heart-electra · 9 years
Fishing & Mining
Previous Balance: 140,611G
Bought a Silver Fishing Rod from @altelia-kross [ -18,000G ] Bought a Silver Hoe from @seedsforever [ -18,000G ]
Current Balance: 104,611G New Balance: 149,329G
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Rod: Silver Fishing Rod Location: Beach Weather: Sunny
Fish Bone [ +1G ]
Barracuda [ +15,000G ]
Rubber Boot [ +1G ]
Barracuda [ +15,000G ]
Saury [ +192 ]
Sea Bream [ +349G ]
Sea Bass [ +500G ]
Amago Trout [ +1,300G ]
Black Bass [ +280G ]
Flounder [ +1,200G ]
Cod [ +230G ]
Black Bass [ +280G ]
Horse Mackerel [ +181G ]
Black Bass [ +280G ]
Sea Bream [ +349G ]
Subtotal: 34,768G
Hoe: Silver Hoe Location: Moonlight Cave
Useless Rocks [ +1G ]
Necklace [ +2,000G ]
Silver Ore [ +150G ]
Ruby [ +1,700G ]
Facial Pack [ +50G ]
Fluorite [ +800G ]
Agate [ +600G ]
Junk Ore [ +10G ]
Brooch [ +2,000G ]
Fluorite [ +800G ]
Copper Ore [ +50G ]
Facial Pack [ +50G ]
Silver Ore [ +150G ]
Ruby [ +1,700G ]
Subtotal: 9,950G
Total: 44,718G
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heart-electra · 9 years
Activity Check [+ minigames]
[ +2,000G ]: Earned automatically. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your first job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your second job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your third job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your fourth job. [ +500G ]: For being the Boss of your first job. [ +500G ]: For updating your Biography / Diary pages. [ +500G ]: For updating all of the other information docs. [ +4,350G ]: Critter Catching profits. [ +2,775G ]: Foraging profits.
New Balance: 140,611G
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Critter Catching:
Singing Cicada [ +550G ]
Purple Emperor [ +200G ]
Causasus Beetle [ +520G ]
Honey Bee [ +150G ]
Spotted Pond Frog [ +300G ]
Giraffe Stag Beetle [ +1,500G ]
Piggyback Locust [ +150G ]
Dirt Grasshopper [ +190G ]
Hercules Beetle [ +640G ]
Spotted Ladybug [ +150G ]
Small Rock [ +5G ]
Blue Magic Flower [ +420G ]
Shiitake [ +480G ]
Common Mushroom [ +395G ]
Toy Flower [ +275G ]
Blueberry [ +350G ]
Very Berry [ +600G ]
Brick [ +50G ]
Branch [ +50G ]
Honeycomb [ +150G ]
0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
‘What in the world?’ Electra thought, forcing her cup of morning tea onto the desk to reread the piece of gossip -- to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her at such an early hour. The fine print did not lie, and she was right in what it said. ‘That’s nonsense!' She folded the newspaper and discarded it on the ledge by the window, shaking her head towards such silly and shallow gossip someone probably developed in spite of her successful cousin. Of course, Julius may have his moments, but Max would never hate him -- dislike him at times, yes, but that is just how humans work. Moreover, with her...
Did he know? What if...
Is it true Max secretly HATES all his cousins? Hating Julius I can understand, but Electra is such a sweetie!
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heart-electra · 9 years
He scoffs incredulously. “Trouble, me? Those two words have absolutely no business sharing the same sentence, my dear! I’m doing perfectly fine. A small amount of stress from work, I suppose, but that’s not out of the ordinary.” The blonde folds his hands in his lap delicately as he listens to his cousin speak, nodding at different intervals throughout her dialogue. Of course being the Mayor was a challenging task, he expected no less, really. But he was delighted to see that Electra was handling herself well in spite of that. Not that he was surprised– she had always been one of the more responsible members of the family, after all.
“Oh, well that is a relief.” He says, letting out a small exhale to emphasize the statement. “And the Spa is doing rather well, as are my other businesses! Business has been booming as of late, which has also been putting a lot on my plate. I believe I may have to make a bid for more employees soon, to keep up with the large demand.” The heir chuckles lightly, directing a small, charming smile at her. “And you, my dear Electra? As I understand it, you have a few other jobs you work, along with being mayor. How do you juggle all of that, I wonder?”
