heartofgoldimagines · 2 years
Distant Memories -(John Shelby x Reader) Pt. II
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Link for Distant Memories Part One
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Things have been difficult for you ever since returning to Birmingham. It’s been a month and you’re still trying to establish a routine and gets your bearings. It didn’t help that Tommy gave you a job helping out in the betting shop. You knew he was trying to help and give you something to occupy your time until you found another opportunity. Although, at times it was unbearable to be around John and Esme, and especially the longing glances between you and John. Thankfully Esme isn’t always there and you constantly wondered if she was oblivious to the ever-growing tension between you and John or just chose to ignore it.
Looking into your vanity mirror you fix your hair by placing it behind you ear. You straightening your blouse and examine your outfit; ever since being home you always wanted to look your best. Grabbing your sketchbook and pencils from your bed you make your way downstairs. Things are usually busy in the shop, but occasionally there are brief slow moments early in the morning. Fortunately, you take advantage of that time to practice you’re drawing due to this being your real passion. Unfortunately, following your passion does not makes you money.
You check the clock seeing that you have 30 minutes until the shop opens; just enough time to eat breakfast. You walk into the kitchen taking a bite of a biscuit (cookie) while preparing a scone. Although you’re startled when hearing a rustling sound coming from the shop. Walking towards the double doors you place the biscuit between your lips and sketchbook under your arm to free up your hands. You slowly open the double doors, eyes widening as you see John and Esme in the midst of having sex.
Esme is facing away from you fully dressed with her skirt hiked up as John has her pressed against the table making it rock with ever thrust. John has his shirt off and his pants are pulled down enough to expose his pelvic area. They don’t even realize you’re there until your biscuit and sketchbook drop to the floor making an audible thud.
They both look at you and Esme immediately pulls down her dress. John stares at you with embarrassment plastered all over his face, “Y/N…”
You stand there silent, hands still on the doorknobs struggling to find your words. You’re unable to speak mortified by what you’ve just seen and feeling the familiar piercing pain in your heart. Quickly turning away you leave the Shelby home forgetting your sketch book. You quickly walk towards the Garrison; you walk inside slightly out of breath to see it empty. You take a seat at one of the barstools gazing at the rows of liquor behind the bar. You’ve never drank ever, which was very usually especially for someone that lived in Birmingham. Everyone drank liquor, but you didn’t see the appeal of it; it only caused hardships in your life and from what everyone said tasted awful.
You look at a half full bottle of bourbon on the bar tempted to pour yourself a glass and give into your curiosity. Walking around the bar you find a glass placing it on the counter top. You grab the bourbon just as John walks through the door instantly locking eyes with you. He takes his coat off draping it over a chair and fixing the back of his hat. He walks up beside you grabbing the bottle out of your hand, “Since when do you drink?”
Your eyebrows raise, “Is a Shelby really going to judge me for having a drink?”
“No, I just didn’t realize you drink now.”
You grab the bottle from his hand placing it back on the shelf behind you, “I don’t.”
He leans his back against the bar, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry about what you saw, I didn’t think you’d walk in.”
You begin to sort through and replace empty whiskey bottles attempting to not look at him. You mumble, “Obviously.”
Rolling your eyes, “Nothing John.”
“Y/N can we talk about this?” He asks.
You continue to look through the cabinets ignoring his question, “You know Harry really should keep this place more stocked up.”
John bends down grabbing your waist guiding you upward, and spinning you around to face him. “I’m trying to talk to you.”
He keeps ahold of your waist as you gently press on his chest, creating more space between you two. You keep your hands against his chest to insist, “Look you don’t have to explain anything to me.”
His hands lightly squeezes your sides as he says nonchalantly, “It was just sex, a need being met that’s all.”
Your eyebrows furrow as you’re taken back by his response. He immediately recognizes your dismay, “Y/N I uh…you know…that’s.”
You grab his hands trying to remove them from your waist as your anger rises, “Oh, so years ago when we fucked was that all it was? Just your a needs being met.”
He shakes his head, “It was different with you.”
You scoff, “Sure it was.”
You continue to try to have him release your waist as he moves closer. He presses you against the shelves making bottles clink together. He glides his thumb down your jawline to hold your chin, “It was always different with you.”
He looks at you waiting for a response, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything. You knew it was the truth, but that didn’t make you feel better. In fact it made you feel worse to know the truth and it not make a difference; he’s still married and he doesn’t belong to you.
You jump as you hear the bar door open, but John doesn’t move. Polly walks in eyebrows raised, “Y/N it’s time to pick your sister up from the train station, Tommy left you the car.”
John finally lets go of you and backs away. You don’t say a word as you walk towards the doors and Polly demands, “John go open the shop.”
He clears his throat placing a toothpick from the bar between his lips, “Yes Aunt Pol.” She glares at him as he passes, but he does not pay her much mind.
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What was once a quiet empty pub hours ago is now filled with loud obnoxious drunks. Your eyes scan the crowd to see everyone having a great time. You smile leaning against the bar next to Polly watching your sister dance in the crowd. Polly laughs, “Nice to see your sister enjoying herself.”
You nod, “She doesn’t get out much since having Lawrence.”
She takes a sip of her drink, “I can understand that.”
There’s a brief moment of silence between you two before Polly speaks up, “It seemed like I was interrupting something this morning.”
You shake your head, “That was nothing.”
She glares at you, “Your definition and my definition of nothing must be vastly different.”
You glare back at her, “Aunt Pol.”
She gives your hand a light comforting squeeze, “I just want you to be careful.”
She leans in closer to you. “What would you’ve done if that was someone else that walked in on you two or even worse Esme?”
You don’t get a chance to answer as Evelyn walks up to you out of breath. “Come on Y/N take one shot with me.”
You shake your head, “No, but I’ll get you one.”
She smiles holding up her index finger pouting, “Just one and I’ll leave you alone.”
Arthur walks up between you and Evelyn grabbing a bottle of bourbon from Grace, “You might as well give it up, many have tried and failed.”
You nudge him with your shoulder, “Shut up Arthur.”
He pinches your cheek, “Our little Y/N doesn’t have any fun, she doesn’t drink, she doesn’t smoke, nothing.”
Evelyn laughs as you push his hand off your cheek, “I don’t need those things to have fun.”
Polly tips her glass towards Arthur, “What Y/N doesn’t drink, you sure make up for.”
You smirk as he wraps his arm around your shoulder squeezing you tightly, “Oh you know I’m just having a little fun.”
Your attention is drawn to the door as the room goes to hushed murmurs. Arthur’s grip loosens as his eyes lock on to Billy Kimber and four of his men behind him. Kimber looks around the room, “Well don’t stop the party on my behalf.”
Arthur removes his arm to have Evelyn loop her’s around yours. Tommy, John and Finn appear from the snug and Arthur walks towards them. Tommy takes a long drag of his cigarette and exhales it, “Everyone was just leaving.”
Tommy takes a seat at the nearest table as everyone hastily moves towards the exit. John and Arthur follow his led, while Kimber takes a seat across from them. You feel Polly’s hand press firmly against your back urging you to move. Although you’re unable to due to people cutting you off to the exit. The majority of the bar is empty when Tommy asks, “So what has brought you here?”
“Now that we have this alliance I have a job for you and your men.” Kimber says.
You make eye contact with Kimber to see a smirk paint across his face. You look away as he continues to stare make a cold chill run down your spine. You walk towards the door avoiding eye contact as your sister tugs on your arm rushing you along. You’re stopped dead in your tracks feeling a sudden tight grip on your wrist, to see Kimber’s smug face looking up at you. His grip softens as he glides his hand up your forearm, “You don’t have to rush off, take a seat.”
You feel a lump form in your throat, trying to not show you’re nervous. You stare at Tommy to see him calm and collected; his eyes shifting to the chair next to Kimber. You give Polly a look and she grabs Evelyn’s arm quietly leading her outside as you sit down. John’s jaw clenches as his eyes narrow towards Kimber, who continues to have his focus on you. He tucks a strain of your hair behind your ear gliding his knuckles down your jawline, “You Shelby’s do have such beautiful women to keep you company. What is your name darling?”
You look at Tommy for guidance and he puts out his cigarette knowing that this is his cue, “This meeting does not pertain to her.”
Kimber removes his hand from your jaw, “Adjustments can be made, other matters can be discussed as well.”
