation after the video and evaluation.
So, take action today! Visit our website and request your free video ad https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
Don't miss out on this opportunity for online success!
ZooM Online Marketing 1100 Princess Rd Cherry Hill, NJ  08034 (609) 280-5983 39.9182151, -75.0000759
Local Branding For Business Cherry Hill NJ Local Branding Agency Cherry Hill NJ, Local Branding Cherry Hill NJ, Local Branding Services Cherry Hill NJ, Local Branding For SEO Cherry Hill NJ, ZooM Online Marketing, Video Marketing For Business Cherry Hill NJ Video Marketing Agency Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing For SEO Cherry Hill NJ, Digital Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Local Branding And Video Marketing For SEO, Local Branding And Digital Video Marketing
The Importance of Local Branding and Video Marketing for Business In the ever-evolving digital landscape, it's essential for businesses to stay ahead of the game. One powerful way to do so is through local branding and video marketing. These two strategies can play a key role in helping businesses establish their identity within their local community and take their marketing efforts to new heights.
Local branding is all about creating a strong identity and presence within your local community. By tailoring your brand messaging and positioning to resonate with local consumers, you can build a loyal customer base and become a go-to choice in the area. Local branding allows you to tap into the emotional connection people have with their communities. When customers see that you are not just another faceless corporation, but a business that genuinely cares about their neighborhood, they are more likely to choose you over your competitors.
Video marketing complements local branding efforts perfectly, as it enables you to convey your brand's story and personality in a captivating and engaging way. With the rise of video consumption, incorporating videos into your marketing strategy has become more crucial than ever before. In fact, according to recent statistics , businesses that use videos on their website see an increase in organic traffic by up to 157%. Moreover, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in text.
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ. Is Video Marketing A Powerful Marketing Strategy? https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
If a prospective client is searching for your business service, and on that first page of Google are a bunch of websites, and a colorful video thumbnail showcasing your business, what do you think the prospective client is going to click on first?
Are you a business owner looking to supercharge your marketing strategy? Well, look no further! Introducing the power of video marketing.
With video marketing, you can take your business to new heights. Let me tell you why it's so important.
Did you know that videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined? That's right! Videos captivate your audience, keeping them engaged and ultimately boosting conversion rates.
Video marketing is a game-changer when it comes to brand awareness. With compelling videos, you can showcase your brand's values, products, and services, leaving a lasting impression on your target audience.
Want to climb to the top of search engine rankings? Video marketing is the way to go! Google loves engaging videos, which can increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.
Building trust is vital for any business, and videos can help you do just that. By showcasing your expertise and knowledge, you can establish credibility and connect with your audience on a personal level.
Social media is where it's at, and videos are the star of the show! Whether it's short-form videos on TikTok or live videos on Facebook, video marketing helps you reach and engage your audience like never before.
We live in a mobile-driven world, and videos are the preferred content for mobile users. With videos optimized for smartphones, you can effectively reach your mobile audience.
Let ZooM Online Marketing get you started with video today!
As part of our promotion, ZooM Online Marketing is offering a complimentary 30-second video ad for your business, and a complete "How To" Optimize Your Google Business Profile pdf, as well as a complimentary evaluation of your Google Business Profile.  No cost or obligation after the video and evaluation.
So, take action today! Visit our website and request your free video ad https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
Don't miss out on this opportunity for online success!
ZooM Online Marketing 1100 Princess Rd Cherry Hill, NJ  08034 (609) 280-5983 https://www.zoomonlinemarketing.biz/
#videomarketing #cherryhill
Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing Agency Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing Content Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing For Business Cherry Hill NJ, Email Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing Services Cherry Hill NJ, Video Marketing For SEO Cherry Hill NJ, Social Media Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, Digital Video Marketing Cherry Hill NJ, ZooM Online Marketing
Some statistics that highlight the impact of video marketing for businesses:
1. 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. (Wyzowl)
2. 66% of marketers get more qualified leads per year using videos. (Aberdeen Group)
3. 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. (Adobe)
4. Including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%. (Unbounce)
5. Emails with video content can increase click-through rates by 300%. (HubSpot)
6. 70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand's video. (Wyzowl)
7. Social videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. (G2 Crowd)
8. 93% of businesses gained a new customer as a direct result of a video on social media. (Wyzowl)
These statistics clearly demonstrate the immense potential of video marketing for businesses. By harnessing the power of videos, you can effectively reach and engage your target audience, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive conversions and sales.
