heardnotherd1 · 6 years
She Wants To Be...
One of the most rewarding things about taking an interest in local music scenes is that you get to see and hear music up close and personal, you see family and friends supporting the artists who play in small venues, shops, pubs and even busk in the street all for their passion and for our entertainment.
One such artist causing major ripples is the very wonderful Amy Lou from Dunfermline.  Her latest release is a 6-track EP “Star Wars Tattoo And Other Stories”.  A tune filled emotional ride of acoustic guitar led songs on which Amy has enlisted the help of some her musical friends.and the odd sound effect.  Already popular tunes like “The Girl From Dundee” and “She Wants To Be A Marine Biologist” play out among the newer tunes perfectly.  “Chania Twain” in particular has the sound of a confident singer/songwriter taking aim at the success of KT, Nina and Amy Mac.
Impossible to confine to a genre, her music is a product of a variety of influences and a love of writing lyrics that document everything that everyone has been through from dating, breaking up, making up, looking at people from afar, honest conversations and confessions.
Recent shows have seen Amy embrace her talents and quirky song and spoken word delivery to great appeal that had the audiences singing along with every word.  It’s a fun thing to witness and be a part of.
Be a marine biologist and get “Star Wars Tattoo And Other Stories” which is available for digital download and on CD too from Bandcamp here. - https://amyloumb.bandcamp.com/album/star-wars-tattoo-and-other-stories
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heardnotherd1 · 6 years
SINGLE REVIEW -  “Colours” by OH!RIO
Dundee based band Oh Rio release their 3rd track today and it’s already taken a place in our Best Of 2018.
The band are Declan Millar (Vocals & Guitar), Sean Millar (Guitar), Andy McBeth (Bass) and John Adamson (Drums).  Together they have produced a track that is so good I’ve had it on repeat since they let me have a listen this week.
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The song itself captures a sound from a time before indie, almost as if it was released in the 80s and was way ahead of it’s time.  This is what is so good about this band, there’s no niche, no pigeon hole to put them in, just creators of atmosphere and killer choruses.
The guitar hooks and drum beats guide us through the verses until exploding into each chorus and a stand out Middle 8 which includes some awesome vocal echoes  Declan Millar’s vocal is impeccable here, bringing it all together perfectly.  Watch the video here is see the lads having lots of fun on a seemingly cold shoot.  
Next up for the band is a gig at CHURCH DUNDEE on 24/2.  Get along to see them.  Book them into your venues and spread the word.
“…..makes me feel the love again….”
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heardnotherd1 · 6 years
When you like a band, you like a band, right?  Fife’s Gentlemen Jackals first came to my attention on their 1st release “Hold My Body”, and their subsequent releases have never disappointed.   The band have a new EP out on 2nd February 2018, and here at HNH HQ we’ve been lucky enough to grab a sneak preview.
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“The Open Door Within Your Mind” is 5 quality tracks which sway from guitar driven sounds that maraude their way into your brain, to pop sensibilities and thumping bass lines so cool you’d think Nile Rodgers had popped into the studio to lend a hand.
Opening track “Heathens + Broken Hymns” gets off to a thumping start with it’s fast pace and an underlying guitar hook to envy.  The vocal melody lifts us along to the kind of chorus that new wave bands in the late 70s would have killed for.  So many different elements in this track, after the first listen you get a “never expected that” kind of vibe.   Ace.
Next up is the rockier “Preacher’s Son” which gallops along at a steady pace giving us a terrific vocal line, sing-a-long chorus mixed with some pretty epic rock guitar.  The last 60 second of this song is so sonically engaging it’ll have you on your feet, air guitar-ing as the pace speeds up to a frenzy, imagine Foo Fighters covering Blondie’s “Call Me”...... that!!
Track 3 is “Out Of Reach” is where the pop sensibilities of this band shine, class melodies which never let up, and an earworm of a guitar hook.  You can’t help hearing where their influences are injected into this track, everything from Springsteen to Queen it all just works together.
Track 4 is a 2017 single release “Wisdom To The Wise”, and a track in which the rhythm section shine.  The perfect timing of drums and bass come to the fore to give us a rocking tune.  A live favourite and one of our favourite tracks from last year it’s a complete belter of a track, shout that chorus loud.
Track 5 is an extended version of “Waiting For The Day” which gives us yet more delicious guitar hooks.  It’s slower pace lends itself perfectly as the EP closer.  Some nifty harmonies amid the layers of guitar is so good you could spread it on a cracker.
