heckcest · 6 years
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heckcest · 6 years
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heckcest · 6 years
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heckcest · 7 years
i have two fic requests in my inbox and i promise i will get to them soon <3
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heckcest · 7 years
I wrote a fanfic of my own. It's a hardcore sex cuckold of Mike where Axl makes a sextape with Sue and Frankie. Axl has sex with them while mike hears or watches. The girls are trying to fight for who gets pregnant by Axl. I don't know if I should post it or not.
I mean, despite the all encompassing title that is heckcest, the only pairing I really ship from the Middle is Sue and Axl. I wouldn’t tell anyone not to post their fanfic though. It sounds like it has a lot going on in it. My biggest suggestion would just be making sure everyone is of age and that there is consent. 
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heckcest · 7 years
How is Charlie married
I mean maybe google is wrong but I definitely remember seeing wedding photos.
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heckcest · 7 years
What would be your reaction if Charlie and eden are dating?
I would be so happy lol! But like Charlie is apparently married??? Tho I am a sucker for like forbidden love. 
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heckcest · 7 years
i saw like a middle wiki that talked about heckcest and called this blog inactive WHICH it is not i am just busy and unless I have people to interact with I don’t post as much
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heckcest · 7 years
ANYWAY, sue and axl are in love and sue is heartbroken that axl and lexie are dating which is why she wanted to throw up and axl knew sean was there for sue because purple is sue’s favorite color 
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heckcest · 8 years
Axl taking Sue to the chancellor's ball was the most precious thing in the universe!
I still can’t breathe.
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He always comes through for her. And she looks so pretty!!!
“The unlikeliest of princes”. Sounds like a fanfic title!
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heckcest · 8 years
Imagine Sue and Axl finally making out for the first time and Sue is terrified bc they are on his bed and it's pretty obvious what is about to happen and Axl is kind of a jerk so she's really scared to do it with him but his voice totally changes and he's all soft and gentle like "are you okay?" And "is this something you want to do you don't have to I won't be mad" and his voice is all soft and loving and she's like ?????? This is what axl's girlfriends get???? Treated nice wow?????
Yeah, it would definitely be a totally different side of Axl for her to see and experience. We know Axl can be a really sweet boyfriend and he would treat Sue like a princess in the right moments. I would love to see those really sweet moments between them, and also have those balanced out by still having the same kind of dynamic and Axl still being Axl and all that. 
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heckcest · 8 years
Ahh are you active again?
I wish! Any time I have time and a working computer and free wifi I try to bang out as many episodes as I can, but I don’t always have the time. 
I’m always lurking, but when there’s not a lot of content it is hard to be incredibly active. 
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heckcest · 8 years
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heckcest · 8 years
Floating 50
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Summary The complications of Brick going to hell is hilarious. The family all spending time without Sue is making me bummed. Mike being aware that the family has sunk lower is hilarious to me. This lesbian coach is hilarious to me. Mike caring about his wife is adorable. The mother’s day being bad is hilarious to me. Also the three guys trying to plan a party is so funny to me. Brick learning about sports is interesting. Brick just gets hit a bunch and it’s hilarious with me. Brick is such a funny character. Men trying to plan a party is so funny to me. So they plan something, but then Frankie doesn’t show up. She gets stuck at Sue’s college. They have her just video chat in which is really adorable. I think one of the funniest throw away lines was when Nancy comes out with the cake and it is just the phone book covered in frosting. Sue Commentary Sue loses her sock and apparently this is important enough to warrant her plot. Sue worrying about her family dying is so hilarious to me. Sue hears about the party and has 1 million ideas. Sue lying is hilarious to me. Sue says that she should’ve been consulted earlier. She really should’ve. It was really hilarious when Frankie thought she was missing. Frankie seemed so concerned. And then Sue kept having to lie more. It was just so funny. Axl Commentary Axl is such a bully to whoever he can bully. Axl not wanting to spend time with Sue is hilarious to me. He was so proud of that sub. I just thought it was so funny with the line they kept talking about the sides and they didn’t have anything. Axl was so proud of himself for doing the bare minimum. How Heckcestuous Was It? Not that heckcestuous but there are times where they interact so I will give it a 3 out of the kindness of my heart. Also it was just cute. I liked that despite Axl trying to pretend that he didn’t want her there, he really like interacts with her the most during the party scene. He shows off the sandwich to her. And then they work together to show off the porch light. He is just around her a lot for not wanting her there. (Me thinks the Axman doth protest too much.) So yeah, they were by each other a lot and that was really cute. Fic Written Based on It None at the moment. Prompt from It With Frankie stuck somewhere, and Mike passing out on the couch and expecting the kids to clean up, and Brick falling asleep or reading in his room, Sue and Axl have the house all to themselves. Well… they have Sue’s room all to themselves. And they hang out and kiss and make out. I really liked Sue’s outfit, so I love the idea of Axl helping her out of it. And then the two of them cuddle and fall asleep. The next day Axl and Sue drive up to get Frankie and drop Sue off and on the way there they “get stuck” because of the snow and they have to cuddle up together in the car. Why Watch It? It was very VERY funny. Mostly the last third of the episode, the beginning was a little boring and slow.
