heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Bloom ]
Sometimes in my mind
I think I’m just to shy to thrive
While this pen can pour its heart
My mouth is kept with no reply
I can’t deny, I want to fly
If I would only spread these wings
Lift off the ground, into the sky
To see what these horizons bring
This spark of life, shining so bright
I have hidden in concerns
Anxious thoughts, all I’ve fought
And I still choose not to adjourn
Yet I discern, knowing well
This absurdity to fault
That I would dwell within a hell
Rather than be what I exalt
Still invasive, second nature
Doppelgänger, all my doubts
Who am I really, but a stranger
Lost to self, with no account
Light is shining, close the curtains
Cannot let these feeling out
Trapped inside this vaulted-coffin
Yet there is life that seeks to sprout
Finding the cracks, pushing forward
Looking to break from this recourse
Hearts been strangled, barely beating
Only hope, is now divorce
Severed ties, these leach of lies
That have been sucking out my soul
Withering binds, it’s now the time
Time to finally let these seeds grow
Fear of exposure, slowly fading
Yet still hesitant to bloom
To be shown naked, on display
As I am rising from this tomb
Thoughts of chaos, like a seance
Seeking to keep me in these chains
Yet bonds have weakened in this Eden
And I will never be the same
Mind is altered as I falter
Trying to grasp all that has changed
While memories of ancient terrors
They have yet to be estranged
So yet I walk in double standards
Slowly departing from the grave
Tricks in mind, still seem to coax me
That I should just remain a slave
But I am saved, despite my toils
Despite the doubts that creep in mind
No longer gaining my attention
No distraction to keep me blind
Look in the mirror, eyes are searching
To find a fault in what I see
Grace resounding, in abundance
Nothing but radiance in me
This pen is pouring out its soul
A reflection of the heart
Of the strength that I should carry
To match this magnitude of spark
I know I struggle, being open
Just to manifest the light
And yet my spirit, always hopeful
Chose to bloom within this life
© GaratheDen
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ The Abuse of Tension ]
Emotions have betrayed you
You’ve traded wrong for wrong
Believed that you were powerless
Instead of standing strong
Abandoning identity
You’ve forgot where you belong
Let desperation be your god
And violence be your song
Vengeance, unforgiveness
It is eating you alive
As you riot in the streets
Letting hatred be your guide
A mirror of oppression
Becoming what you despise
The bearers of deception
Just as lost as you are blind
Seeing nothing but a victim
Being nothing but a slave
Feeling nothing but your hatred
As you dig your shallow grave
For the actions you have taken
They are one in the same
The same evils you lament
Are the ones you now parade
Look at all your rage
Look at all your anger
You cast it on the innocent
With no care for the stranger
You act without humanity
Is that really your nature
For when you become a monster
Then you become a danger
So riot in the street
Create your great divide
Just beat your chest and cause a mess
And see what it provides
A history of violence
In continual reply
Say farewell to unity
And hello to be denied
While the system never waivers
While your masters rest in peace
Wage the war that they are longing
So they can justify their reach
Spread terror throughout the land
So that they view you with unease
And become the dangerous animal
That needs to be policed
Where is your peace
Where is your self-control
Where is your dignity
Now’s the time to be composed
For we all tire of this system
And it’s endless need to grow
We’re all enraged at its actions
And you are not alone
But when you throw a stone
Aimed in the wrong direction
When you act out in hatred
Without any discretion
Then you’ve served your masters well
Becoming the transgression
To nullify their sins
In the abuse of tension
© GaratheDen
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Marveled ]
The best part of my life
Is that I never needed audience
Didn't need attention
Didn't need approval to gain confidence
Just sitting within silence
No need of an expedience
No pressures from the status quo
To meet their efforts of obedience
But it wasn't always easy
Indoctrination ain't a gentle kiss
Doubt would flood my mind
And with doubt it is hard to resist
