hejjhug Ā· 28 minutes
part 2 of my sonic x dungeon meshi crossover is finally here!! read part 1 if you haven't already and please enjoy šŸ‰
Something was wrong. Even with his eyes closed, Sonic knew that. It felt like something was poking around inside of his head, its ghastly claws sinking into his delicate brain-meat, and it hurt! In fact, the relentless jabbing was more than just painful; it unnerved him, its apparent wrongness causing his stomach to twist and turn as if to say, Get out!
So, Sonic scrunched up his nose and did something.Ā 
What did he do? How did he do it? These questions werenā€™t important to Sonic. All that mattered to him was that it worked. As soon as he gathered his strength, the intruder retreated. It took Sonicā€™s soon-to-be migraine headache along with it, leaving Sonic to exhale in relief.Ā 
Good riddance, he thought.
Then, Sonic opened his eyes.
Surrounding him were the rolling fields of Green Hill. The grass swayed in a gentle breeze and the sky was a perfect blue. Sonic looked around, but there didnā€™t seem to be any Flickies nearby, because he couldnā€™t hear their telltale song. In fact, other than the wind, it was completely silent, almost like the whole world had just two occupants: him and the creature laying across his legs.
"Well, then," the creature--a winged lion--mused, its voice pleasant. "How did you do that, I wonder?"
Sonic blinked. He realized he couldn't feel his legs and tried to move out from under the lion, but couldn't. Frustrated, he asked, "Mind gettin' off me?"
The lion sighed. "I'm afraid I can't." Sonic opened his mouth to protest, but the lion continued, "A powerful spell has bound us together. But enough about that. I'm much more curious about you."
"Oh, yes. You."
Sonic didn't like the look in the lion's eyes. They sparkled, not unkindly, but not in a way he found particularly trustworthy, either. "First," Sonic said slowly, "you tell me something."
The lion smiled. "Of course," it replied. "Anything."
"What were you doin' in my head?"
The lion's eyes grew wide. "Ah, so the catā€™s out of the bag, is it?" When Sonic frowned, the lion went on to say, "I was looking for something. I'm surprised you were able to tell--usually, no one notices." Tilting its head, the lion asked, bemused, "But you're not of the usual sort, are you?"
Sonic's eyes narrowed. Looking for something? He didn't like the sound of that! "Not cool, dude," he said, ignoring the lion's comment about him being weird. "You have a mouth, right? If there's something you wanna know, use it and ask!"
"Fair enough," the lion conceded. Then, it set its large head down on Sonic's chest. "For what it's worth, your mind shut me out quickly. A passing glance is all I managed to capture before you overwhelmed me." The lion paused. "Yes, you're truly unusual."
Sonic bristled. He was liking this guy less and less by the minute. "What, you thought I'd roll over and let you take whatever you wanted? Not a chance!" He tried to shove the lion's head off him and sit up, but couldn't. The lion's skull was like a cinder block that'd been bolted to his rib cage and it refused to budge.
Irritated (and beginning to feel a little claustrophobic), Sonic spat, "Just who are you?"
The lion's smile returned. "Me?" Its yellow eyes flashed. "Hmm. Right now, I suppose I'm you."
The grass stilled as the breeze died. But Sonic wasn't afraid.
"So much for a lion!" Sonic sneered. "You're more like a copycat. All roar, no bite, I'll bet!"
"An imitation has no appeal to me," the lion replied smoothly. "What I'm really after is happiness. Now, it's my turn. So, please, tell me: what do you desire?"
Sonic gritted his teeth. The wall he'd unknowingly constructed to keep the lion out of his mind grew stronger with his determination. Then, with both hands, he grabbed the lion's head and lifted it off of his chest. Finally, he was able to sit up, although his legs still felt tingly.
"Such willpower!" the lion said, delighted.
Sonic furrowed his brow. After a moment, he let go of the lion's head and muttered, "What's with you? First you wanna know about my desires, then you're happy when I fight back?" He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't get you at all."