In conclusion, video marketing is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses in the digital landscape. Its ability to captivate and engage audiences, improve SEO, and build trust and credibility cannot be overlooked. With the right video marketing strategy, you can propel your business to new heights, connect with your audience, and achieve your marketing goals. So, don't wait any longer; it's time to leverage the power of video marketing and unlock its benefits for your business.
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Cherry Hill NJ SEO Backlinks and Marketing https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
How Do Backlinks Work? Backlinks are pointing links from one website to another. They are also referred to as external or inbound links.
Google and other search engines use backlinks as endorsements. In essence, when you link to another website, you vouch for it.
Exactly why are backlinks crucial for SEO?
Inbound links may:
- Boost your trustworthiness and ranks - Assist Google in discovering new pages - Drive referring visitors to your website
Backlinks from spammy, low-quality websites might be abundant. However, they probably won't have the same impact as a handful of backlinks from reputable websites that are pertinent to your company.
Links Help Google Find New Pages
Google scans a new page after following a backlink to it in order to find all the links on it.
Therefore, internal linking is a good method to adopt. i.e., links between pages on your own website. This implies that once Google has found your site, it may follow backlinks to it and then follow internal links to new pages.
Following a crawl of your website, Google indexes the pages. It increases the likelihood that your pages will show up in search results.
As part of our promotion, ZooM Online Marketing is offering a complimentary 30-second video ad for your business, and a complete "How To" Optimize Your Google Business Profile pdf, as well as a complimentary evaluation of your Google Business Profile.  No cost or obligation after the video and evaluation.
So, take action today! Visit our website and request your free ad video https://growyourbusiness.videoadoffer.com
Don't miss out on this opportunity for online success!
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
How To Become A Business Coach https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/how-to-become-a-business-coach
Are you passionate about helping others achieve their full potential? Do you have a knack for identifying strengths and weaknesses and providing guidance for growth and improvement? If so, becoming a business coach might be the perfect career choice for you. As a business coach, you'll have the opportunity to work with individuals and companies, empowering them to reach their goals and transform their businesses. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to becoming a successful business coach and how to unlock your coaching potential.
1. Develop Your Skills and Expertise
Before embarking on your journey as a business coach, it's important to build a solid foundation of skills and expertise in areas such as leadership, management, communication, and problem-solving. Take advantage of resources available to you, such as online courses, books, and workshops, to enhance your knowledge and hone your skills.
Additionally, gaining practical experience in business, whether through internships, volunteering, or working in a corporate setting, will provide you with invaluable insights and firsthand exposure to various business challenges.
2. Identify Your Niche and Target Audience
As a business coach, it's essential to identify your niche and target audience. This will help you differentiate yourself from the competition and tailor your coaching services to meet the specific needs and goals of your clients.
Consider your strengths, interests, and experiences when determining your niche. Are you particularly skilled in marketing, sales, or leadership development? Or perhaps you have expertise in a specific industry, such as technology or healthcare. By focusing on a specific niche, you can position yourself as an expert in that area and attract clients who are seeking your specialized knowledge and guidance.
Once you've identified your niche, it's time to define your target audience. Who are the individuals or businesses that can benefit the most from your coaching services? Are you targeting entrepreneurs, small business owners, or corporate executives? By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your marketing efforts and messaging to effectively reach and connect with them.
3. Obtain Proper Certification and Training
While there are no specific certifications required to become a business coach, obtaining proper certification and training can significantly enhance your credibility and attract potential clients. Look for reputable coaching programs like Quantum Coaching Academy that offer certifications in business coaching.
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The quantum coaching academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life Coach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
The Quantum Coaching Academy is an intensive experience, because it's designed for more than just your “average” coach.
The Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coach Training is accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The ICF is the world's largest and most recognized organization of professionally trained coaches. Representing executive coaches, life coaches, leadership coaches, relationship coaches, career coaches, and more, ICF's mission is to advance coaching so that it becomes an integral part of a thriving society.
