There’s someone that just started following WRA/MG blogs by the name of roleplaymoderator.
 Block and report his ass. He’s got a list of “guidelines” to define and “fix” the rp servers, including topics as:
1. homophobia isnt real because gays are a disease
2. erp is banned and should fade to black save for assault
3. minorities/fat/physically or mentally disabled people are also banned because its just disease and self- projection
just…. block the dude. he’s looking to stir up trouble.
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Warning: Art Plagiarism/Theft and Character Theft Across Multiple Platforms
I’d be less inclined to make a call-out post if the person in question hadn’t made their account private once they received a warning to take the plagiarized work down, but hey. Here we are.
Tumblr user Vibrantacrylic has been plagiarizing my work for at LEAST the past two years, and labeling my characters as their own without any attempt to make significant changes to the designs.
I was alerted to the situation through their Instagram (which they flagged as private after they were notified that I was being made aware):
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This person has been plagiarizing my work since at least 2016. It would be one thing if they were just using my work as a reference–But they have been flat-out tracing my work, sometimes without even attemping to make significant changes, and labeling my characters as their own. INCLUDING my original work outside of World of Warcraft. 
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Please take notice that in the comments, they are claiming my concepts and characters as their own, under different labels.
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In this example, the plagiarized work is a PAID COMMISSION:
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Aaaaand some more examples:
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In total there are 30+ works (that I’m aware of) of mine that have been plagiarized on this persons’ social media. I will be making a separate post entailing all of them, but for the sake of getting this information out there, I’m using these examples.
If you don’t want your work and your concepts stolen, it would be in your best interest to block the aforementioned:
Tumblr (how they have access to my work)
If you find this user posting my work on other platforms, please notify me so I can take appropriate action.
I’ve filed reports on all the above websites to have action taken against the user, and hopefully get the plagiarized work taken down. I’m exhausted, and extremely hurt by the persons’ unwilligness to take the plagiarized work down–As I stated before, when confronted, they immediately went reclusive. This person has been kind to me in the past, and it’s a huge slap to the face to find out this has been going on for so long. 
I know people don’t particularly care for callout posts–as I certainly don’t–But I’m not going to let myself be taken advantage of like this. 
How dare you take advantage of me like this. I put my heart and soul into my work, and gave you ZERO permission to have that sort of access to my work, or to me. 
Please share this as much as you can. I don’t want to see others’ work shamed like this.
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these are desperate times for warlock rpers
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Weapons that whisper to you
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I’m back on my bullshit!
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Now I know what race my first Warrior is gonna be~
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the amount of players that play blood elves honestly pisses me off–for 2 reasons
1) the belves, in the lore, are supposed to be facing a major population crisis, after arthas took the sunwell
2) i really do love blood elves, but every other horde race is cooler, imo.
and don’t get me STARTED on blood elf fury warriors
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white supremacists definitely play WoW and will hide their nazi ideology behind the guise of “trolling” and not being serious
like with every community they are right under ur nose and it’s up to u to smoke them out and make them feel unsafe to harass others
call them out, block them, ostracize them from our communities, humiliate them
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I just got Rivendare’s Deathcharger >%D
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I have a much easier time being healer than I do DPS fucking forget about being a tank lmao but the best advice I can give you is to simply defend your case. If it’s DPS that’s pulling things they shouldn’t, say something. If the tank walks past something you know you’re gonna pull, say something. If people in the group are ignoring mechanics, also say something. Especially if you all wipe and need to re-prepare.
People who don’t play healers don’t know that they produce the most AoE Aggro simply by healing. You will attract attention from max distance if you even heal yourself, so you need good tanks.
I haven’t had anyone blame me for Bad Healing yet, though I worry about it, and I’ve seen it happen as a DPS to healers who were doing just fine. So I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that. If you get kicked out of a dungeon though, don’t worry too much about it. You’re not gonna see those people for a long time if ever again.
Raids should be less of a problem though. I’ve had my computer completely lag out as one of the 5 healers, and nobody seemed to notice I couldn’t even do anything. I didn’t even die. Later game, they’re way more organized, even without people communicating.