The lump in your throat thickens making your stomach churn while they speak about you, like a task to be dealt with. Tommy’s continues to appear calm, “Such as?”
Kimber turns his attention towards the Shelby’s, “I’ve come here to discuss you providing your men. I’m funding an event at the gallery in two days, I’m needing you’re men as security; think of this as our first endeavor to be cordial.”
Tommy pauses to analyze Kimber and says, “That can be arranged.”
Kimber nods and turns to look at you, “Now unfortunately, I already have a date to the gallery but you can accompany my brother, Lewis Kimber.”
You look at John who practically has steam coming out of his ears as you say, “Well I Uh, um-“
Kimber leans closer causing you to feel his breath on your cheek, “It’s settle then, you go with him to the gallery and you can keep me company tonight.”
John jumps up and Arthur grabs his arm trying to hold him back from coming across the table. Kimber’s men draw their guns, Tommy stands up trying to defuse the situation. Kimber’s eyebrow raises, “She your girl?”
Tommy gives John a glare to back down and John listens slowly sitting down. Kimber’s men lowers their guns as Tommy states, “You have to excuse my brother, as for your offer Y/N can speak for herself.”
You force a smile to say politely, “I’m flattered, but I do have to decline your offer about tonight.”
Kimber’s face turns red, “What? You -“
You interrupt him seeing how upset he is and knowing you need to keep the peace, “But I will accept to accompany your brother to the gallery.”
He scoffs noticeably upset about you rejecting him and looks away, “He will meet you at the gallery an hour before the event. Mr. Shelby have your men there as well.”
He stands fixing his coat to look at Tommy, “I will see you there Mr. Shelby.” As he leave the Garrison a wave of relief washes over you.
Tommy rises from his seat as the brothers follow suit, “Family meeting now.”
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Walking in the Shelby home you see your sister, Polly and Esme sitting on the couch. Tommy heads into the shop waving Polly to following as Evelyn rushes to you, “What’s going on?”
“Everything is fine.” You reassure her.
Arthur whispers to Polly, “We’re having a family meeting.”
John walks over to Esme, “Take Evelyn upstairs.”
Esme looks confused as everyone except her and Evelyn starts to walk into the shop, “What? Why?”
John repeats, “Take Evelyn upstairs.”
Esme looks at you and rolls her eyes as she walks towards the stairs muttering, “She gets to stay and she’s not even a Shelby.”
Her words strike a nerve and you whip around, “What did you just say?”
Esme turns as she reaches the landing of the stairs giving you a loathing stare, “You’ve been back for a month and suddenly your included in the meetings. You’re a L/N not a Shelby.”
Your fists and jaw clench as she speaks about your last name with such disgust. Your last name held a negative reputation in Birmingham. Although it had been ages since someone said your name with such animosity. Especially since you grew up with the Shelby’s and they had made a name for themselves. Esme makes her way down the stairs by John as Polly grabs your arm feeling your rage radiate off of you. Jerking your arm away you walk over aggressively and John wraps his arm around your hip pulling you away from the stairs. Before you can stop yourself you say through clenched teeth, “I’d settle down there Esme, you’re only a Shelby out of convenience.”
Your words leave Esme speechless and her eyes begin to water. She lunges forwards for you do the same as John continues to force you away from Esme. Tommy yells “Enough!”
Tommy doesn’t have to say anything else as everyone goes quiet. Esme and you shoot daggers at each other as you walk into the shop. Your sister looks at you concerned as she walks upstairs and Polly closes the double doors. You lean against the wall as Tommy tells Polly what happened and her eyes shoot over to you, “Are you sure about doing this?”
Before you’re able to answer John interrupts, “Of course she’s not fucking doing this!”
You sigh, “I have to I’ve already agreed.”
John’s voice becomes louder, “You’re not going!”
You’re taken back by him yelling at you, he’s never done that before. He was always the one that defended you when people insulted you because of your family history. You raise your voice a bit, “I have to go, I’ve already agreed to and it would look bad to decline now.”
Everyone is quiet knowing that your right and there’s no going back. Polly asks, “You boys will be there right?”
John lets out an audible scoff in disbelief that Polly would allow this. Arthur answers her, “We will be.”
Polly points at all of them, “You boys make sure that Y/N is never out of your sight.”
Tommy nods, “Don’t worry Polly she’ll be safe our men will be there.”
“You’re going to let Y/N get involved in all of this!” John takes off his hat wringing it in his hands.
You walk in front of John, “No one’s letting me do anything, I said I would do this to keep the peace. I’ll be fine.”
John gives you a concerned look but doesn’t say anything. He turns away and Arthur tries to talk to him but John brushes past him; you close your eyes and let out a deep sigh as John slams the front door.
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I plan to write another part; provide any feedback you like. I enjoy hearing from people and if they enjoy my stories. Please be kind!
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heartofgoldimagines · 2 years
Distant Memories -(John Shelby x Reader) Pt. 1
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t not own any GIFs, picture or dividers that I use!
IMPORTANT: This is my first Peaky Blinders imagine, please be kind and provide feedback if you would like. I am from the US and the language may not be correct or historically accurate. If I make more parts the story will not be not be the same as the shows, changes will be made. Please let me know I what you think and if you want more parts. Thank you!
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Link for Distant Memories Part Two
Taking a sip of coffee you look through the London paper as soft music plays in the background. You’ve become quite comfortable at your older half sister Evelyn’s home. You’ve been living here for about a year trying to make up for years of missed time. You smile at Evelyn and her husband Albert play fighting as they cook breakfast.
Your smile fades a bit as you think back to the time you spent with the Shelby’s in the kitchen. Well Aunt Pol and Ada, the boys were only there to taste test or steal food. Although, there were many times you and John would have long conversations late at night or while you cooked.
“Y/N are you sure about returning to Birmingham?” Evelyn asks breaking you from your thoughts.
“Yes I am.”
“But there is so much more opportunity here for you here in London.” Evelyn places a stack of pancakes and eggs in the middle of the table.
“I know there is, but I miss Birmingham.”
She smiles at you, “You mean you miss John Shelby.”
You roll your eyes, “I miss ALL the Shelby’s.”
Albert laughs at you two, “Well either way you know you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it, but I plan on leaving next week.”
Your 7 year old niece and 5 year old nephew come rushing downstairs, “We don’t want you to leave!”
Your nephew Lawrence takes a seat on your lap, “Aunt Y/N I’m going to miss you.”
Planting a kiss on his forehead you say, “I’m going to miss you guys too, but you can come visit me.
Abigail’s lights up and smiles, “That would be great!”
“Abby be a dear and got fetch the mail, before we eat.” Evelyn says.
“Yes mother.”
Abigail races out the door as you get up to help set the table. Everyone is at the dining table waiting to eat when Abigail returns. She waves a letter in front of your face, “ Aunt Y/N you got a letter.”
You look at the envelope to see that it’s from Tommy; which worries you because Aunt Pol and Ada are the only ones that write. Quickly opening the letter you feel your heart sink the more you read. A tear trickles down your face and Lawrence asks, “What’s wrong?”
You don’t answer him and Evelyn glances over at her husband. Albert says, “Children why don’t we eat outside in the garden.”
Neither child object and hastily take their plates to the garden. Evelyn takes a seat closer to you and gestures to the letter still in your hand. She takes the letter and she verbally gasps, “John is getting married? He can’t be getting married!”
You stay silent, frozen in complete shock trying to not burst into tears. She looks at you for a few seconds in disbelief that you haven’t said anything. She grabs your hand, “Are you okay?”
“Will you say something!” She raises her voice.
You rapidly blink as if you were broken from a trance and stand up from the table. You say in a lower voice, “Well it looks like I’ll be leaving for Birmingham tonight.”
You swiftly walk upstairs and she follows asking, “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to get the first train to Birmingham,” You grab your luggage sitting it on the bed, “I’ll have to stop at the shop for a wedding gift on the way.”
Evelyn grabs ahold of the blouse you’re about to pack, “Get a wedding gift?! You’re not actually going to just sit by and let this happen?”
You jerk the blouse from her hand and place it in your luggage, “I have no other choice, you read Tommy’s letter, this wedding needs to happen.”
“So Tommy’s word is law!” She yells at you.
“Evie you don’t understand, things are different in Birmingham than London! This marriage, this alliance needs to happen or it will be war!” You yell back.
