heavenlyraged · 2 years
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                    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓     𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒     𝐓𝐎     𝐓𝐇𝐄     𝐒𝐄𝐀     𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋                           𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒     𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍     𝐓𝐎     𝐓𝐇𝐄     𝐒𝐄𝐀
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heavenlyraged · 3 years
Guess     what,     I’m     back     bitches!     While     I     am     working     on     reapplying     to     Isola     and     revamping     this     blog,     feel     free     to     give     this     post     a     like     for     a     plotting     call
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heavenlyraged · 3 years
Guess     what,     I'm     back     bitches!     While     I     am     working     on     reapplying     to     Isola     and     revamping     this     blog,     feel     free     to     give     this     post     a     like     for     a     plotting     call
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
Winter Starters
Various winter starters that have nothing to do with holidays.
“I’m done with winter.”
“Snow? More like frozen evil…”
“Oh, it’s snowing again?”
“That’s not snow, that’s hail.”
“Don’t touch my snow man!”
“I’m building a snow fort, wanna help?”
“Let’s go ice skating, it’ll be fun!”
“Are you sure the lake is frozen?”
“Gah! The snow got in my shoes!”
“It’s not that cold is it?”
“Wait… You’re not going out wearing just that are you?”
“Please bundle up, I’m cold looking at you.”
“I’m wearing a sweater, over a sweater, over a long sleeves shirt. That’s how cold I am.”
“Here, use my scarf/gloves/hat.”
“Give me your hands, I’ll warm them up.”
“It’s not just below freezing, it’s below zero.”
“Let’s stay inside today.”
“Doesn’t this look lovely?”
“There’s no better way to spend a cold day than under all my blankets with a book or twelve.”
“My plans? To stay inside and stay warm.”
“Snow day? More like movie day.”
“My car won’t start…”
“Stuck? Let me help.”
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
i ’ m still here .
“ i’m still here. i told you, i ain’t going nowhere. ”
“ you keep me strong. ”
“ every day i’m holding on. ”
“ it’ll be you and me again, just the two of us again. ” 
“ take a look around you, everything is changing ”
“ everything we know won’t be the same. ”
“ it’s like you say, that’s the way love goes. ”
“ that’s the way love goes. ”
“ i’m still in love with you. ”
“ don’t say you’re sorry just because you left me. ”
“ i know you had your reasons, everybody does. ”
“ you know where to find me, i’ll still be waiting. ”
“ waiting for the sunrise, even though it’s raining. ”
“ as for tomorrow, nobody knows. ”
“ nobody sees me the way you do. ”
“ i told you. i ain’t going nowhere. ”
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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*beau voice* I think she’s an angel *o*
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
U N N A     /     S Y R G J A
   There weren’t many other women who were able to match Unna’s physical prowess, so this strange woman in monochrome immediately caught her attention. The unnecessarily huge sword on her back was a plus too. The old warrior grinned to herself and made her way over to the stranger. She was bound to be quite an interesting conversational companion.
   “Hello there,” Unna said with a smile. “If you’re looking for a better price for meats, I’d go to Ulfric’s shop down the street. This particular gentleman who you’ve met is infamous for price gouging.”
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   The shopkeep in question scoffed, indignant, and quickly began to attempt to argue the contrary. According to him, he offered only the finest quality meats, and always at a premium price.
   Unna snorted, “Oh, ‘premium,’ aye. Wiglaf, you tried charging me five gold for a half-rotted piece of venison!” She then turned to the stranger, nonplussed by the all-too-visible sword.
   “Come on, I’ll get you what you’re looking for. Ulfric’s is this way.”
                       𝐘𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀     𝐖𝐀𝐒     𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑     𝐀     𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍     𝐎𝐅     𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇,     𝐒𝐇𝐄     𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑     𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃.     Sure,     she     almost     always     had     coin     in     her     purse     but     never     above     her     own     need.     So     when     she     was     told     1     platinum     for     two     slabs     of     local     game,     her     face     soured.     Yes,     she     could     easily     hunt     the     game     herself     or     stay     at     a     tavern     for     a     meal,     she     didn't     have     the     TIME.     She     was     getting     closer     to     whatever     the     STORMLORD     has     drawn     her     too,     no     use     in     stopping     now.
