heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
                                                  i will stay gentle                                              no matter what i endure                                                i am so much m o r e
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Aries ♈
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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September is here and so is Virgo’s month! Try it this near full moon! *:・゚✧
The potion can vary on quantities depending on how much you want to do. This should make it for a couple of glasses.
When you wake up (after drinking the potion and going to sleep) make sure to write your dreams first thing in the morning. A Glimpse of the future should have appeared in  them! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ More Zodiac Potions: here
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Sachet against negative energy✧
✧ Use an Amethyst crystal to absorb negative energy in a room or from your aura. If you want a more powerful sachet you can change it for Black Tourmaline. 
Question answered for September in our Patreon! Right now any Patreon (starting from $1) can ask questions every month and we answer them ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧ By doing so you help us in our magical journey and to keep creating!!
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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SCORPIO ✧ ✧ LOVE Potion PERFUME ✧ ✧ This perfume is perfect to bring love into your life ♡ If you want to affect one person specifically, you will need to “talk” to each ingredient about what you want them to do and keep in your mind the intent of the person you are targeting.  *NOTE: add the oils and the tablespoon of vodka into a glass of distilled water for it to last longer and be less concentrated   You can skip the steps of the vodka and distilled water if you don’t want to storage the perfume and just use it once and apply the oils directly into the skin. (Neck , chest and wrists) ♡ Other Zodiac Potions here
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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✧˖° CAPRICORN ZODIAC POTION ˖°✧               *:・゚✧ RELAX ✧・゚*:
For when you had a long day or maybe week, and you want to feel rested, close your eyes and open them new. Remember to feel the intention while you make this mixture and to take deep breaths when you apply it!
This potion is specially made for Capricorns but anyone can use it! *:・゚✧ You can find our other Zodiac Potions HERE!
***If you don’t live in a sunny place is better to just start using it right away and check for mold or humidity forming so you know when to throw it away!
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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In the night of Halloween there’s also Samhain, from this sunset to the next we celebrate the harvest end, when the winter starts to kill what must go away, and wish for better things to come for the planting next year…
Have a great night guys & have fun!
Warning: This is not supposed to be tasty but it may haha depending on what you use & you can use candy and pumpkins from the halloween festivities just check that everything is still good.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Witchy Moon*:・゚✧
A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!
The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Pisces Zodiac Potion
To protect someone you care about, or even yourself, this potion is great!  
Remove the quartz after 10 minutes in the warm water. The hair has to be of the person you want to protect. Once its out , blow off the candles and bury outside the remaining lavender and hair.
The quartz has to stay with the person who needs to be protected so give it as a gift or if its for yourself, keep it in your room near. ♡
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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January´s Fire Ritual: To bring fortune, health and clean the spirit. Patreon exclusive tutorial.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Here are a few facts about Venus:
Prior to being together with Angie ( @psychmetry ), she was homeless, working even when staying underneath a stranger’s roof because she would constantly repay their kindness with cleaning up or doing something for them that would make them happy. By technicality, since she doesn’t completely LIVE with Angie as of right now, she still IS homeless. She just never mentions it because she doesn’t see it as crucial to a conversation.
She descends from a long line of incredibly powerful ( and once revered ) witches and wizards. She was actually the strongest witch in her immediate family, which is one of the reasons she is multiple universes away from her “home”.
She’s constantly at least a little tired from keeping up her illusion magic. It’s a small price to pay in order to hide what she does*, in her opinion.
Her nickname – and also the name nearly everyone calls her – is ‘Hearts’, due to her uncanny ability to “mend broken hearts” when people visit/find her.
Instinctively flirts with pretty ladies. Stop her.
She learns what’s taught to her rather quickly, and even quicker when she’s merely listening to it since she has a nearly perfect memory. It’s rare that she’ll forget something if she’s heard it before, unless she willingly represses it. This is also why sounds that trigger memories, repressed or otherwise, affect her the most.
Since taking up residence in this universe, she has actually learned to speak fluent Portuguese and Korean, as well as English being her third language. She’s working on Spanish and Japanese since she tends to work in Spain and Japan a lot. 
She loves pastels and wears them often to help keep up with her friendly, welcoming, and open aura.
Tends to tell half truths and omits things. Not because she wants to lie or keep people in the dark, but simply because she has every right to not trust most people and thus doesn’t give out much information on herself.