The berate of second-guessing
Internally held within conflict
But my mind was clear to contemplate
And I wouldn't submit
Not an ounce of me is popular
The populations pending
You never know the course of life
Which they will be descending
Yet I guess I never cared much
There's no need to be pretending
So divided from the herd of man
Because I'm unrelenting
Walking now, over the graves
Stirring through the ashes
A witness to all of the lives
The sacrificial masses
Ruled through men's religions
Reduced into a ration
Death the counterbalance
To the cult of hatred's passion
In my surroundings I like solitude
Repulsed against dramatics
So I never watch the news
Propaganda, fear and panic
I'm so tired of the common man
Who worship a State of havoc
For I'm a; hear no, see no, speak no evil
Hopeful-type romantic
Fear never ruled over me
And neither does submission
For when politics rule the world
It becomes void of wisdom
And I don't seek the foolish man
And ask of his permission
And I don't look at the views of man
As anything but religion
Plagued throughout the centuries
Despite emancipation
They have cast their hope into a fault
And embraced indoctrination
Always trapped within the box
Populous turned congregation
They are a herd no longer human
Blind to their incarceration
Every step towards freedom
Is a movement that leaves them startled
They are so afraid of myth
They have submitted to be marshaled
So dependent on the State
To be ruled and reigned and parceled
That their lives have become vacant
Because of what they fear to marvel
© GaratheDen
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Pop Quiz ]
Alleviate the consequence
Sacrifice a martyr
Hoodwink the populous
To the genocide of honor
A scapegoat holocaust
All in the guise of ardor
Granting your allegiance since
The founding of the fathers
Bombs burst to celebrate
Serenade the rockets
Wartime on the mind
Explosions to profit
Round up the casualties
Making your deposits
Cultivate a business plan
Monopolize the markets
Castrate the candidate
Crush the opposition
Encapsulate, congregate
Define the definition
Celebrate all the hate
Fooled with prohibition
Emancipate human waste
The starting of tradition
Gold fades to masquerades
While paper is abundant
Inflate to subjugate
The system is triumphant
Too late, greet your fate
Ecosystem all redundant
Salivate to lubricate
The cycle of incumbents
Flu shot the argonaut
All chemicals and compounds
A heart-stop onslaught
Leaving minds all dumbfound
Ink blot, Camelot
Renaissance and pronouns
Shakespeare untaught
As yonder light does fade now
Playgrounds and obstacles
Train children to assassins
Chaos all methodical
Keeping fear a passion
The narrative a farcical
Religion all unfastened
Free-thought antiparticle
Welcome poverty to famine
Maintain supply-chain
Rapid prototyping
Alpha sigma mainframe
Composites uninviting
Solo cannot be contained
Escape the endless sightings
While they quantify the domain
To reign in violent guiding
Time for your pop-quiz
Answers orchestrated
Minds trapped in boxes
Farewell the innovative
Programmed responses
The keeper of the tainted
The system just a toxin
A legacy of hatred
© GaratheDen
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Fruit ]
All I see is fruit
Some of it is rotten
Hold my breath and fear the scent
It cannot be forgotten
Watching every step
Tantalize the garden
Pit against the roots
Of the hearts all laying hardened
Wish I had a green thumb
Release a revelation
Intrenching of the mindset
In need of ventilation
You must break from the foundation
To end the desolation
All the elements are stirring
In a force of speculation
So much left to potential
The garden lying flattened
Left to strangle self, and I ask,
“How could this have happened”
The beauty yet surmounted
This desert leaves me saddened
How I long to cultivate
But all of life has been abandoned
And the soil, it is barren
That which remains, infertile
Shall I strive against the earth
In hopes of something that’s eternal
All the life that creeps below me
It is nothing but infernal
Chewing through the veins
As though Phantoms of the external
Strike against the plains
Yet these wounds are never bleeding
Soaked the life that’s spilt
And offers dust to choke the breathing
Blanketing the tombs
Of a past that’s long retreating
All the toils of the earth
To be consumed in endless weeding
Feel the scorching of the sun
