heartwithsilver · 3 days
don’t understand how people believe that this is PR, Chris would never fake a wedding and the fact is that the fans don’t like Alba.
If he decided to move house, he chose right. He attracts aggressive women. That's all I can say.
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heartwithsilver · 4 days
What kind of girl does chris hate the most?
His astrological chart is about being attracted to being the provider, but he is attracted to independent and free women.
Girls and women say they are independent, because they have a career, and they would not accept being a housewife, but they are insecure. It's easy to see successful career women being dramatic about their jealousy and possessiveness in their relationships. Some independent women do not accept, for example, their husband having female friends. Some women claim to be so independent, but they make a mess because their partners are talking to beautiful women.
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Dying inside with this kind of woman and man.
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heartwithsilver · 4 days
So close to turning 30 this week! Happy birthday to me!
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Heart With Silver
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heartwithsilver · 4 days
A woman read tarot for chris said about chris's node being in leo. So he would be destined to marry a leo woman. Then she showed her astrological chart to indicate that she could be his partner, because she had something in leo. She He said so many times that his FS is a virgo sign, and she has a virgo sign. Now, there's another blog wanting to say that dreaming about him so much can have meaning and something special. I remember a blog said that his FS finds him in the 5d, and now there are so many people believing that dreaming about him means they are his FS.
Chris's astrological chart has independence, freedom, and easy to lose interest. He wouldn't have something with these girls. Maybe one day he wants to be very obsessed with a woman, because he has Scorpio, but he doesn't want a woman to show obsession with him first. If he ever wants a woman to be obsessed with him, he needs to see that he felt it first. He would see manipulation, lies, and he would feel suffocated by these women. And it is necessary to look at many positions on the planet to tell that someone is compatible with your astrological chart.
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heartwithsilver · 4 days
Maybe, you don't have the patience for these questions anymore. But, why do you believe that chris and alba are real? He has become very strange since he chose this "relationship". He's always talking about him being old. He says more about his dog than about alba. My English is not good. But, I understood that he said in his last interview that dodger (his dog) knows how to recognize when alba is sad or happy. I thought he was going to say something more interesting about his wife. He found it difficult to say how he saw that she was "the one" for him. If this is real, what do you believe most attracted chris and alba to being together? .
I believe it's a real couple, because it's not a Hollywood script. It's not a perfect script. I had so many ideas how they could show love for each other with their astrological chart. And It's not difficult to create a romantic scene and script for these two people. Chris never be a challenge for the industry. If this industry wants a character, it creates a character. Or Hollywood is suffering from an Alzheimer's crisis. For me, it's a couple with a real life, a couple with challenges and problems.
About attracting each other...
Something strong in their astrological chart is freedom and independence (sometimes). I believe Chris chose Alba because she offers him a break from his mind. It's not just about her being too young to have kids. Maybe, she doesn't have a big problem with him traveling for work or working too much. Something Chris focuses his energy on is his career. And he doesn't like missing the opportunity to be alone with his mind. Chris could stress out about doing everything he likes to do with his partners. And Alba could be stressed about being alone in her house, and dreaming about Chris coming home. She doesn't miss the opportunity to have fun. And don't expect people with a lot of Scorpio energy to say much about their partners. Chris is an older man and is getting more Scorpio Energy.
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heartwithsilver · 18 days
Looks like Chris sold his house in Massachusetts last month. There’s talk that he and alba are building a house together
I would sell my house too with people who know where I live and call me a pedophile.
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heartwithsilver · 19 days
They will make the family's dream come true.
Well... I'll just leave things to myself.
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heartwithsilver · 19 days
It's not a good idea to talk about these dreams. It's very controversial dreams // What it means?
This means that people who believe in Chris and Alba's relationship can be happy about something that will happen to Alba, something that they want so badly to happen for her. But it also means that people who don't believe in this couple's relationship will also be happy about something that will happen for Chris, something they want so badly to happen for him. It's controversial, you know? I'm just going to say this.
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heartwithsilver · 2 months
Anons, Chris is attracted to independent, intelligent women with his Gemini side. And do you know what independent and intelligent women do? They live. They are not women who will ask friends and family not to take photos with her at parties and celebrations, and friends and family not to post them on social media, because she has Chris by her side.
So, don't expect him to be in a very secret relationship for long time. Secret is very different from being private.
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heartwithsilver · 3 months
just an opinion here not anything based on facts.
