heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
Ouch. No mercy, huh?
A simple shrug from the Lucario.
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“ I DID warn him, after all. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
A mischievous grin. "Or what, you're gonna kick my ass? HAH! I happen to find that hot!" And then his paw comes down, and SMACKS Ezekiel's ass!
Ezekiel’s paw shoots out without warning, slamming into Bozidar’s snout steel-hard and vicious. His other leg swung up, aiming a dangerously strong kick towards his stomach, too. Balancing back on one leg, he spun again, aiming to knee Bozidar in the side to finally knock him over and end this quickly.
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He glared down at the Lycanroc, huffing through his nostrils and shaking his head angrily, the fur on the back of his neck still standing up.
“ I told you not to touch me. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
"HA! Whateeeeever you say, hot stuff." He says, and DARINGLY pecks his cheek! He's going to refrain from an ass slap... for now!
Ezekiel stiffens. His lips pursed tightly when Bozidar kissed him on the cheek---but, he made no motion to object or stop him.
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“ Don’t. Do that. Again. ” He hissed, through gritted teeth.
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
"So you say, but you seemed to be having a good time last time we met!"
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“ I tolerate you because it’s what God wants of me. I have to put up with sinners to hope to lead you to the light---so don’t get overconfident, Bozidar. ”
A near spit of his words as Ezekiel tossed his head backward, turning his snout up at the Lycanroc.
“ Just because I accompany you does not mean I find enjoyment in the indulgent, decadent nonsense you entertain yourself with. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
Furries are disgusting. YOU'RE disgusting.
“ And YOU’RE a demon. One I hope to send back to HELL. ”
Utter revulsion crosses his features, as the Lucario takes a step away from Dark Samus. He knew her--an effigy of the Hunter, the true fighter that fought for peace and justice in the stars. While her disregard for the law made Ezekiel frown, he still admired Samus for all she did to combat evil.
And if this was the calibre of darkness she dealt with, he felt nothing but sympathy for her.
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“ At the VERY LEAST, someone needs to cast you back into the Pit. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
Isabelle just smiles, and gives Ezekial a nice little pat on the leg. "Being a furry means you have fur! Like me!" She moves a paw over her other paw, brushing the fur. "Why are you so concerned over it?" ... she doesn't know.
And someone jumps when she touches his leg, clearly not accustomed to being around so many... strangers. Especially not within the context of blood sport.
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“ ... I suppose. Where are you from? Are there others like you? ”
He gently kneeled down to her level, cocking his head to one side.
“ I’m not sure. I suppose it sounds derogatory. If it is, I would like to know. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
"You don't need to know what a Furry is."
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“ I feel like I need to PRAY now. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
aetherbeast replied to your post: God??? Are you there??? What’s a furry??
you. you is a furry.
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....... looks at his paws HANDS???
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
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God??? Are you there??? What’s a furry??
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
Walks in.
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Sees a giant reptile shrieking at Luigi and a Pichu.
“ Nothing has changed, I see. I’m glad none of you are capable of improvement. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
"So you're back."
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“ I am back. I had something to take care of at home. Father needed me. Now I am back. To spread my beliefs and take in the Sodom that is the outside. ”
Really long, really, really awkward silence.
“ ... How have you been? ” 
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
"Well, hello there hot stuff!~"
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“ ... Don’t say that. That is sinful. ” 
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
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He’s back, for a time. He had to return home, to the commune.
... Nervously waves.
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
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gets followers on this blog despite forgetting to do anything on it
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
When he stepped inside, a robust scent hit the Lucario’s nose. Levi had wasted no time getting a pot on the stove, and he had a hearty curry sauce cooking, a pot of rice next to it. The sauce smelled of spice and meat.
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“Won’t take too long; this is a nice quick recipe. Make yourself comfortable.”
The house itself wasn’t incredibly fancy on the inside
 the kitchen was fairly open, with a small table sitting off to the side between it and the living room; a large couch and chairs were set up facing a nice-sized television screen
 he could see a bathroom and bedroom a little further in, with a large-sized bed.
“Sorry to keep ya waiting on it
 and don’t feel like it’s an imposition. I love hosting folks; me and Kas both.”