As the body tests its limits
Will of mind and soul collapsing
Isn’t all that can inhibit
As the aching and fatigue
Greets a nature that’s insistent
Caught at the edge of madness
Until the wind does lift my spirit
Storms off in the horizon
Show of lightning, clash of thunder
A breeze of chill is leading
To embrace me in a shudder
All my hopelessness in effort
Turned in haste into a wonder
Seeing rains approaching
Turning prey, now, into the hunter
Flooding my consciousness
Of the seeds that I have planted
What the future holds in sight
Is but a story yet expanded
With deserts all around me
And the view of hope seemed stranded
Here in this valley I’ve found an Eden
That all others have abandoned
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Thin Ice ]
I'm walking on thin ice
Weighing like an anchor
Cracks beneath my feet
This is clear and present danger
The mind says play it caution
Yet I'm hesitant to linger
One false move and I'm abandoned
To the depths of a stranger
A struggle in the solitude
Caught and independent
The burden on my back
Leave the sinews unrepentant
An aching in the heart
And the mind is unattended
As these cracks expand the course
And soon supports will be descended
Could try to move in haste
But the danger is prevailing
Shuffling my feet
To match the pace the ice is failing
My eyes catch the reflection
And is shocked by the unveiling
Feeling frozen to the nature
Of a person that is ailing
Try to calm the mind
Anxiety has risen
You can feel it pierce your heart
Panicked with indecision
Try to move out from the center
And yet gravity is driven
Set to keep you on a course
And hold you in this prison
Shallow is my breathing
With calculated action
If I exhaust all my efforts
How can I maintain traction
One step leading the other
Yet divided is their faction
The means of making choice
Both cause and reaction
If this ice breaks
Will I be swallowed up in darkness
Will I meet the fate of peril
Of a truth I never harnessed
Can't quite still my breathing
Halt this quiver in a sternness
Friction assailed against me
And I default to being nervous
Weighted and dragging
No chance against the tide
Need the ice to hold form
For the moments I'm alive
For the moment I am blind
Finding nothing to confide
The ice still cracks beneath me
And I am running out of time
One step and then the other
A slow and steady pace
Water seeping through the cracks now
Makes it hard to feel embraced
Closer to the edge
Widening the space
Nearing my salvation
While the ice is giving way
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Stasis ]
The world’s response to fear
How so easily
You let your life be commandeered
Your dreams and your ambitions
All but disappeared
A flock to mindless medias
Corralled and engineered
Once seemingly so vibrant
Filled with zest for life
Now cowering and pitiful
With no signs of delight
Panic in pandemic
And such a tragic sight
Identity abandoned
As you quarantine the light
No strength amongst your faculties
A product of the hype
You seizure in demeanor
Now, shrieking through your gripes
A feature presentation
Of a puppet of the tripe
A circus in a cycle
Where you’re all but circumscribed
A programmed and trained response
Devoted to the doctrine
Domesticated casualty
To every spoken toxin
Conforming to disparity
While leaving truth forgotten
Just to heed to fear, politicized
And viewing it as sovereign
The pavers of perdition
Building a religion
Cowards of the heart
Masquerading hope and wisdom
Villains of salvation
All fraught is their tradition
Too blinded by the perils
Fabricated repetitions
Cutting off the blood flow
Halting the response
It’s time to break away
But you have formed no renaissance
Shocked within a terror
Contained to a nuance
Peering in the headlights
As you hide within a box
Burying the coffin
Funeral in service
Never lived a life
Because your whole life’s been perverted
A corpse that lays in waste
Void of any purpose
In an eternal state of nervous
For fear, it has seized you
Drawn you to hiatus
Distracted you from everything
Which you should remain gracious
Try to find a spark of life
But it’s been rendered traceless
And without a pulse of courage
You just remain froze in stasis
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ The Glint ]
So much pressure being weighed
And I am trying not to cave
Collapsing to expectations
Of an anti-dream’s display
I try to dig out from this grave
