#❛ images: prompto.
madeimpact · 1 year
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( Non-RP blogs please don't reblog! )
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heartbinders · 4 months
❛ ic: prompto. ❛ musings: prompto. ❛ headcanon: prompto. ❛ aesthetic: prompto. ❛ meta: prompto. ❛ images: prompto. ❛ relations: prompto. ❛ open: prompto. ❛ closed: prompto. ❛ inbox: prompto. ❛ dash games: prompto. ❛ starter call: prompto. ❛ drabbles: prompto. ❛ music: prompto. ❛ verse: prompto ; brotherhood. ❛ verse: prompto ; prologue. ❛ verse: prompto ; road trip. ❛ verse: prompto ; world of ruin. ❛ verse: prompto ; possibilities. ❛ verse: prompto ; dawn of the future. ❛ verse: prompto ; kingdom hearts. ❛ verse: prompto ; pokemon. ❛ verse: prompto ; sunset city.
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kodieshmodie · 6 months
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POV: you’re caught in a cave-in but some blonde guy promises to get you out in one piece.
I did the Evil Artstyle challenge on Twitter (asked my followers what my art style traits are and tried to draw without them), and this is my attempt! No hair shines or blush, and I had to use thicker more textured lines. Definitely not the best attempt, but it was still very fun to try! 🤩💖
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glitchdecay · 7 months
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no context
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autistickaitovocaloid · 11 months
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Rest in piss to that sideblog of mine here's a crusty ffxv screenshot I posted on there once for posterity.
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dayasan · 2 years
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📷 Bluff + Hideout, Cape Caem, Cleigne
One last look around before we go
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dbphantom · 2 years
When im playing through Departure with my friends and the Episode Ignis part of the medley comes on
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Wish birds When visiting Altissia Noctis takes part in an old Altissian tradition. If you write your wish on a wish bird and throw it into the mouth of the Tidemother statue, your wish will come true. Noctis uses a black ball point pen to write his wish on the bird but what he wrote will remain a mystery as it's too blurry to read. He throws the bird in the air and it glides towards the statue. We don't see it go in the mouth but Noctis exclaims, "Yes!" so I think we can assume he was successful. Looking closely at the statue you can see some wish birds stuck in the metal frame of the statue and others that have landed inside. I hope Noct's wish came true. Edit to add Looking at the game files there are 5 possible wish choices. I don't know what influences which wish is used. Four are unreadable, two appear to be the same wish but written on opposite wings, but one quite clearly says, "Beat Prompto's score on JMV". All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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zzprompto · 6 months
hey-hey! i hope you're doing well, love your writing <3
if you can, could i ask for the ffxv boys (prompto, noctis, ignis, gladio) with a male reader who's in a band? preferably implied to be a poly romantic thing with them (unless you don't do poly, platonic is good!) you can pick whatever format you feel like! :]
☆ our boy's in a band
ffxv boys x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
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"i can't wait to see him!" prompto's voice echoed throughout the halls, he was clearly excited about something. ignis hummed and nodded in agreement, so did noctis.
"yeah, he looked amazing tonight." gladio responded to prompto's comment, letting out a small sigh as an image in his mind appeared about this 'he'.
the men kept walking through the hallways, backstage in a venue. they were all giddy, and practically buzzing with excitement just to see this 'he'.
eventually, the group reached a dressing room. ignis decided to knock lightly on the door, waiting for a response or for someone to open the door for him and the group behind him.
a few seconds pass, but the door creaks open. a man is standing at the other side of the door, looking quite tired but his face lights up as soon as he sees the men infront of him.
"[name]!" the group call out, all rushing to hug the man. they all throw themselves on top of [name], each trying to steal a kiss from their boyfriend.
a light chuckle escaped [name]'s lips as he tried to pull his boyfriend's off. he wanted his space, a little air to breathe and preferably a warning if he was to get crushed once again.
"well it's good to see you all too." [name] finally spoke up, a smile on his face as he looks over at the group infront of him. they all looked back in awe, prompto rushing to hog [name] for himself.
"oh babe! you looked so good out there today! you were so amazing!" prompto cooed, squeezing [name] as tightly as he could before someone else stole him away. [name] smiled at prompto and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "thank you." [name] whispered back.
then, gladio pulled [name] out of prompto's arms so the man could rest in his own muscular arms. "you were so handsome and sexy up on that stage." gladio purred, placing a few kisses to [name]'s neck. [name] responded with a few laughs, finding the way gladio's facial hair scratched his neck to be quite ticklish.