Chuckling, the lion replied, "The chase sweetens the prize."
Sonic snorted. "If all you want is to make me happy, that's easy. Just get off me!"
Instead, the lion curled up on Sonic's legs and closed its eyes. "I like you," it said, almost absentmindedly. "You're interesting. Indeed, anyone else would've folded to my vast consciousness. But there you are, still here."
Sonic didn't really understand what the lion was saying, but it made him angry anyway. "I'll never fold to you!"
A lazy grin played on the lion's lips. "Then we'll have to share. After all, you won't be going anywhere without my legs." Cracking an eye open, the lion added, "Although, you may find your heart has shifted once you wake. The Lord of the Dungeon's blood flows through it now..."
Sonic squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation. This whole conversation was so confusing!
Suddenly, Green Hill began to fade. Literally--the world around them was melting away into nothing. Before it disappeared completely, the lion said, "Good luck, Sonic."
Thistle inspected the gauntlet Sonic had surrendered to him with an impatient sort of fervor. He looked at each finger, the thumb, and the palm, but still didnā€™t find what he was looking for. So much of his focus was devoted to searching for the inscription he knew to be thereā€“somewhereā€“that he didnā€™t notice the lion chimera peering over his shoulder until their faces were practically touching.Ā 
Thistle jumped. ā€œStay back!ā€ he snapped, a bead of sweat rolling down his neck.
Sonic blinked, surprised by the mageā€™s outburst. But then he huffed and did as he was told.
"You hurt his feelings," Merlina told Thistle.
"It doesn't have feelings," Thistle replied automatically. Once he was sure Sonic wasnā€™t going to sneak up on him again, he began prying a screw loose from the gauntlet with his fingernails. Maybe the inscription was hidden underneath the plating?
Merlina put her hands on her hips. "Oh, certainly not the demon. But what of the hedgehog?"
Thistle didn't look up. "What of him?"
Merlina bit her lip. She didn't like how dismissive Thistle was, but it would be suspicious for her to care about Sonic like a friend, when they were supposed to be strangers. Still, when she looked over at the lion chimera, she couldn't help the ache in her chest, because it was her summoning spell that had brought him here in the first place. Though, her plan had gone awry.
In the end, Merlina simply turned away from Sonic and said to Thistle, "Nothing. Have you found the inscription yet?"
Thistle ignored her. But if heā€™d responded, it probably would've been something along the lines of, No. Or, No, obviously. Or maybe even, No, and you're not helping, so be quiet!
In response to his silence, Merlina turned up her nose. If he was going to be rude, then so be it, but as a member of the King's Court, she was above such petulant behavior! For that reason, Merlina chose to return his silence in kind.Ā 
Truly, the irony was palpableā€¦Ā 
If Sonic had been listening to their conversation, he wouldā€™ve rolled his eyes. But he wasnā€™t listening, because he was more focused on his pawsā€“all four of them.Ā 
Leaning over, Sonic stared down at his two front paws with wide eyes. A strange feeling filled his chest as he watched the moonlight shine through his gray fur. He knew without touching it that his fur was rough, like a nice winter coat, and that his dark claws could tear through even the toughest armor.
He tapped one of his toes. The sensation of his claw scraping against the dirt confirmed that what he was seeing was real, but it didnā€™t make the strange feeling in his chest any less strange. Like a boulder, or maybe a whole mountainā€™s worth of cascading rocks, it weighed heavily on Sonicā€™s chest. And it only grew stronger as he continued to look down at the feet that didnā€™t feel like his own.
Finally, Sonic looked away from his paws. He couldn't bear to see them anymore, since they were making his head hurt. Was he angry? Was he happy? The strange, seemingly contradictory feelings pounded against his skull like a jackhammer, threatening to split his head in two.
Thatā€™s not me, he thought. That canā€™t be me.