Under roads that have been paved
Hoping for a breakthrough
Just to see the light of day
So I may finally get some air
Let my life get its repair
Feel my lungs expanding
As I gain freedom from the snare
For I once was bound, caught in err
Trapped and chained within despair
Held, claustrophobic
Hyperventilating fear
Gasping out for a breath
Yet all I tasted was regret
Drowning in the waters
As emotions drew its depths
All gravity held in check
I was suspended and beset
That I scarcely had a will to live
And it drew me to forget
How easily my eyes were blind
How effortless, betrayed the mind
To show me all alone
As though my heart could be confined
And I wonder now, what point in time
Was I convinced to be defined
By fear, maliciously in course
To a submission, so aligned
Wandering, held in contempt
Baring shame at my expense
Both judge and jury’s scornful eyes
On I, the one suspect
Justice served to no exempt
This guilty verdict I accept
Standing at the gallows
With the noose around my neck
How easily, is that first step
When mind is clouded, thoughts in theft
To feel that condemnation
Is to purposefully arrest
To steal your soul and leave you stressed
Identity all but oppressed
Lies, a labyrinth’s endless weaving
To hold you lost and dispossessed
I’ve once dwelled in the dark of times
I’ve once been fooled by tricks of mind
Losing sight of life itself
Seeing no vital signs
And though it burdened great decline
And once held me to feel confined
It had no strength against the one
Who I was in truth, realized
For it only took a glint of light
A flash or flicker shown to sight
To capture the attention
Of the eyes lost in the night
For brilliance, will it seem so bright
That pupils dare not bare the white
Piercing through the veil
So that the heart may know delight
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ The Lion ]
They’ve called me the lion
Ever since my birth
The world in amazement
The eyes that all observe
Want to hear my strength of voice
Lion gonna purr
Until I bite your head off
Consider dinner served
King of the jungle
Prowler of the plains
Gazelle like inspirations
And I’m feasting through the day
Blood all over my face
Look at the parade
Pride, a pack of lyrics
What hyenas gonna say
Sitting in the sun
Basking in the light
Heat upon my face
Ready for a fight
Saving all my strength
Saving all my might
Gonna crush your bones
With these jaws of life
Ladies all around me
Ready for the kill
Gonna take a shower
In the blood they spill
Going to devour
It’s the power of the will
Then we’ll play in the display
To capitalize the thrill
Everything I see
Everything I own
Wherever I sit
I’m calling it my throne
Power in the presence
Yeah, I can’t be overthrown
Starting to get hungry
And I do not eat alone
Better be silent
Better be discrete
Better watch your step
Where you place your feet
Don’t draw our attention
A mistake you won’t repeat
I’m sure you have a life
But it will serve just well as meat
Wherever I roam
No one’s gonna stop me
Don’t get in my way
Or I’ll give you an autopsy
Mane so full
Never looking sloppy
The feminine know
Cannot get them off me
King of the jungle
Greatest carnivore
Mighty in all efforts
You know I’m gonna roar
People all around me
Amaze and adore
Knowing I’m majestic
And always wanting more
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Life Lesson ]
Life lesson
Nobody will hurt you more
Than someone you love
We focus on enemies
While guarding our heart
Yet it’s the closest people
Who can tear it apart
But I say, love extravagant
Let down all your guards
Hold your head high
And embrace all the scars
Love is the answer
Don’t focus on pain
Love, just in spite
Of all of past shame
It’s become far too easy
For us to discard
Forming our factions
And having no regard
Making life into a fiction
The illusions of the author
Letting truth fade away
To the deceit that were offered
We call ourself victim
Call others the enemy
Create a facade
That disfigures identity
And as time goes by
Part of you becomes lost
Buried so deep inside
That it just leaves you in want
See, treating life like material
So easy to replace
Walking through relationships
All piling like waste
It just keeps you in pain
As more of you breaks
And the whole world can see it
But they’re conditioned to take
It is time to ponder life
Let our minds be unfurled
And quit letting pain
Be the center of your world
Find value in others