QCA is also accredited by the Board of Neuro-Energetics for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. That means this program has met the highest accreditation standards in the entire industry.
With eight coaching certifications in ONE comprehensive program, QCA is the last coaching certification you'll ever need to invest in.
The only thing left to do is make the commitment
How To Become A Business Coach, How To Become Business Coach, Best Executive Coaching Certification Programs, What Is Leadership Coaching, How To Become A Certified Executive Functioning Coach, Best Leadership Coaching Certification Programs, Quantum Coaching Academy, United States
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Executive Coach Certification Programs https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/executive-coach-certification-programs
How To Become A Certified Executive Coach - Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program
Are you looking to take your coaching career to the next level? Do you aspire to become an executive coach and make a positive impact on the lives and careers of top-level professionals? If so, then you may want to consider enrolling in an executive coach certification program.
Executive coach certification programs are designed to provide individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to effectively coach executives and help them achieve their goals. These programs offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, from coaching techniques and methodologies to business acumen and leadership development.
One of the key benefits of enrolling in an executive coach certification program is the credibility it provides. The certification acts as a validation of your skills and expertise, making you stand out in a competitive coaching market. It demonstrates to potential clients and employers that you have undergone formal training and possess the necessary knowledge and experience to guide executives towards success.
Additionally, executive coach certification programs equip you with the latest coaching techniques and strategies. The field of coaching is constantly evolving, with new methodologies and best practices emerging all the time. By enrolling in a certification program, you ensure that you stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry, giving you a competitive edge.
Furthermore, executive coach certification programs often provide opportunities for networking and collaboration. You will be surrounded by like-minded professionals who share your passion for coaching and personal development. This network can be invaluable for gaining insights, sharing ideas, and expanding your professional connections. Many certification programs also provide ongoing support and mentorship even after you complete the program, ensuring that you continue to grow and thrive as a coach.
When choosing an executive coach certification program, it's important to consider several factors. Firstly, look for a program that is accredited and recognized by reputable coaching organizations. Accreditation ensures that the program meets certain standards of quality and professionalism, giving you peace of mind that you are receiving a comprehensive and reputable education.
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
Apply Now and Book Your Call
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life Coach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#executivecoachcertification #quantumcoachingacademy
Executive Coach Certification Programs, Executive Coaching Certification Programs, Business Coach Certification, Leadership Coaching Certification, Business Coach Certification Online, Business Coach Certification Programs, Quantum Coaching Academy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Business Coach Certification Programs
How To Become A Certified Business Coach - Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program
Business Coach Certification Programs: Unlocking Your Full Potential
As Tony Robbins famously said, "The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships." In today's fast-paced and competitive world, having the right skills and mindset to succeed in the business field is essential. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or simply someone who wants to enhance their professional development, investing in a business coach certification program can be a game-changer.
In this article, we will explore the importance of business coaching, the benefits of certification programs, and how they can unlock your full potential.
Why Business Coaching?
Business coaching has gained significant popularity in recent years, and for good reason. With the ever-evolving business landscape, it is crucial to have someone who can guide you and provide valuable insights tailored to your unique goals and challenges. Here are some compelling reasons why business coaching is worth considering:
1. Enhanced Self-awareness: A business coach acts as a mirror, reflecting your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Through various assessment tools and techniques, they help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential, paving the way for personal and professional growth.
2. Goal Clarity and Strategy: Many individuals struggle with setting specific goals and developing an actionable plan to achieve them . A business coach helps you clarify your goals, break them down into manageable steps, and create a strategic roadmap to success. They hold you accountable and provide ongoing support to ensure you stay on track towards achieving your desired outcomes.
3. Access to Expertise: Business coaches are experienced professionals who have a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields. They offer valuable insights, practical advice, and industry-specific expertise that can save you time, money, and unnecessary trial and error.
4. Increased Confidence and Motivation: The journey towards success can be filled with uncertainties and self-doubt. A business coach acts as a source of motivation and encouragement, helping you build confidence in your abilities and pushing you to overcome obstacles and reach your full potential.
5. Leadership and Communication Skills: Effective leadership and communication skills are essential for anyone looking to thrive in the business world. A business coach can help you develop and refine these skills, enabling you to inspire and influence others, build strong relationships, and lead with authenticity and purpose.
