heatharlington-blog · 6 years
It would have been a lie to say that their thoughts hadn’t been occupied mostly by one particular person for the past little while. They were trying to do their best to keep the promise of space, to give Denna the chance to figure out what to do, without them trying to influence it even accidentally, but it was damn near impossible when all they could think of was how she made them feel. Not only did they want to keep feeling that, but they wanted to know she was okay, even if that might’ve meant losing everything themself.
Still, life went on, and they had to act as if nothing was happening to the outside world. They were just leaving their apartment to head to their parents’ house, when suddenly out of nowhere Denna ran up towards them, no coat, no umbrella, a complete mess. Their first thought was panic, worried that there was something wrong, that she wasn’t okay, but before they could ask, she started speaking.
Heath was so taken aback by her sudden appearance, and the words that came from her mouth in a breathless pant, that they could hardly comprehend what she was saying for a second. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Denna, breathe,” they said, reaching out with their free hand and putting it on her shoulder, guiding her a little closer so that she was under their umbrella, even if that was pointless considering how soaked she was already. Only after a second did it hit them what she had said. They were so shocked, though, that it was hard to believe at first. “You’re not? Are you sure? What...what changed? You’re allowed to have more time, I promise, you don’t have to make the decision now.”
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location: outside heath’s apartment building time: around 7pm status: @heatharlington
Living with herself had been no shorter than impossible the last couple of weeks. At least she had been able to finish all her essays, and she was ready for summer break, but that didn’t take away the fact that her brain was taken over by chaos. The Tristan interview had calmed her editor a little, but she knew she was going to start asking for the Cerberus piece again soon, and she was going to have to give her an answer. An answer she already had, despite not wanting to admit it to herself. What had happened with Tristan, though, had been more than an interview - and that was another reason for her confusion. Not because she cared about him that way any longer, but because it had acted as a strange eye-opener; and also because she was terrified of what Heath was going to think if they found out. 
It was a lot, more than she could handle, and she hadn’t been able to sleep for days, her brain never shutting up about it. That was the reason she was now there, practically running under the rain, with no umbrella or proper coat; approaching Heath’s apartment. 
Denna had no idea what she was going to do when she got there. She looked like a disaster - soaked, messed up make up, and shaking. There was no way the doorman was going to let her in. Maybe Heath wasn’t even at home; perhaps all of this had been for nothing. 
But then she saw them. 
They were leaving. Where? The hospital? Perhaps. Doctors had all kinds of weird schedules, right? Still, she couldn’t leave without saying something. 
“Heath.”, she said, realising now she was panting. The rain was still pouring, but somehow she barely noticed it any longer. “I’m not going to publish the article. I don’t want to. I don’t care about my big chance. I don’t want to do that to you.”
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.40am ): I just looked at the time and it's so late oh my god, i can't believe i should be sleeping or finishing my essay and instead i'm here being ridiculously turned on by you. you're corrupting me, doctor arlington. i hope you're proud of yourself.
( to Heath, 01.41am ): I wish i was there right now too. i want you to hear those noises, and i want you to show me how you like to be touched, and i want everything you say.
( to Heath, 01.42am ): Damn, idk what i'm going to do next time i see you.
( to D 🌺, 1.43am ): I'm /very/ proud of myself if this is the reward we get for the corruption. Don't act like you don't like being corrupted.
( to D 🌺, 1.43am ): I can think of a few things that are going to happen the next time we see each other. Maybe you can let your mind run wild thinking about it now, cause that's what I'm about to do.
( to D 🌺, 1.44am ): If I disappear, it's because my hands are a little busy at the moment...
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.38am ): You're one to talk about making other people BOLD. look at me. i've never thought i would be saying these things to someone oh my god.
( to Heath, 01.38am ): I think i want to do that. i want to touch you, i want you to tell me what turns you on so i can do exactly what you like. and i want you to touch me, and taste me, and do all that.
( to Heath, 01.39am ): Ffs. was that too much? i'm sorry.
( to D 🌺, 1.39am ): I like the boldness, it's hot...not that I should be encouraging it, of course, but, you know, just so you know
( to D 🌺, 1.39am ): Fuck I want that so bad, I wish you were here right now so I could taste you and give you everything you want. I could show you how to touch me, and you could hear the noises I /might/ be making just thinking of that...