In desperation, Sonic looked this way and that, trying to find something--anything--to ease the pain. But everything he saw only made it worse. The feathers covering his chest and arms, the dragon with a human head, the she-mage Merlina. They all served to further his confusion until eventually, he turned his attention toward the only thing he had left to turn to: Thistle.
Instantly, a wave of calm rushed in. It washed away all other feelings and rid the lion chimera of his headache. He blinked slowly. His strange body didnā€™t bother him so much now. No, it didnā€™t bother him at all. His quills relaxed and his feathers laid flat, all because of that wicked glass vial, containing none other than a drop of the mad mageā€™s blood.
The winged lion had been right about Sonicā€™s heart.Ā 
Now, Sonic cared only for the Lord of the Dungeon.
ā€œThere you are,ā€ Thistle hissed. Heā€™d finally pried the plating off Sonicā€™s gauntlet. Between his thumb and forefinger, he held up a single iron strip to examine under the light of the moon. The glyphs glinted with an unmistakable power, their carving as masterful as heā€™d expected, each stroke etched perfectly into the metal. ā€œI knew the Great Wizard Merlinā€™s work hadnā€™t been lost. With this, Iā€™ll finally be able toā€¦ā€
ā€œThere are still more fragments to be found,ā€ Merlina interrupted, looking uncomfortable. ā€œOr have you forgotten?ā€
Scowling, Thistle pocketed the iron strip before discarding the rest of Sonicā€™s gauntlet. It fell to the grass with a muted thunk.
Sonic cocked his head and gave the gauntlet a brief glance, but quickly lost interest. He felt nothing at the sight of its mangled corpse and forgot about it as soon as he looked away. Yawning, the lion chimera closed his eyes and began to think about blueberriesā€¦
It was then that the dragon chimera approached. Her heavy footsteps caused the earth itself to tremble as if in warning while her long tail swished behind her, slow and steady. She peered down at Sonic, her bright yellow eyes standing out against the shadows of her face, her expression unreadable.
Sonic cracked one eye open to look at her. Her size failed to intimidate him, and her pinprick pupils drew another yawn from Sonic. If she thought he would be impressed by her Studio Trigger shading, she had another thing coming! But right as Sonic was about to go back to daydreaming, he caught sight of the red splatter on her huge dragon hand, and his nose twitched.
Heedless to the danger, Sonic got close enough to her hand to touch the splatter. It was dry and cracking but still smelled familiar, although something about it wasnā€™t quite right, like a latte with the wrong kind of milk, or a chili dog without the chili.
Just when Sonic was about to take a step back, he found himself being picked up by the human hands of the dragon chimera. At first, he squirmed, his wings flapping uselessly in an attempt to get away. But then he looked up at the dragon chimeraā€™s face and stopped.
She no longer looked like she belonged in a suspect lineup for the critically acclaimed 2023 game, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Instead, her features had softened to a more natural state, and Sonic couldnā€™t help but think that she looked too kind to be a dragon.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re,ā€ Falin started to say, her voice strained, ā€œjust aā€¦ childā€¦?ā€
Sonic wanted to fire back with a witty retort, but when he opened his mouth, he found it hard to say anything. It was like there was a weight pushing against his throat that hadnā€™t been there before, making even simple sounds difficult. Clearing his throat didnā€™t solve the problem, which irritated him, but he wasnā€™t a quitter, so he forced the words out anyway.
ā€œNnnothinā€™... ā€˜justā€™... about it!ā€
Then, with his back paws, Sonic pushed off against the dragon chimeraā€™s feathery abdomen and flipped out of her grasp. He landed on the ground with Olympic grace, rubbing his nose with his thumb as he grinned up at her. But his throat was shredded from just those four words, so he let his actions speak for themselves.Ā 
The dragon chimera, in all her mid-20s wisdom, knew that Sonic was trying to look cool. So, she clapped her hands together and smiled at him, because who was she to deny him of that? Sheā€™d already killed him once. Instead of sulking about what had been, unbeknownst to her at the time, a cold-blooded child murder, she found it much more productive to be supportive.