I believe the dream reflects some changes currently happening for Chris internally. He seems to be exploring new areas of interest, like history and archaeology, that are unfamiliar but meaningful to him on a deeper level.
This represents a shift in his identity or focus from what he was engaged in previously, like Hollywood. The dream shows this new path is stirring up worry or unrest similar to how the seals reacted.
However, Chris is committed to deciphering the knowledge left by past civilizations, suggested by his focused examination of the ancient engraving. This hints at a desire for understanding life's continuance through time.
Your role in the dream tries to redirect him back to old priorities, but his questions indicate a need for insight that only self-study can provide. The unknown language also parallels inner workings still coming to light.
By dedicating himself to investigating humanity's tapestry through history, Chris may gain answers to persistent questions and find an enduring purpose, even if it causes initial discomfort seen in the seals.
The dream portrays an important shift in Chris opening himself to growth through determined exploration of our place in the wider world story. This journey seems inwardly driven regardless of outer opinion.
Wow! If I had to interpret this, it couldn't be so perfect. And if he was so interested in archeology and history, I wouldn't blame him.
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heartwithsilver · 3 months
Sometimes it's not important. Sometimes it's just dreams. Sometimes it's not about the whole "Guru" thing. It doesn't always mean what the universe wants to say about a special message.
I'm just going to post about this dream, because I don't believe it will be a big problem and a big mess with theories.
But… The dream is about Chris visiting Antarctica. He wasn't in Antarctica. He was getting ready to go there, and he was very stressed. Some seals were stressed, and they were stressed by Chris's presence, but he was very far away from them. It was like a beach, but there was no sand, there was just ice. And I just said, “Chris, please, you're stressing the seals, you have to get out of here”. He was not afraid for the angry seals. He didn't want to talk, but he didn't seem stressed about my asking him to get out of there. I looked at the rock he was so interested in, and I I just said “I can’t believe you’re not dedicating yourself to Hollywood to be here looking at a rock”. He was just quiet. I looked at the rock again. It looked very much like he wanted to decipher what was written. A very dark rock. It looked like a tombstone, because the rock had words engraved on it. I just said that I could tell that the person who wrote something on that rock must be from Thailand, because...It seemed to be Thai letters. But, the other words I could say that no one writes those words anymore. And I explained that no one could understand the other words, because it is something very old, a language and a people that no longer exists. It was words and words that looked like symbols. And I just said, "Is this what you're really into? Archeology and History?" He just asked "Aren't you interested in people and the world?" I just said "Not at all. But if that's what you like to do, do it". And I just told him again to get out of there, because he was stressing the seals. But I didn't see if he left, because the dream was over.
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Heart With Silver
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heartwithsilver · 3 months
It's hard for me to want to believe that I had spiritual messages in a dream for Alba and Chris. It's not a good idea to talk about these dreams. It's very controversial dreams. And It would be a lot of confusion just for... Dreams? If you think about someone so much, it's normal for you to dream about them. My dreams about Alba and Chris weren't so many dreams, and these dreams happened more often with so many questions I received about this couple. When I decided to stop looking at their astrological chart, these dreams stopped.
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heartwithsilver · 4 months
(Astrology game)
Yes or Not
Elizabeth l
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Anne Boleyn
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The queen I would like to meet is Elizabeth l.
With so many planets in Libra, Gemini and Virgo, she was a very communicative, balanced person, and trusted her own judgment and her own intelligence. She could have very beautiful words when she wanted to inspire. She knew how to seduce with words. She was always smiling and laughing. Her laugh could be contagious. A great political woman. Uranus and Saturn made it a little difficult for her to have children and serious relationship, and the other planets just encouraged her to be more independent, especially with the energy of Gemini. A king by her side could make her opinion and curiosity a crime, and that's something Mars in Gemini never accepts. Her parents had a strong influence on her decision to start a family. Saturn is the planet of challenge. It is the planet that is constantly working, a planet that sees imperfections, and wants to change that. She didn't see family as just making a child for England. And Saturn's energy activated more care for details, organization, and perfectionism from the Sun in Virgo. Of course she thought about what her life would be like with her mother and father, but she was smart enough to understand that loving them didn't mean she had to be like them. She had some ideas about what her relationship with them would be like. Her independence was not arrogance. She did not ignore men's advice. Before an aggressive attitude, it was important for her to think for a long time and have a long conversation. Her life wasn't just something melancholy because she didn't have a king and children, and all her family problems. Life for her could have lots of laughter, jokes, beauty, happiness, and celebrations. But, Saturn perhaps made her want to care for and protect England. And it's very possible that "Virgin Queen" was just a name.