All the sudden you see your niece and nephew in the doorway, you must’ve not heard their footsteps over the yelling. Abbigail asks scared, “Why are you guys yelling?”
Albert appears behind them, “Sorry they ran inside before I could stop them.”
You kneel down grabbing each of their hands, “It’s nothing sweethearts, your mother and I are just a little upset because it appears that I have to leave tonight for Birmingham.”
“No!” They say in unison as they hug you.
“It’s okay, like I said you can always come visit me” You give their hands a tiny squeeze, before beginning to pack once more.
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Stepping off the train you’re overwhelmed with memories that come flooding back with familiar sights and smells of Birmingham. You start walking towards Watery Lane as your hands begin to burn from carrying your heavy luggage. Luckily you make it rather quickly to the Shelby home before your hands give out. You lightly knock and wait a few seconds, but there is no answer.
You slowly turn the doorknob to enter and be met with silence; which is odd for the Shelby home. Sitting your luggage down you slowly walk around the house and betting shop with a smile. You really have missed this place as crazy as it is you’re happy to back home. Quickly you realize that everyone is at the wedding and you’re going to be late.
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As you suspected you missed the wedding ceremony, but a part of you was thankful for this. It would be too difficult for you to see John once again get married, it was hard enough the first time. Your hand tightly grasps your wedding gift bag as you swiftly walk onto the Lee’s family property. Your heart rate races as you hear the commotion of the wedding reception. The closer you get you see people singing, dancing, and drinking. You try to find the Shelby family and Polly is the first one to spot you.
Your heart soars as she smiles and brings you in for a huge embrace, “Oh there’s my lovely Y/N.”
You hug her tightly back, realizing how much you’ve missed her. You see her as a mother figure; she has raised you since you were six years old, “It’s so good to see you Aunt Pol.”
She pulls away keeping a grasp on your shoulders, “How are you?”
Forcing a weak excuse for a smile as you say reluctantly, “I’m fine.”
She raises her eyebrows seeing through your facade as she wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to the party. “Will talk about it later sweetheart, I know the others will want to see you.”
You smile as you step closer and see Ada dancing in the crowd of people. Although you come to a halt as you feel your heart sinks, smile fades, and tears begin to form as you see John sitting at a table with his new wife, Esme. Polly gently squeezes your shoulder trying to provide comfort. She whispers, “Fix your smile honey.”
Quickly you smile once more and blink your eyes several times to keep from crying. You continue to look at John with a huge smile on his face; he hasn’t noticed you yet. You whisper, “Aunt Pol I can’t do this.”
She pulls you along towards a table with Arthur and Tommy, “Yes you can, be strong.”
Your attention is drawn from Polly once you hear Arthur’s deep booming voice, “Fucking hell, is that Y/N!”
Several people stop what they’re doing and look at Arthur, including John. He is so shocked to see you, especially today of all days that it brings him to his feet. Although, you don’t notice this due to your attention now being focused on his brother. Your smile becomes genuine as Arthur approaches, bringing you into an extremely tight hug, “When did you get here?”
You say through struggled breaths, “Just. Now.”
Tommy walks up behind him, “Arthur you’re squeezing the life out of her.”
You take a deep breath in as he lets go, but before you can take a second breath Ada hugs you. “It’s so good to see you Y/N.”
John makes his way over to you with Esme’s arm wrapped around his. You take a deep breath preparing yourself for an awkward encounter. John is the first to speak, “Hello Y/N.”
“Hello John.” Silence.
Esme nudges him, “Oh Y/N this is Esme…my wife, Esme this Y/N she is uh..a family friend.”
Esme says slurring her words, “I-i-I-it’s very n-n-nice to meet you.”
You force a smile back handing her the gift, “It nice two meet you too, congratulations.” You bite the side of you lip as everyone is quiet once more.
Tommy breaks the silence, “Well we have plenty of time to catch up, this is a party after all. ”
Ada’s smile grows larger as she grabs your hand swinging you towards the dance floor. For the majority of the night you were on the dance floor trying to focus on something else. You didn’t get a chance to relax much because every time you sat down someone would ask you to dance. At times you would look towards John to see him with his arms crossed and jaw clenched. You could tell that he was seething with jealousy every time a man would get too close to you.
Esme is unaware of the glances exchanged throughout the night due to continuing to drink and becoming intoxicated. By the end of the night, John had to carry a passed out Esme to the car. The more you thought about it the you became envious of Esme’s current state. It would have been a lot easier to get through the night drunk, but unfortunately you don’t drink.
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You walk into the Shelby home followed by Polly, Tommy, and Arthur. Polly takes off her coat and hat, “Y/N you can take Ada’s old room.”
You take a seat on the living room couch, “Thanks Aunt Pol.”
Polly helps a wobbly Arthur up the stairs, as Tommy sits down in the chair across from you. “You know Y/N it is good to have you home.”
You slightly laugh, “Tommy we both know you were never fond of small talk, what is it really that you wanting to talk about?”
“I just want to make sure that you understood from my letter how important this alliance is to this family.”
His statement causes your brows to furrow, “Of course I do, for gods sakes Finn was almost killed. Why wouldn’t I understand?”
He leans towards you, “Well it’s no secret how you and John feel about each other. Now if there was another way-.”
“Feelings shouldn’t get in the way of matters such as this, you and John are just trying to protect your family I understand. We don’t have to talk about this.” You turn away from Tommy feeling tears start to form and a sniffle slip out.
You hear Tommy stand up and walk towards the stairs, “You’re apart of this family.”
You look at him with a smile as tears continue to fall, “Thanks Tommy.”
Tommy makes his way upstairs and you hear the front door open to see John walk in. You stand up to face away from him trying wipe your tears away the best you can. Although it’s no use because your eyes, nose and cheeks already have a pink hue to them. You say through sniffles, “What are you doing here John?”
His takes his hat and coat off, “I’ve come to talk to you.”
You turn and cross your arms trying to calm your nerves, “Shouldn’t you be with Esme, I mean……it’s your wedding night.” You feel a lump in your throat as you struggle to say the last part.
“Uh she drank a little too much and passed out as soon as I got her home.” He moves closer to you.
Both of you just look at each other for a few seconds, before he breaks the silence by turning on the phonograph. “You know I never did get a chance to dance with you at the party.”
He steps closer to you holding out his left hand. You bite the corner of your lip, “I don’t know if thats a good idea.”
He smiles, “Just one dance?”
You reluctantly take his hand and move closer to wrap your left hand around his neck. He puts his right hand on your side as he says, “I didn’t realize that you were going to be there today.
“For a second I didn’t think I would be.”
Your heart continues to race as you feel his thumb tracing circles on your side. He doesn’t brake eye contact with you, “How are you doing?”
You look down, “It doesn’t matter how I feel, what’s done is done.”
He tilts his head trying to regain eye contact with you, “It matters to me. I need you to know that I didn’t have a choice, I had to go through with the marriage.”
You lift your head up, and his face is inches away from yours. “I know John.”
You’re taken back by the closeness, but he doesn’t seem fazed. “I wish I could change this.”
You shake your head, “There no use in wishing for something that we can’t have.”
John and you dance in silence for about a minute, just enjoying each other’s company. He twirls you away from him and back as he says, “Do you remember when we would dance like this when we were kids?”
Your smile widens, “How could I forget? You always stepped on my toes.”
He laughs, “That didn’t keep you from always following me around though, it use to annoy the hell out of me. You and Ada would be close behind me wherever I went.”
“You would always yelled at us, but every time you would give in and bring us along. Eventually I got older and stopped.”
He leans his forehead against yours, “Yeah but then I started chasing after you.”
You stay silent as he lets out a deep sigh, “I’ve missed this……I’ve missed you.”
His nose brushes up against yours as his lips get closer and closer. You two stop dancing as he lets go of your hand to loop it around your waist as you lock yours around his neck. You close your eyes struggling to keep your breathe steady. His lips gently graze against yours making your heart ache to kiss him. “John don’t……don’t do this. You shouldn’t…..even be here.”
He lightly squeezes your side, “I want to be here, I know you want me here.”
You open your eyes as you slide your hands to his chest and move your head away from him, “Just because we want something doesn’t mean it will happen”
He takes a deep breath, his cheeks and eyes become light pink. You whisper, “John go home and be with your wife.”
