heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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Hello Tumblr! It’s me, Rachel Wolf!
I’m here to announce the grand revival of my Danganronpa Multimuse! 
If you’ve never written with me before, I’ll give you a quick summary: I write a bunch of Canon Divergent versions of some very talented kids with heaps of emotional issues, mainly staring Kazuichi, Akane and Tenko! ( and my OCs ofc. can’t forget them !  )
So hey, if that sounds like fun to you, give this a reblog / like, yeah ? I’m up for all fandoms, OCs, ect.! I’m looking forward to writing my walking disaster of characters again! 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
New blog setup is done !! I’m over at @heart-ruled now !!
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
New blog setup is done !! I’m over at @heart-ruled now !!
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
I’m in the middle of setting up everything still but I’m over at @heart-ruled now if anyone wants to follow the new blog !! 
Stuff to do with the setup will be tagged as # Blog maintenance if you wanna blacklist it 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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{ Think I’m gonna go ahead and remake this blog - 
Not getting rid of any of my headcanons, and all threads that people want to be saved are going to be preserved - but I’m heckin tired of my tags breaking all the time }
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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{ I found my Akane in a post } 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
[ ?????? ] 
@heart-ruled​ is here for the show
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Along the length of the pedestrian foot bridge Kazuichi managed to squeeze into a spot with a decent view of― well, whatever the hell everyone was supposed to be looking at. Seeing as it had drawn a crowd, it was hard not to be the least bit curious. At first glance, it was not apparent what the spectacle was exactly. Neither was it clear the second or third time around.
Kazuichi leaned to his left, towards another bystander. Maybe they knew what all the hubbub was about. His eyes remained forward on the look out.
   “Oi, what’s all the commotion about?”
💣 - Even before the accident that had claimed her slime and voice,  Sonoko had never understood the fascination that people had for demolition and destruction. What was the joy in seeing something torn down when so much work had been done to put it there in the first place? 
Even now, she took no joy in explosions or toppling buildings- only the satisfaction that she could assure it was done without any injury. She took pride in that - much more so than we she had used her knowledge to destroy lives in war. 
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At first, it may have looked like she hadn’t heard the boy who had inquired on what the crowd had gathered over; as she was taking one last scan of the area: making sure people were a safe distance away as to not be hit by unexpected debris. 
Once that had been done, she replied to his question by handing him the sheet of paper she’d been drawing on. It was an overview of the demolition safety plan she’d observed by watching the workers - making sure that everything was in place. Her finger slid along the top floors where the bombs where supposed to start, thereafter pointing to the bombs targeted at the support pillars. B
 She mimicked the universally known open hand gesture of a boom.
Well, hopefully he’d understand, anyways. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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Anonymous asked:  A capsule is left behind. If you crack it open, you would find 107. Tentacle Machine inside.
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💣 - The demolition expert believes the the only solution to something like this is fire. 
Napalm  perhaps? 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
[ Ouma ] 
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“But… that sounds like most kids,” Kokichi objected. Not at Tenko’s claim, but at the idea that Tenko was any more of a handful than any other kid. “You’re really emotional, but that’s not a bad thing. There are good ways to learn how to cope with emotions, especially if you’re the type to have explosive emotions. When is the last time you talked to your parents…?”
He couldn’t help but to wonder how much of her memory was warped by her master, how much he denied her reality to create one for her. Were her parents really that shitty in that they would abandon their daughter like so? Especially if they wanted to have her ‘reform’ for her ‘explosive emotions.’ If they really did want Tenko’s master to teach her how to control her temper tantrums, wouldn’t they keep in touch to check on her progress…?
It was a bit too suspicious. Kokichi figured he might have to do some digging later.
Though he was distracted by Tenko thanking him for his honesty, and asking to be his friend, and a weird feeling started stirring in his chest. He couldn’t place it, but it felt like a mixture of anxiety and relief, all rolled into one contradicting emotional ball lodged in his throat. It took him a moment to even think of the words he wanted to say.
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“You… really wanna be friends with someone like me?” He hummed. He didn’t doubt her, but even saying it out loud himself made it hard for him to believe.
Though soon, a warm smile took over his expression.
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“Heh… you know what? Sure, why not. I’ll be your friend. So don’t be afraid to rely on me if you need help, okay?”
🌸 - Was it? She hadn’t met other kids her age when she was younger - and even after, it was mostly in the context of honing her Aikido skills. Tenko’s expression scrunched into a pensive gaze towards the floor. This was...far too much information to take in at once, if it were true. 
