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“Is this your plan? Be as nonchalant as you can until I don’t even bother fighting you?”
“It may mean nothing to you my little redhaired sister.”
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“I called it an imprisonment, doesn’t that already imply that I’m not agreeing with this act that’s happening?”
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He raised his eyebrows at the girl. “Aren’t you worried? Not even a little bit?”
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"Darling, we are nothing like them. We have powers they'll never have, of course they'll try to cut us down first. Keep us in check. The registration is an imprisonment."
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“I understand why they’d be scared, but it’s like they forget we’re just as human as them. I don’t know… I feel like I have more reason to be afraid of them.”
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"That means nothing."
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“We both have the same sense of snark so there’s one thing.”
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“Maybe we’ll save it for another day,” She gave him a wink before turning to see the waiter come back with the machine “You’d be surprise. Not all boys are smart.” She laughed as she got up from her seat.
The waiter placed the check on the table before walking away. “Well then, I’ll cover the check and if you want we can still grab those donuts.” Taking the check Reid placed his card on top sliding the check towards the end of the table. Looking at Zoey he had a soft grin as he leaned back against the chair. “I don’t know what guy would be dumb enough to refuse that offer.”
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“They want us to register. As in they want to keep tract of us. That’s fear right there since they want to know how many of us there are.”
“You think so? I mean– We help them. Some of us, at least. I would think that’s worth something.” 
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“Have you not hear about the bill they’re passing or whatever it was? All mutants are to register, and therefore riots are bound to happen.”
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“ CNN makes it sound a whole lot more..detailed to say the least. fear us? seriously? It’s not like anything bad has been happening recently. “
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"What's so confusing? The baseline is that they fear us."
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“ even when it involves us, politics still confuses the hell out of me. please don’t tell me i’m the only one. “
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"You threaten everyone who doesn't do things your way?" She scoffed, unamused. "Strong personality is not the word for you. Overbearing, maybe. And how are you roaming around freely if you're killing everyone. It’s cute that you're worried on my behalf, but I can handle you. Your heart's going to stop before you can touch me."
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The corner of his lips cringed together as she spoke. “Take your pick – although I’d prefer you to feel flattered. I don’t want you to leave running or die in my hands. See, apparently I have what’s called a strong personality and not a lot of people want to be around me. Mostly because I get annoyed and kill them, but still. It’s best for you if you say you feel flattered.”
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"Scary? More like expected. This was bound to happen."
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“Oh. Okay, fair enough.” he shrugged. “I was paying attention to the news and I got distracted. This whole thing against mutants is kind of scary.”
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Zoey wasn't surprised if that were the case. Even she tried to stay away but Amanda seemed to always find her way back into her life. The younger of the two had went so far as to join HYDRA and it still didn't keep her sister off her back. "Is that so? I thought you might be at the stage of meeting her parents. Sounded like it so far." Though that'd be an impossible task, unless the other was taken to a grave. If there was one, Zoey didn't know.  She had fled right after. "Why would you think you've offended me? Haven't said anything to have done that." She turned a curious eye at the other. There was a chance for her to reveal who she was, but at the same time, there wasn't a reason to. What Amanda did or who she was seeing was none of her business.
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Nodding along with the girl’s words, she knew all those options were possible, but there was always a hesitance once her mind began to wander. “I’m aware. I could go back to the old, but with all the new interfering, it’s difficult.” She laughed, her eyebrow quirking up a little. It might have been from a lack of social normalcy, but she was sure she had struck a nerve somewhere, but she couldn’t figure out where she had that was foul. “Sure, I like to know about her as much as I can. Though, we don’t talk about her family much. I don’t pry, as I said.” Dahlia cleared her throat, leaning towards the blonde. “Did I offend you? If I have, I swear I did not mean to.” She promised.