Ezekiel cocked a brow, but opted not to investigate any further. Right now, he was concerned with food, and with rest. He’d been traveling for days upon end, without anything but the food he had on hand and the water he could find in streams.
How shameful. To be reduced from the position of Deacon to a meager wanderer in the countryside.
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“ Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality -- the Lord smiles on those that treat his children well. Ah -- but I don’t mean to presume. Are you a believer in the Family too? ”
The Family didn’t sound exactly like any Legendary Pokemon, but it was almost certainly a religion. Ezekiel’s religion.
“ I am looking forward to the meal. Exotic foods are one of the few indulgences the Family allows me.
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
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Yuck, God talk. But the only giveaway to what she thought was just a slight change in posture, a slight bristle of feathers easily mistaken for a gentle breeze.
“Well, to me, he doesn’t care about what happens to us. What does a God think of us tiny, insignificant beings gone in an eye blink? He’s sent his kids to make sure everything runs smoothly while he takes his nap, is what I believe in.” She said, turning to her small bonfire that was heating up a small rodent pokemon. 
“In other words, the ‘Lord’ doesn’t have much of a say of what happens, because he gave us free will for a reason. So, I’ve fought against oppression, paid the price, and found a different life worth living for." 
Luckily for her, her child was safely aboard her ship for now. 
Ezekiel cut in immediately, as if he barely even heard what she had to say.
“ A life without God is not a life worth living for. ”
In truth, her words make him uncomfortable. The idea that he is not as important or as necessary to the existence of his God’s creation make Ezekiel shift uncomfortably, visibly trying to set his jaw and stop fiddling with the ends of his scarf. Yet, he recovered all the same, and returned to his cautiously practiced speech.
“ How can you say that when you don’t have an idea of what he can do, or the influence he holds on your life? None of us know God’s ways -- his mind is beyond ours. There is no way for you to be able to claim that he does not get a say in your life. ”
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“ Unless you’re claiming to know better than God, which is just... foolish. ”
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heavenfcrged-blog · 6 years
Falco almost couldn’t hear the newbie that he was murmuring so quietly, but after registering that he was being talked to he quickly turned his head to face the Ezekiel. But the end result of that action may have been more disappointing than Ezekiel had anticipated. 

That was it, a shrug, for at least a few seconds the pheasant had simply left it on that note. But another brief moment passes and he feels the need to speak up, or perhaps to elaborate.
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“Honestly, the more I figure out, the more questions I find myself havin’ t’answer. Delvin’ on that guy? Ain’t worth it. All we know is that he sent out our invites, n’ stuff.”
The bird puts a hand to his hip, glancing in the direction from where Master Hand would usually float in from if he weren’t teleporting all over the place. Despite not knowing a whole lot about how Master Hand came to be, or who he even was, Falco had been around Smash Bros. long enough to take note of simple quirks and trends in his routine. Beyond that, the hand remained a mystery.
Just don’t think about it, capisce?” Beat. A topic changer; “How’re y’settlin’ in? It must be hard t’try n’ fill in th’shoes’a someone else so suddenly. Believe me, I know a guy just like that.” 
Again, the Lucario shifted uncomfortably. The HAND was only one of many things that made him uneasy, made him regret accepting the invite, regret bringing it to his father and begging him for permission to go and prove himself among the greatest warriors.
All because of one GIANT HAND. That snapped its fingers and made reality bend around itself.
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“ ... We won’t have to FIGHT IT, will we? I can’t imagine being strong enough to defeat something powerful enough to... change the way space itself works with a wave of its... body. ”
Idioms were quickly becoming more and more challenging given the nature of his... opponent? Host? Falco’s uncertainty regarding the existence of Master Hand did little to quell the nervousness in Ezekiel’s gut.
Just don’t think about it. Easier said than done.
“ Uncomfortable, but managing. I have received... glances, from others -- I am well aware I don’t exactly FIT IN here. Maybe I don’t BELONG. Other than that... I am not sure. The last Lucario to hold this position... I hear they were a strong warrior. Have there been other replacements, like me? How long have you been coming to this tournament? ”
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