But how could she know it was? She had no more reason to trust his words over her masters - and she still found herself fighting that voice in her head telling her she shouldn’t be pulled into a male’s web of sweet lies. It seemed too...coinvent, didn’t it? The idea that she’d done nothing wrong to deserve being separated from society? That she was never dangerous?
Ugh. This was making her head hurt. She wasn’t used to thinking this much.
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“Uh- Thank you?” That was a compliment, right? Or had she just lost track of the conversation? What were they talking about again?
Oh yeah - her parents, right?
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“Let me try and recall!” She took the mundane challange head on with full force, eager to concentrate her focus on something else than questioning reality  “I...I’ve been told my training started when I was three years of age so...twelve years?”
Her intense concentration faltered, her attention rapidly switching to Koichi’s bewilderment of her last question. Having been holed up in her dojo most of the time, she hadn’t interacted much with the other students after her previous attempts had resulted in disasters. If there were any rumors of his reputation, she wouldn’t have known. That thought didn’t even cross her mind, however. 
“Of course! I’ve got a good feeling about you- and from now on, I’m following my heart! Just - keep your distance, okay? I believe it might take me a while to work off the habit of throwing males across the room.” 
Even she wasn’t naïve enough to think it would all be reworked within a day.
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“Same to you, my new, now official, friend! I may be lacking in many skills but I can always defend you if you need it! There are few forces on earth more powerful than a Tenko scorned !”
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
Gonna be working on some art projects this weekend to try and get me back in the DR mindset; and part of this project is me wanting to give canon appearances to Akane’s siblings 
I’m trying to come up with characteristics to fit their personality well, and since Akane isn’t actually blood-related to many  of her siblings, there’s a lot of potential for race / appearance variety ( though most of them are going to mixed )- so I’d love to have suggestions for the ones here I don’t have ideas for yet for character designs 
If you want to know more about their induvial histories, list is here
Kudou - Male. small child who died at the age of 3, fluffy hair and one of the most similar to Akane in appearance. Like airplanes
  Tanimoto - Male, 11 years old, Sickly, nervous bookworm Appearance: Unknown. 
Kuba - Female, 12. Some mixed Hispanic decent in appearance, with brown hair in a pony tail. Sports type with taped hands and a cricket bat. Probably a Casey Jones wanna be.
Takai - Female, 12 ( Kuba’s identical twin ). Socialite who wears her hair down, really likes flowers and tea. 
Miyazaki: Female, died at the age of 4. curly Red hair + Freckles due to some Irish Descent. Undecided on skin tone at this point. Rebellious and spunky.
  Demura: Miyazaki’s brother. Male, 8 years old. Nervous, withdrawn and strict with following rules. Appearance unknown 
Eto: Female,9 years old. Positive, upbeat - but has a tendency to be jumpy and panic easily. Appearance Unknown.
Suga: Biologically female, but going through some gender identify issues ( will eventually identify as trans male ) 10 years old. Eto’s sibling. Gentle and soft-spoken. Nerves make her/him selectively mute in stressful situations. Appearance Unknown
Michizoe: Female, 4 years old. Second closest to Akane in appearance due to having the same mother. Appearance unknown. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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( HUGE thanks to @impytricky for going above and beyond with my Akane sprite commission ?? They added an absolutely amazing sprite  system to it for photoshop and I couldn’t possibly be more happy with this HOLY SHIT ) 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
a friendly-ish reminder not to police what others are writing. remember that some people  ( including myself )  use writing darker topics as a way to cope and heal from trauma. by all means, you can ask them to tag triggers so you can blacklist them if you need to, or put things under a readmore, that’s perfectly acceptable — though, they are under no obligation to  do so. but, please, don’t try to police other blogs.   blacklist tags, unfollow, block if need be, but don’t tell others what they can and can’t write. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
I want to rest. I want to breathe quietly again.
Tennessee Williams (via quotemadness)
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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@truthplayed​ said: Heads up and Hearts Down
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{ Thank you for reading the rules!! Sorry I’m late replying to this. Have flower. }
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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{ Blog update:Major theme work has been done to make all text bigger and easier to read ! 
New rule has been added in light of recent events:
- On a similar note, I have a zero patience for famdom “Antis” that is, people that spend their time policing other based on their ships, what they write or the topics they may chose to portray.  You are allowed to dislike people. You are allowed to block them, disagree with them and be made uncomfortable enough with a ship, topic or character portrayal that you want nothing to do with them. But under no circumstances will I tolerate muns harassing other muns for what they chose to write. Fiction =/= Reality.
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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{ Every year i keep forgetting nursing school’s tactic is p much “lets cram most of the lessons into a few weeks before clinical”
I miss my kids I’m just too tired to write when I’ve been studying for over 7 hours a day }
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