heartbinders · 4 days
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I'm alive, but I'm crunching for a con. I'll be on discord if y'all wanna talk blorbos to scratch that itch in lieu of actual writing
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heartbinders · 23 days
I have made one extremely non serious post and I shall now proceed to disappear for another three weeks
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heartbinders · 23 days
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❝ Donald! Goofy! Tarzan! Check this out! ❞
Jumps for a series of vines. Immediately slips on the last one.
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heartbinders · 29 days
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20240814 KH fanart
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heartbinders · 29 days
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Blinking loudly. Welcome new people idk how you found me when I've been so dead but hi
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heartbinders · 1 month
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heartbinders · 2 months
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Standing at the entrance to your hotel is a worker offering handouts to guests. You look down at the contents. A lot of it is information that went out through the website and the ball's social media pages, but it's nice and handy to have it all in one place.
As you wait in line to be checked in, you glance over the different sections of the handout, one of which is labeled "History of Summer Sunset."
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Summer Sunset has been observed for as long as Lucis has been a kingdom. Presumably, its name carries a double meaning: a literal nod to the abundance of light during the summer, and a figurative farewell to or "sunsetting" of the season as fall approaches.
Under the Founder King, Somnus Lucis Caelum, Summer Sunset became a formalized period of celebration, during which Lucians would herald the coming change of seasons. Offerings and prayers were made to the Astrals to thank them for the warmth and light of the summer, as well as to pray for a plentiful fall harvest going into the chillier months. Offerings ranged from crops, to wine, to livestock, to hunting game.
Gradually, the celebration began to evolve and expand into both a religious and communal affair. Offerings were chiefly made to the Astrals, but small agricultural communities also began to share their bounties with each other. People would cook with their shared harvests and share the results of their handiwork. Presumably, the tradition of the farmer's market is rooted in this historical practice.
Over time, dance emerged as a tradition to celebrate the coming harvest in addition to farming and food. Traditional folk dances in community centers gradually evolved into large, jovial celebrations with live music, food, drink, singing, and dancing. Lucian nobility eventually co-opted this tradition, and it became the royal ball that is still hosted in the modern day. Historically, the royal ball has been rather exclusive based on social status, but today the ball is more open to guests of a wide variety of births and statuses. The tradition of folk dance is still kept alive in communities outside of the Crown City.
Different practices are more prevalent in different regions of Lucis. Depending on where you celebrate, Summer Sunset may look like a very different holiday, but its core values of transition, celebration, and prosperity are constant throughout the kingdom.
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heartbinders · 2 months
favorite pokemon picker
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tagged by: @scarescraper tagging: all my pokemon rpc mutuals. all of you.
A few notes on how I filled this out under the cut for those who care / are interested, because I don't rlly wanna relegate that to the tags:
I tried to fill out every possible square. Blank squares just mean "yeah I don't really care about any of the options here"
As far as picking Pokémon for a generation, I tried not to pick megas / gigantamaxes / etc over actual true new species from that gen unless I really didn't prefer any of those options over said mega. Like mega Audino. I think I like that design more than any of the new normal types gen 6 got.
Any one Pokémon being on the chart nine times outta ten represents its entire evolution line. For example, Goodra is on there, but that doesn't mean I like Goomy less. For some like Paldean Wooper and Clodsire, it came down to "this evo line is my favorite poison type and ground type, so I'll just put one evo stage in one category and the other in the other"
For some of these, it came down to "do I like this one more as a representative of the category it's in." Like, I think I like Clodsire and its offspring more generally as Pokémon, but as a "gimmick form," I think Poltchageist / Sinistcha are a little more interesting, and I like the funny matcha ghost a lot so it needed representation somewhere on the grid.
My all time favorite honestly changes depending on the day of the week. Tomorrow I might have put Jirachi there. Next week it might be Clodsire. Have I mentioned I really like Clodsire? Clodsire is a perfect specimen. I have so much recency bias. Fight me
For Spinda I hit random until I got a nice looking one and then stopped because who the fuck has a favorite arrangement of spots on a Spinda
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heartbinders · 2 months
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& PERHAPS THERE IS A HEART HERE, hovering suspended in the abyss of his being. but hollowness is a hungry thing that consumes. when it has had its fill (will you it ever be satiated?), what is left in the wake of an incomplete boy? / ©
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heartbinders · 2 months
PROMPTO. There is a kitty cat that looks strikingly like a certain Advisor trotting towards you. So prim, so proper! What shall you do!?