"yes, you were quite fascinating on stage my dear." ignis piped up, walking towards [name] to place a kiss on his forehead. ignis then moved gladio's arms off of [name], worried the poor man might get squished. instead, ignis let gladio hold onto his hand.
noctis was the last one to come up to [name], wrapping his arms around his boyfriend to nuzzle himself in the other man's neck. he seemed to be more tired than [name] even though he wasn't the one performing.
"mhm.." noctis hummed in agreement to what everyone else said previously. he just seemed to be more interested in getting home to sleep, just like [name].
"you two look very tired." ignis comments, taking a look at his partner's faces. there's a small frown wanting to form on ignis' lips. his heart aches as he sees how tired noctis and [name] look. "i guess we should get going now. unless you have to go get your fans to cheer for you again, [name]?" ignis asked, almost as if he was teasing his boyfriend.
[name] rolled his eyes, letting his own arms wrap around noctis. "no, i don't need to have my fans cheer for me." [name] responded to ignis with a hum. "the only people i need to cheer for me are you guys." [name] smirked.
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prompto started to holler at [name]'s words, gladio and ignis joining in with laughs of their own. prompto then practically jumps over to [name], giving him a kiss on the lips. noctis groans and he pushes prompto away, wanting to be the only one in [name]'s arms right now.
"well, if that's the case i think we can go to the car and drive home, yes?" ignis suggests and all of the men nod along to him. "let's go then." ignis continues, taking hold of prompto's hand to drag him to the car.
gladio walked over to [name], shaking noctis off of him to pick up the other man. "a reward for your impressive work today, my prince." gladio smirked, kissing [name]'s forehead and picking him up.
noctis groans once again, glaring at gladio for stealing away his warmth. he just sighed, not bothering with his boyfriend. he just followed him, and his other boyfriends, to the car.
the group walked over to the car, squeezing inside as best as they could. ignis started driving off back home, engaging in conversation with his boyfriends. they all laughed and talked with eachother on the way home.
suddenly, [name] realised something and his eyes widened.
"oh shit. i forgot all my stuff back in the dressing room.." [name] mumbled.
ignis immediately stopped the car and he turned back around. everyone groaned and sighed at [name], shaking their heads.
"[name]!" prompto whined, turning around in his seat and pouting at his boyfriend. "how could you!" prompto continued, acting as if [name] had done the worst thing in the world.
"it's not my fault you guys dragged me out of the dressing room so quickly! it's not my fault you guys wanted to see me and snuggle up to me so badly!" [name] chuckled at prompto. the blonde pouted, turning back around in his seat with his arms crossed over our chest.
"i guess we were just too eager to see our band boy." gladio teased, pressing a kiss to [name]'s cheek. noctis and ignis hummed in agreement, ignis continuing to drive back to the venue.
the group couldn't wait for [name]'s next performance, to have another moment like this. but, they hoped [name] wouldn't end up leaving his stuff again.
- author's note: hope you enjoyed this! this was kind of silly, but i love it. keep requests coming, i love writing requests for you guys :)
- navigation ; masterlist ; request
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veryace-ficrecs · 6 months
Prompto Argentum Hurt/Comfort Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
strike a match (make me disappear) by ty_gospodinov - Rated T
Prompto is just trying to keep it together. But when he's falling behind in school, feeling like he doesn't deserve Noctis, and his electricity gets cut off in his empty apartment? His cheerful, devil-may-care image is breaking. And Ignis can see right through it.
Where Your Kind Are Kept by Asidian - Rated T
At first, Prompto doesn't understand. Then he turns to get a better look where Ardyn's pointing, and he feels the blood in his veins turn to ice. Because there, on the edge of a middle row, one of the pods is sliding open. An MT is stepping out, mechanical steps a jerky imitation of human motion. Behind it, Prompto can see the interior of the pod – a tiny scrap of a closet. Less than a closet: just enough space for one of those things to stand up in. The shock rushes over him so sharp and sudden that he feels dizzy. "You're joking," says Prompto. "Right?"
we'll give ourselves new names by mushydesserts - Rated G
"Just, you... you don't have wings."
Noct gives him a funny look. "Who says I don't?" he laughs.
In the world of Eos, legend has it one's wings are the physical manifestation of one's soul.
Prompto does not have wings; instead he has two large scars on his back.
Tempered Plastic by saltslimes - Rated T
Prompto has a higher pain tolerance than his companions anticipated. So that goes about as well as can be expected.
