i hurt my ass bone (yk the one right before the entrance to the ass crack) and i am in so much pain omg i can only lie down and stand and everytime i bend down or walk it hurts and i don't even know how i managed to get this but here we are and in terrible pain
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i really wanna throw myself off a bridge rn
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everytime someone says their name is mark my brain immediately goes "so their full name is market"
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just found out today that scott cawthorn is a slimy republican... like how is that even possible??? homeboy made a game with one of the biggest queer fanbases and he's a trumpie???? screaming and crying rn
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need me a sugar mommy that looks like pakunoda and is willing to pay for my trips to bora bora, respond if you fufill any of these qualities otherwise KEEP SCROLLING
hi idk if u can tell but i am losing it
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so i recently heard a discussion about the anti-semitic disney villian thing (basically a lot of past disney villians have some features that resemble jewish stereotypes) and it got me to thinking if max fleischer maybe played a role in this *thing* disney had going on. so fyi max fleischer was the animator who i believe created betty boop and popeye, and was a big competition to walt disney in his early years. max fleischer was also jewish. so maybe this *fad* with the disney villians started bc of disney's competition with him, and as a way to put him and his studio down and this eventually became some sort of sick tradition. or walt disney was just in general an anti-semitic piece of shit. or maybe it was unintentional idk but i wonder if anyone also had this theory?
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why is it so easy to hate men like i can just about do anything and boom a man is disrespectful/creepy like are you guys not ashamed of yourself? why are you the way you are??????? like?????? wtf??????
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guys am i the only one who had a crush on tom from tom & jerry i'm scared
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i hate overly religious people, like let me be gay and horny in peace
"but you're gonna burn in hell" like sweetie give me photographic evidence as well as SANE witness confessions that hell exists if you say i'm gonna burn in it.
they are so angry and hateful at the world around them and choose to abuse God, Jesus and the bible for their own causes (which, btw, is the true meaning of using the lord's name in vain, not saying "oh my god" or "jesus christ")
ffs just masturbate and seek a therapist so you can finally realease all your sexual frustration and anger, you're not helping anyone, not enlightening anyone, you are just hurting yourself and the people around you. your hateful "god" does not exist. that's just your fear of the afterlife. please, just seek a licensed therapist, not your local extremist group
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storytime! tw: sexual harassment, sa
when i was like 10 i did karate bc my mom wanted me to be able to defend myself from like potential rapists and stuff and during my karate class i was constantly sexually harassed by these 2 boys that i was in a group with and bc i didn't know the term for sexual harassment, i said they were bullying me, which they were. my mom said i was just making that up in my head, so in order to avoid being sexually harassed further, i had to lie to my mom and tell her that one of the boys had touched me so she would finally believe me and take me out of karate. thankfully that worked, but know i live with the guilt of having to lie about sa :')
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Hola zusammen!
*shits out a taco*
*proceeds to anally bleed to death"
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so fucking irritated by this istg
saw a video about how introverts are constantly judging extroverts the wrong way which i guess in theory is true, but (my personal experience) i grew up surrounded by extroverts all the fucking goddamn time bc they were my family and they would constantly nag and make funny of me for my introverted tendencies which is NOT FUNNY WHEN YOU DO IT FOR THE 180000000000000000000 TIME!!!!!!!! And now I have a complex about it and it's so fucking frustrating to see extroverts complaining online about "hOW InTroVertS jUDGe ThEm" like sweetie i don't judge you i was just bullied by people of your kind so i don't automatically think of you favorably when i hear you're an extrovert
i know this was a rant, but i needed to do this otherwise i would probably have murdered an innocent extrovert
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me to my puppy after my weekly mental breakdown
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psa don't stalk your english teacher online you will be left traumatised
so i was bored out of my mind today and i decided it would be very productive of me to stalk my old teachers so i started stalking my english teacher first bc i had an immense crush on him bc i thought he was funny (ignore the fact that i'm exactly 36 years his junior). back to stalking, i stalked him on linkedin, where he linked his art website (apparently he studied art) so i went on said website and flicked through his paintings which were very good imo but anyways in one of his painting there was a pink dildo, situated next to a roll of tp.
i really don't know how i feel about that :)
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rip jonbenet gordon ramsey
thinking about the time when i was like 12 and i thought that jonbenet ramsey was gordon ramsay's daughter and her murder was the reason why he was always so pissed and when i heard that gordon had an ALIVE daughter i was so fucking confused so i googled it and now i have trust issues >:(
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just your normal shitting-on-the-middle-ages post
how did society go from those beautiful ancient greek/roman statues and frescos and shit to this:
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these were trained scribes wtf
like i could draw better than that when i was like 8 FJJ BFBJNJFNFGSJHNNTJRJ R RR
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