( to D 🌺, 1.40am ): Believe me, it's not too much. I mean, I'm definitely going to have to take care of this problem soon, but don't apologize, I'm kind of living for this, actually.
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.33am ): You know that's a lot to take in, right? especially right now considering our OTHER topic of conversation...
( to Heath, 01.34am ): NOW we're even, because i can't stop thinking about your fingers between my legs. it's taking all myself control not to stop what i'm doing rn and just go to your place so you can take care of it. and maybe i could something about your problem too.
( to Heath, 01.34am ): what would you like me to do if i was there?
( to D 🌺, 1.35am ): Okay true, but I mean what I said, even if I am being too much. You bring it out in me, make me BOLD, which is a feat tbh
( to D 🌺, 1.36am ): God I wish you could, but space, remember, just think about me, and think of how it'll all be once you've had time to figure things out
( to D 🌺, 1.37am ): Well, if you were here, I think I'd want you to feel the problem you've caused, how much you turn me on, while I do the same with you. All while I kiss you and taste you over and over again
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.26am ): Anything?? like anything AT ALL?? why if i ask you for something super weird?? WHAT IF I ASKED YOU to come to spain w me and give my father a lowkey heart attack? that's weird enough. and of course being on my list means you'll have me around. it's a good list. not a kill bill style one.
( to Heath, 01.30am ): Oh my eigbeiruit i don't even know what to say to that. i suck at this.
( to Heath, 01.30am ): But jsyk, i kind of want that, a lot. in fact i want it so much i've stopped working on my essay rn and i might be about to do something else with my hands. oops.
( to D 🌺, 1.31am ): Sounds good to me, let's go for it, say the word and I'll book the next flight to Spain. I'm ride or die, D, you need to understand that. That's what being on MY list means.
( to D 🌺, 1.32am ): Believe me, you don't even have to say anything to be "good at this." You pretty much do that just by being you.
( to D 🌺, 1.33am ): Granted THAT IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING holy fuck, D, I'm dying thinking about that. I wish I was there to help you out with that wow. And maybe you could help me with this problem I've got growing, too...
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.19am ): People are cowards. isn't that the first thing you ask a med student?? i'm glad you're ready to keep answering my weird questions because i always have a lot of them, and it seems you're stuck with me now, whatever happens. you're already on my list.
( to Heath, 01.20am ): OMG i think i've stopped functioning for a second. 🙈🙈🙈🙈
( to Heath, 01.21am ): Now i want so badly to be doing just that. kissing you slowly, you on top of me, my hands under your shirt. i wonder how far that hand of yours is willing to go...
( to D 🌺, 1.22am ): I'd think so, but apparently you and I are weirdos. Good thing I'm glad to be stuck with you and your weird questions. More than glad to be on your list if it means I get to have you around.
( to D 🌺, 1.23am ): You asked for it, D. You've gotta know by now that I can't refuse you anything
( to D 🌺, 1.24am ): You should also know that my hand is more than willing to stop right between your legs, especially if you kiss me the way you usually do. I've got the fingers of a surgeon, after all, I MAY want to show you exactly what that means.
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.15am ): A teenager? wow, 12 year old me is blushing as well rn. to think i used to ask you all kinds of weird questions. though now that i think about it, i still do, you're just more willing to answer now, ig...
( to Heath, 01.15am ): blah blah blah
( to Heath, 01.16am ): You have to tell me some of your ideas now. i'm listening.
( to D 🌺, 1.16am ): I liked your weird questions, even if it didn't seem like it. Hell, no one else had enough guts to ask me if I'd seen someone /die/ already. And I'm more than glad to keep answering all of your weird questions
( to D 🌺, 1.16am ): You sure you wanna know? I might distract you from that essay
( to D 🌺, 1.18am ): Guess I was just thinking about what could happen if we were lying in my bed, if were kissing you slowly, where my hand might want to go...
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.12am ): If you blushed, you'd look too adorable and i would be definitely lost. so maybe it's a good thing you don't. a girl can only handle so much. and just so you know, i think that's my favourite arlington too:))
( to Heath, 01.13am ): Now YOU'RE the one making me blush. tell me again why we're not doing this in person?? ugh responsibilities.
( to D 🌺, 1.13am ): Just know even if I'm not blushing, you've got me flustered like a teenager. I'm glad we agree on the favorite Arlington, because I'm hoping to be that one pretty often, if you'll let me.
