#Only my Heart Knows my Head is Lying ; Lying [ ic: Tenko ]
heart-ruled · 2 years
@ultimatexdetectivexsaihara​ ll From here 
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"....But you don't, Tenko...?" This was...curious, what the other Aikido Master just said... Was she finally starting to open her mind? Or was this just...wishful thinking on his part? Was she just forcing an emotion like always?
"Just because I'm a boy...that doesn't mean you have to hate me, do you?"
🌸- She begins to stare at him intensively, with the same expression that one could expect a child to give a parent after they’ve been caught taking a cookie from one of the cabinets without asking. Her bright green pleading - though for what she, wasn’t quite sure. 
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She tries to sound bitter, but it comes more like a defeated whine. She knows she should. It’s been trained into every fiber of her being to be wary of males; to recognize them as the menaces that they are to society. She’s been educated to know that he would take advantage of her the minute she let her guard down around him. 
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“I don't have to....I don’t think.” She wears an unusually serious expression as she debates it.  “But it’d make it easier.”
If she truly disliked him, that would make the decision for her rather than being stuck in this predicament. But -! Just why did he?! Her voice suddenly rises in pitch and volume to match her growing frustration. 
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“Ugh, stop looking at me like that-! Your eyes are so full of sincerity and patience-! Those aren’t supposed to be the traits of a male menace! You’re doing it wrong! ” 
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
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🌸 - “Sorry! Was I too loud? I can whisper exclusively from now so I won’t scare you ever again!”
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heart-ruled · 2 years
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🌸 -  “...I’d really like to smash a certain menace’s head into the ground right now.”
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heart-ruled · 2 years
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@ultimatexdetectivexsaihara​ said:  “I’m not disrespecting you. I’m telling you the truth.“ (to Tenko)
kitchen nightmares, uncensored … sentence starters ll Accepting! 
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🌸- “Well I-!....I-!” The Aikido master starts out with a angry tone, voice threatening to rise into a shout. It was as though she’d already made the conclusion to her feelings before she’d let the words sink in. A moment or two passes as she processes the statement - quickly picking up the voice she’d been using previously with same ferocity 
“I thank you very much for compliment!” 
She’s not angry. In fact, she looks rather elated that he’s here now. Though her master’s words had been running through her head earlier, telling her how a boy wouldn’t ever come over to her room just to visit -  well, she was pretty lonely after all.
 Now that she’d ruled out that his nice comment on her well-trimmed bonsai tree wasn’t sarcasm, surely there wasn’t ill intentions that he could have? ( It’s okay! Master may know other males well - but he didn’t know Shuichi! ) 
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“It’s one of the only plants I could bring with me from back home! I used to have a whole garden - but I’m trying to start a new one in the dojo! Oh, I know! I could share some of the fruit with you when it’s done growing, Shaihara-san!” 
The idea has her so excited that for a bit, she seems to forget her most infamous set of morals, 
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heart-ruled · 2 years
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@ultimatexdetectivexsaihara​ said:  "What are you doing over there?” (Tenko)
The Black Phone (2005) rp starters ll No Longer Accepting 
🌸- She puts  her foot down enough to stabilize herself, not looking down to confirm the source of the voice until she was positive she regained her balance. There’s just enough room left on the gutter running across the tile roof for her to crouch down and see her classmate. 
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“...training.” she answers, though a bit more sheepish than usual. Tenko figured that she was far enough away from the male that she shouldn’t need to worry him touching him or anything, so it...was safe up here, right?
“The balance beam in my lab broke - and Owari-san says she comes out here to practice all the time. What’s wrong? You look  worried...”
She gives a sudden gasp, as if she’d made a terrible realization.
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“Is this about Oma-san?! Is he being a menace again?! Do you need me to stand next to you in a formidable and imposing manner?!” 
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heart-ruled · 2 years
@the-lytenye-realms​ ( Kaito )
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🌸- “You think I’m just going to be all happy that you’re back after you left me for so long, you big jerk?! Well-! Well...! You’re absolutely right!”
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heart-ruled · 2 years
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@virusvexxed​ said: “It took everything in me not to just, freak out.“ (shuichi @ tenko) 
kitchen nightmares, uncensored … sentence starters ll Accepting !
🌸-Everything had happened faster than she could possibly think. She’d reacted on a kind of feral instinct more than anything - her sense of urgency risen to an all time high as she saw the glint of metal underneath her classmate’s chin. Even knowing that Shuichi was usually armed with his sword - she wasn’t taking any chances with that close of a  gamble with death. 