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heckcest · 8 years
Birds of a Feather
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Summary Axl’s comment about not stealing for the family is hilarious to me. I also loves Frankie’s choice in TV shows. Cindy and Mike have a subplot which is hilarious to me. I love Cindy she is so cute. Brick’s comment about usually reading is hilarious to me. The new set up of the dentists office is terrible to me. I love Cindy’s aggression and anger and bullying of Mike. The running joke about not knowing how old Brick is so hilarious to me. Brick likes Cindy so much. Mike getting bullied by eighth graders is so freaking hilarious to me. Frankie trying to avoid complaining about work is so funny to me. Mike trying to cover Frankie’s smelly feet with a blanket is hilarious to me. Mike calling Frankie and Axl the same person is hilarious to me. Frankie and Axl being called the drama queens of the house is the best line I have ever heard. Brick is such a good kid. I love when Brick and Mike bond. Sue Commentary Sue is an adorable little optimistic baby and I love her. Also her professor is super cute. I have such a weird thing for Sue dating older men (like Rev Tim Tom). The teacher keeps calling her like superficial, but she’s just a sweet baby. It’s not her fault. Sue is such a happy adorable baby. The professor is so cute. We get introduced to Jeremy and he is a such a shitty human being. Sue is so optimistic about life. Sue calling the professor a little bit handsome is so great. A teacher who wants Sue to argue is so hilarious. When she gets mad about conflict that’s adorable. I hate Jeremy. Axl Commentary Axl looks like he’s gaining a little weight, but he looks cute in a suit. Axl is really doing internship work. Watching Axl strip is so hilarious to me. Axl being a sleepy hint baby is hilarious to me. Axl complaining about work is so hilarious to me. Axl complaining about Frankie complaining is is freaking funny to me. Axl bringing home a bird is so funny. Axl not knowing where the bird’s butt is reminds me so much of Charlie. Axl learning that you have to give up your dreams is so sad. Axl and Frankie bonding is absolutely adorable. They are so alike. How Heckcestuous Was It? Not heckcestuous at all unfortunately. Fic Written Based on It None at the moment. Prompt from It Man Axl looked so pretty in his suit, so maybe he goes to bother Sue while she’s working on the paper and ??? They kiss and stuff. The season really has not given me a lot in terms of inspiration for prompts. I mean, yes, both are currently single, but like aside from that there’s really not a lot there to inspire. I always like when they’re both single because you can imagine the two hooking up without feeling guilty about cheating, but at the same time like they just really don’t interact enough to warrant anything worth trying to head canon as shippable in this episode. Why Watch It? The comparison between Frankie and Axl is funny as is Brick and Cindy making Mike’s life difficult.