( to D 🌺, 1.14am ): I'm being responsible, giving you space to figure things out, you have an essay to write, blah blah blah
( to D 🌺, 1.14am ): But maybe the next time I see you I can make it up to you. I might have a few ideas in mind...
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.08am ): No thanks. i mean, sounds tempting but i don't want you to lose you license because of me. you're not even fully graduated yet. i like doctor arlington.
( to Heath, 01.08am ): As much as i like party arlington, and bass player arlington, dog father arlington, you know, all the arlingtons🖤
( to Heath, 01.09am ): Cheesy. i bet you say that to everyone.
( to D 🌺, 1.09am ): Alright, alright. I can't say no if you put it like that. If I blushed, I'd DEFINITELY be blushing right now.
( to D 🌺, 1.09am ): I think the Arlington I like best is the one I am when I'm around you. But that's neither here nor there.
( to D 🌺, 1.10am ): Nah, you're the only person who's managed to bring out the /romantic/ in me.
( to D 🌺, 1.10am ): There you go, extra cheese.
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.05am ): Thank you, you're too much
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 01.00am ): I wish i could screw the essay but i need to finish it if i don't want to get suspended yikes. my teacher sucks.
( to Heath, 01.00am ): No, you're not supposed to say that omg. i thought we were giving each other space.
( to Heath, 01.01am ): Though now i want to know how exactly you'd distract me. it's not an easy thing to do:)
( to D 🌺, 1.02am ): Never mind, don't screw it. I'll be here providing moral support from afar. You've got this!!
( to D 🌺, 1.02am ): I mean technically there /is/ space between us, so I'd say we're doing pretty okay all in all
( to D 🌺, 1.03am ): Well maybe I'd distract you by telling you I wish you were here right now so we could lie in bed and I could kiss you, but that /also/ probably isn't allowed...
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to Heath, 12.55am ): You didn't. I'm awake:) Wow i'm trying to finish this stupid essay and it's completely impossible if you say things like that.
( to Heath, 12.55am ): I'm not supposed to say this
( to Heath, 12.55am ): But i wish i was there too.
( to Heath, 12.56am ): I miss you. 🙈
( to D 🌺, 12.57am ): I shouldn't be saying screw the essay but......screw the essay
( to D 🌺, 12.58am ): At least for a few minutes, because I miss you, too. A Lot™. I'd offer to come distract you in person, but I'm not really supposed to say that either so
( to D 🌺, 12.59am ): Look at what you've done to me, can't sleep without your foolproof method, telling you to stop working, breaking all the unspoken rules
( to D 🌺, 12.59am ): You're a bad influence
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
Pietro smiled, rolling his eyes once again. He obviously couldn’t stay mad at Heath, not because of something so ridiculous as this. “You didn’t cockblock me, don’t worry. There’s no cockblocking to be done, really. Naia doesn’t trust me enough to try anything with me, and honestly, after the stuff I used to put her through? I don’t blame her. We all know I’m shit at serious relationships. Look what happened with Mona. I was the worst. Naia saw that, so why would she even want to try?” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal and then focused on Heath’s movements, chuckling slightly when they try and fail to get out of bed. 
“Because this is Mount Wells. People are too bored to mind their own business. You did? Yes, I knew it! Zac told me there was no way, and I was like, c’mon dude, you can’t be friends with Kat and not hook up with them at least once. That’s just who they are.” At Heath’s words, he leaned forward and kissed their cheek. “Shame. I give the best head, you’re missing out my friend.” A frown appeared on his face as his friend kept talking though, but their final confession just made his eyes widen. “Yes, yes, I know about that. Denna has been asking me about it basically since she got back. I didn’t know she had actually figured it-wait, no. You’re joking. Your mysterious make out partner… Dennie? Zac’s Dennie? The girl who has been our annoying little sister for years?! Heath, what the hell are you thinking dude? It’s nothing serious, right?”
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“You’ll figure it out one day, Pietro, don’t worry about it. From the little she’s said to me, I think she might be more willing to try than you think, even if she doesn’t realize it yet herself. You guys are crazy about each other, even if you both wanna act like you’re not,” they shrugged lightly, but leaving it there. This wasn’t the usual sort of talk they had, after all; Pietro wasn’t one to get into all of the feelings and serious emotions, and they didn’t push. But they really did hope that Pietro would figure it out one day soon; they wanted him to be happy, and it was pretty clear that she would be able to make him just that. They just both needed to figure their shit out first, it seemed like; and they shouldn’t have been giving advice like that, considering that they still needed to do that with Denna. 