Running Behind by Asidian - Rated T
There's a tag hanging on his storage pod, instead of the clipboard that documents his progress. On that tag, there's a single word stamped in red: defective. NH-01987's feet stick on the metal of the catwalk. Behind the ever-present metallic mask, his eyes grow huge. He knows what that tag means. It means that, in the morning, while the other MT units are collected for training, a guard will come for him. He'll be restrained and escorted down the metal corridors toward the east wing, into the double-doors that house the correctional facility. But he won't be up for re-programming, not this time. This time, they'll strap him down to a table for the last time ever. They'll pick him apart, to try and learn what caused his failures – and he has so very many of them, no matter how hard he's tried. When they're finished, they'll take what's left to the crematory. That will be the end of him: a pile of ashes and a wisp of smoke.
Terms of Affection by Starofwinter - Rated G
Ignis only uses pet names when something is very very wrong.
Wilting Leaves in the Jar by LadyLilaBlue - Rated G
While camping Prompto comes across a strange flower. It leads to a peculiar situation where Prompto sustains any type of pain sensation Noctis acquires. And we all know instead of telling the guys about what's going on, Prompto is up to his usual shenanigans and decides to keep it to himself and sustain all of Noctis' injuries because, that will make him useful to the group right?
Weak Point by GibbousLunation - Rated T
They told him it was a ‘practical exercise’, to test his loyalty to the Crown under pressure. Cor’s exact wording had been something more along the lines of gruff ‘hey you did the easy part, so. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but everything goes to hell in a handbasket from here on out.’ Prompto was pretty sure somewhere in there was the insinuation that he’d be fine. It was a practice after all.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by MsChievous - Rated T
Prompto gets Hanahaki...
Because of his unrequited love for his parents.
The Way They Were by Asidian - Rated M
Ten years ago, it's the middle of the afternoon. High above Alstor Slough, the sky is a brilliant edge-of-summer blue, so bright it hurts to look at. Clouds make tiny white smears against it, like whipped cream on top of one of Iggy's meticulously constructed cakes. And there, hanging in the vault of the heavens, is the sun. Prompto stares up at it, stunned into silence. It burns his eyes, but he squints and raises a hand above him and peeks through the fingers, not quite able to look away. He stays like that for a long time – so long his eyes water. He tells himself that's all it is.
A helping hand by Sinikka_von_Wolperting - Rated T
Stress can do a lot of things to your body and your mind. Prompto hadn't had it easy the last days.
Over Many Setting Suns by countingpaperstars - Rated G
“I wish… for human legs,” Prompto says, eyes averted as shame burns hotly in his cheeks. It sounds like a silly fantasy, fragile as it’s spoken into the air outside the tender cocoon of his heart.
“Well, I daresay you’re in luck. You’re hardly the first I’ve helped with such a request." Ardyn saunters to the shelves and trails his long fingers over the dried plants. The glass jars full of viscous liquids slosh when he taps them. "I can give you what you want." He pauses, shadows cutting fierce across his wide smile. “For a price.”
Memories of the Past by Asidian - Rated T
Noct wipes his brow with his bare forearm and returns the magic flask that contains his other fire spells to his pocket. He turns, a smile quirking the corner of his lips, words of congratulations for Ignis half-formed on his tongue. They die unspoken at the sight that greets him. Because there, back pressed against the damp stone of the wall, is a small blond boy that looks about six years old. He's absolutely swimming in Prompto's vest and coeurl-print jeans; the top comes down past his knees, so long it looks like a dress on him. Prompto's wrist band has slipped all the way up to the boy's bony elbow, dangling with room to spare, and Prompto's gloves swallow his hands and most of his wrists completely. One of Prompto's guns rests on the ground at the boy's feet. He's got the cylinder of the second open, while his free hand digs frantically in his pocket. But even as Noct watches, he does a quick sweep of the cylinder's contents with his eyes, snaps it closed, and brings the weapon up, two-handed, barrel trained on Noct.
Shiva's Favorite by S4_League - Rated G
Prompto has had the uncontrollable ability to create ice, snow, and frost (etc.) since he was a kid. When it comes to a point where he can no longer guarantee the safety of others, Prompto decides to leave Lucis for good. However, he never gets the chance after a final goodbye to his best friend, the prince, goes awry. Or... my angsty take on what if Prompto had Elsa's powers from frozen.
As Far As You Need to Go by Asidian - Rated T
It takes him a minute, after he's at the bottom. He just kind of sits there, face pressed to the rock, trying to convince himself that he needs to get moving. From up above, he can hear what sounds like combat: the clash of metal on metal, and the bellowing roar of a pissed-off Gladio. He licks his lips – tastes blood. Every breath brings in new pain. Then he remembers: Noct.
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madeimpact · 1 year
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He's not beating the chocobo allegations this month
( Non-RP blogs go here instead pls )
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fluffypichu876 · 2 months
here are more of my ff15 photos! there's plenty of them this time, so i split the post in two (thanks for the 30 image limit, tumblr...)