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                       A     voice     erupting     from     behind     LURED     the     barbarian     away     from     the     shopkeeper,     her     head     turning     to     glance     over     broad     shoulders.     SURPRISED     she     was     as     violet     hue     fell     upon     a     woman     of     similar     stature.     A     soft     smile     traced     her     pale     lips     as     she     mutely     observed     the     banter     between     the     two.
                   ❛     By     all     means,     lead     the     way.    ❜     
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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Thinking about Yasha getting a wisdom tattoo uvu
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
OOC     /     SELF     PROMO
Since     this     is     easier     for     me     right     now,     give     this     post     a     LIKE     or     REBLOG     if     you     are     interested     in     interacting     with     an     indie     (    as     of     right     now,     isola     app     in     progress    )     YASHA     NYDOORIN     of     CRITICAL     ROLE. Rolled     by     Melody
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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I have become the devil To realize that I’m divine I have been living with demons Last night I left them by the fire In my quest I seek forgiveness In my love, I will forgive I have lied to see what truth is The burns heal, the smoke clears away - “forgiveness” elephant revival
Thinking abt the imagery of her feathers growing over obann’s mark
Timelapse under the cut!!
Keep reading
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
OOC     /     GENERAL
So...     college     has     been     kicking     my     ass.     The     first     week     was     great     but     now     I'm     v     depressed     in     quarantine     so     I'm     gonna     be     around     here     some     tomorrow     bc     I     need     some     outlets.
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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“If there was some amazing force outside of time To take us back to where we were, And hang each moment up like pictures on the wall Inside a billion tiny frames so that we could see it all.”
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
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slowly, but surely 🌼
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
all i want to do is lie tragically on the forest floor and feel the rain on my skin
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heavenlyraged · 4 years
M O L L Y M A U K     /     N I G H T T F I G H T
He quietly listens, his red eyes and pupil-less gaze lingering on her face. Yasha might stumble over her words once in a while, and she might not speak as often as most but there’s a depth to her. There’s the ache of trauma, the burn of yearning… Within her is a kind but mighty soul who is haunted by her mysterious past. The two of them are similar in more ways than one and he often finds himself wishing he had answers for her. Only if he had found her instead of the other way around… No one deserves the pain they’re going through. Especially not Yasha.
“I know,” he assures her, “I just wanted to remind you…. I just wanted you to know that no matter what you discover about your past, you deserve to be happy. I’ll personally fight anyone who disagrees.” Suddenly discontent with where and how he’s sitting, he moves and sits beside Yasha before saying anything further. “Even if that person is you. You’d probably win but at least I’ll have given it a shot.”
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                       𝐀     𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋     𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄     𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐖     𝐎𝐍     𝐇𝐄𝐑     𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓     𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄,     𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄     𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒     𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆     𝐈𝐍     𝐀     𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓     𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃.     Shifting     over,     her     back     now     leaned     against     the     log     to     give     room     for     Molly     to     slide     down     to     the     earth     beside     her,     a     hand     gently     placed     on     his     thigh.     ❛    Thank     you,     Molly.    ❜      She     replied     quietly,     her     voice     a     GHOST     in     the     wind,     a     mere     hushed     whisper.     ❛    I     pray     the     same     for     you,     even     if     you     are     not     looking     for     it.     I     hope     you     can     make...     peace...     with     whatever     fate.    ❜      She   �� remembered     a     night     from     long     ago,     much     like     this     one,     when     molly     retold     how     he     stumbled     upon     the     circus     with     the     inability     to     speak.     Only     echoing     the     word     EMPTY.     She     wished     not     that     fate     onto     anyone,     molly     least     of     all.     ❛    Oh,     I     don't     know...    ❜      She     mused,     giving     him     a     soft     nudge     with     her     shoulder.     ❛    You     have     some     tricks     up     your     sleeve.    ❜     
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