Quit waging these wars
Let the empire cease
So that love can restore
Because all life has purpose
Yet all are disguised
Because we all know the same hurt
And have believed the same lies
So don’t let it be a guide
Time to open your heart
Because love’s the only thing
That will not tear it apart
Life lesson
Nothing can save the world
Greater than love
And it starts with an action
Without need of reply
And until you learn to love
You’re never truly alive
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Illusions ]
Not afraid of strife, war
Bloodshed, destruction
I was raised with this in my life
It is the source of my corruption
I've seen flags, wave
The praises of this nation
As bombs blast across the land
And third worlds were degraded
Not afraid of guns, death
Terror, segregation
It was preached from the pedestal
And met with ovations
One nation, under
The authority of integration
Indoctrinating the minds
Of every single generation
But yet, still
They instruct me to be fearful
Too afraid to rule my life
And in a system to be cheerful
Too afraid to become native
Lest the trail I lead comes tearful
They don't want me to question
And of that I get an earful
But every single year, full
Of war and endless spending
Berating and inflating
All the wealth I've earned, descending
I'm pretending life is great
We're all so fake and condescending
Got a mask over my face
While underneath I'm comprehending
That the rule I know's a monster
Claustrophobic as it conquers
Given power from the people
Who were birthed to be the sponsors
Waste their whole life with no honor
For the mindless never ponder
They just sing their petty anthems
As their patronage is conjured
A smoke-screen, daydream
Living in illusion
That the State is very great
Indoctrinated and deluded
No life to be uprooted
Suffocating and polluted
The existence of the State
Is just death in conclusion
And like sheep you follow
Marching to the slaughter
Submitting to a system
That wants to slay you on the altar
A bloodshed culture
Preying like the vultures
It is here you lift you praise
Build your monuments and sculptures
You have failed to remain human
Embraced the cult of corruption
And committed life to ruin
No hopes of every straying
From the State, no revolution
For you're enraptured in deception
Completely lost in the illusions
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Lens ]
I see you, and seeing you
I bring you into being
Creation in acknowledgment
The whole world, it is beaming
Awaken from distraction
All the factions unredeeming
Life is so extravagant
Can you not see that it is teeming
Beauty all encompassing
Every cell and atom
Microscopic observation
In an awe I cannot fathom
The grace to case this place
Palpitations set to spasm
A heart that skips the beat
In endless enthusiasm
So thankful for existence
Beyond our understanding
All logic stays confounded
To this mystery enchanting
Appreciate it my whole life
So captured by its romancing
I take a breath to celebrate
And feel my lungs expanding
Consciously determined
Intentionally aware
Deliberate in my actions
With premeditated care
Calculated measures
Eager just to share
That life is so fantastic
Beyond any faults or fears
Merely to have an open eye
It does not mean you see
So much in life can pass you by
And that’s a tragedy
To live your life within a veil
Blinded from the sea
Of the life that flows around you
Dwelling in shadows of debris
Most of the world has a perspective
That is negatively cast
Seeing most life without value
And subjected to their wrath
That they make the world a wasteland
In their daily treaded paths
With such dreaded consequences
Of the compassions which they lack
It first and foremost must be
The heart that draws the sight
The lens of love to filter
The value into a life
Then the mind must be opened
Beyond doctored plight
To see beyond tradition
Beyond offense, to what is right
Then I see you, and seeing you
There is brought about inception
Creation and existence
And value and connection
Breaking passed the boundaries
Of the past of our deceptions
Where all life can radiate
To a mirror of reflection
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Execution ]
Putting my neck out on the line
Underneath the guillotine
Execution exhibition
Welcoming hostilities
Crowded, calloused audience
Applauding the facilities
Knock-on-wood, the lever flung
To greet responsibilities