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
Apply Now and Book Your Call
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life Coach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#businesscoachcertification #quantumcoachingacademy
Business Coach Certification Programs, Business Coach Certification, Business Coaching Certification, How Do I Become A Certified Business Coach, How Can I Become A Certified Life Coach, Online ICF Accredited Business Coaching Programs, Quantum Coaching Academy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Leadership Coaching Certification https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/leadership-coaching-certification
How To Become A Certified Leadership Coach - Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program
Leadership Coaching Certification: Becoming an Effective Leader
Leadership is a critical skill in any organization or industry. Great leaders inspire, motivate, and guide their teams toward achieving common goals and objectives. However, not everyone possesses natural leadership abilities, which is where leadership coaching certification comes into play. With the right training and skills, anyone can become an effective leader and make a positive impact in their professional and personal lives.
What is Leadership Coaching Certification? Leadership coaching certification is a structured program designed to develop and enhance leadership skills. It focuses on enabling individuals to become effective leaders by providing them with the tools, techniques, and strategies necessary for success. This certification typically involves theoretical knowledge, practical training, and mentorship to help aspiring leaders reach their full potential.
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How Do I Become A Certified Leadership Coach Virtual ICF Accredited Leadership Coaching Certification Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Business Coaching Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
How To Get A Leadership Coaching Certification
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
Apply Now and Book Your Call
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life Coach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
Full transparency, Leadership Coaching Certification isn't a casual commitment.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is an intensive experience, because it's designed for more than just your “average” coach.
Logistically, you'll be spending 4-6 hours each week inside this program. Energetically, you'll be expanding your capacity to make a bigger impact in the world.
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#leadershipcoachcertification #quantumcoachingacademy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Business Coach Certification https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/business-coach-certification
How To Become A Certified Business Coach - Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How Do I Become A Licensed Life Coach Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The quantum coaching academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
Apply Now and Book Your Call
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life Coach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
Full transparency, Business Coach Certification isn't a casual commitment.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is an intensive experience, because it's designed for more than just your “average” coach.
Logistically, you'll be spending 4-6 hours each week inside this program. Energetically, you'll be expanding your capacity to make a bigger impact in the world.
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XPAtEyWt6Ml2_iN99LKmQqQmz0YAFHDIrRy1QgLVjV4/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1trsAxUbGkjsWHDWywEDJ3cBn_f-xm8cEQGj12eSSTqg/edit?usp=sharing
#lifecoachcertification #quantumcoachingacademy
Business Coach Certification, Business Coaching Certification, How Do I Become A Certified Business Coach, How Can I Become A Certified Life Coach, Business Coach Training, Online ICF Accredited Business Coaching Programs, Quantum Coaching Academy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Transformation Life Coach Certification
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification https://sites.google.com/view/how-to-become-life-coach-certi/home/transformation-life-coach-certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certified Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
Book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#transformationlifecoachcertification #lifecoachingcertification #quantumcoachingacademy #ashleygordon
Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1trsAxUbGkjsWHDWywEDJ3cBn_f-xm8cEQGj12eSSTqg/edit?usp=sharing
Transformation Life Coach Certification, Transformation Life Coach Certification Online, How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification, How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy, Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy, Online Transformation Life Coach Certification ICF Quantum Coaching Academy, Quantum Coaching Academy
1 note · View note
healthyhim · 9 months
ICF Life Coach Certification Online
ICF Life Coach Certification Online https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How To Become ICF Life Coach Certification Online https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
We start soon and there's still time, so apply and book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
#lifecoachingcertification #icflifecoachingcertification #quantumcoachingacademy #ashleygordon #onlinelifecoachingcertification #lifecoach #ICF
Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program
ICF Life Coach Certification Online, How To Become ICF Life Coach Certification Online, How To Become Life Coach Certified Quantum Coaching Academy, Online Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach, Online Life Coach Certification ICF Quantum Coaching Academy, Virtual Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach, Quantum Coaching Academy
1 note · View note
healthyhim · 9 months
Life Coach Certification Kentucky
