hearthen · 7 months
He gave a light grin. "It is nice to know if anything at least you're happy with how I am.." He got a bit of a distant look in his eyes for a moment but quickly refocused on the conversation at hand. He really shouldn't be thinking about his siblings right now, nor should he sour the mood of this conversation. It wouldn't be fair to Koko, especially when he's going out of his way to make him happy.
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"Of course I'm interested, I'm curious to know how something like that would turn out.." Though at the suggestion to try making it together, he seemed a little more reluctant. "I don't know.. I've never really tried to make human food before. Unless it's just well.. lighting it on fire. I can do that. Oh, and I can provide high quality stones to use as well since I know where to find them."
"Well, I like you just the way you are. I guess that means you're good enough for me."
Yeah, Koko wasn't the best at giving sage-like advice or sayings, but what he was good at was whispering sweet nothings. Maybe it was because Koko, being immortal, never wanted to leave things unsaid? Or maybe he was just a big sap. It was probably the latter, but either way, those words were Koko's true feelings.
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The deity then proceeded to squeeze Kozu's hand a bit tighter and moved a little bit closer to him. It was just nice to be around him again.
"Hehe, you seem to be very interested in how we could make this meal. Tell you what, instead of me making this for you, why don't we try cooking together? I'm sure neither of us are particularly good at cooking, but it could be fun to try together."
Not to mention spend more time together.
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hearthen · 7 months
He gave a small grin. "Yeah.. it could be true for all living beings. The best I can do right now is just keep being me, and hope it's enough.." He could only hope the intricacies of his role as patron of the earth would come to him in time. Until then, he'd protect what he could of it. "Nor is it mine," he said, rubbing his hair.
He couldn't help a small chuckle as he wrapped his large hand around Koko's. "Very well, I suppose I can't stop you. I'll accept a little bit, and am eager to see what you manage to come up with." Though just thinking about it.. how had he not thought about mixing human food with rocks before?
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"I think fire stones would add a nice spice to whatever dish you put them in.. or leaf stones if you're looking for a more.. well, earthy tone. Perhaps.. it could have round stones instead of meatballs." The slight change in his expression betrayed just how eager he was about this concept.
"Huh, I never thought of it like that. Heh, but I think you're right. What we deem regular mannerisms is how we are all different. Hehe, well something like that at least. Clearly being sage-like isn't part of my mannerisms."
Yeah, Kozu was right though. Koko had met other Tapu Kokos from other worlds, and each of them had their differences despite the fact they were the same God. Heh, he really should stop underestimating Kozu's knowledge though. He has been around for a long time like him after all. Then again, one of the things he liked about dating Kozu was that he learned something new about him almost every time they spent together.
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"Hey, don't worry about it. You're my boyfriend, and you make me happy, so I want you to be happy too. You deserve a little spoiling from me."
The Tapu gradually reached for the other's hand as he said that. The Groudon's hand was as big and warm as always. It was just so nice to be near Kozu.
"Yeah, I have to figure that one out. I'm thinking pasta with rock sauce instead of meat sauce. Something like that. Once I figure it out, I hope that you enjoy it."
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hearthen · 8 months
He blinked a bit, though gave a small grin followed by a little chuckle. "Perhaps that is the case.. It could be what makes each so different from the last." To be honest, he wasn't even sure if he's figured out proper Groudon mannerisms yet so he could relate to humans on that level at least.
He shook his head. "Please.. there's no need to go out of your way. I consume dirt on the daily, so if I'm in human form I prefer to consume human foods. It's the only time I get the chance." He blinked at that though. "Is there such a thing..? Or do you mean to create one yourself? It would be interesting to see if something like that could work.. they are two things I've always consumed separately."
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He nodded along as he listened to Koko's explanation. "Ah, that does make sense.. I suppose I hadn't thought of it like that." He finished off the last of the novelty dessert, making sure to toss the plastic remains into a nearby garbage can. He knew better than to eat that at least.
"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm pretty sure humans haven't totally grasped human mannerisms yet."
Oh, now that Koko thought about it, that joke might just cause Kozu to become more confused. Should Koko say something to clarify what he meant? Actually probably best to just move on to something else.