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heartwithsilver · 4 months
Pluto in Aquarius in the 6th and 5th house
Transformations in routine, pleasure, hobbies, relationships with children, and sports.
What will Pluto decide to kill and transform? What happens when the Planet of passion, intensity, power, darkness, possessiveness, and death is working with the zodiac sign that loves reason, freedom, and transformation?
The 6th house is very similar to the sign Virgo. It is the house of the zodiac that takes care of health, routine, and even productivity. This is what makes the 6th house the house of health and routine, small actions in the routine will affect health in a certain way. Aquarius in the 6th house, for example, is a great representation of the law for specific smoking locations, garbage collection service, and accessibility. And these actions changed the lives and health of many people in society. Aquarius in the 6th house represents a lot of those commercials about the future years ago, about so many robots helping women taking care of the house. Pluto in Aquarius wants to eliminate small things in people's routines. Perhaps, a technology and a new way to take care of the pollution and dirt of big cities, and some changes in the urban scenario. It is possible to change something that is in so many people's routine, something like the internet. Perhaps, some laws will be made about the internet. With the house of routine and health in the sign of change, there are many people who will remove toxicity from their routines and health. In these Aquarius years, many people will desire and look at treatments to stop smoking, drugs, and obesity, for example. Aquarius' creativity brings new technologies to health. Some equipment will be removed from hospitals and gyms. It is very important to be careful with new cleaning and hygiene products, and medications (It's something new that Aquarius is doing. Something new brings good things and brings bad things too). With the social and free side of Aquarius, there are many people interested in taking care of their health with exercises that offer more freedom, such as hiking and climbing mountains, hiking and group exercises in nature. It represents more group therapy. And with technology Aquarius can represent group therapy on the internet? It is possible for this to happen. It's about having more new names in medicine and health care. More innovation and creativity in medicine and health care.
Pluto in Aquarius in the 5th house is creativity and freedom almost touching the heavens. House 5 is a young house. It is a house that is similar to the strength of the sign of Leo and the fire of that sign. The 5th house can represent the strength and energy of young people. It is a house that is similar to the strength of the sign of Leo and the fire of that sign. It is a young house, because the 5th house represents in astrology the house of pleasure, fun, hobbies, sports, and the relationship with children. It will be very difficult to hold on to young people who receive the energy of Pluto in Aquarius. It's about so much creativity and ideas that it's so hard to control. It is an intense energy that wants to no longer follow the rules. It's Aquarius's rebellion. It is possible that many mothers and fathers are a little more irresponsible with their children with Pluto in Aquarius periods. These parents may offer too much freedom (People are like wind in other people's lives, but without rules, they become hurricanes and disasters). In the future, if parents are going to offer that much freedom for their children, it's good to expect the consequences. It is very important for parents to explain the meaning of freedom and the reason for things changing in society. Many parents will decide not to try to take away their children's freedom and creativity. Some parents decide that their problems and traumas are their children's problems and traumas, but Aquarius can make a change in some parents' minds and family dynamics. It is a period that will make many children grow up and be honest with their desires and dreams. This aspect is the great representation of Pluto in Aquarius, "the Planning of a New generation", a "Creative and Independent Generation". Pleasure, fun, hobbies, and technology. Technology will be more in the sport in some way training methods. New laws on sports. New important people in sports. Is it possible for new plans, new events, and a lot of innovation to happen in places that offer a lot of fun, places like Disneyland and Orlando? Aquarius' energy will always be a surprise.
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heartwithsilver · 7 months
Pluto in Aquarius in the 7th house
What happens when the Planet of passion, intensity, power, darkness, and possessiveness is working with the zodiac sign that loves reason, freedom, and transformation?
The sign of Aquarius and its rational side is just to leave behind, for the individual and especially for society. It's aggressive, because nobody wants to lose something. It's the sign of technology, because the other signs are so obsessive about their desires, being and doing the same thing every day. Aquarius learned to be free, to be more creative.
The 7th house in some aspects is very similar to the sign of Libra, the sign that has all its attention and focus on relationships and love. The 7th house is the house of relationships and commitment, relationships with a lot of commitment, commercial relationships, partnerships, contracts, negotiations, diplomacy, agreements.
