helennn261 · 3 months
You always wanted to be a Healer. Unfortunately, your dad was an Necromancer and your mother a Demon Summoner. So your healing was a bit… unconventional to say the least.
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helennn261 · 5 months
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i'll do it for sam
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helennn261 · 5 months
My 14 year old brother just took a drink of hot chocolate and hissed like he'd knocked back a shot of vodka then set it down and went "ah... that's the good stuff."
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helennn261 · 5 months
i really wish five hours of sleep was sufficient because going to bed at 2 and waking up at 7 would be heaven but the body keeps score
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helennn261 · 5 months
I have a friend who dislikes her children.
That’s probably unfair, I’m sure she loves them very much, but there is real resentment there. Whether or not she wanted to be a mother is unclear, but her unhappiness sure is. Children are difficult, and if you’re not 100% prepared and enthusiastic about that it is going to be a terrible time for you.
I don’t think she is a bad person. She is frequently overwhelmed by both her family and the stream of idealized social media that makes it sound like everyone else is having a ball. So she goes on Facebook to talk about how miserable she is, how she misses her old life that all her friends seem to still have. It’s probably the only thing keeping her sane, along with her husband who actually loves kids.
This isn’t to shame anyone, but seeing her posts really cements in my mind how I would probably be in the same boat, and how glad I am that I made the decision not to put myself in this position. I would never want to bring another human into this world with the knowledge that they might make me miserable, and that I would likely make them miserable in turn, whether or not I meant to. No innocent child deserves that.
So many people still cling to a mythologized Feminine Instinct that states my uterus gives me more empathy, gives me more patience, gives me a duty that I can’t reject. They say that choosing to be childless is more selfish than having a child that you are unable to care for, that you will dislike. If those people saw the pain of those unsuited for motherhood I hope they would change their minds, but they never will.
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helennn261 · 5 months
You may be older than you're comfortable with, but you're not TOO old. There's no expiration date on learning, growing, exploring, dreaming and living.
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helennn261 · 5 months
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Every time.
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helennn261 · 5 months
Here's to the people who weren't abused by their parents, but whose parents sucked anyways. Here's to people whose parents fucked up raising you out of ignorance and not malice. Here's to the kids whose parents didn't know what to do with you so they did nothing at all. Here's to people whose parents are getting better and growing as people but still hurt you. Here's to every mean comment that wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't come from your mom; here's to awkward family dinners because you're all trying to forget;
here's to you, survivor of a thousand 'not as bad as it could have been' hurts. I see you. You aren't alone.
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helennn261 · 5 months
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helennn261 · 6 months
When someone dies, the afterlife they go to is determined by WHERE they died. Dying in Scandinavia sends the soul to Valhalla or Hel, but dying in Greece lands them in Hades, and so on. You have just died in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
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helennn261 · 6 months
Pluto square Mc please?
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There were many hardships that occurred during childhood, impacting the trajectory of their life path. Feelings of shame and discouragement were common during younger years which in turn created an ambitious person determined to prove these feelings otherwise. They want to feel important because something has led them to believe that they aren’t. These types reject many traditions and carve their own paths. Sometimes they have a tendency to fight against change, because it has brought them lots of pain in the past. The desire for power will get them very far in life, but they sometimes hurt people in the process. Those with this placement need to understand the limits of their ruthlessness, and learn how to manage their control issues. 
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helennn261 · 8 months
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đź’– Kawaii Shop đź’–
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helennn261 · 8 months
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helennn261 · 8 months
The first house, also the house of ascendant or rising sign is the house of first impressions. This is how you are perceived by others. While the sun is the house of I am, how you see yourself, the ascendant is how people see you because of how you represent yourself. We can also call it the house of me, because it really is about you.
The first house has Aries energy as that's its ruling sign. What does Aries rule? The head and energy levels. All signs might lose it this year if they do not practice self control. Aries is also ruled by Mars, the God of war.
A first house profection year is about you. Ruled by a fire sign, you burn but you choose how you burn. Ages affected: 0,12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96 and so on
The first house profection year also tends to be the year of ones Jupiter return (age 0 doesn't count). Jupiter return is either a year of flourishing or challenges. I will do a Jupiter return post if you want.
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Self discovery is the theme this year, so is selfishness. Selfishness, not greed. Selfishness to mean taking care of yourself and making sure you are good.
First house profection year in a fire sign may mean you find yourself into intense relationships fueled by passion, showing off your body or features, doing a lot of self discovery very loudly. You may thrive on social media. You want to be seen and you will make sure you are seen. With Aries being the house ruler, you may fight anyone who stands in your way or who you perceive as a threat. Careful, do not burn everything down because you want to be yourself. Being dramatic in outfits and how you express yourself. This may also be the year you make discoveries about your sexuality. Experimenting with sex seems probable, be safe in this panorama.
First house profection year in a water sign may mean your self discovery will be related to emotions. You may get into mindfulness activities, therapy, yoga, nature walks or even watch movies and or series that are touching. You may also overreact and be very easily triggered this year. But as I mentioned, the first house is ruled by Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars, the God of war. Emotional outbursts may be present. Dreams may also be vivid and have meaning, write you dreams down as you may find a message or messages. Listen to your intuition. People with mental health conditions may be overwhelmed or find ways to manage their mental health better.
First house profection year in an earth sign may mean anger issues this year. Earth signs are normally grounded, but this year is about them and they decide to stand up for themselves. They are not watching things slide as usual. You cross the line, they check you quick. Blame Aries for this. But its also a learning experience for them, you don't always have to take the higher road. People will take advantage of that and push you around. You may also be unnecessarily stubborn this year, reevaluate your opinions because you are not the only sober minded person in the room.
First profection year in an air sign may mean communication might be at an all time high because their creativity juices are overflowing. They are doing many things at once, they are multitasking. They are everywhere. Burnout and half baked projects will be the challenge. Create a schedule that is workable so you do not get burnt out or have many projects half done. And for goodness sake, stop saying yes to everything. Stop accepting to work on every project that comes your way. Stop accepting all invitations, stop being available to everyone because in your 2nd house profection year you will hate yourself for that. Double check your work and STOP doing work for FREE. Put a price on it. Your thoughts might also be rushing in and all over, mediation or calming exercises can help you calm them so that you do not overthink or overanalyze. Overthinking that job application will make you miss the submission deadline.
In conclusion, this is not a good year to get married or have children as conflicts are high and you might neglect your children or blame them for taking away your freedom. Be careful about any commitments you make this year. Especially 24 year olds, be very careful this year.
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Song: Burn it down by Linkin Park, Shining by Beyonce ft JayZ, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen(any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me-was the lyric that crossed my mind for 1H profection in air signs, so be careful air signs)
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helennn261 · 9 months
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helennn261 · 9 months
We need to go back to using sailing ships full time like immediately. Yes it would take longer to get places but the Aesthetic is unmatched
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Like there is nothing sexier hthan this
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helennn261 · 9 months
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