hefillsthevoid · 11 months
John 4:14 KJV
but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
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hefillsthevoid · 11 months
Mark 10:17-18 (KJV) 17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Was Jesus denying his divinity in verse 18? The short answer is no. The young rich man did not recognize that he was before God in calling him "Good Master" or good teacher. Jesus' question was actually an answer. He was telling him do you not know to whom you are speaking? Only God in his divinity is good. Throughout his ministry Jesus made it plain of his divinity even before the Sanhedrin who because Jesus saying he was God sought to kill him. (Mark 14:62)
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hefillsthevoid · 11 months
Bill & Gloria Gaither - In Time, On Time, Every Time [Live] ft. Gold City
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit | Dr. David Jeremiah
The best explanation I’ve ever heard on what it means to crucify the flesh. It’s not “let go and let God” but requires our active participation.
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
At Any Moment | Dr. David Jeremiah
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
The Best Country Gospel Songs to Lift Your Heart and Renew Your Spirit -...
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
This Video Should End His Career
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
Finding Peace of Mind in Christ - Phil Robertson
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
The Broken Ones- Lauren Talley; Like the broken pottery to the potter, Jesus can take the broken ones and make them whole again. Give them purpose, give them life and give them hope like never before.
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
Danger: The Fear of Sudden Trouble | Dr. David Jeremiah | Mark 4:35-41
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
Jesus Loves Me - The most BEAUTIFUL hymn medley (with Children’s Choir!) Beautiful and moving rendition
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
(Revised Throwback)
Observance of prophecy being fulfilled is most interesting, but it is a complicated process to understand and watch. It is seeing mankind in a continual slide away from God, and the principles of what is right, to embrace those of selfishness and sensuality. But these have been long described as monuments of the end of the age.
In the words of Psalm 2:1, “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?” What they produce is indeed vanity, and the sinful imaginations of a people in full scale rejection of their Creator. Satanic influence leads them as blind men down the road of false promise to an apex of depraved fulfillment that can never be. In the process, wholesale numbers in the human sea press onward, presenting a formidable challenge to authority.
Numbered among the human sea are those who desire to remain in authority. It is the kings and rulers who then take counsel together. Their counsel is against the LORD (Jesus) and His anointed (His bride, the church, the pillar and ground of the truth).
Their consensus is to break away from Judeo/Christian ethics, and the teachings of the Word, the same Word by which they have authority in the first place, (Rom. 13). As they cast away all attachments to the LORD and His anointed, the proverbial tail wags the dog, so that there remains no standard (other than what is right in each person's eyes) by which right and wrong are discriminated, and wrongdoing justly rewarded due punishment.
In each step in the process of authority rejection momentum is gained. The sea of humanity who does not know or care about law and order drift as waves of destruction seizing upon opportunities to advance the lawless process. They riot and loot in major cities to clamor for the dismantling of police departments and they succeed in increments. It is a slow, but methodical process, and one more step toward a human quagmire is accomplished. God will laugh, having them in their derision. In the LORD’S wrath, He will vex them in His sore displeasure. Psalm 2:4-5.
We have been there before. Just note Judges 17 and 21, “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” It did not work out well then, and it will never do so in the future. Although Satan is the god of this present evil world system, God remains in control of its ultimate outcome. Solomon said in Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes. . . “
Wise men learn from history.
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hefillsthevoid · 1 year
Orpah Stays Behind, but Ruth Goes with Naomi (1:15-18)
See Ruth's resolution, and her good affection to Naomi. Orpah was loth to part from her; yet she did not love her well enough to leave Moab for her sake. Thus, many have a value and affection for Christ, yet come short of salvation by him, because they will not forsake other things for him. They love him, yet leave him, because they do not love him enough, but love other things better. Ruth is an example of the grace of God, inclining the soul to choose the better part. Naomi could desire no more than the solemn declaration Ruth made. See the power of resolution; it silences temptation. Those that go in religious ways without a stedfast mind, stand like a door half open, which invites a thief; but resolution shuts and bolts the door, resists the devil and forces him to flee. Matthew Henry Concise Bible Commentary.
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