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He then takes on a thoughtful expression, this question having been on his mind for quite a while now. “And for what reason? Your position as Mayor should pay fairly well, so it’s not as if you are in a great need of money… in addition to that, you do have the family funds to fall back on if you ever find that you are…”
“How dare I have the audacity to mention those two words side by side! Silly, silly me. ♪” She comically smirked. “I’m glad to hear that. Doctors have always said that a small amount of stress is healthy, so I would be concerned if you said the contrary. Though, wouldn’t we all love to not be stressed at all?” The purplette descended into her seat, gesturing an open palm as if another individual was standing before them to use as an example. Sighing relief from easing the pressure off her feet, which were ever so slightly sore from walking up several sets of stairs and all around the town hall, in heels nonetheless, she propped her forearms along the border of her desk so that her elbows remained off. Intertwining her fingers with one another, she maintained level with his eyes, and presented an authentic smile as she listened to the man speak. Oh, how she had missed her cousin, though they live within proximity of each other.
“That’s great! And so I have heard,” she nodded affirmatively to the boost in business, “which brings me joy to see that our economy continues to flourish. And to hear it personally from a business owner, and my dear cousin, lets me know that I am doing my job well. Besides, I have no doubt that you will find more potential employees willing to work with you. As our city grows, so does our workforce.” It was rather difficult to detain her from talking so officially about work once the topic has arisen, so she hoped that he wasn’t bothered by it or felt depersonalized by it, for that was opposite of her intentions. “I am perfectly fine as well,” she responded, “a little stressed, but that is to be expected.” However, the sincerity of her simper began to falter as he questioned the reasoning behind her working class status -- comparable to their family name as upper class.
Goddess, she didn’t want to be placed in another situation where she had to lie in order to spare his humiliation -- and hers. Her eyes fell astray for a moment in thought, considering the possibility of telling him the truth and hoping for the best. Yet, not one person in her extended family knew of this -- not even Porcoline, who was arguably the most understanding out of the entire family. “I...” She started, piecing together her defense.
“Max,” she tilted her head, “... I understand that it is unconventional to be working three other jobs and being Mayor, but the truth is that I genuinely enjoy working! I believe it is a part of my duty as an individual to contribute back to the community. Also, I simply like to keep busy and always be doing something so I don’t become bored!” Electra abruptly rose from her seat, preventing herself from over-zealousness in an attempt to conceal the truth she had long been hiding. “Would you like a beverage? It isn’t like me not to ask, please pardon me. I have water, tea, coffee...?”
{truth i(s) (he) be(lie)ve(d)} electra&max
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heart-electra · 9 years
Alice waited relatively patiently for the tea to arrive. If she was this slow at making tea only the Goddess knew how slow she’d be at decision making. She wondered if Electra could tell how much Alice disliked her, was it obvious? It wasn’t like she was trying to show it… But she just couldn’t help it. She wasn’t fake, after all.
Besides. If Alice hated her then why would she be wasting time from her day to visit her, that’s exactly what would be going through Electra’s mind. Of course, Alice was visiting her because she hated her. She simply couldn’t resist watching somebody squirm, especially someone who defeated her in such an important competition. 
She took a sip of her tea, which was, thankfully, piping hot. If it had been any cooler she’d have demanded fresh tea, whilst biting her tongue. Of course Alice was talking about being mayor, what? Did this girl think she was asking how it felt to be sat across from her? How it felt to have the wind in her hair? Honestly. 
Oh it feels surreal. Blah blah blah. Honestly, Alice didn’t care. “Oh yes, I’m sure it’s hard. I do hope you can manage. As for me? I’m busy with work. Losing the election was like water off a duck’s back to me. I couldn’t care less.”
Electra sipped her piping hot tea promptly after completing her answer, somewhat parched from the miniature speech she mentally prepared prior. Granted, she was uncertain of how much of that the other woman actually listened to, all that mattered was that their conversation remained civil and sincere -- even if it was one-sided. The young woman straightened her posture and raised her eyebrows to present herself as attentively listening, while she earnestly was, in spite of her displeasing tone that was laced with sarcasm all the way through. Still, she ensured that it never became apparent that her company was unwanted or unneeded, for as she always said, her office was open to anyone and everyone.