* She’s trying to hide the markings on her hands, because she doesn’t know how magic is seen on this universe’s Earth.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Though I put on the information on the blog for her that she’s fluent in only English, Portuguese and Korean ( and learning Spanish and Japanese ), she’s actually fluent in Latin as well. However, she only uses Latin for her spells when they’re too big to have a simple energy focus.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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Venus’s home universe is one where kingdoms and arranged marriages were aplenty still. Her family was one well known by the public to be in close relation to the royal family. In fact, her family was so close, that when the princess had died from illness at the age of 14, the royal family sought Venus as the heiress in place of their daughter, who was only 2 at the time. They were close enough that she was like a second daughter to them.
Unfortunately, as non-mages became afraid of mages and their potential for great calamity ( even though mages were just trying to make a living like anyone else ), her family had to run, and the kingdom’s second heiress was lost ( and she was only 4 ). 
Venus vividly remembers what was said to her when she was given that light crown that felt far too heavy, and it makes her loathe being called ‘princess’ in any way.
“You are this kingdom’s future, dear girl.”
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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First and foremost, there is no creature that can scare Venus. Because of her kind and open nature, she does not see their skin ( or lack of thereof ) but their personality and who they feel themselves to be ( rather, their AURA ). Even if one’s aura would betray their intent and true nature, she would not be frightened because it’s not like her to be. 
There are a few things that scare her, though.
When it comes to an entity, it would be any sort of supernatural hunter. Her family was killed by witch hunters and she was nearly killed as well before she was rushed to the other side of the portal in a universe that she knows nothing about. If one were to claim ( and boast about ) the fact that they hunt supernatural people or creatures, she would immediately bolt. She can’t stand to be anywhere near hunters.
When it comes to nonmaterial things, there are several phobias that she has that she keeps VERY well hidden from most of the world. ( Meaning everyone but @psychmetry, who she cannot lie to. ) 
One of these phobias is the loss of control over her magic. She’s a very powerful witch who has an affinity for dark magic, so it would be incredibly easy to hurt ( and kill ) someone if her magic were to go haywire*. 
Another phobia is losing those she loves. She has already lost the people who raised her to frightened people who refused to try to understand, and she doesn’t want to lose anyone else**. 
Another phobia is fire. The smell of fire, the sight of fire – everything relating to fire will make her go into an episode and shut out the world. If it’s too close to her out of nowhere, she’ll panic and lash out with her magic.
* This is why she uses her magic near daily via her fortune telling and aura readings. She has to have a constant outlet for her magic.
** She actively avoids getting close to 9.9/10 people in the world because everyone leaves eventually, and she’s learned that in this universe that she’s in, people leave all the time. One way or another, she’ll lose someone, and she doesn’t want any part in that, so… she doesn’t. She only seems like an open book because that’s what she wants you to believe.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
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“You’ve the heart of a witch, and the mind of a sage.”
The sentence above was spoken to her very often as a kid by her mother and father. 
From before she could walk, she’s shown prowess in many types of magic. Her parents had always been proud of her ability to use any magic and pick up on her studies quickly. Though, despite her prowess in all types of magic, her parents had always been concerned with her Affinity. One’s Affinity is the first type of magic they use, and Venus used Dark Magic* first. Dark Magic was one of the reasons that mages were starting to disappear, and her parents worried that she would be taken from them ( leading to their research into inter-universal travel ). 
When her parents found out that she could see auras ( “momma, your light is dim; is something wrong?” ), they immediately got twice as protective, because Aura Sight is something that hasn’t been in the family as a shown trait since her great great great great great grandfather, who was a revered ( and also feared ) mage for his abilities in Light and Dark Magic. It’s something that can be used for good and evil, and many people have kidnapped young mages who have Aura Sight in order to use in investigations or simply for personal vendettas. Most of those children are never heard from again.
Despite all of this, Venus’s heart remained true and she stayed kind, because she saw no reason in being cruel when everyone else seemed to have that covered for her.
* The problem with Dark Magic is that it revolves around psychological, metaphorical, and physical darkness. ( AKA one’s fears, one’s darkest secrets, and the very shadows themselves. ) Abusing this Affinity in any way could lead to the deaths of innocent people.
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heartwitch-blog1 · 6 years
Take a look in the 𝕞𝕚𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣, and what do you s e e?
Do you see it ᴄʟᴇᴀʀᴇʀ, or are you ᗪEᑕEIᐯEᗪ?
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