He doesn’t budge and continues to stare at you intensely. You grab his hands and release yourself from his grasp. Closing your eyes you mutter, “Please just go.”
Your eyes stay closed to feel his lips press against your forehead. His lip lingers there as you fight the feeling of wanting to reciprocate his affection. “Goodnight Y/N.”
You refuse to open your eyes as he backs away, not wanting to see him walk out the door. You hear the door open and shut, but even then your eyes stay closed. A few seconds pass before you open your eyes to see your all alone.
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heartofgoldimagines · 2 years
Red Swirl Dividers
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heartofgoldimagines · 6 years
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Trouble Comes Knocking
Gif credit to itslosersclub
As you pull up to your apartment you can only see a few lights still on since its almost one in the morning. You put your car in to grab your pile of school books in the passenger seat and sling your bag over your shoulder. Making your way through the front door you hit the up button for the elevator. You walk into the old rickety elevator to instantly hear the music and press the 4th floor. Finally, you make it inside your one-bedroom apartment and set down your stuff on your dining room.
You let your hair down from its original ponytail as you walk into your bathroom. When looking in the mirror you see how stained your uniform is from a long day of waitressing. You lean forward closer to the mirror to see that dark circles are beginning to form under your eyes. No wonder though, you work eight hours a day while trying to go to your college classes, studying, doing homework, and trying to find time to sleep. You’re in the middle of changing out of your uniform and putting a long shirt on when you hear a knock at your door.
You pause and get a confused look on your face but finished putting on your long shirt to have it just cover your underwear. You grab the baseball bat by bed and start to slowly walk towards the front door. Unfortunately, your front door does not have a peep hole, so you decide to crack the door open to see a familiar friend.
You open the door all the way to ask in a confusing tone, “Lip, what are you doing here?”
He looks at you as if he is surprised that you even answered the door, “Hi Y/N.”
You stand there shocked because of how long its been since you two have ever seen or talked to each other. You two have had a long history, childhood friends that got into an off and on relationship. The last time you spoke to him was when you broke up because he had feelings for and cheat on you with Mandy, a year ago.
“Uh hi.” You lay the baseball bat against the wall for you to lean against the door frame.
He smiles at you, “I wasn’t sure if you still lived here or not, I was hoping that you did.”
“Yeah.” You nod slowly realizing how much your heart is racing.
There is an awkward silence between you guys, but he breaks it, “Can I come in?”
You bite the corner of your lip and then say, “You haven’t even told me what you’re doing here.”
He lets out a deep sigh and you can really see that he is upset, “I had a really shit day.”
“So you decided to come here?” You say confused since you know you guys did not leave things on a good note when you last saw each other.
“Yeah.” He pauses, “I know what I did to you was really fucked up and I am really sorry about that Y/N, but right now the only person I want to be around is you.”
You stand there completely shocked not knowing what to say because you’re not able to find your words. He backs up, “I understand, I’m sorry I bothered you.”
He turns to begin to walk down the hall and makes it midway to the elevator. You know that he had messed with your feelings in the past and broke your heart, but you can’t help but want him to stay. You don’t understand what comes over you, but you yell, “Wait Lip!”
He stops to see that you’re walking quickly down the hallway towards him. Once you get to him you immediately wrap your arms around him to feel his face nestled into the side of my neck. You say sweetly, “Come on, let’s go into my apartment.”
He walks into your apartment and begins to look around, “Everything looks exactly the same.”
You close the door, “Uh yeah, I haven’t really had the time to change things around.”
Lip picks up one of your medical textbooks and turns to you, “You’re going to school?”
You sit down on the couch, “Yes, nursing school. I have 2 more years, how about you?”
His face expression gets even more upset, “Not anymore.”
He sits down on the couch next to you while you adjust your position towards him on the couch. You place your elbow on the back of the couch, “You want to talk about it?”
He looks at you, “It’s a lot to talk about, I did a lot of stupid shit.”
You pause and give him a look that he completely recognizes, you’re not just going to let him not tell you. He let out a deep sigh and told you everything that has happened since he had went to college. All about the hard time that he was having, sleeping with a professor, vandalizing another professors car, and a lot more. You look at the clock as he finishes telling everything to see that it is four in the morning, luckily you only have school tomorrow. You tell him, “Wow, seems like you’ve had a lot going on.”
He sits there silent for a few seconds, “Y/N, I really am sorry about what I did to you. You didn’t deserve it.” He says completely ignoring your comment.
You don’t say anything once again not knowing what to say. He looks at you with an expression as if he is trying to figure out what you’re thinking. That is when he in one swift motion places his hand on your cheek and plants his lips against yours. You hesitate to kiss back because you for one are shocked and deep down know you shouldn’t do this. You do decide to kiss him back as he deepens the kiss and grabs onto your side. He with ease lifts you up and swings you up onto his laps without breakingyour kiss.
Your hands find their way to the back of his head to tangle your fingers into his hair. He slides his hands down your sides to your mid-thigh, right at the end of your night shirt. He pushes his hands up your night shirt to have him squeeze your bottom. You finally realize what you’re doing to break the kiss to say, “We shouldn’t do this.”
You get off his lap to be standing there as he looks at you confused, “Why?”
He stands up as you say, “We can’t do this.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” He says knowing he shouldn’t have kissed you.
You walk over to a storage closest to grab a pillow and blankets, “I know, we should just go to bed its really late.”
As you hand them to him trying to not make eye contact you say, “Goodnight Lip.”
“Goodnight.” He says as you rush into your room to close the door.
Note: I can make another part to this but if you are wanting more Lip imagines request them please. Or send me a song you want me to base the story line off of. Thank you!
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heartofgoldimagines · 6 years
Secrets: Part 4
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Note: If you have not read the other parts then you might be confused if you choose to just read this part. I recommend you read the other parts then read this one. The other parts of the story are belong and are clickable links. Request if you would like different imagines!
Click here to read Part One!
Click here to read Part Two!
Click here to read Part Three
Stiles holds tightly onto your side as you, him and Damon walk out of the tunnels toward your friends. You see that Elena and Caroline are in the back of Stefan’s car, both looking weakened and tired. As you take one step after another you feel a horrible pain coming from your stomach wound. Once you make it to Stefan he immediately offers to help Stiles put you in the car. You groan from the pain that shoots throughout your body and Stiles takes the seat next to you, “Are you okay?”
You close your eyes, while breathing through the pain, “Yes I’m okay, I just feel really tired.” Before you’re able to hear him respond you lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep.
Slowly you begin you to wake up to already hear the voices of everyone downstairs. You open your eyes to see that you’re in your old luxurious room at the Salvatore Boarding house. Looking down at your stomach you notice that you still have the bloody clothes on. You lift your shirt up to see that your wound has completed healed along with the rope burns. Getting out of your bed you walk over to your closet to see that you still have clothes here. You put on a comfortable pair of black leggings and a long maroon short sleeve t-shirt. Right as you finish this you hear a light knock on your door, you walk over to sit on your bed with on leg bent and the other on the edge as you say, “Come in.”
The door opens for Stiles to walk in closing the door behind him. He lightly smiles, “Hey, how are you feeling?”
You smile back at him and look down as you mess with the bottom of your t-shirt, “I’m feeling much better.”
He sits down on the bed in front of you, “I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried about you back there.”
You look up at him, “I was surprised that you even came.”
He looks at you confused as he did when you guys were in the tunnel, “Are you really surprised?” He gives you a chance respond but you don’t so he speaks up again, “Of course I came, you were in trouble.”
As he says this you feel your heart skip a beat for you to say, “Yeah, but you could have gotten hurt.”
“I guess I didn’t even think about that, all I was thinking about was how I needed to make sure you were okay.”
Both of you are silent for a few seconds, but he speaks up, “Do you really think that I could hate you?”
Your grip on the bottom of your shirt tightens, “I mean I don’t blame you if you did, I lied to you and keep a huge secret from you.”
“You did keep a huge secret from me, but that would never make me hate you; I could never hate you.” He admits.
A small smile comes across your face, “I’m very glad to hear that.” The smile quickly fades though as you say, “You know if I could go back in time I would have told you right from the beginning. I know that there were some many times that I could have say something and even a few times that I almost did.”
“So why didn’t you?” He asks.