What’s so interesting about the Jackals is their ability to change direction mid song and make it all work perfectly which keeps everything fresh and exciting.  They should be very proud of this collection.  The EP is released on February 2nd.
Up next for the band is their place in the final 14 bands from all over Scotland taking part in the Soundwaves Music Competition when they play at the O2 ABC in Glasgow on February 10th.  I’m sure they’ll smash down those doors and be ready for the next round after that gig.
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heardnotherd1 · 7 years
We Came From Wolves have never been far from my ears for about the last 3 years.  From the thumping jaggy sounds of their “Paradise Place” EP to their supersonic self titles debut LP and up to now with the release of their 5 track EP “Haunt Me”
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This band holds a special place in my musical heart, the plentiful number of gigs during 2015/2016 showed me what a hard working, determined and passionate rock band they are.  I loved listening to their guitars, their beats, their bass, their voices and gluing all that together was Kyle Burgess’ very honest words, clearly drawn, pulled and set free from brain to voice to record.  If the words on Paradise Place talked of cathartic scripture, the words on their debut LP WAS the cathartic scripture and now on “Haunt Me” they have given everything to create the 5 songs.
The opener “Falling” creeps in and crashes into a frantic paced stormer leading into a crowd pleasing sing-a-long chorus and a lad-chant that WCFW have always been good at (most notably on “An Eagle For A Fish” and “Butterflies”).. Recent single “The Peak Beneath The Sea” nestles in perfectly at Track 2, with it’s killer chorus, demon drums.  Title track “Haunt Me” slows the pace down a notch, to wonderful effect, it’s softer yet still powerful chorus is a future audience arm waver, the kind of song you’d expect to hear in a montage at the end of a movie.  Another recent single “Places Unfamiliar” storms in to it’s relentless rhythmic beats, verses and empowered chorus.  Closer “This Never Gets Easy” begins with a lad chant before a harmonious verse and one of the passionate chorus belt-outs you’ll ever hear.  From then on every last drop of Wolf is poured onto the listener, enough to imagine singer Kyle collapsed in a heap on the studio floor.  This EP is essential listening, whatever your listening for you’ll hear it here.  We Came From Wolves career trajectory will soon be likened to that of bands such a Twin Atlantic, their upcoming tour of Euro dates will garner a whole new set of fans, and deservedly so.
Stream and download “Haunt Me” https://wecamefromwolves.bandcamp.com/album/haunt-me
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heardnotherd1 · 7 years
Perth has been peaking it’s glorious head above the radar for a while now in all things cultural.  The city contains many wonderful things and a lot of talented people, It can claim among it’s musical talents the sounds of Good Cop Great Cop, the nucleus of We Came From Wolves, Flat Six, and Draws Creature Mask among others.  New to the growing list is a band of young lads named Stop The Rain.
With some band members in, and some barely out of their teens they have such a reassuring accomplished sound that you’d think they’d been in the biz for years.  With a (sadly unavailable) debut release in 2016 the “Save My Life” EP has such songs of pop/rock quality.  Over the course of the last 12 months they have release 3 separate singles - “Home Is Where The Heart Is”, “Skylight” and “Ghosts”, each a breakthrough hit in my opinion.
This week sees the release of their first EP “Sinking” out on download and limited edition CD.  It contains 4 new songs all written by the band.  The opener “Your Head’s A Prison\” kicks it off with a burst of energy that doesn’t let up with some fairly epic guitar.  Track 2 “Cut The Cord” has a killer chorus and some epic drums.  Track 3 “Side Effect” has the most amazing vocal lines sung with such passion and a guitar hook that puts everything in the Top 10 to shame. Track 4 and title track “Sinking” is a song that has quiet moments then a burst out chorus.  All the songs here give the band a great opportunity to showcase their writing and their musical talents.  Citing their influences like Fatherson and Twin Atlantic I think they can rightly claim the niche in the alternative rock world that lies somewhere in the fusion of those amazing bands.  With uber-producer Mark Morrow (another sign of a quality release), they deserve to go far, so keep on, don’t stop Stop The Rain.
Friday 15th September catch them co-headline in Perth at The Gig Room with November Lights.  “Sinking” EP is available to download the same day.