KITTIES || @tenebriism
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Oh, dear — a weak spot! Prompto's fondness for animals! And as any animal-lover knows, you've scored big if a cat walks up to you. His expression melts with fondness, and he kneels down to pet the cat. He'll scoop him up if the cat lets him.
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❝ Aww — hey there, little guy! Where'd you come from, huh? ❞ he coos, scratching the cat behind the ears. ❝ Hmm...no collar, huh? You got a home? Wonder if I should ask around... ❞
A thoughtful pause, before a sunny smile settles back onto his face. ❝ Well, worst case, we set up camp not too far from here. I could take you back, and when the rest of the guys get back, we can get some food in ya. ❞
Blissfully unaware, it seems.
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heartbinders · 2 months
What chess piece represents you?
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White bishop.
There is something you believe in, be it an oath, a phrase, a promise. It's what keeps the bishop on the diagonal path it takes on the board. You live by this creed and infect others with it. You are empathetic, able to feel others' pain like it's your own, and offer advice or help to them. But be careful, because every bleeding heart runs out of blood eventually. Every leader crumbles to the next generation eventually.
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Black king.
You are the most important piece on the board, often called the weakest. But you are not weak in terms of tradition and status. The king gives orders to others, ensures difficult tasks are done, and makes the hardest decisions. Yes, the king's movement is weak but in every other aspect, they are strong and important, for it is them that the game is fought for, to begin with. You rule with an iron fist, making the hard decisions that others won't, the only one to ever see the full picture. Be careful, my dear king, for there are reasons kings are overthrown. You know what you do is right, now you must convince your entire kingdom. Stay aware, my king.
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heartbinders · 2 months
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❝ 🎵 Getcha game on, go plaaay!! 🎵 ❞
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heartbinders · 2 months
from this generator.
❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜ ❛ what are you smiling at? ❜ ❛ i can’t leave you alone for one minute, can i? ❜ ❛ was it you? did you do all this? ❜ ❛ i don’t know how you do this every day… ❜ ❛ that is not an appropriate question to ask a lady you’ve just met. ❜ ❛ i’m not sorry. ❜ ❛ i did warn you not to trust me. ❜ ❛ do you remember anything? at all? ❜ ❛ you’re lucky you’re cute. ❜ ❛ why don’t you just kill me? ❜ ❛ did you hurt yourself? ❜ ❛ i could show you the way. ❜ ❛ i don’t feel so good. ❜ ❛ you owe me a dinner. a very nice dinner. ❜ ❛ don’t go. please. ❜ ❛ you wanna know what your problem is? ❜ ❛ i’m here to drink alone. ❜ ❛ don’t run away from this. ❜ ❛ i’m just saying, murder is an option. ❜ ❛ i didn’t realize you were in so much pain. ❜ ❛ i guess it runs in the family, huh? ❜ ❛ you wouldn’t understand. ❜ ❛ we’ve been through a lot. i think we should just lay low and take it easy. ❜ ❛ dangerous to be out so late. ❜ ❛ i hope you haven’t been standing out in the cold this whole time. ❜ ❛ i made a mistake. ❜ ❛ am i not good enough? ❜ ❛ i’m going to get you out of here. ❜ ❛ why did you bring me here? ❜ ❛ aren’t we in a good mood today? ❜ ❛ don’t shut me out. please. ❜ ❛ the storm’s getting worse. ❜ ❛ i never meant to hurt you. ❜ ❛ you’re about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜ ❛ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ❜ ❛ here, take this. you’ll catch a cold. ❜ ❛ this is the part where you leave. ❜ ❛ why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again? ❜ ❛ you stepped on my foot! ❜ ❛ you’re not a very convincing liar. ❜ ❛ we’re in completely different leagues. ❜ ❛ how did you find me? ❜ ❛ i don’t need you anymore. ❜ ❛ rough day today? ❜ ❛ snap out of it! ❜ ❛ you look better in my clothes than i do. ❜ ❛ why are you still here? ❜ ❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜ ❛ are you saying you care about me? ❜ ❛ i won’t let anyone hurt you. ❜ ❛ it’s not stealing if it was mine to begin with. ❜ ❛ well, this is where i live. ❜ ❛ we’re not so different after all. ❜ ❛ how long have i been asleep? ❜ ❛ no more lies, no more secrets. ❜ ❛ can you forgive me? ❜ ❛ i thought you… i saw you get shot. ❜ ❛ why are you really here? ❜ ❛ i wish we never met. ❜ ❛ you look like you need a hug. ❜ ❛ would you run away with me? ❜ ❛ see? i’m not just a pretty face. ❜ ❛ we can stop them. i can help you. ❜ ❛ what now? i’m tired. ❜ ❛ i didn’t want you to see me like this. ❜ ❛ i can’t do this without you. ❜ ❛ if you tell me yours, i’ll tell you mine. ❜ ❛ are you threatening me? ❜ ❛ did you ever care about me? ❜ ❛ treat me like the princess that i am! ❜ ❛ i’m not leaving you. ❜ ❛ why did you come? ❜ ❛ i need your help… and you need mine. ❜ ❛ i wish i could hate you. ❜ ❛ i see you don’t recognize me. well, it was a long time ago. ❜ ❛ you’ve lost a lot of blood. ❜ ❛ i had my suspicions, but until now i wasn’t sure. ❜ ❛ there’s nothing left for me here. ❜ ❛ that is… literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. ❜ ❛ wait. i’ve heard that sound before. ❜ ❛ just try to hang on. ❜ ❛ so why’s it so important anyway? ❜ ❛ i’ll stay in tonight, thanks. ❜ ❛ we can’t keep going on like this. ❜ ❛ in about a minute, you’ll be sorry you didn’t listen to me. ❜ ❛ is this seat taken? sorry, it’s a bit crowded here. ❜ ❛ you can’t leave me here alone! ❜ ❛ i’ll believe it when i see it. ❜ ❛ why are you laughing? this is a very serious situation. ❜ ❛ i bought two. here. ❜ ❛ i’ve seen you before, walking by. ❜ ❛ why can’t i come with you? ❜ ❛ c'mon. aren’t you worried what might happen if we go? ❜ ❛ walk with me? ❜ ❛ it’s very rude to stare. ❜ ❛ how many times have i told you? you can’t visit me here. ❜ ❛ we can’t fix this. can we? ❜ ❛ are you going to kill me? ❜ ❛ it’s not like you can stop me. ❜ ❛ it’s not safe for people to see us together. ❜ ❛ take me with you. ❜ ❛ some risks are worth taking. ❜ ❛ let them go. take me instead. ❜ ❛ what do you want in exchange for it? ❜ ❛ is being drunk an excuse? ❜ ❛ promise me you won’t overreact. ❜ ❛ how can i possibly trust you? after all you’ve done. ❜ ❛ how long have you been standing there? ❜ ❛ why did you wake me? ❜ ❛ i’m not here to talk about my feelings. ❜ ❛ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ❜ ❛ for some reason, i’m attracted to you. ❜ ❛ promise me? ❜ ❛ it’s nothing, i’m just tired. ❜ ❛ i feel safe with you. ❜ ❛ i don’t need your help. ❜ ❛ i think i have a bit more experience with this thing than you do. ❜ ❛ no way, i’m not doing that. ❜ ❛ i do care. ❜ ❛ you snore in your sleep. it’s adorable. ❜ ❛ i have a spare bed. ❜ ❛ you’re very kind. some day it’ll get you killed. ❜ ❛ you’ll always have a home with me. ❜ ❛ of course i care. you’re my family. ❜ ❛ you shouldn’t insult people that are bigger than you. ❜ ❛ i never wanted to hurt you. ❜ ❛ i swear it wasn’t me. ❜ ❛ we can just sit here, you don’t have to talk. ❜ ❛ did you miss me? ❜ ❛ this isn’t just about you. it’s about what’s best for all of us. ❜ ❛ you can never admit when you’re wrong! ❜ ❛ is this what you wanted? ❜ ❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜ ❛ sorry to put you through that. i guess i owe you one now. ❜ ❛ the only time you talk to me is when you need something. ❜ ❛ i’m still learning. ❜ ❛ if you have something to say, spit it out. ❜ ❛ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ❜ ❛ i’m on your side. ❜ ❛ i risked my life for you! ❜ ❛ whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no. ❜ ❛ you can stay with me. ❜ ❛ i just need time. ❜ ❛ please don’t do this, don’t act like you care. ❜ ❛ who the hell invited you? ❜ ❛ what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say? ❜ ❛ i just wanted to