You let out a deep sigh, “I guess I was just scared that things would change between us and that you would look at me the same. Honestly, I think a part of me enjoyed being known and acting normal for a change. Every time I have brought someone into my world things always gets crazy and someone ends up getting hurt.”
He raises his eyebrow, “Y/N my friends are werewolves, a banshee, a kitsune, a werecoyote, and I’ve been possessed by a nogitsune. I’m pretty sure I can handle you being a vampire, and from being around me from the last year you know that my life is already crazy.”
“I know I just didn’t want put my crazy life on top of that.” You say.
“Y/N, I’m fine I can handle it, we can handle it.” He smiles at you as he grabs your hand, “All of our friends and everyone are downstairs they’ll be happy to know that you’re up.”
You stay put on the bed as you gently tug back on his hand, “Could we just stay up here for just a little bit before going down there with everyone?”
He looks at you understanding that you just want a little more time to relax before going down to all the commotion, “Yeah sure.”
He walks over to the other side of the bed to lay down giving you a look as to say that you can lay down next to him. You take the hint to lay your head down on his shoulder and have his arm around you. He lets out a deep sigh as he puts his other arm around you, “I’ve missed this.”
Your heart starts to race, “I have to.”
He kisses the top of your forehead as you begin to talk to him and catch him up with what has been happening these last few months. “Wait a minute, all of those times that you had me open up jars and carry stuff for you that was all on act.” He says playfully acting offended.
You smile and laugh at him, “Uh yeah that was definitely an act.” You guys continue to talk and just catch up with each other for the next few minutes before accidently falling back to sleep together
2 Days Later
You walk out of the Salvatore Boarding house to see everyone of your Beacon Hill friend says goodbye to all of your friends in Mystic Falls. The group that walk over to Elena, Caroline and Bonnie who are talking to Lydia, Kira and Malia. You jump in the middle of all of them saying goodbye to hear Bonnie say to you, “I’m going to miss Y/N”
You smile, “I’m going to miss you too.”
Caroline pulls you in for a hug, “Try not to make it a whole year again before we see.”
Elena chimes in, “Maybe we could even come and visit you in Beacon Hills.”
“I would love that.” You say.
“Maybe one day we all could have a girl’s day.” Lydia says
All of the girl’s nod in agreement, and you say, “Well I should say goodbye to my brother before we leave.”
You leave the group of girls to hear them continue to speak to each other and genuinely getting along. Stefan meets you halfway to immediately give a hug saying, “You know I’m going to miss you.”
“I’m going to miss you.” You smile. You continue to say, “Try to keep Damon in line while I’m gone will ya?”
He laughs, “You know that I couldn’t even do that if there were five of me.”
You laugh along with him, “That is true.”
Damon interrupts us, “You know its not nice to talk about people.”
You scrunch your face at him, “Oh yeah, that’s ironic coming from you.”
“Oh how I’m going to miss your attitude.” He smiles.
“You know you will.” You go in to hug him for him to hug you back.
Stiles comes up to wrap his arm around your shoulder, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah.” You say excitedly.
“Make sure you take care of sister.” Stefan says jokingly.
“Yeah don’t make us come to Beacon Hills again.” Damon says in a semi-joking tone. You roll your eyes at your brothers attempt to be funny.
“I definitely will treat her right.” Stiles says as we make our way to his jeep.
You get into the passenger side of Stiles’s jeep, while everyone else gets in their cars. "I'll see you guys in a couple of months." As Stiles drive away from the boarding house youwave goodbye to my brothers and friends.
Stiles grabs your hand, "You excited to get back to Beacon Hills?"
You smile happily at the sight of your hands intertwined, "Yes I am."
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heartofgoldimagines · 6 years
Wanting Requests!!!
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Hello! I know that I have not posted anything on this profile for a long time, but a lot of stuff has been going on. Although, lately I have missed writing my Teen Wolf, Supernatural,or Vampire Diaries imagines. I would appreciate it if any of you would want to send me some requests (song requests or prompts). I would prefer you send a person and then a song I can use to base the storyline off and try to make a storyline around. I'll probably only do a few, but it all depends on how many I get. I will tell you that I haven't seen the last season of Teen Wolf so it might not line up with the actual story line of the end of Teen Wolf. Well thank you to all who are willing to send requests, I look forward to seeing them.
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heartofgoldimagines · 8 years
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Hypnotic (Stiles Stilinski)
Brushin' my hair back. Feelin' ya lips on my cold neck. Magnetic everything about you. You really got me now. 
Silence; the one that both you and Stiles hated, because it always meant you two were mad at each other. Only as you look in you’re vanity mirror at his reflection it wasn’t just anger filling the room but tension. There’s so much filling the room that if it was water you both would be drowning in it. You brush carefully through your hair still looking at him standing behind you leaning his backside against your desk with his arms crossed and as he looks down.
You continue to stare to have him look up to ask, “Y/N how long are you going to give me the silent treatment?’
Of course you don’t answer him, but truthfully you couldn’t remember why you two were fighting. Most likely it was him trying to be overprotective again and trying to keep stuff from you. Setting down your hairbrush you stand up to be in the same position as him against your vanity table. He says,  “You can’t keep this up forever.”
Just as he says this you raise one of your eyebrows to gives him the ‘yeah right’ look. Although he can see right through your look to give you a smug smirk, “Come on, you can’t just stay quiet forever.”
Finally you break your silence, “I might not be able to stay quiet forever, but I can stay mad at you.” 
He slowly walks over to you while saying, “You think so? I don’t think you can.”
His lower chest area presses against your body for you to feel the chills starting to spread all over your body. You turn you face away from his trying your best not to smile or laugh; which is more difficult than you thought. Especially once you feel his hand on your arm moving closer to your shoulder and neck. He gradually moves your hair off your shoulder to suddenly feel his lips against your collarbone.
You can practically feel him smiling against your skin as you start to wiggle around a bit. Your lips press firmly against each other to hear him say, “Y/N are you really going to be like this?” 
He looks at you as you say with a pretend serious face, “Stiles knock it off, I’m trying to be mad at you.”
You do it to me so well. Hypnotic takin' over me make me feel like someone else.  You got me talkin' in my sleep.
Once again he get this smirk on his face, “Keyword trying.”  He cups your face to instantly gives you goosebumps. 
Your heartbeat speeds up to an uncontrollable pace as he lips touch yours to feel a spark; literally a spark that makes him lean back to grab is bottom lip. Without any warning he carefully smashes his body and lips against yours for you to feel the electricity between you two. His hands venture from your face down your sides to eventually find there way to your backside. With his hands having a firm grip on your bottom he lifts you on top of your vanity table. 
He pulls away just far enough for your lips to not be able to reach his as he asks with a smile, “So you still mad me?” 
“Shut up.” Your hand grips the back of his neck to continuing kissing him, thus giving him the signal that the argument is over.
This signal is all that he needs for his kisses to become more rough and frequent as he makes a trail from your mouth down to your neck. Your breathing starts to become more shallow and rapid to feel his grip on your backside tighten as you wrap your legs around his waist. He lifts you from the vanity table to walk towards your bed still kissing every inch of your neck. Just as he lays you down you start feeling a weird sensation in your fingertips; you definitely its your magic.  
Although you try not to focus on this as your hands make their way to the bottom of his shirt to remove it and toss it to the floor. He does the same to you for your hands to cup the back of his neck for him to just stare at you. All he does is quietly whisper, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You say with a smile.
“I’m glad.” He says as his lips once again find there way to your neck to have your fingertips run through his hair as his kisses travel down your chest. That’s when you realize that the weird sensation is not in your fingertips but all over your body. It practically feels like electricity is running through your body whole body and it radiating off of you. 
You turn your head to notice that you body and his is not against your bed anymore but floating in the air. That’s not the only thing you realize as Stiles kisses go further and further down your chest to your stomach. You see the lights in your room start flickering, but it seems like you’re the only one who notices. This has never happened before with your powers you have never lost control like this. The lights start getting brighter and brighter making you have to close your eyes to then hear a loud burst!
I don't wanna come back down, I don't wanna touch the ground. Pacific ocean dug so deep, hypnotic takin' over me.
Your eyes snap open for you to slowly sit up feeling yourself sweating from your intense dream. You look around your room to see that everything is completely normal. Only soon after you feel Stiles’s hand on your side to say in a tired concerned voice, “What’s wrong baby?”