Her shout had distracted the attacker temporarily enough to pull back, and her Aikido training took over from there: one hand grabbed at his wrist, while a leg swept underneath to make him fall, and the other hand pushed  down the neck, forcing him to go down towards the concrete. She twists his arm, takes the knife, and lets go. Thankfully, the menace is gone just as quickly as he’d arrived, fleeing after he’d lost the upper hand. 
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 “Well maybe next time, you should just...just freak out instead! Or run away! Or do anything other than just stand there, you....you dummy!”
It’s not as though her usual insult towards males would work here - as Shuichi had been the very opposite of a menace to society. Maybe it was because of the amount of time she’d seen Tanto Tori in action - but she’d never expected for the Uke to just freeze there in terror. 
“There was nothing but bad intentions with that man! He would have hurt you really badly if he could! What were you thinking?! You had me freaking out!”
 She didn’t even go out in the city ,usually, but had needed to revisit  this horrid place for sense of closure and self justification. But it seems that she’s only managed to confuse herself more in the process. If everything her master had told her was true, this should have just ended in a bloodbath, both males as equally ravenous for violence. But -! It didn’t! This was nothing like that! 
“Now....I’d very much appreciate it if you told me what I’m supposed to do with this knife-! I’m used to ones made of wood, and this one is far too sharp for my liking! And I don’t think handing it back to my opponent in this case is a very good idea! ” 
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heart-ruled · 2 years
@boughtastar​ ( For Angie! ) ll Starter Call
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🌸- “I don’t get it - how are you able to get things that look like people out of stone? It just doesn’t make sense....are you reversing a cruse? Was the man trapped inside that stone block all along?”
It seemed like such a cruel fate, if true...men made out of stone weren’t menaces after all, right? It seemed harsh, even for her....
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heart-ruled · 3 years
@ahogedetective​​ replied :  "A-Ah no, it doesn't have to do with the actual color. White Day is when it's the boys turn to give gifts to the girls: essentially, returning the favor if they had received a gift from them on Valentines Day."
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🌸 “Girls are supposed to give gifts on valentine’s day?” 
Well - that was news to her. She’d only remembered getting gifts from Master on her birthday or Christmas. ( It’s never been anything extraordinary ever since he’d caught her reading the tales of  Saito Benkei, though. Ah - she really did miss reading books-! ) 
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“Well! While it’s nonsense that girls must be expected to give something before they can get anything in return - I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t know that. That would have a perfect excuse for me to give you a tanto to defend yourself from the more aggressive male menaces, Saihara-san.” 
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heart-ruled · 3 years
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@trinitytalents​ said :  Helena had been planning to compliment Tenko but instead she noticed something horrid. Socks and sandals. Who the heck does that? "How can you be this cute and not have a sense of fashion?" Perhaps not the best way to put it but she was unreasonably upset about this right now.
Unprompted ll Always Accepting 
🌸 - Tenko had honestly never given a second thought about it. When the other student came up to her - obviously upset about something, she had no idea what she’d done wrong. She never did seem to fit in well with other kids - not even the girls, for about as long as she remembered. She was always doing something different, something wrong. 
“...I don’t...have a fashion sense?”
That was probably true. She didn’t even really know what that was. She’d worn the same things her whole life. She knew....Master said she shouldn’t be attached to material things. But it still feels so crushing to be scolded by another girl like this. She wanted to fit in so badly...
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“I’m very sorry. I don’t understand.”  
She wasn’t showing off the best of all the strength Neo-Aikido was supposed to have given her at the moment, tears forming in the corner of her eyes like a scolded child. 
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heart-ruled · 3 years
@theultimatemusemess​ (for Tabi ! ) ll Semi-plotted 
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🌸- “Oh no! Are you okay?! I’m so, so, so ,so sorry!” The Aikido master blabbering apologies almost as soon as the other student - whose approach she’d instinctually taken as that of an Uke - hit the less the forgiving ground below them. 
“I was just so lost in thought at the sight of these beautiful flora-! Your touch must have trigged my inner tori!”
She wasn’t used to interacting with people in any other way than fighting, as her matches against others of her age had been her only form of social interaction outside of her master for as long as she could remember. Her body had reacted on its own in her excitement before she could remember where she was. ( At least the other girl should be generally uninjured - her technique had been more of a transfer into a roll rather than a throw. All designed to keep even an attacker safe! ).