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heardnotherd1 · 7 years
Ready, Aim, Fire
The East Neuk of Fife is a funny old place, it is rural, community driven and cosmopolitan all at the same time and with such diversity, like most areas of Scotland, it can produce a bucket load of talented people.  Artists, musicians, writers and actors of global recognition have all came from this part of the world, and it’s to this note that I bring The Bel-Airs (with a hyphen) to the attention of those who haven’t had the chance to see or hear them yet.
Their debut LP “Sin City” has been released and it contains 11 tracks from the Fife collective that cover rock, blues, soul, funk and even a wee bit country.  In other words, they do what they want, that’s what is so interesting about this band and this album.
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Lead track “Ready, Aim, Fire” is a bluesy rock opener, you can imagine this being a Curtain-Up performance at a massive rock show, crunchy guitars and thumping beats. Kim Seymour belts out the killer chorus on this and all the other tracks, complementing the solid multi-instrumental unit playing out in force.
Highlights include the tune-filled stomper “Sold As Seen”, the country tinged “Bittersweet” and the nifty horns on “Diva Fever”, all of which make this album so diverse and exciting that it’s impossible to lose interest.  There’s a balance between the rocky numbers and the moodier mellow tracks “Lost In You” and “Perfect Day” which bring forth some great harmonies and guitar and vocal chill.
If you haven’t managed to catch them live, I’d encourage you to seek them out, guaranteed to have you dancing and arm swaying the night away.  Pick up a copy of this album via their Facebook page and rock out, chill out and freak out in it’s wonders.
Mark x
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heardnotherd1 · 7 years
Friday 16th June, The Windsor Hotel, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland.   Rubber Stamp Promotions put together a evening of live music from locals bands based around Fife.
Ticket sales were high and the anticipation for the event grew as many promoters, gig go-ers and fans took to social media in the run up to the event, it promised to be an evening of solid entertainment.
The event itself was the launch gig for the debut album “From The Top”  from The Sunset Spirit, a Fife band with a genuinely loyal fan base, one whichj I’m sure will increase after this gig.
The support bands are all, in their own right, regulars of the live music circuit and to get them all on the same bill on a Friday night is quite impressive.
First up was the young energetic lads n lasses that form The Decrees from Dunfermline.  From the first chord they launched into a fiery set and halfway through the first song you realise this is going to become a sweaty, satisfying rock’n’roll journey.  Lead singer Lewis Akers was stripped to the waist before the end of the 2nd song and was jumping off the stage and just revelling in his bands energy and rock rhythms.  It was an impressive set to say the least. Their debut EP “Screams From Suburbia” is available on streaming and download sites.
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Next on stage was Fife quartet Gentlemen Jackals.  Their bio says they are “lost in time” and one of their goals in “recapturing the sound of yesteryear”, however they use their influences to create their own sound which is filled with hooks, melody and rock’n’roll melodies so fresh sounding you wonder why no-one has come up with it before.  There are very few bands I have heard live where, as an audience member, I can hear every single band members stage contribution stand out, from vocals, rhythm guitar, a spectacular bass and a drummer with expert timing and percussion skills.  Their set at The Windsor sounded accomplished and some new, unreleased songs sounded so great I wanted to have an LP immediately, something I’m sure will be available very soon.  Really impressed.  3 singles “Hold My Body”, “Oh Tanya”, and the latest “Wisdom To The Wise” are available to stream and download.
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Before this gig,I must confess to not knowing a great deal about this band from Glenrothes, which is a tragedy a) because they are quite literally amazing and b) I am from Glenrothes and never knew of them.  Apologies Ellies.  However, downloading their debut album “Same Old Silence” without having heard a single song proved a worthwhile investment.  They arrived on stage and launched into their set with gusto, banging out tune after tune with the most brilliant guitar lines, solid rhythm and some lad-chanting choruses.  Really glad to experience their sound live, will definitely be seeing them again.
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The headline band, showcasing their debut album “From The Top” were heralded by a piper before their appreciative audience cheered them on stage.  From the off they showed why they are an exciting, fresh sounding band.  Their use of a sensational keyboard sound for starters, adding an extra dimension to the feelgood sound of their songs.  Clearly the audience loved them, singing and dancing to every song and they blazed through their set mixing rock sounds, swirling keys, acoustic guitars, harmonica, and the gentle but powerful voice of Stuart Shield, and it works.  Their album “From The Top” is a fine collection and they’ve done Fife proud, available for streaming and download.
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These types of events are so important, not only for the bands, but for local music, the community and the venues, I hope that similar events continue to be staged and given the support they need and deserve.
Thank you for reading this far.
Mark x
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