Letting a sigh of relief you smile, “It’s nothing, I just had a crazy dream.”
“A good crazy dream?” He asks curious.
You both go back to cuddling as you say with a smirk, “You could say that.” He puts his arm around your waist as you close your eyes. Only what you both don’t notice is that your bed is now floating two feet in the air. as you two fall back to sleep. 
Hypnotic takin' over me
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heartofgoldimagines · 8 years
Sorry to my Followers!
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Hello there! I am extremely sorry that I have not updated you guys or even posted an imagine in a long time. I was really busy with my semester since I had 18 credits and its was my junior year. I’m happily to say that I made straight A’s, Dean’s List and now I am counted as a Senior. Unfortunately, good grades come at a cost and that lead me to not posting. I feel absolutely horrible that I couldn’t post imagines or even write at all, because all I was doing was writing term papers and studying. Although, I am back now and I hope that you guys are not too upset and continue to support me! Hopefully for the whole summer I can start posting 1-3 imagines a week. I absolutely love you guys and thank you for being patient and understanding! XOXO! :) 
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heartofgoldimagines · 8 years
I have joined The Sidemen fandom!!!
Guys this is what happens when I spend too much time on YouTube trying to escape from my college work; I discover these beautiful creatures! There is no going back now! If you post sidemen stuff or are apart of the fandom please like this or even follow me and I will follow you back! I’m just wanting to see them on my dashboard more! :D
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
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Control (Stiles Stilinski)
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
Expression, supernatural definition: a form of powerful dark magic.
In other words, something that began to destroy your life, but you just didn’t know know bad yet. It had all started when you and the pack had caught wind of another Alpha pack in town, Only this time they were bigger and stronger this time and you knew there was slim chances of you guys defeating them. You knew that last time all you did was hold the pack as you tried to figure out your power.
With it being two years later you had a much better handle on your power, but you still knew it wasn’t enough. Unfortunately your weren’t the only one who knew that, so did Theo. He was one the who introduced you to expression; without the pack knowing of course. Only now they could tell that something was wrong and different about you. So now, not only are you paying the price so are your friends.
Rushing out of Sties’s jeep through your front door you could tell something was wrong, luckily you two are the only ones there. Stiles follows you up the stairs as you feel as if your head is about to explode. All you feel is a horrendous pounding in your head while there’s a tingling sensation from your shoulders to your fingertips. You throw your books down on the bed to instantly grab a hold of your head  with both hands trying to lessen the pain.
Only this doesn’t help one bit as the pounding gets worse and now its accompanied by a loud ringing. Your fall to your knees trying your hardest to handle the pain as you cry in agony. Stiles practically run into your door trying to race by your side. He grabs a hold of your shoulders, “Y/N what’s wrong?” 
You’re barely to say, “The noise.”
He looks around desperate to know what you’re talking about, “What noise?”
The noise gets louder as you continue to squeeze your eyes shut, missing out seeing all of your bedroom furniture floating. Stiles stops panicking to be astonished at whats happening saying, “Y/N?”
Only what he doesn’t know is that the noise is drowning out his voice as you break out of his grip. You open your eyes to see his mouth moving frantically but no noise is getting through. Looking around as you hold your head you see everything floating. Only you can’t focus on that because of the enormous amount of pain that you’re in. 
The noise reaches it’s maximum level as you scream, “Make it stop!”
The noise disappears as everything slams to the ground, making Stiles almost jump out of skin as he tightly embraces you. His grip loosens for you to look around and see your stuff everywhere and broken. Stiles grabs a hold of your face as if he is examining you, removing his hands your tell him, “Stiles you need to go.”
He gives you an ‘are you crazy’ look, “After what just happened there’s no way I’m leaving you.”
All the sudden you feel the tingling sensation in your fingertips become more intense, you know something is going to happen. “Stiles please just go.” 
“No-.” He’s cut off by an abrupt burst of power slamming him against the wall as the whole house shakes. 
Instantly you feel terrible about what you did but feel as if all of your energy has been drained. “I’m so sorry Stiles I didn’t mean to.” That’s the last thing you’re able say before you end up passing out with the last thing you see is Scott helping Stiles up. 
I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home. I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones.
Gradually you wake up to see Deaton standing next to you as you lie down on a metal table. You look around to see the rest of the pack with worried looks on their face. You sit up too quickly causing you to get a bit dizzy and grab your head. Stiles is instantly by your side, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” You reassure him.
You try to get off the table but Stiles stops you, “Maybe you just take it easy Y/N.”
“I’m fine Stiles.” You tell him once again getting a bit irritated. 
Stiles is persistent though, “Y/N a few hours ago you passed out right now you need to rest.”
“I said I’m fine.” You raise your voice to have items fly off the shelves. 
Deaton grabs a hold of your shoulder, “Y/N calm down.” He looks at the whole pack to see everyone of them wide-eyed to suggest, “Why don’t you guys give me a minute with Y/N”
Lydia, Malia, Kira and Scott nod in agreement but Stiles is hesitate to move, but Deaton reassures him, “I just need to talk her.”
Stiles stills seems a bit reluctant to leave, but eventually does make it to the waiting room. Right as the door shut Deaton asks, “How long have you been experiencing problems like this?”
You let out a big sigh, “For about a month, it’s been happen ever since-.”
Suddenly you stop right as you’re about to mention Theo, but Deaton notices and asks, “Ever since what?”
You stay quiet knowing that you have extremely messed up and he fills the silence, “Y/N if I’m going to help you I need to know what happened.”
For a few more seconds you stay quiet, but you know that you have to tell him. “Theo introduced me to expression, he had me do a simple spell and after that I could tell a difference, I felt more powerful. Although a few days went by and  I could feel myself losing control every now and then. Only I can barely make it a few hours without losing control of my powers.”
A frightened look is painted on his face as he says, “Y/N do you realize what expression is? It’s a dark type of magic that you don’t want to get involved with,  its power is impossible to control.”
You’re heart drops as you say nervously, “Maybe I can, maybe it’s something I can learn to control.”
“No one can control it Y/N, witches have tried for centuries and none of them have succeeded.” He tells your in a very serious tone. 
I've grown familiar, With villains that live in my head. They beg me to write them. So I'll never die when I'm dead.
Before you’re able to say anything back to him you hear commotion from outside of the animal clinic and you know that something is wrong. You jump to your feet but Deaton says, “Y/N you have to stay here.”
“No I have to help them.” You disagree.
“You don’t have control of your powers right now, if you go out there you have a high chance of injuring them or yourself.” He insists.
You push past him to look out the front door to see that its a massive down pour as the pack is fighting against the Alpha pack (Ian, Julia, and Finn). For a second you stand there trying to figure out what to do as Deaton stands beside you saying, “I’m telling you Y/N do not go out there.”
The sight of your friends fighting breaks your heart because you know that you shouldn’t get involved, it might just make things worse. Only you panic as you see Scott lose his grip on Ian to see him start to go after Stiles and Lydia. Ian throws Lydia against the metal animal clinic wall and then tries to go after Stiles. You rush out of the door to have the rain instantly start soaking your clothes and hair. 
Ian is only able to tear Stiles’s shirt because you hold your hand up and sling Ian across the parking lot. You do the same to Julia and Finn, but this time you knock them against the wall before throwing them a few feet away. Everyone stops and looks at you to see you walking in front the pack trying to keep the alphas away.
Once the alphas get to their feet they walk close to you for you to hear Stiles say your name, “Y/N!” 
Deaton grabs a hold of Stiles’s arm to give him the signal not to get involved. Only you can’t hear him because of being focused on one thing; defeating the alpha pack. You tighten up your fist to see Finn start coughing and holding his throat, Julia lungs at you but you do the same stopping her right in her tracks. They both of are on the ground trying to breath as Ian looks at you with a mean glare. Although before you can stop him, Ian rushes over to bite the side of your neck to make a huge wound.
You hold your hand against Ian’s chest to force him backwards to fall against Julia and Finn. That’s when something inside of you just goes wrong, you can feel yourself losing control again. Only you can’t stop it, it’s like you’re not even yourself anymore. Swinging your neck around in a half circle you feel the wound on your neck heal. Once more you clench both of your fist together to now have all three alphas grasping for air. 
The whole pack realizes how crazy things have gotten for Scott to yell, “Y/N stop!”