Tied up, at the stake
Smoke-break, I’ve had enough
Bindings, feel the sting
Blood-flow, cut off at the cuff
Heating, at my feet
Enemies, all huff and puff
Wicker-man, now I stand
Igniting to be more abrupt
Back against the wall
Blindfolded to the firing squad
Lies and accusations
Cocked and readied in their espionage
Waiting for the cannonballs
Weary to how they’ll respond
Ready, aim, fire…
Moment’s volley cease to rattle on
Lethal this injection
Coursing through my veins
With the chains of hostility
Going through growing pains
Got an audience watching me
Convulsing in my shame
Paralyzed with poison eyes
That I just cannot claim
Got me situated
Made this chair into a bond
Didn’t have a final word
All set to turn the power on
Now I know we all know Edison
But Tesla was beyond
I’m about to feel the power
Now I’ll go say hello to God
Everyone has got a stone
Now stretching out their arms
Hiding all their sins
While they justify my harm
Jumping to their judgements
Sounding the alarm
Watch you cast the first stone
As I’m turning on the charm
Time to turn the valve
Hear the hissing of the gas
Lefty-loosey, righty-tighty
And I’m trying not to gasp
Eyes sting, nose bleeding
Body seizing at the clasp
Trying to hold my vomit in
As I am a man of class
They say they want to hang me
But they won’t use the noose
Instead, they’ve got some nails
Set to hammering them through
But what am I to do
Know, this isn’t what I’d choose
Executions all around me
There are so many ways to lose
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Apart ]
I know that I’m my truest
As an individual
Yet society tends to flock
Towards congregations
They like to build things together
Like they all are integral
Until eventually they call themselves
A nation
Now almost every time
These actions seem so lofty
Their ideas filled
With righteousness and pride
Yet far too often things
Tend to turn too costly
When they start to fail
In seeing eye to eye
Of my personal account
I hate the nation
Where this Religion tends
To seep into the mind
For where all eyes are made
To see only through doctrine
That is where all eyes
Lose vision to the blind
The nations, they build
Monuments and altars
Then alter their history
To grace their point of view
Pledging allegiance
To their symbols to never falter
And then they utilize
These symbols in their rule
Now I have far stepped
Out of box and out of context
To be in contrast and example
Of a completely different life
And I know that act has caused
In some to anguish
As though a jeopardy to faith
That we should always live in strife
This absurdity is a plague
That never falters
A mental inhibition
Set to blotting out the sun
So those in shadow will find
Comfort in the darkness
As they reign in foolishness
Seeking to mitigate the son
For God is either evil
In this empire so eminent
Or God is only peaceful
In an everlasting covenant
What is time-tested
These waging wars or love in testament?
Salvation on the cross
Or the holocausts of government?
The crowd is always wrong
Casting their stones and void of heart
Professing revolutions
While only ever showing throne
Sacrificing of the innocent
And that’s why I walk apart
Outside of this Religion
That holds no power to atone
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ The Pirates’ Tale of Sorrow ]
Sorrow the pirate
Twas about to walk,
The mighty wooden plank
With shackled wrists
And legs the same,
To ensure that Sorrow sank
The journey short
Though long in stride,
Consumed the light of day
As step by step
His feet did walk,
To death, Sorrow made way
"Ah, faster now
You swine of man,
You see away the sun."
"For when it goes,
Then so shall you.
Your life, this day, be done."
Then Sorrow turned,
To face the man
Belching out words aloud
Then veered his eyes
Up to the sky
And let silence weigh the crowd
The clouds did part
And shown the sun
The heat did sweat his brow
Then cool breeze blew
Against his skin
And whistled through the prow
A moments rest
Relaxing breath
Time seemed to disappear
With enemies
Sentencing death
His ship, they commandeer
Then memories
From all his life
Did flash before his eyes
Both good and bad
The crowd spoke out, chastised
"Speak now yar words
Soon lifeless one,
Plead mighty, to the gods."
Sorrow stayed still
His mouth not move,
He stand weighing the odds
The sun still crept
To hiding place,
Devoured by the ocean
"Lets shoot him first
Help weigh him down!"