“I’m s ashamed of myself - I’ll see myself out and never come back ever again-!” 
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heart-ruled · 3 years
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@pieman1112​ said :  Rebecca had been working with Tenko for some time and she started to make rapid improvements from when they first started. Today was another day where Rebecca had gotten to Tenko’s room in the facility and had let herself in. She put some of her stuff off to the side before going to find Tenko. When she did find the girl, she brought her into a hug. “You’ve done such a wonderful job these past few months. I’m very proud of you. I think you’ve earned a day of from lessons for your hard work. I’ll even let you pick the activity we do today.” She said with a warm smile.
Unprompted ll Always Accepting
🌸 -  It hadn’t been easy to get to this point. At first, Tenko was as every bit as resistant to help as she swore she’d be.  She’d been taught to ignore all other sources of information than her master, after all - and that trust wasn’t going to build up in a day. 
After some time, however, she began to understand that Rebecca meant her no harm - and only seemed to have her well being in mind. Even if she was somehow as as corrupt as master would have warned her to be, Tenko couldn’t bring herself to say that she had bad intentions. 
So, eventually, she did begin to try and listen. She figured out that if the values she’d learned with Neo-Aikido were so strong, there was no way they’d fall at the first sign of adversity.
But she was starting to find this way of thinking more....natural. It was less painful to fight her instincts, and continuously repeat what she’d been taught on a mantra. 
She just hoped this would finally make her a good person. That she would finally see some progress. 
So when her new teacher praised her efforts - she was practically glowing with excitement. Finally, finally! She was doing well - ! 
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“R-really?!” the grin that soon spread across her face was far more aimed at the words of encouragement than the ‘reward’ she’d been offered. If she was finally doing well - than this was the best day of her life!   
“Does...does that mean I could see my parents again sometime soon?!”
She’d never dreamed this day would come...
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heart-ruled · 3 years
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@pieman1112​ said :  guard for Tenko and Rebecca
Nonverbal Memes ll No Longer Accepting
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger
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🌸 “I don’t understand.... why are you upset?”
It’d been the first time she’d seen her old master in a while - pretty much since she’d joined the UEG’s rehabilitation program. Though she knew the might have  some differencing opinions at this point in time, given all the routes of knowledge that had been open to her, she had thought they had still held the same goal: to get her back into the outside, modern world.
But she had only just barely gotten into trying to explain what she’d learned about the other countries in the world ( having never so much as seen a world map or known any country outside of Japan existed ) - when she could see the mood in the room had been dramatically different from what she imagined.  He wasn’t smiling. He wasn’t the slightest bit happy for her. 
When Rebecca had entered the room, it only served to confused her further, the tension in the air causing Tenko to stand up and out of her chair.
“Hey...w-what’s going on...?”
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heart-ruled · 3 years
@boughtastar​ ( Maria ) ll  Permanent Tenko SC
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🌸 - “I’m...I’m afraid I must deny that offer.” The volume of her voice had significantly lowered, somewhat reflecting the knot of guilt that was writhing inside her stomach. She felt so terribly, terribly rude to reject the aid of someone else to advance her martial arts skills, but she knew this was the right thing to do - ...right? 
“Master says I am forbidden from studying any other fighting skill than that of Neo-Aikido. He says introducing any outside techniques could impede my recovery. I hope you can come to forgive me-!” 
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heart-ruled · 3 years
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@rotrioted​ said :  ".... my apologies. I didn't see you there." (izayoi @ tenko)
Unprompted ll Always Accepting 
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🌸- “Well, you should learn to be more mindful of your surroundings!” The Aikido master replied to the blacksmith who’d come far too close for her comfort. Any closer and they’d have been touching-! 
“I suggest you be careful, as I have a habit of throwing male menaces across rooms and hallways-!”
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heart-ruled · 3 years
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@trinitytalents​ said :  "Tenko, you're being silly. Some males clearly worship the flying spaghetti monster and not Satan." Was Hibiki being serious, no. But she would not do anything to restrain herself around Tenko due to how fun it was to mess with her.
Unprompted ll Always Accepting 
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🌸 - “A spaghetti monster? Those menaces really do come up with the stupidest things”
But, when she thought about it - surely a spaghetti monster would be less dangerous to worship than a religion that was based on sacrifcing virgin girls...
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“Well!! I would like to see their writings before anything! You never know what their rituals will be like! Maybe  they feel like the only true sauce for their spaghetti monster is made of blood-! You never can tell with males! ”
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