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"Is that so? Well, that certainly makes things easier for me. It would be kinda awkward if I got caught taking farming soil for whatever reason. Hmmm, maybe I can make a special dish for you that contains rocks and human food... Just need to figure out what to make."
Well, if anything, if Kozu liked eating dirt, that probably means that Kozu probably can eat Koko's bad cooking without problems. Well, hopefully at least.
"Well, I know that young human children like to play in the dirt so eating something like this probably would be fun. Besides, humans do have a fascination with doing things they're not allowed to. It's probably why they made this product since it's the closest thing they could get to eating dirt without consequences."
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hearthen · 8 months
He gave a small chuckle. "I didn't think the orthworms were real.. I thought perhaps they had put sweet things in dirt to eat it. I suppose I haven't truly grasped human mannerisms yet.." Despite his previous disappointment, he does seem to be eating the treat pretty thoroughly.
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"Of course.." Though he followed up quickly as Koko offered to get him some. "Oh that's not really necessary.. I mostly end up eating dirt when I'm burrowing, you don't have to go out of your way to get some for me. I tend to prefer rocks over dirt anyways, and I think if given the choice I would consume human foods over dirt." He gave an affirmative nod before continuing. "I just didn't think humans consumed dirt like I did, so I was curious about this treat. Even though I know it's not dirt now, I still don't understand why it's made to look like dirt if humans typically find it unappetizing to eat.."
"Well, also the fact that Orthworms are eight feet long right? Heh, then again, I guess you might have been expecting chopped-up Orthworms or something like that."
Well, either that or Orthworms just looked that size when Kozu was in his true form. Yeah, he could see it now. Kozu just casually picking up an Orthworm and taking a bite out of it. Absolutely metal.
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"Farming soil, huh? Ones that are not treated with pesticides, I presume. Yeah, I think I can get you some of that. Well, unless there's something else you're interested in eating."
Please do suggest something else. Koko had to wonder if Kozu realized that farmlands were often treated with manure. And if Kozu did know that, would he care?
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hearthen · 8 months
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"I mean.. I suppose it's sweet and it does resemble dirt, which is.. kind of cute. I guess I should have seen it coming, since humans don't typically eat dirt." He pulled one of the gummy orthworms out of the treat to eat, seeming to enjoy that much.
"Hm, that is true.. earth that is untouched by human hands can be quite good. However, I've actually found from experience that farming soil that's been well cared for is incredibly sublime."
"Lies and betrayal, huh?" The diety chuckled. Kozu really was getting more accustomed to the time period, huh?
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"Yeah, I guess that makes sense for a ground type, not to mention the lord of the earth himself." Was Koko teasing Kozu at this point? Yes, but he couldn't help himself.
"You know, I have to ask. What type of dirt is the most nutritious to you? I'm guessing it's the purest earth close to the volcano or something like that?"
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hearthen · 8 months
// woops, realized none of the pages on those blogs were made available on mobile dkfh that's been fixed!
// I've finally updated my pinned post so that my blogs are accurately represented! I've been hard at work turning my multimuse blog into a hub for sideblogs, and have already finished a few to put up there too. I don't have a promo or anything for any of them yet, and I still haven't made a pinned post for the hub blog, but I still hope you'll check them out regardless!
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hearthen · 8 months
Kozu noticed Ikki beginning to back away, and he wondered if he had overstepped his boundaries. He was just really glad to see him and everyone again, he didn't really think about what he was doing.. For a moment he seemed dejected, though that quickly changed to surprise as Ikki ran at him full speed to tackle him in a hug. He moved a foot to retain his balance, but otherwise was unswayed by the friendly running tackle. A smile now spread upon his face as his large arms wrapped around Ikki in return and giving the other a firm squeeze.
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"..I'm so glad. I'm sorry for sleeping for so long..."
@hearthen replied to your post “Time to pick Ikki up like a hamburger! In true...”:
"...Sorry," he muttered, quickly complying with the request. "I'm just glad to see you're still around. I... fell asleep, and I worried it was for a long time again.."
​Now that Ikki's on the floor, he's gonna walk away backwards for a little bit to built up momentum and then sprint towards Kozu at full speed to give him a devastatingly powerful hug.