Life Coach Certification Kentucky Quantum Coaching Academy - Life Coaching Certification https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business Kentucky Life Coaching Certification https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
We start soon and there's still time, so apply and book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
What Is The Best Life Coach Certification Kentucky How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business Quantum Coaching Academy Kentucky How Do I Sell Myself As A Life Coach Quantum Coaching Academy Kentucky ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Online Kentucky Quantum Coaching Academy
#lifecoachingcertification #icflifecoachingcertification #quantumcoachingacademy #ashleygordon #onlinelifecoachingcertification #lifecoach
Life Coach Certification Kentucky Quantum Coaching Academy, Life Coach Certification Kentucky, What Is The Best Life Coach Certification Kentucky, How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business Quantum Coaching Academy Kentucky, Virtual Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach Kentucky, Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach Kentucky, Quantum Coaching Academy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
What Is The Best Life Coach Certification Dallas TX Quantum Coaching Academy - Life Coaching Certification https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business San Diego CA Life Coaching Certification https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Life Coaching Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
We start soon and there's still time, so apply and book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
What Is The Best Life Coach Certification Dallas TX How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business Quantum Coaching Academy Dallas TX How Do I Sell Myself As A Life Coach Quantum Coaching Academy Dallas TX ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Online Dallas TX Quantum Coaching Academy
#lifecoachingcertification #icflifecoachingcertification #quantumcoachingacademy #ashleygordon #onlinelifecoachingcertification #lifecoach
What Is The Best Life Coach Certification Dallas TX, How Do I Start A Life Coaching Business Quantum Coaching Academy Dallas TX, Virtual Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach Dallas TX, Online Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach Dallas TX, Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy ICF Life Coach Dallas TX, Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Dallas TX, Quantum Coaching Academy
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Virtual Business Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
Turn Your Coaching Calling Into A Coaching Craft And Become A World-class Certified Quantum Coach https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/virtual-business-coaching-certification-quantum-coaching-academy
Coaching isn't a career
A calling you've felt pulsing inside your soul for ages now — and you're beyond ready to answer it. And if desire was all it took to become a world-class coach, you'd be successful AF.
When you close your eyes, you can picture the thousands of people you were placed on Earth to serve. You can feel the excitement build in your cells as you imagine your ripple effect wrapping the planet in a high-vibe blanket of profound love and awakening. And honestly, you're secretly delighted when you visualize how much money you could earn just by changing lives. You've heard of coaches who earn 6-, multiple 6-, or even 7-figures doing what they love.
But then, the fantasy comes to a screeching halt.
You snap back to your current reality and start to worry about things like:
Whether or not you “know enough” to help anybody. I mean, sure you've got your life experience and your own personal development stories, but is that truly what your clients need? Or is there more to being a coach?
Whether you can make sure your clients are getting the best results possible when they work with you. You've been losing sleep because you care so much about your clients' growth and transformation, and you just want to feel confident about what you deliver as a coach.
What to do when you're feeling lost in sessions and either rushing to fill the empty spaces with advice or struggling with what to say next.  By the time the clock runs out, you're actually relieved. The whole call felt like a juggling act. You wish you could ask them if you did a good job, but you don't want to make it awkward!
How to deal with your “Imposter Syndrome” when it hits — because it's definitely real, and you've got a bad case of it You know you should be focused on the client, but you're so anxious and racked with doubt, being present feels like an afterthought.
Where to go when your coaching toolbelt feels empty You wish you had the skills to show up confidently and create lasting transformation for your clients, but you're seriously not sure where to start.
Virtual Business Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
The 6-month coaching certification for those who are ready to step into world-class coaching & leadership
The Quantum Coaching Academy is internationally accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and designed to make you the most confident coach in the room by giving you a proven methodology that works.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is the only program that integrates NLP, foundational + advanced coaching tools, energy work, manifestation, and spirituality in one comprehensive program.
Apply Now and Book Your Call
You Will become Certified In:
- Certified Quantum Life COach - Life + Success Coach - Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner - Neuro-Lingustic Programming Practitioner - T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner - Reiki Level One Practitioner
Full transparency, this isn't a casual commitment.
The Quantum Coaching Academy is an intensive experience, because it's designed for more than just your “average” coach.
Logistically, you'll be spending 4-6 hours each week inside this program. Energetically, you'll be expanding your capacity to make a bigger impact in the world.