Now that Sonic smelled like the Lord of the Dungeon, there was no need for Falin to commit double child homicide, anyway.
ā€œDragon,ā€ Thistle said, commanding both her and Sonicā€™s attention. ā€œThe next artifact awaits. Quickly, now. We mustnā€™t keep Delgal waiting.ā€
As the dragon chimera shuffled over to Thistle, Sonicā€™s keen eyes noticed something. Inside Thistleā€™s chest, another blueberry had formed, and it sat, radiating warmth right next to the mad mageā€™s heart. Sonic remembered the irresistible taste of the first blueberry heā€™d eaten and before he knew it, he was moving, running past the dragon chimera and straight at Thistle.
In turn, Thistle held up one of his hands and demanded, ā€œStop!ā€
Sonic skidded to a halt. He barely managed to avoid plowing into Thistle, his nose mere inches away from the mad mageā€™s outstretched palm. Impatiently, Sonic ruffled his wings. The delicious blueberry was so close now. It was making his mouth water.
ā€œYouā€™re more useful to me in this form than as a book,ā€ Thistle said. ā€œBut if you start acting as you did before, it wonā€™t matter. Iā€™ll return you to the pages. Understand?ā€
Sonic didnā€™t understand. He had no idea what Thistle was talking about. Still, he really wanted that blueberry. So, he flashed Thistle a thumbs up and gave the mad mage a toothy grin.Ā 
At this, Thistle wrinkled his nose. ā€œPerhaps your other head was best,ā€ he muttered. Then, he straightened his face and put his hands on his hips. ā€œI want to gather all the artifacts before two weekā€™s time. The next one isnā€™t far, but we shall need toā€¦ā€
To be honest, Sonic stopped listening after Thistle said ā€œI want.ā€ Because when those two words were uttered, the blueberry in the mad mageā€™s chest grew a little bigger, and with it, the flavor grew a little stronger. In that moment, Sonic figured out how heā€™d be able to eat that blueberry, as well as every other blueberry that sprouted from Thistleā€™s heart.Ā 
Heā€™d make sure Thistle got everything he wanted.Ā 
And in exchange, Sonic would eat the blueberries.Ā 
Tails wasnā€™t worried about Sonic. He knew Sonic. Sonic was the coolest guy heā€™d ever met and stronger than most people could ever dream of. So, when Sonic was nowhere to be seen after Tails and the knights had finished off the last of the monsters, Tails figured he must still be fighting the dragon.
It was a big dragon, Tails reasoned. In fact, it was huge! And things only got that big if they had several hundred health points, right? By that logic, it made perfect sense that Sonic wasnā€™t back yet; it could take him all night to fell an enemy as ginormous as the red dragon!Ā 
In the meantime, Tails focused on helping people whoā€™d been hurt from the monster invasion. He pulled up his socks, spun his twin tails, and got to work surveying the area. Heā€™d make sure no one was left alone in the rubbleā€¦ which there was a lot of.
Tails shook his head. Restoration plans could wait.Ā 
Sonic was counting on him to help these people right now!
It was a little hard to see through the haze of destroyed architecture, but not even the darkness of night could keep Tails from hearing the cries of two kids trapped under a broken food cart. With Percivalā€™s help, Tails was able to pull the kids out from the wreckage and get them standing again. Then, he sent them off toward the castle where the rest of the townsfolk had gathered.
Lancelot wasnā€™t as content as Tails to simply let Sonic be, however. As Tails and the other knights helped the injured, Lancelot kept looking off toward the horizon until finally he said, ā€œIā€™m going after him.ā€
Gawain scowled under his helmet. ā€œYouā€™re needed here, Sir Lancelot. Stay and help the people whose lives youā€™ve sworn to protect.ā€
Lancelot bristled. ā€œTheir safety is assured,ā€ he said, his voice hard. ā€œUnless Iā€™m wrong to entrust them to your care?ā€
Gawain rose to his full height, but before he could draw his weapon, Percival moved in between him and Lancelot. ā€œNowā€™s no time for a quarrel,ā€ she interjected. ā€œThereā€™s much to do.ā€ She spoke confidently, but the echo of her voice through the empty, damaged streets gave her words a more solemn gravitas. ā€œWith Prince Tails, that makes four of us. If we each tend to something, we can assure the continued safety of our kingdom and its people. As is our sworn duty.ā€
Gawain grumbled, knowing she was right.