(oh and these are completely out of chronological order btw)
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got my ass kicked when i first fought this thing xD (as of writing i may be a tad bit overleved and have killed these twice...)
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close-up chocobo!
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at first i thought climbing here wasn't even possible. good to know i was wrong.
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rip the physics engine once again
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big scary momma garulessa
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i love this shot xDD
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failed voretooth selfie :(
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campfire storytime!
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reinforcing a previous point i made: i have yet to see a bad pboto of ignis xD (whatever the heck happened to the reflection in the glasses on the last photo)
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in direct contrast to ignis, noctis is just a dork 80% of the time on photos xD
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this one is so good!
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this one too!
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obligatory prompto with a chocobo photo
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this one is nice. precious bois
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place your bets, who's winning this staring contest?
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a break for king's knight
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that smile is so sweet <3
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very nice one!
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selfie with... a rock?
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another precious shot of the bois
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c'mere for a hug!
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midgardsormr, you will always be the midgar zolom to me (imo that mistranslation fits the world of ff7 a lot better. it would have been fun if they kept it in rebirth...)
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bro is flabbergasted
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HAHA GET 1000 NEEDLES'D YOU STUPID CAT! (in case you can't tell i'm pretty salty about coeurls...)
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wiildmagic · 3 months
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he should have been at the club
lineart by @noscarolina colours by me
[image description: a drawing of prompto argentum, a thin white boy wearing a grey plaid skirt, a blue mock-neck tank top with side cut outs, and combat boots. he has various accessories like sock garters, a leather belt, rings, a gold watch and a face mask. he is lit in dramatic blue rim lighting. he is holding a can with a skull and crossbones on it, the label partially covered]
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glitchdecay · 7 months
been thinking about this for a bit (and by "for a bit", i mean, just this instant).
you know how in the flashback in Brotherhood episode 2 and in the glimpses we see of Prompto's kid self in EP, he wore glasses, right?
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but he ditched them by the time he was in high school, right?
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did Prompto's vision improve somehow? did he start wearing contacts in high school? or did he get corrective eye surgery after it was decided that he'd be part of Noct's entourage because bad vision does not go hand-in-hand with being a gunslinger?
and if he kept wearing contacts during the main story, how bad is his eye prescription anyway? is this why the auto-attacking Prompto (if you battle as anyone else but Prompto) likes to get up close to enemies? like, his stock of contact lenses dwindles and he has to get up close to compensate? are there contact lenses sold in places around the rest of Lucis and Altissia? do the shops even stock his prescription???
and that's not even getting into the events of EP (and how you can fire rifles and bazookas at distance)...
anyway i really think he would have had corrective eye surgery before the roadtrip, but between high school and then he would've totally worn contacts. i'd like to think getting ready for a potentially dangerous mission would have involved stuff like that. like, they did a medical check-up on him to make sure he's, you know, healthy and stuff. unlike Ignis and Gladio, ya boy Prompto was just an ordinary young man but not really, as we later find out.
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Big Hands: Gladiolus Amicitia x Plus-Sized!Reader (Semi-NSFW)
Contains: Implied sex at the end, self-deprecating thoughts, body image
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Despite his promises, his gentle crooning and warm embraces as well as the countless times he had you wrapped around his finger, you still couldn’t get over the looks people were giving you as well as the words muttered under their breath. It was everywhere, people were everywhere, judging you, weighing you as inferior compared to the god-like being standing next to you, holding your hand firmly. You felt like crawling back under the covers of your comfy bed, to disappear from the world.
It was all the same insults and comments, over and over again. The words looming over you like you were in some stupid horror movie. It didn’t shock you all that much about how frail your confidence was.
Shattered like a broken mirror with the brick being just a jumble of words.
He would often fight back, spitting harsh threats at the people that treated you worse than hunters treated their targets. He hated how quick people would turn on others. It was revolting, that humans can be so cruel to one another without even caring.
He was always so quick to escort you away, to care for you, to fix that fragile mirror even if it meant he would cut his fingertips.
But he adored you.
Where he was hard and ridged, you were soft and delicate. He loved feeling your curves, he loved holding something that wasn’t a heavy broadsword or shield that rubbed his scratched up palms raw. He loved holding your hands and absent-mindedly playing with your chubby fingers.
It was all the better as he would always hold you tightly, stopping you from squirming.
“I’ve got big hands for a reason,” he would always grumble into your ear before pinching at the plush curve of your ass.