One man started, commotion
A settled cheer
All with, agreed
Bullet, to be embed
Muskets loaded
Then aimed up north
Explosions marked for head
The powder packed
And fuses lit
Sorrow, a choice, must make
Death by the sea
Or from the gun
Which would a hero take
His chains were tight
To strong to free
If jump, he'd surely drown
While bullets burn
Destroy the flesh
A corpse, not fit a crown
The sun slipped down
Then came a shot
Bullet escaping gun
And Sorrow dove
Into the sea
Action, not be undone
Unknown whether
The bullet struck
Sorrow still lost his life
And left behind
A story sung
In duet, with the fife
Though stories told
To entertain
Are far misunderstood
For Sorrow found
Treasure so great
No pirate ever would
On life, he held
So desperately
Until sea bottom reached
His eyes witnessed
A marveled site
Such hoard, never was preached
And so it's said
Throughout the world
In pirates' tales of old
Find Sorrow bound
And set him free
Then you shall find the gold
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ Bastard ]
Born out of wedlock
Just another bastard
Just like Jesus Christ
And I'm feeling all enraptured
Got tired of the pastors
Preaching out disaster
Twisting out the sermons
Of a mutilated master
I heard it from the pulpit
Jesus was a culprit
Flipping over tables
And just pouring out His fullness
Water into wine
Turned the party to the fullest
Offending everyone
As He'd call them on their bullshit
Living by a doctrine
Feeling all forgotten
Then Jesus drops a line
To make the claim that you are sovereign
Riling up the squadrons
Refused to play it caution
Never hesitating
‘Cause He knew He was the Option
Don't take it all for granted
Nails have pierced his hands, man
Evil running wild
While religion leaves you stranded
It's time to take a standing
Revolt against the branding
As these wounds callous over
I'll no longer be commanded
They treat you like an offering
Like you were just their livestock
Had to pay the bills
So they needed money, tick tock
Put you on the altar
Cause the greedy need their price shock
Weird to see a church
Turned from temple into dive shop
Left them with the mice drops
Leper coalition
Through the binding and the reigns
Still couldn't steer me to perdition
Granted, it was hell
But I knew it weren't my mission
So I got out of the furnace
And I'm living just forgiven
A pretty simple concept
No need to script a doctrine
Just living out my life
No more hauling around the coffin
I think about it often
Simply being sovereign
It's a pill that's hard to swallow
But it beats being forgotten
Take it with a grain of salt
Seasoning the Gospel
There was a man named Jesus
And he was treated awful
Turned the other cheek instead
Of raising a debacle
As he chose to walk in love
As the unprecedented model
© HeartOfBabel
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heartofbabel · 3 years
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[ When The Light Goes Out ]
When the light goes out
The pupil gets bigger
Window to the soul
Celestial vigor
Blinking in the void
Eyes in the abyss
Left in the darkness
When vision is eclipsed
Past-life fading
When the light goes out
World disappears
Existence in a doubt
Eyes once searching
Losing all account
Till the mind paints a picture
For it cannot do without
Trying to remember
Cannot quite recall
When the light goes out
You lose all your resolve
World disfigured
In a moment of withdrawal
Memory’s creation
Leaving you appalled
Who am I really
What am I about
Am I still beautiful
When the light goes out
Is there a place for me
A place that I’m allowed
When the world disappears
And no one is around
Now I’m cast in fear
But not of the darkness
Identity retracing
No visible, to harness
When the light goes out
Why do I feel heartless
Abandoned to the soul
Am I nothing but a carcass
Mind over matter
Yet both of them in doubt
Am I a god of nothing
Foolishly devout
Worshiping with fervor
When the light goes out
Crafting a salvation
As I cannot live without
Buried in a tomb
Underneath the earth
Trapped within a womb
Dying to be birthed
[ ˈFək ], I’m going crazy
None of this occurred
When the light goes out
How then can I observe
Identity in question
Meaning, in a drought
No one here to save me
Enlightened, no amount
Meditate oblivion
The hell I would allow
I just, really miss love
When the light goes out
© HeartOfBabel
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