Tails, meanwhile, blushed at the title Percival had unceremoniously bestowed upon him. If Sonic was uncomfortable being called a king, then Tails was embarrassed to be called a prince!Ā 
ā€œIā€™m going,ā€ Lancelot said, looking directly at Gawain. ā€œWhen I return, it will be with the king.ā€
ā€œWait,ā€ Tails suddenly said, having regained his composure. ā€œShaā€“... umā€¦ Sir Lancelot, donā€™t go. I know youā€™re worried, but Sonicā€™ll be fine. Heā€™s beat bigger bad guys than this before! Really.ā€
Lancelotā€™s intense stare caused Tails to fidget with his tails. But he had faith in his big bro, so he didnā€™t back down. ā€œItā€™s justā€¦ Donā€™t you think we could use your help around here? Those monsters broke a lot of stuff, including the wall! What if more monsters get in? I really think we should fix it first. Before anyone goes anywhere, I mean.ā€
ā€œThe fox is right,ā€ Gawain said.Ā 
Lancelot turned away from Tails and the other two knights. It was impossible to see his face under the visor, but if Tails had to guess based on the hard line of his mouth, he probably didnā€™t look very happy right now.
ā€œI want to see King Sonicā€™s return too,ā€ Percival told Lancelot. ā€œAnd we shall. After securing his people.ā€
The tension in the square was so thick, it could be sliced with a sword. But as the dust settled, so too did Lancelotā€™s frustration, and before long, he turned back toward the three of them. Curtly, he said, ā€œOne hour. Thatā€™s all I can spare.ā€
True to his word, Lancelot stayed to help Gawain, Percival, and Tails rescue the remaining townsfolk from precarious situations. (One of them had even gotten stuck inside a chimney somehow! After being freed, the man explained that heā€™d been trying to hide from the monsters, but didnā€™t realize how narrow a hiding spot heā€™d chosen until it was too late.)Ā 
By the time half an hour had passed, every last person had been sent to the castle. That left just one thing: fixing the townā€™s outer wall.
The part of the wall where the red dragon had broken through was nothing more than piles of broken stone. The wall had crumbled completely, leaving a distinctly dragon-shaped hole behind, and creating an unwelcome window out into the dark forest on the other side.
If Tails had more time, he couldā€™ve invented a contraption to fix the wall for them. Maybe some sort of brick flinger? Or a cement spitter? Unfortunately, he was in the Middle Ages, and he had no idea where to find the materials heā€™d need to build those things. So, that meant Plan Bā€¦
ā€œStand aside,ā€ Lancelot suddenly said, startling Tails out of his reverie.Ā 
Tails looked up at Lancelot, but the knight didnā€™t seem to be angry. In fact, he seemed determined, and so Tails did as he was asked. Though, his ears were perked in curiosity. The fox didnā€™t know much about Shadow, so he was interested to see what his doppelganger could do.
As it turned out, ā€œwhat Lancelot could doā€ was fix the wall. Not only that, but he fixed the wall without lifting a single cinder block! He just drew a small, detailed circle into the dirt at the foot of the wall, and then burned it into the ground with the bottom of one of his jet shoes. Once the circle was aflame, it sent the stones in motion, seeming to reverse time until they all tumbled back into place, just like theyā€™d been before the dragon had knocked them down.
Gawain rolled his eyes. ā€œShow off,ā€ he grumbled.
