heavenward-s · 1 year
i’ve developed a habit of visual
the words meant for other eyes
silently studied in a public private moment
i’ve seen suicide suggested on the tube;
abuse described in shallow terms
excuses threaded through hollow explanations
please i have a reason
tell me why i’m like this
explanation is not excuse
please don’t threaten her again
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heavenward-s · 1 year
my voice was lost when i was fourteen 
down the drain with my willpower 
talent doesn’t count as a tween 
unless you can tend it in your twenties
his words are bolder
he knows he is good 
he stands by his outpourings 
he rests on deserved laurels 
in the looming attic glistening wet on the skylights 
analyse my outpourings so that i may understand 
cower behind the length of twisted intentions 
humiliation hides behind every corner
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heavenward-s · 1 year
i’m sitting in the park, and pigeons are mating in the bush behind me, and bluebells and blooming in the grass in front of me, and the bench beside me is empty. i wonder if every weekday will be like this from now on: a lonesome trudge towards love on the weekend?
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heavenward-s · 1 year
perhaps i’ll spend the afternoon inside my green turtleneck. it’s quiet and the birds are tweeting and there are enough bins for everyone to throw their ice lolly wrappers away. the sun stays out but it’ll dapple itself on command when you start to find it too bright. the grass is green and moist but leaves no muddy stains on your skirt. the samba band plays in the distance and their hope is real and tangible and applicable. we each save the planet before dinnertime. 
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heavenward-s · 1 year
i want to die in his bed, in his arms, with him watching. if he let me die that way i would know i was loved. he slips away into routine, he misses the sunsets, he gives in to what should be. i’ll wait until it’s my turn but i already know the ending. we retire at sixty-six, Junior watches on, our lives’ savings dwindle. we should’ve died in the light. we should’ve died while the music was still playing.
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heavenward-s · 1 year
it’s funny what comes to you in a dream. a reminder of the things you always wanted but somehow forgot over the course of a few dragging months, the lights too bright to remember what you came here for in the first place. love is blinding, but it illuminates the dull middling parts of a long list of thoughts and shows you what you forgot you agonised over. in a mid-blue heaven i am sitting and waiting for you to come home. i’m looking forward to the sun and the gift and the kiss of 4 o'clock.
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heavenward-s · 2 years
i have a dream i am a spiny bag of bones and my skin doesn’t crawl and my organs are empty and quiet
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heavenward-s · 2 years
Is it okay if I take a picture of myself? which version of me does that fit into? which of my friends will like me less? which of them will see it as a delusion, which as proof of my vanity? where shall i post it? i gave up a while ago on a curated pictographic diary, an archive of a Cool Young Thing and the way she dressed when my self esteem curled up smaller than my narcissism. or did i? isn’t this proof of some attempt at literary portraiture? can i describe myself well enough in words for it to count? i haven’t taken a photo of myself in months. i can’t track the changes. i know my hair is different but i can’t remember what it looked like before. 
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heavenward-s · 2 years
in a dream where we kept ourselves to ourselves;
took what we were offered, 
shared as we should have,
knew how to stop and how it should start.
we should’ve loved in tandem.
i’ll honour your greed
and forgive myself my envy
and laugh at our foolishness.
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heavenward-s · 2 years
master manipulator dressed white 
she would have done anything for love, 
and now she’s found it. 
lose yourself in the fray of
a heart broken and a heart bought - 
was it worth it?
is the water warm enough to drown in? 
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heavenward-s · 2 years
it’s not a brave face with you,
a smile in soft recognition
take my frowns and turn it around!
honesty in everything,
tell me your sins and we’ll wash them clean
under the shower head together.
hark! here is a love to tell people about
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heavenward-s · 2 years
i wanted it painful,
but all that hurts is the anticipation:
when will it cut me?
when will you decide you’ve had enough?
i want to love so much i can’t eat
i want shadows under my eyes to show
how much i can’t sleep
i want my brain to drip with you
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heavenward-s · 2 years
i think this year i have learnt the value of unconditional love with conditions attached:
i will love you whatever you do (but please don’t hurt the others),
tell me your darkest secrets and i will forget them (until you need me to remember).
you will love me (until i answer your riddles wrong, and then i will realise i never deserved it anyway).
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heavenward-s · 2 years
bliss in sordid anticipation;
he needs to file down his edges
before he hurts someone.
i’ll wait while he does it,
stand here while he tires himself out
and sees me for what i am:
not what he wanted,
to say the least.
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heavenward-s · 2 years
pleased as punch!
perhaps it’s wrong to want
this natural circular denouement,
maybe this is not winning,
maybe my losses contort themselves
under arrogance, a joke taken too far,
too late to turn back now
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heavenward-s · 2 years
flaky pastry
crumbs in bed,
stone the fruit in the grass,
it’s permitted.
numbers in lists
weigh it up,
watch it fold,
see it hunch over and die
read the words of those who could
see success in their spines
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heavenward-s · 2 years
soft home of suffering:
our posters mingled on the walls
socks mixed up in the drier
and colin’s forgotten beetroot.
a gift and a gift in return;
a knock she couldn’t answer and
your keys forced back through the letterbox
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