“I appreciate the words of encouragement,” she thanked her, placing the tea aside on a platter before delicately resting her hands on her lap. Nodding comprehensibly, she chose to ignore the seemingly bitter simile and treat it as if it had not been mentioned at all -- as allusive as it was. “I understand that you are a hardworking businesswoman, so I have no doubts that you are busy with whatever you do. Why I’m surprised you found spare time to visit me! I’m just delighted you did, though. ♪“
{on display} electra&open
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heart-electra · 9 years
{stressed out} electra&jin
‘I’m fine,’ Electra would reassure everyone that inquired about the amount of work on her plate and her health, which were popular subjects during discourse with others. Truth of the matter was that since assuming the position of mayor of the city, her health had begun to deteriorate. Together with her leadership role, three additional jobs, and fiscal troubles within her strange family situation, it started to take a toll on her. As she often told herself, this was nothing more than she couldn’t handle. However, after her assistant pressuring her to visit the doctor after cancelling appointments and prolong rescheduling, she finalized a date at the hospital and found time in her bustling day to go. On the way, she stopped to purchase a bottle of water, and continued onward before arriving to the new building.
She held no antipathy towards hospitals for she was never in them frequently, but this time, it was different. She was here for herself and not for someone else. Waiting anxiously for her name to be called, she decided to scan through some of her work emails while also occasionally being pointed out by other patients or employees in the hospital, prior to hearing “Electra” breaking the silence. The young woman followed the nurse to a spick and span room where she were to wait again for a Doctor Jin.
Oddly enough, no time seemed to have passed before she witnessed a man with a black ponytail step into the room. “Good afternoon, Doctor Jin. How are you?” She greeted the stranger wearing a white lab coat, offering a sweet simper.
0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
{night watch} electra&doug
Eavesdropping on conversation was unethical, and Electra knew that all too well. Yet, in order to preserve her dignity, she liked to think that there were certain exceptions to that rule. For example, if the speakers are nearby you and their volume is loud enough that it is audible to you, then it should be no surprise that you naturally hear what they are discussing. Upon arriving to that conclusion, the young woman listened intently as she stocked the shelves of the general store -- apparently, there has been rumors of someone robbing businesses late at night when employees and customers are absent, and they have been getting away with it. ‘Nonsense,’ she thought incredulously, ‘I would’ve heard about it if that were the case.’ The only other explanation was that it just occurred... maybe, but... unlikely.
Finished with her task, she disregarded the customers and walked in the opposite direction of them in the aisle. She turned sharply around the corner and almost collided with another person prior to her swiftly stepping aside beyond their course of action. Thankfully, their bodies never met, especially since the person was none other than her boss. “I am so sorry about that, Mr. Silverstein! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“Actually, I’m glad I found you. I finished stocking the shelves as you requested -- what else are you wanting me to do? I am ready to work. ♪“ She smiled, brushing her hands together in preparation of another job to keep her busy and not think of other matters, including miscellaneous work and sleeping. “Also, how are you?“ Electra sincerely asked, since she hadn’t seen him since she got there.
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heart-electra · 9 years
Foraging & Critter Catching
Previous Balance: 118,746G Current Balance: 127,986G
Glass Stone [ +200G ]
Black Herb [ +300G ]
Mushroom [ +380G ]
Black Rock [ +200G ]
Poison Mushroom [ +520G ]
Copper Ore [ +50G ]
Toadstool [ +420G ]
Sakura Seashell [ +670G ]
Branch [ +50G ]
Black Branch [ +200G ]
Total: 2,990G
Critter Catching:
Migratory Locust [ +500G ]
Miyama Swallowtail [ +210G ]
Winter Firefly [ +600G ]
Caucasas Beetle [ +520G ]
Emperor Dragonfly x2 [ +3,000G ]
Birdwing [ +580G ]
Helena Morpho [ +650G ]
Spotted Locust [ +190G ]
Total: 6,250G
0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
Activity Check
[ +2,000G ]: Earned automatically. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your first job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your second job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your third job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your fourth job. [ +500G ]: For being the Boss of your first job. [ +500G ]: For updating your Biography / Diary pages. [ +500G ]: For updating all of the other information docs.
New Balance: 118,746G
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0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
Foraging & Critter Catching
Previous Balance: 106,431G Current Balance: 113,246G
Small Rock [ +5G ]
Blue Herb [ +260G ]
White Herb [ +350G ]
Poison Mushroom [ +520G ]
Sage [ +400G ]
Black Branch x2 [ +400G ]
Glass Stone [ +200G ]
Purple Herb [ +230G ]
Scrap Metal [ +10G ]
Critter Catching
Bush Cricket [ +350G ]
Emma Field Cricket [ +500G ]
Piggyback Locust [ +150G ]
Spotted Pond Frog [ +300G ]
Caucasas Beetle [ +520G ]
Rainbow Beetle [ +600G ]
Helena Morpho x2 [ +1,300G ]
Spotted Locust [ +190G ]
Mountain Honey Bee [ +530G ]
Total: 6,815G
0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
Activity Check
[ +2,000G ]: Earned automatically. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your first job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your second job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your third job. [ +500G ]: Paycheck for your fourth job.