ā€œWow!ā€ Tails said, his eyes sparkling. ā€œThat was amazing! Howā€™d you do that?ā€
Lancelot didnā€™t look at Tails when he replied tersely, ā€œI learned it from my mother.ā€
Tails raised an eyebrow, but before he could comment, Percival set a hand on Lancelotā€™s shoulder. ā€œThank you for your help, Sir Lancelot,ā€ she said. ā€œNow, I believe you have somewhere else to be. Sir Gawain and I will await your return with King Sonic.ā€
Gawain looked like he wanted to protest, but thought better of it when Percival shot him a glare so withering, its heat could be felt even through her visor.Ā 
Hmph. Well, he didnā€™t want to be around Lancelot for any longer than he had to be, anyway.
So, Gawain and Percival left for the castle. Lancelotā€™s shoes began to spark as they powered up, signaling his impending departure, his body already leaning the same direction heā€™d seen Sonic and the red dragon disappear into.
ā€œIā€™m coming too,ā€ Tails said.
Lancelot didnā€™t want to waste more time arguing. Would he have preferred to go alone? Yes, of course. But heā€™d kept his king waiting long enough, and wasnā€™t willing to make him wait any longer, so instead of fighting, he gave Tails a sharp nod.
The dragonā€™s tracks were large and noticeable, even in the relative darkness of night. Tails and Lancelot followed them out into the forest, taking note of the crushed bramble and torn bark along the way, until they reached the wicked spike field, where they suddenly stopped.Ā 
Tails looked around. The spikes were as plentiful as they were jagged, and he could see a blue quill lodged into one of them. That by itself wasnā€™t a bad signā€“Sonic lost quills during fights all the timeā€“but it was the silence that began to unnerve Tails.
Sonic was loud. If he was around, Tails and Lancelot wouldā€™ve already caught one of his quips on the wind. But they hadnā€™t. Instead, the only sounds in the forest were the quiet rustling of the leaves and an ominous dripping from one of the spikes.
Tails looked at that spike. He saw it, broken in half, the sharp tip hanging horizontally over the ground. There were claw marks at the base from the dragon, so it was clear she had broken it. And there was another blue quill stuck to the side of it, too. But that wasnā€™t all.
The dripping was forming a puddle on the ground. A very large puddle that made Tails sick to his stomach. It smelled like iron. It was red like Sonicā€™s shoes. And it was dripping from the tip of the spike.
Lancelot stood beside Tails. He looked at the puddle of blood too.
Tailsā€™ mind was racing. There was no way that blood could belong to Sonic. It must be the dragonā€™s blood. But if it was the dragonā€™s blood, then where was the dragon? And, more importantly, where was Sonic?
The puddle of blood stared back at Tails in response to his question.
The silence pressed in on Tails like an omen. It was suffocating, but he couldnā€™t let himself choke on it. Sure, this looked bad. Really bad. But Sonic had been through worse and made it out. He mustā€™ve made it out of this too. All they needed to do was keep looking, and theyā€™d find him.
Because Sonic wouldnā€™t die. He wouldnā€™t leave Tails alone.Ā 
He just wouldnā€™t do those things.
ā€œSir Lancelot,ā€ Tails said, his voice small, ā€œletā€™sā€“ā€
Lancelot stopped Tails with a harsh, Shh!
Tails strained his ears. He heard branches cracking as they shifted in the wind. He heard distant voles chattering nervously. And then, far away, he heard the sound of heavy footstepsā€“heavy enough to belong to the red dragon.
No words were said. Tails and Lancelot simply took off, careful to avoid the pool of blood, in the direction of the sound. Eventually, it led them to the lake where this story began. But Sonic and the dragon werenā€™t there. As if by magic, everyone whoā€™d been at the lakeside had disappeared. However, theyā€™d left behind three crucial clues: Sonicā€™s gauntlet, a pair of tattered, bloody white gloves, and a single strand of long red hair.