Or at least attempt. Kozu's really large.
"Don't worry, it hasn't been that long! Everyone you know is still around and we all missed you."
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hearthen · 8 months
Welcome back!!!
// thanks! I've been feeling motivated lately, so I'm gonna see how long it lasts lol
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hearthen · 8 months
// I've finally updated my pinned post so that my blogs are accurately represented! I've been hard at work turning my multimuse blog into a hub for sideblogs, and have already finished a few to put up there too. I don't have a promo or anything for any of them yet, and I still haven't made a pinned post for the hub blog, but I still hope you'll check them out regardless!
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hearthen · 8 months
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He's so cute..
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hearthen · 8 months
He’s dancing to a bubblegum pop song, having a good time, just vibing.
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What’s that? There’s a giant lizard right next to him? That’s just his dance partner, don’t be rude.
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hearthen · 8 months
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"Of course it is.. dirt is delicious and rich in nutrients. This.. is fine, I suppose. But now the only thing I taste is the lies and betrayal..."
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"Is eating dirt even good for you?"
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hearthen · 8 months
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He looked to the fire stone so generously offered to him. Oh, these were particularly delicious.. he always loved the burning feeling as they went down his throat. He gave the smallest of smiles. "Thank you.. I greatly appreciate it."
Then, he proceeds to bite onto the rock with his teeth, tearing a chunk off before chomping it to bits. It's.. very loud.
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hearthen · 8 months
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".....This isn't dirt."
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"When was anyone going to tell me about this treat..?" He held up an orthworms in dirt dessert cup like it's the most special thing he has ever found in his life.
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hearthen · 8 months
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"When was anyone going to tell me about this treat..?" He held up an orthworms in dirt dessert cup like it's the most special thing he has ever found in his life.
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hearthen · 8 months
Who the hell goes scuba diving at 4 am (Accepting)
@silveratonement "Honestly, other than a few grumpy Tentacruels, probably nothing that can't be punched away. But hey, you see that sparkling too, right?" He smirked. "Whatever it is, I bet it'll sell at a good price." Lorenz was crouching over the sand, pointing at a glittering spot in the water in front of them. There was most definitely something metal down there, on which the moonlight was reflecting pretty strongly. With no warning whatsoever, Lorenz slid his shirt and kicked his shoes off. The water was probably freezing cold at this hour, but it wouldn't be his first time going for a swim in the dead of night. "Y'don't happen to have a Pokémon that knows Dive, do you?" He turned back toward the big guy, just to shove his PokéGear into his arms. It really was a rhetorical question, the bloke didn't appear to have any Poké Ball on his person. Until just now, when Lorenz also entrusted him with his belt. "I think I'll have to go down there myself. If I take too long, can you send out my Feraligatr? He's in this one. He'll know what to do."
His eyes traveled to the human male that had seemed to wander up nearby him. He was a tad surprised by someone else being out here at this time of night, but not completely shocked. He's come to accept that humans were just strange like that sometimes. A small chuckle escaped his lips, amused at such a simplistic view of the ocean. "..That so? Perhaps.."
Unfortunately, he himself knew the biggest terror that lay at the bottom of the ocean--and he also knew Kyogre wouldn't hesitate to come fight him in an instant if they found out he was lurking around. Luckily, the ocean seemed quiet so perhaps the other legend was in a deep slumber. He idly pondered if that was a problem he could 'punch away'.
He was snapped back to reality from those pitch black waves as the stranger that was speaking to him suddenly stripped down and unloaded his pokegear and belt of pokeballs into his hands. He blinked, clearly somewhat confused though he shook his head at the question. "..I don't. But.. is that really something to go diving after..? It could just be nothing at all." Was this man so trusting of him to hand over what he assumed to be important items to a trainer? Particularly all of his pokemon.. He didn't truly know him or his intentions, so why? He really did not understand humans sometimes.
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His lips pursed at the mention of the feraligatr, though he at least attempted to not grimace outright as he made a note of which pokeball the other meant. He could only hope it wouldn't come to that though. "..Sure. But.. don't do anything too rash regardless."
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hearthen · 8 months
// been gone so long, I almost completely forgot how to operate on this website. not to mention it's gotten worse since then wh eezes
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