hellkitti · 4 years
I haven’t used this account in 3 years but for whoever cares, my new account is @kattkarnage even though i only use it occassionally. Feel free to follow me on my Instagram, and my other social media are linked. Farewell for now
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hellkitti · 6 years
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Mods are asleep post forbidden tits
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hellkitti · 6 years
I decided to have a fresh start, I made a new blog. I'm keeping this one up and will check it once in a while but it's going to be inactive.
@gothicunseelie is my new account
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hellkitti · 6 years
‘There were two sisters, they went playing, 
To see their father’s ships come sailing…
And when they came unto the sea-brim
The elder did push the younger in.
Sometimes she sank, and sometimes she swam,
‘Til her corpse came to the miller’s dam
But what did he do with her breastbone?
He made him a viol to play on.
What’d he do with her fingers so small?
He made pegs to his viol withall.
What did he do with her nose-ridge?
Unto his viol he made a bridge
What did he do with her veins so blue?
He made strings for his viol thereto.
What did he do with her eyes so bright?
On his viol he set at first light.
What did he do with her tongue so rough?
‘Twas the new till and it spoke enough.
Then bespake the treble string,
‘O yonder is my father the king’.
Then bespake the second string,
‘O yonder sits my mother the queen’.
Then bespake the strings all three,
‘Yonder is my sister that drowned me’.
I decided to have a little go at a cover of the Weaver’s song from @sjmaas‘s ‘A Court of Mist and Fury’. Tried my best to make it as unsettling as possible, as any good faerie song should be!
Hope you enjoy!
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hellkitti · 6 years
The song Jennifer Morrison sings in Albion: Rise of the Danann’s teaser. Now let the CS fandom commence their incoherent sobbing
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hellkitti · 6 years
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Fire- Aries, Sagittarius, Leo // Physical world, Action & Intuition Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius // Mental world, Intellect & Communication Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces // Emotional world, Feelings & Imagination Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn // Material world, Sensation & Production
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hellkitti · 6 years
Herbal Sorbet
Want to make a delicious, low calorie, simple, delicious sorbet? You will have the great flavour of the herbs as well as their medicinal properties and benefits.
Ingredients: *½ cup superfine sugar *1 cup water *¼ cup leaves of either spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, apple mint, lemon balm, or rosemary *juice of 1 lemon *1 egg white *extra leaves of chosen herb for decoration
Directions: 1) Place sugar in a saucepan and add the water. Bring to a boil, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved. 2) Chop the herb leaves and add to the pan. Cover, then remove from the heat. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Test for flavor; if it is too light, bring to the boil again then leave to infuse for 15 minutes. 3) Strain the liquid and add the lemon juice. Transfer the mixture to an ice-cube tray and freeze for 2-3 hours. 4) When the sorbet is semi-frozen, whisk the egg white until stiff and fold it into the mixture. Return to the freezer for a further 3-4 hours or until frozen. 5) Serve the sorbet in individual dishes, and decorate with extra herb leaves. 
The Wiccan’s Glossary
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hellkitti · 6 years
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The Paths.
0 - Fool - Falling blindly forward along a course of action. Reckless creativity and bravery.
1 - Magus - Mastery of chaos and order. Action with perfect knowledge and power.
2 - Empress - Detachment. All is understood and everything is permitted.
3 - Hermit - The light bearer and keeper of perfect and secret knowledge.
4 - Dragon - Emergence. Self forming and self sustaining process. The process is the product. Beyond thought or conception. Simple being in action.
5 - Angel - Carrying out the design. Doing ones duty with perfect knowledge and detachment.
6 - Justice or Adjustment - Resolution of internal conflict. Change in self in accordance with will.
7 - Lust or Strength - Union of will an purpose unhindered by thought. Pure absorption in activity.
8 - Priestess - Agent of chaos. Impulse forward and onward. Perfection in unity which requires no explanation and for which none is possible.
9 - Star - Receptive creativity. Divine inspiration.
10 - Lovers - Perfect contentment. State of being where all makes sense and all is as it should be.
11 - Death - Experience and awareness of time. Knowledge of lack of control, that there is that which is beyond control.
12 - Fortune - Purpose uniting seeming random events. Embracing the random.
13 - Hanged Man - Seeking of higher knowledge. Suspension of action by deliberation.
14 - Devil - Heresy. Lies. Approximation of truth. Transmission of the light and its corruption by expressing the inexpressible, and yet it is this corruption that makes it useful, takes it from abstract to applicable.
15 - Tower - Shattering of unity of thought and sense by time and memory. Futility of thought to predict the future.
16 - Art - Pursuit of desire. Creation of that which moves us. Manifestation of love.
17 - Emperor - Domination of the external. Desire must be fulfilled by that which one does not control.
18 - Sun - The inner light. The confidence of knowledge. Confidence whether it be justified or otherwise.
19 - World or Universe - The object of desire. That which appears to be objective and solid because of our attachment to it.
20 - Scarab - Manifestation. The process whereby the shells of illusion control our future perception.
21 - Mask or Judgement - The thought of the self. The masks we wear and judge ourselves by.
22 - Bondage - The enslavement of our ego self to desire. The ego wants and believes it acts, yet lacks real power to effect change.
23 - Mirror - The process by which a thing look upon itself and discerns self from other. Futility of knowledge of the objective in acknowledgement of the reality of the subjective.
24 - Rapture - Product of pure desire that craves nothing and all things.
25 - Moon - Qualia. The redness of red. The sense of experience apart from its information content. The awareness of that which cannot be known or described but is experienced.
26 - Aeon - The advancement of knowledge beyond knowledge. Knowing the limits of what can be known. Speaking in silence.
27 - Shadows - The shattered unity of the objective. The multiple actual. Superposition in quantum mechanics. The multiverse.
28 - Stage - The shattered unity of the subjective. The self as no longer identity but the stage upon which the ego selves appear.
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hellkitti · 6 years
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Dragon Princess Saggan – Advanced – Legend of the Cryptids concept by Billy Christian
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hellkitti · 6 years
creepy girl ask meme
doll: some of your favorite makeup products
bruise: the worst wound you've ever received
taxidermy: your favorite animal(s)
eyeball: some of your favorite films
syringe: someone you trust with everything
porcelain: your favorite article of clothing
plush: your favorite childhood toy
blood: some of your favorite foods
pentagram: your faith or spirituality
splatter: your favorite artists or art pieces
teacup: some of your favorite beverages
corpse: something you would love to do but can't
knife: something you're good at cooking or baking
lollipop: some of your favorite candy
monster: your worst habits
pills: something you'd change about yourself
potion: something you'd change about humanity
asylum: your favorite place in the world
mantis: your sexual orientation
stitches: some of your self-care habits
velvet: your favorite era for fashion and aesthetics
teeth: something that makes you laugh
piano: something that makes you cry
witch: a power you wish you had
chainsaw: your favorite sound
ribbon: your favorite color combinations
pigtails: how affectionate you are
succubus: your weirdest kinks
ghost: a historical figure you're drawn to
lullaby: songs you love to sing
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hellkitti · 6 years
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hellkitti · 6 years
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hellkitti · 6 years
Irish people; The faeries aren’t real
Irish people; No fucking way will I go in that faerie ring
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hellkitti · 6 years
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I really like horns, so here, have a set horns, antlers and feelers! Feel free to use as a reference or inspiration, no need to credit. :)
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hellkitti · 6 years
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hellkitti · 7 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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hellkitti · 7 years
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Throne of Glass Villains 
Erawan , Maeve and Mother Blackbeak 
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