It's breaking with traditions in wedding ceremonies, it's more creativity in ceremonies. This energy will change that whole scenario of white dress, black suit, ring, wedding vows, and the priest. It is a freer wedding ceremony with Aquarius, more honest. Perhaps, wedding dress stores offer more other unconventional dress styles. It's very difficult to convince Aquarius to want to dedicate himself to marriage in the next few years, but it's very easy for Aquarius to want a divorce (So, it's not good to joke about divorce). If society has the rule, for example, to propose a marriage when the couple has been in a relationship for 6 months, the marriage proposal is made 9 months, because Aquarius' energy is so free. Aquarius and Pluto leave the value of marriage behind a little with all the drama that society places on marriages. Aquarius is not very romantic, and sees a lot of drama in what society understands as something romantic. Aquarius is a sign that looks to find a solution. If couples haven't found a solution, if they aren't creative in their routine and spend time fighting, Aquarius is watching, and looking a lot. It's a fast energy with an Air element, and many wouldn't expect to hear about divorce. If young people are criticized more and suffer more abuse, it is more difficult for them to be more interested in relationships. Aquarius does not bring melancholy, but it brings a lot of freedom. If parents want to have children in a marriage, dedication to talking and explaining the importance of marriage is something that will have to be done with more intensity in these next years of Pluto in Aquarius, because marriage is not something very interesting for Aquarius. If people want to have love, but bring trauma and a lot of suffering on their shoulders and in their hearts, it is better to say goodbye to relationships during these 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius.
The 12 houses of the zodiac are receiving the energy of transformation and intense changes with Aquarius. People don't really want the same problems. And there are so many other changes for the zodiac sky to make. Changes and transformations in routines and health, homes and family, communication and intellect, mind, groups, and food. This will all help with transformations, innovation, and changes in relationships. All of these things will help with transformations, innovation, and changes in relationships. The intense movement on the inner and very deep side about society, its religions, dreams, spirituality, and subconscious of the 12th house can modify and transform relationships and marriage. People who are most religiously toxic will get divorced if their partners want to follow another religion, for example. Pluto in Aquarius in the 12th house and about deep issues, issues in the subconscious. It's asking yourself "Do I really want to get married and have children?". "Am I with the right friends? Am I in the right marriage?". This changes everything in relationships and marriages. It's good to be careful about wishing and laughing at someone's divorce. These years are not fighting for love. You could be the next one to lose your marriage.
Fun fact: Perhaps, it is some people who want polygamous marriage to receive recognition and be legitimate in society with these Pluto in Aquarius years. More changes and transformations in social media, perhaps? New social media? Which social media will fall?
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heartwithsilver · 7 months
Pluto in Aquarius in the 8th house
What happens when the Planet of passion, intensity, power, darkness, and possessiveness is working with the zodiac sign that loves reason, freedom, and transformation?
The sign of Aquarius and its rational side is just to leave behind, for the individual and especially for society. It's aggressive, because nobody wants to lose something. It's the sign of technology, because the other signs are so obsessive about their desires, being and doing the same thing every day. Aquarius learned to be free, to be more creative.
The 8th house in some aspects is very similar to the sign of Scorpio, the sign that represents death with his poison. The 8th house represents the house of possessions, sexuality, and death. With Pluto in Aquarius, there are transformations and innovations in sexuality (I don't know how sexuality can become free, but this can happen with Aquarius and the freedom of this sign. And this will cause a big headache for parents who will have teenage children in the next years). It is Aquarius' desire to remove any rulers on sexuality from people with the 8th house, and with Pluto this is done with more intensity. But transformations and changes can also happen as a solution to problems that sexuality causes in people's lives. Perhaps changes and transformations in the world of prostitution, porn industry, and sex toy industry. These next few years could be a little complicated for romantic and jealous people. As Pluto does things with intensity, many people will not be very responsible with sex due to Aquarius' freedom. Aquarius is the social sign and can make many want to experience group sex. The problem that could happen a lot sexually transmitted infections. It is very possible that more and more people are not very afraid to say that they have had non-traditional sexual experiences and no longer see homosexuality as a problem. Pluto in Aquarius moving in the astrological sky and transiting the 8th house, everything that can bring death and talks about death will transformations and changes, such as, for example, death sentences, investigations, funeral homes, weapons, and police stations. With the changes of Pluto in Aquarius, something can be changed about inheritances. The unexpected energy of Aquarius can make the children's inheritance go to someone and people who should not receive this inheritance. This makes the 8th house the house of inheritances. And it is what will make many people in our society lose their possessions, spending money without responsibility. The possessions of the 8th house is different from the possessions of the 2nd house. The 2nd house is the beginning for the possessions, but the 8th house is the end for the possessions, inheritance and legacies. Perhaps, some changes and transformations in adoption institutions, and making more decisions in the care of children who are seeing their parents' divorce with Aquarius moving his action in the legacy house. With the 8th house, possessions come with another box, such as memories, struggles, and suffering, and pain. And this makes the 8th house the house of regeneration. All those extra possessions being left behind, and making new with them.