Speaking of, not even the kiss on the cheek and the sweet words could’ve prepared them for Pietro’s realization. “I’m, uh, no, not kidding. It’s Denna, and it’s been going on for a few weeks now...” they trailed off vaguely, realizing that maybe now actually hadn’t been the best time to get into this. It was too late to go back now, though, all they could hope was that Pietro cared more about their happiness than whatever perceived troubles there might be. “I mean, to be fair, I never really saw her as a little sister...I, well, I wish I could tell you it was nothing serious, but I don’t want to lie to you. I know it probably seems out of nowhere, but we got to talking because of her article, and there’s something really different between us. It’s a good thing for both of us…I’ve never quite felt as strongly about anyone else, to be honest. Please don’t tell Zac, though, we’re still figuring things out, and I don’t want to make a big deal out of it until we’ve defined things, you know?”
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
Their shift was going well enough, not too terribly busy, but just busy enough that it was an adequate distraction from all of the worries currently occupying the front of their mind. It was slowing down for a split second, enough that they were about to go to the break room and sit for a few minutes, gulping down all the coffee they could manage, when they heard their name out of nowhere. Turning around, Heath was surprised to see Amanda rushing toward them with a large basket in her arms. “Amanda, good to see you! You’re not a bother at all. That’s super nice of you, you didn’t have to do that, but I won’t complain. I’m hungry as hell, and not vegan,” they laughed lightly, taken aback by the act of kindness. “You want to come sit down? I think my dad’s out of his office right now, so we can commandeer it for a few minutes, and I can try some of this deliciousness.”
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location: arlington hospital // day: july 19th // @heatharlington
“Excuse me? Could you tell me where I can find Doctor Arlington? Uhm- no, I don’t have an appointment. Oh no, no, not that Arlington. I’m talking about Heath.” It’s a good thing she manages to spot them walking out of the hospital before the receptionist she’s talking to kicks her out. “I think I see them. Thank you!” Amanda hurries towards them, huge basket hanging from her right arm. “Heath, Heath. Hi. I hope you’re not terribly busy.” Even if she’s known them for a while now, she has never seen them wearing their white coat. They look intimidating in a way she wouldn’t have imagined. “I hope I’m not being a bother, I just heard you were rooting for me at the Miss Mount Wells contest and I thought I’d bring you this.” she explains, handing them the basket she was carrying. “There’s a lot of food there, so I hope you’re not vegan because there aren’t many vegan options. I made everything myself though!”
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
( to D 🌺, 12.53am ): I hope I don't wake you up, and if I do don't even worry about replying
( to D 🌺, 12.53am ): But I'm trying desperately to fall asleep because rounds in the morning, but I CAN'T and now I can't stop thinking about your foolproof sleep method
( to D 🌺, 12.54am ): Like not to be too much, but also I guess what I'm saying is that I wish you were here
( to D 🌺, 12.54am ): Pretty badly tbh
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
There it was again, the crippling doubt that caused her to stay petrified when all she wanted was to say yes, that she would love to go out with them, or stay in, whatever they wanted. She could already pictured them both, cuddled up on the couch, their dogs sleeping next to them while Heath read to her. The image was almost too good to be true, and the sensation it provoked inside of her was terrifying to say the least. “We don’t have to keep it spontaneous, no. I’d love to go on a date with you, Pluto, and Latin poetry. And maybe I could read some Rimbaud in exchange? Original language, of course. How does that sound?”, she smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The most difficult part was coming now. “Not right now, though. Give me some time, and I promise I’ll be yours for the night. Oh, that was weird. I didn’t mean it- well, you know what I meant.” Her blush had returned, especially after that particular comment. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t think my dad would approve of our idea of French tongue. Or Spanish tongue. Or any tongue we try. Though he might forget all about it if he finds out who you are. In fact, he might try to offer you a dowry. Please don’t accept it.” Denna chuckled, though she didn’t put it pass her father to try some form of compensation if he realised his daughter had caught the attention of none other than Heath Arlington. 