New Balance: 106,431G
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0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
It had been a little over a month since Electra was elected to the mayoral seat and Max, busy man that he was, had not had any time to make any celebratory gestures for her. Of course this was a source of great guilt and shame for him, and so he decides to pay her a visit on his next day off, and dedicate the entirety of his free time to her… or at least for however long she would allow.
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The man strolls down the halls of the City Hall with pride and confidence, his whole demeanor effortlessly emanating an aura of importance and authority to any and all that he passed. People greeted him, moved aside for him and generally acquiesced him without the blonde even having to ask. It was a phenomena he hadn’t experienced in quite a while, and he didn’t quite know how to feel about it’s return. Perhaps his time with the common people has changed his perception some…
As he arrives at Electra’s – the mayor’s – office, he nearly bumps into the man who had been walking out of it. Max blinks as he catches the man’s muttered words about ‘collecting debts’, and reasons that he was someone Electra had sent out to collect the citizens’ debts. It made sense… that was one of the mayor’s duties as well, of course.
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With a smile much brighter than the ones he had greeted the other City Hall workers with, Max knocks lightly on the slightly open door, entering the office once he caught his dear cousin’s attention. “And hello to you, dear Electra!” He greets cheerfully, wasting no time in coming in and wrapping his arms around the girl in a hug. “I’m doing rather well for myself, if a little busy.” He says upon separating from her, and taking the seat she gestured to. “But I’m sure you have much more on your plate than I do! How is it, running a city? It certainly isn’t an easy job, is it? I do hope I’m not intruding on any important or sensitive work.”
"It’s so nice to see you!” Electra graciously opened her arms to reciprocate the embrace, closing her eyes in silent gratitude of his arrival posing as the sun on her otherwise cloudy day. After he released his hold around her slim figure, she stepped backward and offered a reassuring simper that his presence was welcomed and genuinely appreciated. While he described his current condition, the young woman was just about baffled by how cluttered her desk must appear to him; therefore, she quickly stacked some papers and moved various other objects aside so that their conversation would not be disrupted by mess. Oh, it was always in her nature to be neat! Surely, her life would be considered as such sometime -- meanwhile, she focused on her wonderful company.
“I expected no less. I am happy to hear that you’re doing well and keeping yourself busy -- not getting into trouble, I presume?” She lightly giggled, playfully winking prior to continuing, “As long as you aren’t too stressed.” Goodness, had she heard the question many times before; nonetheless, it was to be expected, for each time it was asked, her response changed. “Nothing on my plate that I cannot handle, I assure you. Aha,” she paused, “it certainly is not an easy job! Running a city is not for everyone -- it takes a special sort of person with the right patience and determination to do it. It can be very difficult and frustrating at times, but I am thankful for the council members and other employees here that help keep me on my feet!”
“No, you aren’t intruding at all!” The Mayor waved off his ridiculous assumption, “Today has... just been another day. How is the Spa doing? Is business well?”
{truth i(s) (he) be(lie)ve(d)} electra&max
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heart-electra · 9 years
Of course Electra hadn’t been expecting to see Alice. She was positive that someone like her wouldn’t have the decency to congratulate someone who beat her in a competition. Oh no. No one could be so nice. It was all a lie, and Alice would expose her if it was the last thing she did! 
Or perhaps Alice was just jealous and angry that people seemed to like Electra so much more than they liked her.
She raised an eyebrow at the new mayor’s overly polite gesture. While people certainly should be bowing to her, it was so… Dramatic. Maybe Alice just had a stiff upper lip.
The smile never leaving her face, she nodded and took a seat by her desk. The desk that Alice should be sat behind. Honestly, what was so good about her anyway? She was too pleasant to get anything done. 
“Tea would be absolutely lovely. Do you have green?” She was no stranger to the health benefits of green tea, and she did, perhaps a little shallow of her, wan to look her best. “Otherwise a nice cup of earl grey would be wonderful, sweetheart.”
She placed her hands in her lap, watching Electra, “How does it feel?”