Fun fact: The world is not free from death with the energy of Aquarius, but perhaps many are interested in organ donation with the collective and creative side of Aquarius. With the heritage and collective of Aquarius, it is a new generation of politicians and government. It is very necessary to choose these new politicians carefully, because the next generation of politicians is very far away.
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heartwithsilver · 7 months
Pluto in Aquarius in the 9th house
What happens when the Planet of passion, intensity, power, darkness, and possessiveness is working with the zodiac sign that loves reason, freedom, and transformation?
The sign of Aquarius and its rational side is just to leave behind, for the individual and especially for society. It's aggressive, because nobody wants to lose something. It's the sign of technology, because the other signs are so obsessive about their desires, being and doing the same thing every day. Aquarius learned to be free, to be more creative.
The 9th house is very similar to the sign of Sagittarius. The sign of Sagittarius is represented by the centaur with the bow and arrow, man and the animal body, the rational and the savage. And the arrow has only one direction, going only forward. There is no right or left for an arrow. It is the sign that represents faith and beliefs. With the rational and wild side that takes the sign to distant paths. It is not the belief and faith of the sign of Pisces, it is not the belief and faith about the deepest side of human beings, the mysteries kept within it, and somewhat hidden in illusion, fear, and confusion. The 9th house and its beliefs are about expanding horizons. It's going to new horizons. The sign of Aquarius moving through the 9th house brings transformations and changes in transportation. The creativity to make changes to roads, ships, cars, bridges, ports, planes, trains, passports, tourism, new laws for foreigners, changes in immigration laws, even travel equipment. Colleges and libraries transformations too, changes, innovations. With the technologies that Aquarius makes, there is more technology in roads, ships, cars, bridges, ports, planes, trains, passports, tourism for example. With the social and collective side of Aquarius, it can bring more collectivity, groups, teams, and more freedom. The 9th house is a good representation for universities and colleges for natural expansion and exploration. A new belief and creativity that students can show in the classroom. Perhaps the rules that limited better education for students will be broken. College can become a battleground with the intense changes Pluto wants to make. The world at peace does not exist with the dark action of Pluto. Colleges can change, be destroyed, rebuilt, and receive new equipment. With Aquarius technology, more technology in colleges and universities. If students hate the classroom and teachers, these are lucky years for them, because many teachers can understand that their talent in teaching can be done in a place that Aquarius created, the internet (And it's not hard to see that higher education is a failed institution. College students are very interested in asking Elon Musk about climate change, and asking serious questions of anyone who has a lot of money and has shown their financial success in podcast interviews). Not many teachers can leave colleges, but students too. If parents still want to choose their children's career, the news is not very positive for the next few years. Not with the most rebellious sign of the zodiac in the 9th house, the sign of Aquarius (It would be great for colleges to accept people who want to study and have skills. Not because mom and dad have money. But, we have some signs that care a lot about money and status, and that won't change). It is also positive that many teachers want to teach on the Internet, because intelligent people are needed on the Internet. The smartest students who enjoy studying will be creative when it comes to their teaching plans to study better. Colleges and universities can become a minefield with the intense changes that Pluto wants to make. The world at peace does not exist with the dark and intensity action of Pluto. This can cause some difficulties in learning. It's the interest in new cultures too. College is the best place for Aquarius, because it represents the collective, the rational, and independence beginning, but with Pluto and his intense energy, things can get a little out of control sometimes.
It is an interest in learning customs and habits from new cultures. Some changes and transformations, for example, in college exchanges to expand these 9th house beliefs. With the centaur's arrow hitting its target, the 9th house also represents the house of luck and positivism. Perhaps, it will be creating new luck games, or changing some things in these lucky games. Perhaps, some changes, innovations, and transformations for hunting, archeology, territories and other studies on the earth.
Fun fact: It is very possible that in the near future many things will be found on earth, places will be more explored. It is possible to happen by accident with just natural or planned action, but it is possible for it to be planned.
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