It was time to end this, at least for now. It killed her to realise this might be the last time they were going to do something like this; and the worst part of it all was to be painfully aware that the decision was here. Here they were, offering her half their kingdom, giving her the fairytale, the modern Cinderella story; and she was doubting. If she said yes, if she gave up on the article and chose to stay with them, would that compromise her morals? She was sure her editor would think so. It was a good thing she had kept the whole Cerberus investigation a secret, otherwise Barbara wouldn’t have let her live it down. Denna knew what everyone was going to say, that she was sleeping her way to the top, that she was in for the money; that she had taken advantage of the shy Olympian and somehow found a way to win them over where everyone else had failed, just to exploit them and what they could do. Was her? Was she going to become some unwilling first lady? Heath Arlington’s girlfriend, Heath Arlington’s fling. She had struggled all her life to find herself, she was still doing it, but what if being with Heath meant losing all of that? 
It was ironic, when she thought about it, that those were the doubts that plagued her mind when being with Heath also made her feel more like herself than she had in a long time. That had to mean something. “Okay, okay, no hair.”, she said, the panic in her voice clear. When they handed her the little piece of cloth she wet it with some saliva, very mum style, and started wiping off the lipstick marks of their face. “Don’t worry about that. I have it in my purse. And don’t worry about me either, I’ve sneaked out of places before. Besides, I’m the nosiest woman in town, don’t you remember? No one’s going to be surprised if I’m back here trying to take a peek at the contest’s results. You, on the other hand, need to keep your cool.” At least the lipstick wasn’t there any longer, but they still looked like there had been some heavy petting involved. “I don’t think we can do much more than this. You need to go. Break a leg, darling.” She couldn’t help but cup their face with both her hands and pull them closer for one last short kiss. “Fuck, go away already.”
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heatharlington-blog · 6 years
Pietro chuckled, cupping Pluto’s face with both his hands and giving him a big kiss. “Always listen to me, Pluto. I’m dope. Never listen to Zac, though. He might seem like a dog like you, but he’s definitely not a good boy.” At Heath’s words, he rolled his eyes, glaring at them. “Naia is not my fling or whatever, Heath. You know she’s not. She’s my best friend, apparently better than all of you assholes. You know how long I’ve cared for her. It wouldn’t have killed you to do me a favor.” He shrugged. “That’s insulting. You’re pinning them against each other as much as they were with that stupid contest.” He crossed his arms. “Maybe you shouldn’t have. But you did.”
As much as he wanted to stay mad, he really couldn’t when Heath was practically dying right next to him. So he rolled his eyes, but his expression softened. “Yeah, it was all over the Herald’s gossip page. So who was it, then? Kat?” Their answer made him wiggle his eyebrows, winking cheekily at Heath before he kept on talking. “You know what’s great for stress? Oral sex. You in? I’m free right now before I head to the beach – Wait, what did you just say? Why do you think Cerberus’ secret is in danger?”
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The let out a breath of laughter at Pietro talking to Pluto, a breath of laughter that did nothing but make their head pound a whole lot harder. It didn’t help that they knew Pietro was speaking the truth about everything else. “You’re right, you’re right, I’m sorry. I’m just in a shitty mood because every bone in my body aches. I know how much she means to you; if I was going to vote anyway, I should’ve just voted for her, since it doesn’t matter. But what’s done is done, and I’m sorry if I cockblocked you with my vote.” They forced themself up out of bed with a sigh, taking one laboring step, before deciding against it and sitting back down. 
“Why can’t anyone just mind their own business here? Ugh. Nah, it wasn’t Kat. We’ve hooked up before, but it’s been like years,” they said with a wave of their hand. They paused letting out a deep sigh. It would be suspicious not to tell Pietro who, but the idea of getting into it when Denna hadn’t even made her choice felt a little terrifying. They could already guess that he wouldn’t be particularly excited about the news. And yet it was hard not to tell him; he was one of their best friends, and they were bursting to tell someone how much they felt for the first time. “As much as I’d love those soft lips of yours around me, I’m not really in the mood right now...and I don’t just think, I know it’s in danger. Zac’s been running his damn mouth as usual and someone might’ve definitely figured it out. And maybe it’s even more complicated, because I might’ve been making out with the one who figured it out, and maybe it wasn’t the first time...”
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