hecklingcrows · 7 years
please stay safe babe 💘 take as much time as you need. yourself comes first always
Thank you so much, Love! My family and I are doing as much as we can to stay safe. A lot of places are now under mandatory evacuation zones, but my area is still in the safe zone thankfully, even if we’re still slightly flooded. There have already been casualties, but I’m hoping that number doesn’t rise any longer.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Is your blog title from Underdogs?
If you’re asking about the song by Benjamin then yes Nonnie, it is!
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
No worries about not being active! I hope you and your family stay safe, I've seen the news and other pictures and it looks terrible, I'll do my best to help out without being able to travel there. Wishing you the best!
Thank you so much Nonnie, that means a lot to me. Any type of prayer no matter what your religion makes me feel so much better about this situation. I can only pray that things don’t get worse and Harvey doesn’t make that turnaround.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Hi everyone. It’s about time I put an update here. No, I am still not returning even though I’m well past the 3 week pause I promised. I’m still not completely healed from the past incident that happened, and I don't feel that I’d be able to write at my 100% like I’d want to, and you guys deserve better, but there are also other reasons as to why I’m extending my leave of absence.
As many of you may or may not know, there was a hurricane in Texas this past weekend, and as I’m typing this theres a large possibility that it may take a 360 and hit Houston, again. Houston is my home for everyone who doesn’t know. I’ve lived here for the past 15 years, and this is the most catastrophic event that has happened. Hurricane Ike never reached the levels that Hurricane Harvey has, and is still currently doing. As of right now my home and neighborhood are safe, but the surrounding streets that circle us are completely flooded, so I’m basically a sitting duck right now amongst this disaster. 
I’m asking for your prayers for my friends and family’s safety. There has been multiple tornados that have hit homes, including taking a roof off of a home of an old friend of mine. I deeply apologize for everyone I disappoint with this decision, but I feel like I’m doing what’s best. I’m far too distracted with concerns of my city’s safety and all of the people that live here. Houston is my home, and I don’t want to lose it.
Again, I’m so sorry for this inconvenience. I love you all, and thank you for 800+ followers even though I obviously don’t deserve it.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
I know I said I wanted this blog to be more active but right now I think I’m going to take an actual hiatus on here. Even though I haven’t been posting material I still AM working on all the requests. Some incidents happened today in my private life and I just need a small break from all social media to gather myself. I don’t know how long it will take, maybe two or three weeks depending.
I’m so sorry guys. I’ll still have notifications on so if any of you want to message me about anything feel free. I just may not get to you right away. Thank you.
Much love. ❤️
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
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Tsukishima Kei — 月島 蛍; 
Position: Middle Blocker ☆
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Hiii! Bokuto and Suga for the ask thing?
bokuto koutarou aka my love
do I like them: yes!! would marry 10/105 good qualities: his THIGHS, his upbeat personality!! hes super encouraging??? + he literally cares for everyone i mean. THIGHS.3 bad qualities: ahhh his mood swings lol, uh sometimes he can be a tad bit overbearing, favourite episode/etc: when they officially meet tsukki and the third gym is born!otp: Bokuroo obvbrotp: bokuto and hinata lol i think their dynamic is so cuteot3: my heart is screaming third gym but really its akaashi, bokuto, and kuroo lol.notp: i dont have one??? hes literally my dream guy cant imagine him as a notpbest quote: i dont wanna say the exact quote cause i dont want to spoil it for people who arent caught up with the manga but its in the latest chapter where bokuto relates to tanaka about the pressure hes feeling from the match lol. it where you kinda realize that hes really aware of himself and his actions even tho it sometimes seems like he isnt.head canon: even tho its proven its the one where hes self aware of himself even though he can also be dense about stuff
sugawara koushi
do I like them: yes hes literally the sweetest5 good qualities: hes definitely a caring person, he looks out for everyone and wants to make sure theyre working their hardest, he can also be strict when he needs to be, he puts other people first especially if it means its for the better, he knows how to work with everyone bc hes easily compatible 3 bad qualities: sometimes he can feel really insecure about himself, favourite episode/etc: when he talks to tenshin about making kageyama the official setter instead of himotp: suga and asahi lolbrotp: suga and daichiot3: i meeaaannnnn suga, daichi, and asahi lolnotp: dont have onebest quote: during the interhigh when they were against seijoh and he was really passionate about wanting to be able to fight with the team too. it really made my heart happy ;-;head canon: sometimes he get really upset at himself for the fact that he’s not the official setter. it makes him feel really inadequate and uncertain about how he wants to move forward with volleyball. but he realizes that not all opportunities come gift wrapped and this was a chance for him to improve himself for the better of him and the team.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
give me a character and i'll answer
do I like them:
5 good qualities:
3 bad qualities:
favourite episode/etc:
best quote:
head canon:
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Ask memes are always helpful! They let people know that you want to talk with them and give them a prompt to ask you about. @question-meme has a lot of great ones, and so does @fyeahaskmemes, if you don't know where to find them. Otherwise, simply making a post to let people know you want to talk to them (like you just did) is great! Hope this helped, at least a little (and sorry it's so long)!
I have reblogged ask memes multiple times before but I guess it kinda gets a bit discouraging when they get ignored 😅 but I’ll look into those blogs definitely!! =) Thank you!