I can however tell you that people are bias about which classes are good healers though. Including myself. Paladin Healers are never seen these days, Disc Priests are considered bad because they don’t actually heal as much as they do bubble, and Shamans as a whole seem to get a bad rep. I have had a run with a Good Healer of every type (And I do Holy Priest personally), but seen some bad ones too. Most healers can get through anything as long as the Tank doesn’t do something they can’t take on even with help. Especially so if DPS doesn’t senselessly pull something the tank either hasn’t or can’t pull yet.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck anonymous confessor! We need all the healers we can get in this retched game!!
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I love playing a healer, but it stresses me out. Specifically in LFG dungeons/raids. Everyone is so reckless and then they get mad because they died after they ran through all of the mobs to the boss without killing a thing. And then they blame me.
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I got the Infinite Timereaver
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My efforts have paid off, I am now a proper Loremaster of Pandaria >:D
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I swear I’ll actually do something on this blog as soon as I actually get back to playing the game %D
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I absolutely HATED the updated blood elf models, with their thin lips, bulgy eyes, and super-hallow cheeks – until last night, when I remembered that blood elves are fel addicts. That’s what addiction does to your body – and now I’m more than attracted to the withering, gaunt, and hungry look of the new models. They’re not so pretty anymore – they match the Horde better.
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i judge people who dislike pandaria. harshly.
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to go alongside the new frost dk idle animation, unholies will periodically vomit 5 gallons of pure plague. though all movement and actions will be disabled for the duration, to balance this any living friend or foes caught in the blast will receive a debuff that deals 10% hp dmg every second (not dispellable).
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My dog needs surgery and I need money to get it done.
Alright, I’m home from the vet so as I said; I’m writing a more definitive post about what’s happening and why I need help.
Here is the break down: Around 6:00 pm Eastern time, on today’s date of March 30th 2016 my dog began to act strangely. He was jerking his head around, his eyes seemed to be moving uncontrollably, and his back legs would not function.
Scared that he was having some sort of seizure, we took him to an emergency vet. We got a rather hefty diagnosis: 
He has Cognitive Dysfunction Disease, which is basically doggy alzheimers.
He has a mass of….something growing deep in his ear canal that is pressing against his ear drum and causing him to have vertigo and seizure-like symptoms.
He may be developing a yeast infection on his skin, which has caused his hair to fall out (we thought it was fleas and thus treated it as such: with flea medication, baths, and medical rubs to heal the skin. While it did help the bleeding and scabs it didn’t treat the actual infection itself, unfortunately.)
The vet, thinking that the mass was a plug of hair, attempted to flush it out. Unfortunately this did not work, and whatever it is is still in his ear, meaning he’s still having those seizure-like symptoms.
It also means that he has to have surgery to have the plug removed from his ear. I don’t know if she means actual like cutting up surgery or just sedating him and jabbing tweezers in his ear but either way I have to follow up with our primary vet for bloodwork to see if the infection has caused anything bad or if there could be a possible other symptom causing the whole head turning seizure thing and the operation to remove the plug. 
He is in pain. He can’t walk straight, and he is constantly disoriented. The vet said this will continue until the plug is removed. She said it is important that it be removed as soon as possible or the pressure may cause the symptoms to become permanent.
Now, I have no idea what this plug removal will cost. But I do know what the bloodwork will cost at the very base price. And that price is $170. That, however, is the price I got from the emergency vet care clinic which has lowered prices as it is charity run…from the main veterinary office I am pretty sure it’s going to be double or even triple that.
I cannot pay any of that. I don’t have any money. So, what I need is commissions. I need to make money, and quickly. I will draw anything–and I do mean anything–to help my dog. As long as you can pay in full and same day you order the commission none of the normal rules apply.
Donations, are of course, also more than welcome.
My commission sheet is here
the previous post I made about this is here
If you want to donate, my paypal is [email protected] 
Even if you can only give like a dollar it still helps. 
Please reblog this.
Please commission me.
Please….just help me.
I don’t want him to suffer.
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I think I could still heal after that but... oh man I would be way more harsh on assholes after that. I already stop healing DPS that rushes ahead and pulls shit without the tank (or away from the tank), especially after I have asked them to slow the fuck down, but like... oh man. That tank would be so fucked.
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I had a discipline priest healer that I loved until I ended up at a WotLK dungeon where I could not keep the tank alive. They’d run in, pull 3 enemies, and die before I could get a spell off. As I was leaving the group in shame, a DPS whispered me to inspect the tank. They were totally naked! I was getting abused for being a terrible healer, and our tank had no armor and wasn’t even attacking! I haven’t healed since. I love the game, but people can be dicks.
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