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heckcest · 8 years
The Rush
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Summary There’s a lot of confusing stuff happening. Mike’s subplot interacts with Axl. Frankie’s subplot has to do with Brick. Brick has a friend, named Troy, and I’m so happy for him. Mike’s diaper thing is doing okay. Also, how does Mike have a smart phone? Basically Mike fights with someone on the internet and then somehow the Hecks phone number ends up on twitter. Axl gets a job with Little Debbies. Sue doesn’t get into a sorority but meets Lexi. Frankie gets all emotional about Brick. I mean, there is a lot happening but it doesn’t all cohesively go together that well. Sue Commentary She’s trying to join a sorority. She meets Lexi, I want them to date. Lexi is so cute. Sue is so adorable with the crying. Sue is just such a sweet person. Her wardrobe is adorable. Sue calls herself a pro at rejection. Her suggestion about crying into a sweatshirt is hilarious. Hr outfits in the episode are all really cute, but it’s hard to believe that she can afford all of them. Especially those nice heels. Axl Commentary There’s this hilarious scene at the beginning where Axl has Mike tie all of his ties for him. He’s working with his dad. Mike needs help with social media. Axl is trying to get an internship. Axl trying to explain stuff to Mike about social media is hilarious to me. Axl gets an internship and is not as big of a jerk to Mike as he could be about the social media mishap. Is he maturing finally?? How Heckcestuous Was It? They briefly interacted at the beginning. Nothing heckcestuous though unfortunately. Fic Written Based on It None at the moment3 Prompt from It I don’t know. Their plots were so separate from each other it is hard to try to bring them together. Maybe like helping each other choose clothes that look nice on them for the interviews (both rush and internship) and then helping each other undress and hooking up afterwards? I really don’t know how to tie their storylines together cohesively and also in a ship way. Why Watch It? Sue looks really pretty in all of her clothes.
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heckcest · 8 years
No Silent Night
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Summary Okay so the Heck family decides not to go to church and to watch mass on tv instead. Sue wants to take a christmas photo thats a part of it as well. This leads to the conflict of the episode, being that all of the photos on the computer from the past 7 years disappear. The past 7 years, which is the entirety of the show, so they are referencing all these things that have happened. Then Frankie can’t find the printed family photos so she starts to freak out. Mike does not care. Frankie cries and the kids try to make it better, but it does not work at all. Sue accidentally shoves Mike off the couch, he gets mad. There’s a thing with perfume. They do go to church. Christmas the next day is better. Sue Commentary Sue’s wardrobe is so cute. She looks very cute in this episode. Except the onesie she wears at the end, not as cute. Anyway, she takes some photos, loses some photos, lots of things happen. She makes Mike mad, she apologizes, there’s a very confusing scene with some frozen stuff?? Anyway, she was very cute in this episode.   Axl Commentary Axl was also cute in this. He wore this weird yellow sweater that I couldn’t really figure out. Like I both liked and didn’t like the look. Anyway, Brick and Axl have a weird cat perfume present subplot. And then also Brick and Axl try to make Frankie feel better when she gets sad. They come across really similar in that scene. How Heckcestuous Was It? My favorite scene from this entire episode was when Sue pushed Mike down and then the brothers tried to protect her. Not completely a Sue and Axl moment but a sibling moment between all of them that was really the best. I give the episode a four because of that scene alone. There were quite a few cute things between Sue and Axl where they worked together. When they were both shaking Mike it was so funny. God, I just love the stuff where she ran away from him. It is so relatable in a family setting. There were so many parts that were just so funny, especially Axl’s line “Run to the bathroom with the door that locks!”. Such a great episode. Fic Written Based on It None at the moment. Prompt from It Oh man, there are so many to choose from. I really enjoyed Axl trying to protect Sue from Mike. I mean, I always love the idea of the two of them cuddling. And looking at photos together. Whenever old photos come up I’m like SHOW THEM TO ME SO I CAN MAKE UP BACKSTORY. I thought it would’ve been cute if they like retook photos to make Frankie happy. I feel like there was a lot they could’ve done with that thread. I also would’ve enjoyed the two teaming up to solve the problem, more than they did. I would love a subplot where they have to parent, maybe because the parents are super drunk or something. I dunno, but something like that would be interesting.   Why Watch It? It is so funny. I watched it twice like I was that enamored with it. A very cute episode. They always do really funny Christmas episodes.
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