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
What are some ways I can interact more with you guys?
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
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Ahhh!!!! Thank you!!!!! I never thought I'd get here????? Wow you guys are the best.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
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someone wanted to see a bokuroo lovechild and who am i to resist that
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
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kill me i’m having too many feelings
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Bokuro and Tanahina
I live and breathe for Bokuroo guys. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
do you think any of the haikyuu guys would be interested in an asexual s/o? i've asked this to other people and usually they say it would be fine but would it? sex is a large part of most relationships and i don't think a lot of the characters would be able to accept a relationship without it. anyway, what do you think? have a lovely day! Xx
before i answer your question, i just gotta mention this real quick- the lucky thing about haikyuu guys is that there are so many of them, which means that their character development/exposure is limited. so what we can actually analyze and elaborate on, is a lot of speculation and our own personal experiences, which differ from person to person. so i’m not saying that other people are wrong in thinking that hq men aren’t okay with asexuality, but there is also the possibility that we’re basing their entire preferences (which can suddenly change in a relationship) on the good things we’ve seen and therefore have a bias/misconception.
right, let’s get down to business.
firstly, you’re absolutely right. sex is a huge part of relationships. surprisingly so. even for people who get into a relationship thinking ‘it’s not so big of a deal’, may end up holding a grudge against the other person. it’s not pretty, and it ends up ugly; nobody walks away unscathed.
because you’re not asking about a specific character, i’m going to go with the general gist. some characters don’t seem like they’ll be that happy with it, others might. i don’t think anyone will be an asshole, because furudate has created a bunch of very nice people, but it could possibly lead to feelings of frustration or ‘am i not good enough?’, ‘do they not want me?’. and they’re teens. there’s a lot of comparing relationships going on, especially during breaks in classrooms. i think characters like kuroo would get upset, despite rationally not wanting to be, and oikawa would have a hard time with it. kageyama, is another, and surprisingly, suga, because he seems like the type to show his affections physically- and when two people’s ‘love languages’, in a way, aren’t compatible, that can cause tension not from the lack of intercourse/pleasure, but because they might feel like they aren’t being understood.
anyhow, to answer your overarching question- i’d say yes. i think the hq cast are as good as you’re gonna get when it comes to understanding, mature teenagers. and as long as you discuss your asexuality before getting into anything serious, i think these guys will be willing to learn and find a new way to compromise with you, instead of straight up turning you away.
(and you have a lovely day too, anon! :D )
Edit: i forgot to add. people like daishou and the miya twins- they strike me as a no-go with asexuality. and not nicely, either. they’re interesting characters, but not particularly kind people.
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
Lets play: OTP, BROTP, or NOTP
send me any ship, and I mean ANY ship, and I’ll tell you if its an OTP, BROTP, or NOTP!
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hecklingcrows · 7 years
What kind of dates and/or honeymoon do you think Kuroo and Iwaizumi would plan/prefer with their s/o?
I want to date the both of them and these feel inadequate I’m sorry.
[under the cut]
Kuroo Tetsurou
He does date planning and sight-seeing with his s/o very spontaneously. He likes the surprise of their time together since everything else is always a routine for them.
One of your first dates would be to an animal shelter. He loved seeing your face light up seeing all the puppies and kitten waiting to be adopted. He felt bad when you wanted to take one home but couldn’t because of certain circumstances, but he reminded himself to remember with pet was your favorite so he can gift the animal to you on another day.
When you get married to him expect a road trip around Europe. One of his favorite stops was Ibiza because of the city nightlife. Bar-hopping was a definite must for the both of you while you were there. Also forget about any type of fancy restaurants, because your diet with mainly consist of all of the street foods you can manage to eat with a little bit of room service mixed in because Kuroo likes to “sleep-in” a lot. ;)
Last stop you both would make on the trip is to the Colosseum. Kuroo is a complete science nerd but he definitely loves his history, too. Expect him to explain to you all of the displays before you even get to read it because even though you guys have been together for a long time and are even married now he still loves to impress you. 
Iwaizumi Hajime
He’s the type to like a date that’s a bit more private but still not confined between four walls. So expect lot’s of picnics or a drive-in theater.
Iwaizumi likes to have everything planned out to a T because he doesn’t have much of a liking towards unexpected events, so for your first date he planned it out from dawn to dusk because he wanted it to be perfect since he wants to impress you.
It would definitely start off with a cute little breakfast at any small coffee shop you liked, and it would end with you both laying in the trunk of his truck un a field under the stars. Definitely a picnic type of person with he’s with his s/o. Its not to extravagant but the intimacy is what makes it special for the both of you.
When married, the first place he wants to go is the Caribbean Islands. Maybe even through a Disney Cruise, but he’d surprise you with those tickets. He’s loves the water and boat rides so the cruise would also be a plus for him. Definitely going to be in the first class, so imagine the room service.
Likes the fact that the time you spent together felt more intimate because you both got to try a lot of firsts on the cruise (in more ways than one). Expect him to take A LOT of photos of the both of you. He wants to document as much as possible because he wants to “preserve the moment.” He’d be that secret artsy person that’s obsessed with polaroids of you two together.
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