You don’t answer back for you to then turn around and have them all step back for Lydia to say concerned, “Y/N there’s something wrong with your eyes.”
Only you’re not able to answer her, you try to say something but nothing comes out. Soon you realize that you don’t have control of your powers anymore; it’s like you’re a prisoner in your own body. You’re only able to watch as you levitate Kira’s katana past you and pierce right through Ian’s chest to have him fall face forward.
Everything goes crazy as the pack comes running towards you as your grip tightens on the necks of the two alphas. You hold up your left hand to keep your friends ten feet away from you while your right hand clenches tighter together. You’re practically screaming inside of your head to stop, but its absolutely no use. Slowly you feel blood dripping down from your nose to the brim of your top lip as you feel light headed again.
Opening up your hand widely to then snap it back into a fist you simultaneously hear two loud cracks, and watch Finn and Julia’s lifeless bodies drop to the ground. As this happens both of your hands fall to your sides for everything to go black and your body lies still on the hard pavement. 
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy. Goddamn right, you should be scared of me.
The Next Morning
You lie on the cold metal table with your opened eyes still being white to have Stiles, Scott, Lydia and Deaton standing around you. Deaton begins to fill them in on the information that you had told him before the fight. Which leads him to say, “Right now she is in a state like coma and is possibly able to hear us.” 
“So then how do we help her?” Stiles asks impatiently. 
Deaton lets out a deep sigh, “I really wish I knew.”
“I still can’t believe what Y/N did out there.” Lydia says in disbelief. 
Scott speaks up, “There’s no way that was Y/N out there.” He looks at Deaton, “Right?”
“Technically it was and it wasn’t, as of right now she is being consumed by expression, she has absolutely no control over her powers or body. This is very similar to the effect that the nogistune had on Stiles, only a lot more dark and powerful, this magic is consuming her. What we saw outside was nothing compared to whats going on inside her mind. If expression fully consumes her the Y/N we know will be gone and have no way of coming back. Right now at this moment Y/N is having a major battle within herself, she’s fighting for her life.” Deaton says in a low voice.
“There has to be something we can do.” Stiles says desperate to get the answer that he actually wants to hear. 
“As of right now until we think of a way all we can to do is hope that she can gain control over the expression.” That’s definitely not the answer he wants to hear.” 
Stiles grabs a hold of your hand, “She can do it, she has to.”
Who is in control?
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
There is absolutely so much Stydia from last nights episode on my dashboard right now, I’m loving it! :)
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
I’m so glad that you like the imagine and it was what you wanted. I’m sorry that it took forever to write again I’m just really glad that you liked it. Plus you were nice enough to message me this awesome message! Thank you! :D xoxo! :)
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
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Second Best (Stiles Stilinski)
Requested by: Anon
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I don't want to carry on like everything is fine, the longer we ignore it all the more that we will fight.
Things between you two were so perfect, you were happy; happier than you’ve ever been. Only during that time you realized the flaws in yourself and especially the one you love. Realizing that you’ve been so blind by the romance and love that you don’t realize what’s really going on. By this time your too late, you’re already too deep, with your emotions, your relationship; everything.
One incident or event in your life changed everything and you can’t forget what you saw. For you that event took place when you, Stiles and Lydia were in the woods. The moment when he saved her from the bear trap; the moment that changed your mind and feelings about your relationship.
You stand at your locker to see Stiles smiling as you to shoot him just a blank stare. You look away to place your Physics book into your locker and then feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Next thing you know you feel warm damp lips on your left cheek hearing Stiles say happily, “Hey beautiful.”
Shutting your locker you walk out of his embrace saying in a monotone voice, “Hey Stiles.”
He follows you saying concerned, “Well that’s not the greeting that I was expecting.” 
You don’t say anything as you continue to walk towards the exit and the parking lot. He asks, “Y/N? What’s wrong did I do something?”
Just as you make it to your car he step in front of you, “Are you just going to continue to ignore me and act like I’m not here.” 
Only before you can answer Lydia walks up, “Hey Y/N.”
You pay close attention to Stiles for you to see his eyes light up as he sees her making you feel even worse than you already do. Opening your door you tell both of them, “I’ve got to go, I’ll talk to you guys later.”
“Y/N come on.” Stiles says.
You continue to ignore him to just get into the car and drive off not hearing Lydia ask Stiles, “What’s wrong with her?”
Stiles looks at Lydia, “I don’t know.”
It feels like we're oceans apart there is so much space between us, maybe we're already defeated.
For the whole week you continued to keep your distance from Stiles but eventually he stopped trying to talk to you. You weren’t officially not together, but it sure felt like it and everyone knew it. Not only was this awkward for you and him this was awkward for all of your friends. You knew that eventually you two would have to talk about it you just didn’t know when.
You look back and forth from your notes to your Calculus book trying to retain all the information’ plus keep him off your mind. Only your heart drops as there is a knock on your door, you automatically know that it’s Stiles. He confirms your assumption as you hear him say in a low voice, “Y/N come on just open the door.”
Here it is. The moment that you’ve been dreading for a whole week and you just know that there is no way of getting out of it. Sitting down your notebook you slowly walk over to the door and open it to see Stiles standing there looking angrier than ever. You leave the door open having him walk through while saying, “Okay Y/N what is this whole silent treatment thing about?”
You stay quiet once again as he lets out at a sigh resting his hands on his hips, “You haven’t talked to me this whole week it’s like we’re not even together.”
He looks at you in disbelief as you look down feeling guilty to hear him ask, “You don’t want to be together anymore do you?” 
You look up slightly nodding to confirm his thought as he asks in a wounded voice, “Why?”
That’s all he seems to be able to say as you finally talk, “Stiles can we just try not to make a big deal out of this?”
He sits down on your bed with his elbows resting on his knees for his hands to be clasps together tightly. “A whole year of us dating and all the sudden you want to break up, how am I not suppose to make a big deal about this?”
Obvious you don’t know that answer to this; of course he is suppose to make a big deal about this. If he was doing this to you of course you would be reacting the same. He doesn’t stay sitting down for long to then stand up, “I just don’t understand Y/N, can you at least you tell me why, why you want to give up after a whole year. You at least owe me that Y/N.”
I can't face your breaking heart, I'm trying to be brave. Please stay where you are don't come any closer, don't try to change my mind.
You cross your arms trying to think of what to say and trying your best to stay strong, “Stiles we both know that in the long run we’re not going to work out.” 
“Well right now it seems like you’re the only one who thinks that.” He steps closer with watery eyes.
Slowly you feel a tear creeping down your face, “Yeah, but I’m the only one that sees whats really going on here.”
He gets thrown off by your response, “What are you talking about?”
Letting out a sigh you prepare to tell him exactly what you’ve been thinking, “I’m not the only one who have feelings for, deep down you know and i know that you have feelings for someone else.”
Right then and there he looks down knowing exactly who you’re talking about as he stays quiet. You clench your fists tightly feeling more tears roll down your cheek. “Look you don’t have to admit it, I actually rather you not. I’ve seen the way you two are with each other and I just can’t pretend that I don’t see that you have feelings for her.” 
You wait for him to respond but he doesn’t and all you know is that you can’t take him looking at you. Grabbing his arm you push him towards the door, “I’m sorry, can you just go please?”
Surprisingly he spins towards you grabbing your face and in the process gently crashing his lips against yours. He forcefully keeps your face there as he kisses you like he hasn’t ever before and worrying that this will be the last one you two ever share. You can immediately feel the love flowing through his lips to yours, but feel a sharp pain strike your heart. He pulls away still holding your face to say in a low pleading whisper, “Don’t do this Y/N, I love you. Do you hear me? I love you Y/N.”
You watch as you finally see a tear from his eye fall straight to the ground, “I know you do Stiles.”
“Then stay with me, just say that you love me and stay.” He says in a louder voice trying desperately to change your mind. 
You remove his hands from your cheeks still holding them, as your barely able to explain, “I do love you Stiles I really do, but I can’t stay with someone that I’m always going to be the second best thing to them. I know that you love me, but we both know that you will never have a much feelings for me as you do for her.”
As you step back he stays quiet for you to once again ask, “Stiles, just go please?”
He stares at you still in disbelief that this is actually happening and he can’t do anything about it. “Fine I’ll go.” He says defeated as he looks at you one more before he walks out the door. 