Tails was horrified at the state of the gloves, but Lancelot was more focused on the hair, because he knew who it belonged to.Ā 
ā€œShe was here,ā€ he said, his voice low and filled with barely contained rage. ā€œMerlina the Wizard.ā€
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hejjhug Ā· 4 hours
Palestinian blogs on here are not scams. Palestinian blogs on here are not scams. Some people are scammers taking advantage of a situation, but most people just want to live. Vetted blogs aren't scams. They aren't scammers. There is a person on the other side of that screen who doesn't want to die. Do you get it yet.
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hejjhug Ā· 4 hours
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714 notes Ā· View notes
hejjhug Ā· 4 hours
ā† Hello my friend, šŸ„ŗā—
I need your support, our house was bombed and we lived in a tent, me and my children. Then our tent was burnt down in Ther Dr. Rafah Massacre, and we live in the hospital.šŸ˜­šŸ’”
We sleep in the Corridors.šŸ˜­
Ā°Please help me by donating and sharingI want to buy a tent and its price is $500. Please donate and helpšŸ‰šŸ™
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hejjhug Ā· 5 hours
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Got commissioned by @springinthesky to do what is probably my favorite emote commission I've ever done in the history of my art career
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hejjhug Ā· 18 hours
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okay well. for name joke reasons and other ones also i needed to make a second fankid. but comet is still the only relevant one. because here's what happens this time: for various reasons kintobor gets it in his head that it would be a good idea to use his clone-making know-how to make comet a sibling that actually has powers. he does not consult anyone on this idea before following through. it Does Not Go Well.
nobody is happy about lichen. everyone is mad at kintobor. eventually, lichen decides to leave the island to find somewhere else to make home: after hopping back into the tube to get aged up a little, lichen goes off to become a recurring background character that sometimes has adventures near shadow, the most sympathetic character to lichens whole situation.
first draft down there vv
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had to change the ears situation bc... well... you ever seen the pokemon grookey? looked too much like that.
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hejjhug Ā· 21 hours
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week 37: under the sea
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hejjhug Ā· 23 hours
A woman suffering from asthma needs your help and supportšŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸš«šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸš«šŸš‘šŸš‘šŸš‘
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This is my life please help share and Donate anything you can šŸ˜·šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”ā›”ļøā›”ļø
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
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Posted on twitter, thought Iā€™d post here too šŸ’•
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
Rebuild with Me: A Journey from Destruction to Hope
šŸšØ Urgent Appeal šŸšØ
Opportunities in life are rare, and when destruction strikes, they can feel like theyā€™ve vanished. But I believe that with strong willpower and support, we can create new opportunities even from the ashes. My name is Osama Basil, and Iā€™m a web developer from Gaza. For nearly a year, Iā€™ve been living through the horrors of war. My office, where I poured my heart into my work, was demolished, and with it, my livelihood, dreams, and ability to provide for my family were shattered.
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Each day, life in Gaza becomes increasingly harsh. Destruction and devastation have woven themselves into the fabric of our daily existence, leaving deep scars on our community. The loss of so many friends, colleagues, neighbors, and loved ones weighs heavily on our hearts. Despite these overwhelming challenges, I refuse to give up.
The war took nearly everything from meā€”my job, my dreams of marriage, the opportunity to pursue a masterā€™s degree, and my ability to support my family. Forced to flee to Rafah with my loved ones, weā€™ve spent months living in a tent, facing daily challenges to meet our basic needs and find some sense of stability amid the chaos. The lack of stability has made it difficult to maintain even the simplest routines, yet I refuse to let these hardships define me. Every day is a test of resilience, pushing me to adapt and find new ways to continue my work and provide for my family, no matter the obstacles.
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šŸš€Campaign Goals:
Iā€™ve set aĀ goal of ā‚¬15,000 to rebuild my office, restore my work, and continue my education. More importantly, it will allow me to support my family, who have been deeply affected by our current circumstances.
Iā€™ve outlined how your donations will help achieve this goal. You can find all the details through the campaign link below.