“Yes, I do.” Electra affirmatively nodded, fetching the pitcher of freshly brewed green tea, along with two tea cups and platters for her and her company. Something about the way the word ‘sweetheart’ rolled off her tongue resounded sarcastically in her mind, but she pushed the intrusive thought aside as she finished filling the cup. There was no reason that the woman was not capable of visiting her out of sincerity to see how she was doing -- the negative rumors circulating about her, especially during the campaign, surely not all were indeed true. She deserves a chance, since she hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary to lose the privilege of receiving one.
“I assume by ‘it’ you mean being mayor?“ She asked, despite knowing what she was insinuating at, as she placed the platter before Alice and sat behind her desk with her own. “It feels... surreal. I have been dreaming of being mayor since I was a young child, and to think that I’m actually here now... though it’s hard work, it is so worth it. How have you been doing?”
{on display} electra&open
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heart-electra · 9 years
Critter Catching
Previous Balance: 97,911G Current Balance: 102,431G
Giraffe Stag Beetle [ +1,500G ]
Brown Cricket [ +300G ]
Mountain Honey Bee [ +530G ]
Spotted Locust x2 [ +280G ]
Caucasus Beetle [ +520G ]
Winter Firefly [ +600G ]
Kobane Grasshopper [ +150G ]
Pacific Firefly [ +190G ]
Southern Firefly [ +450G ]
Total: 4,520G
0 notes
heart-electra · 9 years
“Excellent,” Gill nodded. He watched as she slipped into the employee’s room— taking a moment to carefully leave the book he’d selected by the same terminal he’d left his book bag at, intending to come back for it later. As she continued he perked up once more, hovering patiently as she hung up her coat.
“Absolutely.“ He nodded, following along after with only the briefest glance back at his bag. He doubted very much that many people would arrive before he got back - it was likely fine exactly where it was, for now. He turned back to Electra with a small smile. “If it’s especially good I might end up working it into my morning routine. Save myself a step before work, you know?”
Electra attentively nodded, maintaining pace with her co-worker and winding the occasional corner until the coffee shop emerged into view. “Yeah,” the young woman said, “if it’s especially good, then I won’t have to worry about waking up earlier to drop by the coffee shop down the street and beat the line. I've thought about investing in a coffee maker, but this is more convenient in my opinion -- don’t you think?” She briefly giggled following her question, adjusting her side bun as they turned a corner. “My goodness, I feel as if I’ve rambled. Pardon me. How have you been?”
Despite the logo of a steaming mug of espresso positioned on the front, she slowed her stride in order to provide surplus time for him to respond. The irony was slightly comical, seeing that her tongue and feet moved quicker than her thought -- perhaps a symptom of lack of sleep, but that was not important.
{winds of change} electra&gill
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heart-electra · 9 years
{truth i(s) (he) be(lie)ve(d)} electra&max
“Yes sir, I understand.” Electra incessantly nodded her head to the debt collector, hoping he receives her implicit gestures that she wished for him to leave. Unfortunately, he persisted onward with his lecture, which pushed her to the verge of annoyance since his subtly condescending tone made it sound like she was completely oblivious of how to properly manage repaying her debt. She patiently waited for the gentleman to finish, crossing her arms, until there was a pause offering space for her to contribute -- and conclude -- the discussion. “Sir, I am prompt with my payments, and I have the paperwork to prove such. Although these recent couple of payments have been slightly less, I am trying the best I can. I apologize, but I have work to do, so I ask that we continue this on another day. Thank you, and good day.” With a smile, she watched as he heaved a sigh and left, much to his dismay -- now, it was her turn to sigh as wiped her palms across her face.
Moments later did she hear a knock, causing her to drop her hands and see a familiar figure standing in the ajar doorway. “Oh! Hello!” Her mood uplifted upon seeing the fond face, though she honestly wasn’t necessarily wanting more company. However, it had been some time since the two locked eyes, so she wouldn’t pass up this opportunity. “Please come in. How are you?” The purplette retrieved her previous simper, signaling towards an armchair in front of the desk.
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heart-electra · 9 years
Previous Balance: 95,521G Current Balance: 97,911G
Branch [ +50G ]
Blackberry [ +360G ]
Black Rock x2 [ +400G ]
Scrap Metal [ +10G ]
Walnut [ +300G ]
White Herb [ +350G ]
Medicinal Herb [ +250G ]
Sakura Seashell [ +670G ]
Total: 2,390G
0 notes