say i’m sorry. ❜ ❛ think of it as a compliment. ❜ ❛ do you ever stop being so serious and dull? ❜ ❛ it’s rare to see your kind around here. ❜ ❛ you remember me. that’s good. ❜ ❛ you’re a terrible flirt you know. ❜ ❛ are you kidding me? we’re not ‘fine’! ❜ ❛ right now i wish i was dead. ❜ ❛ i guess i should’ve told you. ❜ ❛ you’re not alone. i’m here. ❜ ❛ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ❜ ❛ knowledge is power. ❜ ❛ you scared me. ❜ ❛ well, what’s so strange about that? ❜ ❛ don’t look at me like that. ❜ ❛ i want to be there when you get what’s coming to you. ❜ ❛ just who do you think you are? ❜ ❛ you look… amazing. ❜ ❛ we’re safe, aren’t we? ❜ ❛ you know, i really hoped i’d never see this place again. ❜ ❛ don’t touch me. get away from me. ❜ ❛ i thought you’d like this. ❜ ❛ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❜ ❛ what’s that smug look for? you think you can do any better? ❜ ❛ who did you piss off this time? ❜ ❛ you should’ve thought about that before you got into a fight. ❜ ❛ i only wanted to help. ❜ ❛ you knew and you didn’t tell me? ❜ ❛ you don’t scare me. ❜ ❛ wow, look who remembered my existence. ❜ ❛ change isn’t easy. ❜ ❛ why did you help me? ❜ ❛ why do you hate me? ❜ ❛ i can’t even trust myself anymore. ❜ ❛ i was making sure you weren’t dead, since you never called. ❜ ❛ you look awful. what happened? ❜ ❛ are you here to kill me? ❜ ❛ you know you aren’t allowed in here, right? ❜ ❛ was that a friend of yours? ❜ ❛ two years later and you haven’t changed. ❜ ❛ you look like you just saw a ghost. ❜ ❛ nobody tells me what to do. ❜ ❛ you’re too scared to do it, aren’t you? ❜ ❛ come on. it can’t be that bad. ❜ ❛ i hope to repay your kindness someday. ❜ ❛ just let me do this for you. ❜ ❛ why were they coming after you? ❜ ❛ how many people have you killed? how many? ❜ ❛ how much do you value your life? ❜ ❛ you don’t know when to give up, do you? ❜ ❛ don’t lie to me. ❜ ❛ i’m not sober enough to talk about this. ❜ ❛ have a drink with me. ❜
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heartbinders · 2 months
@hauntedreality || Cont.
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He knew he had to keep up — he couldn't be dead weight, especially not on Zack. But he lied to himself for as long as he could until his body simply wouldn't allow him to anymore: those last few monsters that had lashed out at them did a number on him.
Cloud pulled his helmet off as Zack jogged back to where he had fallen behind, averting his gaze, kind though Zack's eyes were. He couldn't stand to look him in the face. He was slowing them down. They would have to stop because of him.
Or Zack would carry him. That caused Cloud's gaze to snap right back up to meet Zack's — because honestly, he couldn't decide which fate was more embarrassing.
His mouth hung slightly open, waiting for words to come out. He sort of wished he had just sucked it up and not complained, because a break would slow them down even more, but being carried would make him a literal dead weight on top of a figurative one. And he couldn't exactly say "nah, never mind" now. Not while Zack looked at him like that.
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❝ You don't — need to carry me. ❞ The part of Cloud's mind that formed speech gradually sputtered back to life. ❝ I'll be fine if I can just, uh...lean on you for a little. ❞
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heartbinders · 2 months
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kingdom hearts + tropes → sora.
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heartbinders · 2 months
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❝ Say less. Just fill me in on the details. ❞
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" Are you, perhaps, interested in joining me? Merely for some... innocent fun? "
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heartbinders · 2 months
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Eating popcorn.
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