šŸ‘‰Donation link: šŸ”—https://gofund.me/100da7db
Together, we can turn ashes into opportunities. Thank you for your compassion, your time, and your commitment to freedom and justice.
With deepest gratitude, Osama Basil
āœ… This campaign āœ… šŸ” Verified by @gazagfmboost (on this list) šŸ” Vetted by: @90-ghost here šŸ” Vetted by association in this post
šŸ‘‡ "Delve into the depths ā€“ Reveal the whole truth."
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
Please stop and read. šŸ™
I am Muhammad Musa, from GazašŸ‡µšŸ‡ø. I lived the experience of displacement more than once, as I moved to tents as a refuge for survival. I got married before the war broke out, and had my first child during those harsh circumstances. Today, I face great challenges in providing the basic needs of my childā€™s life, especially after I lost my job due to these ongoing crises.šŸ’”
My child is in dire need of care and attention, and I know that the situation is difficult for everyone, but I ask you to extend a helping hand. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in the life of an innocent child and help us reach safety away from the effects of war.šŸ™
I invite you to donate and support me in this ordeal.šŸ™šŸ™ Together, we can give my child a chance at a better life and a brighter future. Thank you for standing by our side during these difficult times.
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I stand here before you, burdened with unbearable worries, telling you the story of my little boy. He had in his eyes the innocence of dreams that knew no bounds. But, unfortunately, this child has become a victim of diseases that spread around us, as a result of garbage and lack of sanitation. Gaza, once a homeland of hope, is now an arena of suffering, where epidemics attack us from all sides, and rockets snatch us from the embrace of safety while we sleep.
We have lost a lot, but everything that could preserve the simplest elements of life for us. But, in the midst of this darkness, we still hold on to you, you are the remaining hope to save our child. Your love and support are what keep us fighting, facing difficulties, and dreaming of a better tomorrow.
I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I ask you to be with us in this fight, for the lives of our children, for the hope that must not be extinguished.
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We are going through harsh humanitarian conditions in Gaza, where we have lost everything we own and have become homeless. The war left us with nothing but pain and anxiety for our future. We face daily challenges, and we search for a safe passage that enables us to live in dignity.
Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. We need your support to be able to emerge from this ordeal and find hope in a safe place. Your donation means more to us than just financial assistance; It means saving a life, rebuilding our shattered dreams.
We believe that solidarity and humanity are the most powerful weapons in the face of adversity.
@palipunk @palidoodles @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck @northgazaupdates @stil-lindigo @queerstudiesnatural
@vakarians-babe @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq
@bluebellsinthedells @palestine @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @thenewgothictwice @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @petracourtjester
@labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust
@leftismsideblog @star-and-space @rainbowywitch @marscodes @oursapphirestars
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander @the-bastard-king
@13ag21k @agentfascinateur @ammonitetheseaserpent
@palestinegenocide @nabulsi@sayruq@f1dyke@sar-
soor @appsa @oopollo-blog@fireyfobbitmedicine
@ibtisams @90-ghost@fairuzfan@sar-soor @nabulsi
@aces-and-angels @interfacefox@cosmic-collective-
system@finnslay@muchmossymess @rez-urrection
@walking-polyp @bibyebae @autisticexpression2
@bisexualchemistry @violetclowns @beefybutchboy
@feefal @mobydyke @genderfluidgothwitch
@sleepyseaslug @urfavhatesthehungovt @riding-
@olovelymoon @jannahswaiting @el-shab-hussein
linting @girlinafairytale @ragingbullmode
linting @girlinafairytale @ragingbullmode
@opencommunion @gorillawithautism
@seafoamwoman @emathyst9 @three-croissants
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
"these palestinian gfms are scamming you!!" you donate to AO3
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hejjhug Ā· 1 day
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she offers you a meal to curb the sickness of hunger in the pit of your belly
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hejjhug Ā· 2 days
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305 notes Ā· View notes
hejjhug Ā· 2 days
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hejjhug Ā· 2 days
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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