And he was no different tonight. He had found you sitting on the bed, back facing him. He knew what had happened, heard from Ignis that a few citizens were snickering under their breath as you were helping Ignis and Prompto with a few things. Even worse, he had seen the scale on the bathroom floor, barely sticking out from the cabinet next to the sink. He barely saw it himself, but seeing the contraption only fueled his anger.
“(Y/n)?” he murmured, pushing the bedroom door open a little more.
You didn’t answer. You sat there, still, head down and looking at the floorboards. You could feel your face heating up in embarrassment.
You were only soiling his royal name the more you stayed with him.
The door opened fully, the light of the hallway filled the dark bedroom.
Gladio sighed and slowly stepped towards you. Instead of rounding the corners of the massive bed, he instead climbed up onto the mattress from behind and kneeled behind you. You flinched when his large hands came into contact with your shoulders.
You always loved how his rough hands felt against your soft skin.
His fingertips curled, allowing him to push himself forward until his chiseled chest and abdomen was pressed right up against your back. He hummed softly, slowly moving his hands down the length of your arms until the joined together right on top of your belly.
You bit your lip, feeling suddenly nauseous at how disgusting you looked right now. Oh Six, why did you have to be this disgusting? Why did this being chiseled by the Six themselves fall for you? Oh Six, why does you belly look like that when you sit down? And why are your legs so big and awkward?
Your throat tensed and tightened. You felt like you were going to vomit.
You nearly heaved when he placed his lips on your shoulder, feeling the scratch of his facial hair brush against your skin. He hummed softly and pressed another kiss closer to your neck.
“I love you,” he murmured.
It always fascinated you on how soft Gladiolus could be. He was the King’s shield. He was meant to be a force of nature. He was a behemoth in human skin with how powerful he was and how dangerous he could be. And yet, he’s being so gentle to you.
“Gladio,” you whimpered.
He shushed you, tightening his grip around you and resting his head on the crook of your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your neck.
“I love you so much,” he cooed. “I love you so much, it’s crazy.” Another kiss had you suddenly tearing up, a sob pushing past your sealed lips. “I ever tell you how much I fucking love you?” he hummed in your ear. “I love you so fucking much (Y/n).”
“Gladio,” you whimpered.
He was so warm against your back. It felt nice.
“I love that you’re so soft. I love your cute fingers and how you always blush when I hold your hand.” He tightened his hold around you. “I love how you always sleep on top of me, a perfect way for me to grab at that fine ass of yours.” You couldn’t help yourself but to laugh. A few tears rolled down your full cheeks which Gladio quickly wiped away. “I love you so much, I’m so fucking lucky I met you when I did. And I’m so lucky the Astrals above blessed me with these big hands so I can show you how much I love you whenever I want.”
And just as he said that, his hands flew from your waist to slide under your ass. he hiked you up in the air, suddenly standing on the floor. Carrying you bridal style, he grinned down at your blushing face. His eyes were a fiery blaze, suddenly filling with lust.
He set you down on the bed, kicking the bedroom door closed with his heel.
“I love you so fucking much, it’s not even funny,” he grumbled.
“You know Iris is home,” you found yourself laughing.
“She has friends she can go hang out with.”
And just like that, his belt was loosened and his pants fell to the floor.
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promnis-week · 2 years
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Thank you everyone who submitted prompts! There were so many amazing ideas for us mods to narrow down our list to, but we are pleased to present the final selection!
Each day has a theme/AU, trope, word, piece of dialog, and a color palette. You can use one, many, or none! We also have an extra set of wildcards for you to be inspired by.
Happy creating! We can’t wait to see what you all do.
If you’d rather a single image for all days, or a text format, check below in the read more:
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DAY 1 Sunday
Royalty AU
First Kiss/Date
"I didn't think you considered me your friend."
DAY 2 Monday
Shopkeeper AU
Caffeine Overdose
"I thought you were the practical one."
DAY 3 Tuesday
Streamer/Vlogger AU
Touch Starved
"A moogle, a tonberry, and a chocobo walk into a bar..."
DAY 4 Wednesday
Soulmates AU
Mid-battle Confessions
"Do you have to be so reckless?" 
DAY 5 Thursday
Model/Photographer AU
Fake/Accidental Dating
“I think we should go for dinner first?”
DAY 6 Friday
Mythology/Supernatural AU
Magical Mishaps
"How long have you been standing there?"
DAY 7 Saturday
Arranged Marriage AU
Language Barrier
“You keep that photo of us in your wallet?”
MT Prompto AU, Historical/Regency AU
Hurt/Comfort, Only One Bed
Sharp, Dance, Puppy, Sweater
"Oh.", "In another life, perhaps.", "Follow my voice."
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