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While she only felt the ground vibrate when the explosion set off, it was clear where it had came from since people were pouring in and out of the subway entrance. Making her way towards it, the bright haired girl saw the damage. Fire, death, and the injured. What else was new when it came to these sort of things? Zoey walked around, examining the place. She didn’t hear word from HYDRA that they were going to pull a stunt like this so she could only guess this wasn’t their work. With everyone all over the place, and her having to step over some, she nearly walked right into Leah. “Oh, didn’t expect you to be here.” She said calmly.
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Even without an explosion tearing her senses apart, Leah often found it difficult to function on a normal daily basis. Rubble was still falling around her and the collar of her letterman jacket was stained maroon from the head injury she had received in the initial blast. While she had been out with Sera, the young teenager still called out for her brother as she tried to make heads or tails out of the chaos she had become trapped in. She had left her phone in Sera’s bag out of habit (she didn’t like carrying things around with her outside of the tower) so had no access to those she would normally seek out in a crisis. “What — What’s going on?” she cried as she slowly managed to get to her feet. She then, from memory of what she had been taught at the academy, attempted to put out a nearby fire with her hydrokinetic powers – somewhat failing to do so. “DAMMIT!”
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“You’re lucky because otherwise, I’d kill you.” She scoffed, “No shit you weren’t. The hell were you doing, dazing off.”
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“You mean you’re lucky you’re wearing black? ‘Cause I don’t see how I’m lucky…” he trailed off. “Anyway. I’m sorry.” he quickly nodded at her words. ‘Y-Yeah, I just wasn’t paying attention.”
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In her profession, Zoey wasn’t one to be startled easily but having someone suddenly land onto the car then flopped onto the ground later did make her jolt back. “Yeah, you can.” She motioned to the car before blowing her bangs from her face, “You owe me a car.” It wasn’t her car per se; it was given to her by HYDRA because apparently, going around on a bike stood out too much. Not that it stopped her from driving her bike from time to time but now she might get the excuse to drive it all the time now that her car was dented. “Next time, watch where you’re falling.”
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Sebastian stood on the edge of the building, looking out over the city with a smile. “Ah, how I love you New York.” he sighed to himself before taking a few steps back and taking off towards the edge of the roof and leaping to the roof of another nearby building. He’d made his costume with mobility in mind, with the combination of his powers he didn’t exactly need much protection, just the ability to get things done quickly, that didn’t stop him from being a clumsy idiot 90% percent of the time. As he went to leap to another roof, his feet got caught up and he tripped over himself, tumbling over the edge of the roof and hurtling straight towards the ground. “Holy shit.” he yelled, doing his best to use his power to slow his descent. He slowed himself just enough to prevent any serious injury before slamming into the hood of a car with a loud crash. “Fuck me…” he groaned, rolling off the hood of the car and onto the ground. He glanced up at a nearby figure with a grimace. “Can I help you?”
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“There are reasons why you are not my sister, and then there are reasons why you are not my sister.”
“Uh huh what’s new Zo.”
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“You’re unbelievable.”
“Love you too little sis and how was your day?”
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“Wouldn’t it be just going back to your old routine? Getting to do all the stuff you couldn’t do because your.. significant other wants to hang out or something along those lines.” She took another bite before setting it down on the counter on top of a napkin. “How sweet.” She commented, though the sincerity behind it was questionable. “Picking up on her new habits here and there. Finding new favourites of hers. Learning more about her family. Stuff like that?” She watched her carefully before shaking her head, “No, like you said, I prefer being alone. The lone wolf apparently.”
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“I am normally very capable of being alone, but once you get to used to someone, it’s hard going back to the schedule when they’re away for about.” She tried to explain, pursing her lips until the question was directed towards once more. “Well, I’m not the person to pry on my own, so I’m learning about her day by day. I much prefer to be in reclusion, but she has helped me.” Shrugging, the girl practically bit her tongue to stop talking. She often grew bored when others talked of their relationships built on looks and sexual exploration being the main theme of topic. Dahlia understood and proceeded to eat her donut and she thought of something to say. “Do you have someone special in life? I, more than anyone, would understand the want to be alone.”
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