Want to feel super legit as a coach? #brag
The Quantum Coaching Academy is accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The ICF is the world's largest and most recognized organization of professionally trained coaches. Representing executive coaches, life coaches, leadership coaches, relationship coaches, career coaches, and more, ICF's mission is to advance coaching so that it becomes an integral part of a thriving society.
QCA is also accredited by the Board of Neuro-Energetics for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. That means this program has met the highest accreditation standards in the entire industry.
With eight coaching certifications in ONE comprehensive program, QCA is the last coaching certification you'll ever need to invest in.
The Quantum Coaching Academy runs two live cohorts per year.
Now is your chance to apply and secure your spot in our next cohort as enrollment fills quickly.
If you're still reading this, it's because energetically you're a YES for this experience.
The only thing left to do is make the commitment https://sites.google.com/view/businesscoachcertification/home/virtual-business-coaching-certification-quantum-coaching-academy
Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bvfX4lImIhF3zDF7Wm5QUByTCMYxgiTlBqwU8P5XZl4/edit?usp=sharing
0 notes
healthyhim · 9 months
Can Hypnosis Help With Pain Management King of Prussia PA https://sites.google.com/view/can-hypnosis-help-with-pain-ma/home/can-hypnosis-help-with-pain-management-king-of-prussia-pa
Happy Possibilities Hypnosis 860 E Swedesford Rd Bldg, 2nd Flr Wayne, PA 19087 (267) 593-5557 https://notjusthypnosis.biz/
Happy Possibilities Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy Service Wayne PA 19087 40.081663,-75.404701
Does hypnotherapy work for pain management? Hypnosis might be a helpful non-drug treatment to reduce discomfort and pain in persistent conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Research studies reveal that more than 75% of individuals with arthritis and associated illness experience substantial discomfort and pain relief utilizing hypnosis.
Can hypnotherapy assist with persistent nerve pain? Hypnosis treatment has the ability to ease chronic neuropathic and musculoskeletal discomfort. Hypnosis treatment yielded a moderate impact on pain strength and discomfort interference.
How can hypnosis be used with our experience of pain? Hypnosis allows you to alter perception, to narrow the focus of attention. It also allows you to detach yourself from concerns that might amplify the pain. Using functional MRI, we've found that, during hypnosis, a part of the brain called the salience network is less active.
People typically tend to think of hypnosis as some kind of circus act. This cannot help though since there is so much hype regarding its use. But did you know that it can be a viable and natural way for managing pain? This is very much apparent in monks practicing a form of hypnosis coupled in their religious beliefs enabling them to perform rituals that involves so much pain that it can be considered as simply impossible for any normal person to do.
Indeed the use of hypnosis for conquering pain isn't new. Ancient cultures had been able to use it to settle their minds and achieve a sense of focus that enables them to put aside any sensations of pain or discomfort. This is certainly true regardless if the hypnotism was self induced or initiated by somebody else. Through this level of hypnosis, it is believed that it's entirely possible to shut down our bodies' sensations of pain.
Peggy Smith is a Registered Nurse and Certified Hypnotherapist who combines conventional hypnosis strategies with healthy dietary counseling, customized to particular health concerns as well as assisting her customers to stop smoking plus other services.
With her gentle hypnosis strategies, she can also help with stress management/life balance techniques in addition to discomfort, pain and weight management.
Services Offered: (other services listed but not listed here) Hypnosis for Pain Management and Opioid Addiction
Smoking Cessation Hypnosis has been a successful option for many clients wanting to quit.
Stress manage/ Life Balance techniques Stressed out? Life out of control? Hypnosis may be a solution!
Hypnosis for pain management Learn hypnosis techniques to management pain issues without, or as an adjunct to traditional management. I specialize in cancer pain management, and will go to patients who cannot travel to office in King of Prussia / Wayne location.
Hypnosis services for weight management Registered nurse combines traditional hypnosis techniques with healthy nutritional counseling, tailored to specific health issues.
Hypnosis can be a safe effective tool for pain management, smoking cessation, weight loss, motivational coaching and so much more.
In-person and virtual appointments are available.
Contact Peggy for a complimentary consultation (267) 593-5557
0 notes