Right as he leaves you feel like your whole world is crumbling beneath your feet making you immediately slide down to the floor. You feel your chest getting tighter making you gasp for air as tears stream down your face. That moment was one that you’ve thought about every scenario that could have happened. Only when it finally came down to it happening it practically destroyed you and left you thinking about your decision. There was no going back now though what done was done; even if you hate it.  
I can't love you in the dark
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
Update about my Blog/Life
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I just wanted to update you guys on my life and what is going on. At the moment I just started back to school for my spring semester, and I can already tell this is going to be my craziest semester. Plus this is the most credits that I have taken (18) because I’m trying to catch up with my credits with needing 120 to graduate. So now that I’ve told you that I have to say that there will not be a lot of imagines written, Yeah I know usually I don’t update frequently but it will be worse now that I’m in school. Sorry :/ I will try my best to at least write a few and get them up. I hope you guys understand! :) Love you all! xoxo!
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
You did not just do an imagine to like that dude that's my song
Oh yes I just did, I did that! :) I hope that you liked the story that I wrote to it, and that it didn’t disappoint. Thanks for messaging me! xoxo :)
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
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Problem (Brett Talbot)
Requested by:  thats-so-rhyan
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
You so cute, girl, yeah you is a blessing and I'm the reason that your boyfriend keep flexing.
As you sit at the top of the bleachers you constantly scan the field and the crowd for two faces. You scan the crowd to see your recent ex boyfriend Adam walking up the bleacher to stop and sit two rows down from you. He keeps staring until you finally break the stare to look on the lacrosse field. Your eyes immediately glance over at a the Devenford Prep boy who is shirtless and just now getting his shirt and equipment on.
Brett Talbot, childhood sweetheart, lacrosse jock, prep boy, stud, and the possible reason for your break up. Your ex had been suspicious of you having feeling for Brett ever since you two reconnected a year ago. Adam had become extremely jealous and you began to think that he wasn’t wrong; that you actually like Brett. It’s been a week since your break up and almost two since you’ve talked to Brett. 
You sit there staring at Brett who is intensely looking at you while he prepares to put on his jersey. He lets out a smile for you to do the same as Adam watches angrily from the bleachers below. Although you don’t notice him since your too focus on Brett who is continuing to stare as he gets the rest of his equipment. Finally you look away just as you picture in your mind the last time you saw him.
I been messing around with too many girls, I need a lady.Hoping you can be the one but you need to show it.
Walking towards Brett on the Devenford Lacrosse field you see that he is all alone practicing his shooting. You walk close enough to be in shouting distance and shout right as he shoots, “Hey!”
He completely misses the goal to turn around with a disappointed look, “Thanks a lot Y/N.”
You smile as you stand in front of him, “I couldn’t help it, and its not my fault that your not aware of your surroundings. For a werewolf you think that you would be”
He smiles as you add on, “Plus, it can’t be that hard to shoot the ball into the goal.”
His eyes widen shocked by your comment to tell you in a humorous tone, “Oh really, you actually think it’s that easy.”
You nod, “Yeah I actually think its that easy.”
“Well then I want to see you give it a shot.” He says as he hands you the lacrosse stick.
You stand there arrogantly thinking that you’ll make it without any problem, but actually you have no idea what you’re doing. As you shoot the ball you don’t get even close to the goal to hear Brett laughing behind you. You roll your eyes turning to face him, “Okay fine, maybe it’s not as easy as it looks.”
He grabs your shoulders turning you back around to face the goal, “Well then let me help you.”
As he says this you feel his body pressed against you back and for his arms to show in front of you. “Just put one hand here and the other one there, try not to grip too much.” He says putting your hands in the right position. 
“Okay.” You’re barely able to say as you two look at each other with your faces inches apart. 
The both of you stay quiet just looking at each other trying to figure out what the other one is thinking. Only you break the stare by focusing back on the lacrosse stick, bringing it back and slinging it forward. You don’t watch the ball soar into the net because of you now re-focusing your attention on him. 
Just as you hear the swoosh of the net he smiles, “Looks like you made your first goal.” 
“I guess so.” You say still stunned by how close he is to you. 
“Shit.” He mumbles to himself as he moves away from you to quickly gather up his stuff. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask confused about his sudden out burst. 
He places his gym bag strap on his shoulder, “I have to go, I forgot all about my plans with Chloe tonight.” 
Instantly you feel your chest get tight and yourself taken back at the thought of him with another girl. You’re face scrunches up showing that your a bit annoyed, “What a minute Chloe? As in Chloe Stevenson.” 
“Yes, that Chloe.” He tells you as you follow him towards his car. 
“Oh, so what exactly are you guys going to do?” You ask trying not to seem too upset. 
He opens his backseat door to lay his stuff in there saying in a casual voice, “I don’t know probably just go out to eat and see a movie.”
“So you two are going on a date?” You ask him.
“I guess so.” He shuts the door opening up the driver door.
You try to keep yourself from getting too emotional in front of him as you say, “That’s great, I’m sure you guys will have a great time. You should probably get going so you’re not late.” 
He notices a difference in your voice to step closer to you, “Y/N are okay?” 
“Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You say having your voice crack a bit.
You don’t give him a chance answer the question as you begin walking away, “Have fun on your date.”
“Y/N!” You hear him yell but you don’t stop walking to your car. 
I ain't never met a girl, like you and you'll never find a man, like me.
Before you know it the game is over with Devenford winning against Beacon Hills by one point. You look around you to see the disappointed faces of your classmates but once again your eyes meet with Brett’s. Him and his teammates are in the middle of the field celebrating their victory to then make their way to the locker room. Within a few seconds the stands are are beginning to clear out to see Adam glaring at you as he walks away.
You brush off the mean glare as you sit there trying to think about what is going on in your head. After about five minutes you realize that you should at least get out of the stands. Putting your hands in your jacket pockets you walk down the bleacher to be on the ground. You begin walking to your car but stop just as you hear Brett’s voice behind you, “So you’re just going to leave with out saying hi.” 
Turning around you seem him smiling at you to instantly have you do the same. “You know I actually was just about to go looking for you.”
“Oh really, so that’s why you were heading towards the parking lot instead of the locker room.” He says knowing that you’re lying. 
“Fine you caught me.” You admit crossing your arms.
He moves closer to you adjusting his gym bag on his shoulder, “So are you going to tell me why you’ve been avoiding my calls and texts.” 
“You know I would of thought that you would be too busy hanging out with Chloe to text me.” You point out to him. 
“What?” He looks at you confused, “I hung out with her that one time and that was it.”
You get thrown back by his answer, “Oh, well I just thought you two would be getting along great with each other; what happened?”
He crosses his arms moving closer to leave almost no space between you two, “I’ll tell you what happened if you tell me what happened between you and Adam.”
You let out a loud sigh, “You heard about that? He just wasn’t the right guy for me, so what is your reason?”
He smirks, “She just wasn’t the right girl for me.” 
You roll your eyes at how stubborn he is, “Why can’t you just tell me the reason?”
His smile widens, “Because.”
“Because why? What is the problem?” You ask getting more aggravated.
He places his hands on your hips, “The problem is you; you’re the problem Y/N, I want to be with you not her.” 
You instantly get a giant smile, “Looks like we have the same problem.”
He doesn’t look away as he keeps his hands firmly on your hips to agree, “I guess we do.”
Lightly poking him in the chest you ask, “So what are we going to do about it?” 
You feel his hands move around to your back to pull you closer to minimize the gap between the two of you. This makes it where you have to be on your tippy toes as he leans forward. He asks in a flirty voice, “Will just have to fix that problem won’t we?” With those words you both lean in to have your lips meet to then hear his teammates behind him cheering. 
You both pull away for you to get all red as you hear the Devenford coach yell, “Let’s go boys, get a move on; the bus doesn’t wait for anyone!” 
He kisses your forehead to ask as he playfully winks, “Will finish solving this problem later?”
“Maybe.” You tease him as you watch him walk away with his teammates.
But tonight, all that's on my mind, Is gettin' to know you and making you mine
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heartofgoldimagines · 9 years
Whatever you're doing right now I hope you're well :)
That is so nice that you said that, you’re an absolute sweetheart. I hope that whatever you’re doing that you’re well too! Whoever you are you’re such a gem and totally brightened up my day! xoxo! :D
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