You’re my golden heart
Sanderson Mansoozie x reader
Small headcannons for Sandy, my precious angel
~Imagine being Sandy’s soul mate, and being able to bend sand with him, even tough your the guardian of nature
~Being up in his dream cloud at night, giving children below the dreams they deserve
~Sandy stealing glances at you and smiling at how lucky he is to have you as his partner, his love, his soul mate
~Bending sand and making little creatures in your own thoughts, only to be snapped out of your gaze by a small, cold object landing on your chest
~Looking down to see a golden starred necklace shimmering in the moonlight and looking up at Sandy, who grins warmly when you smile and softly thank him
~Wearing the necklace every day
~In the shower, in bed, I mean everywhere
~Then it happened, Sandy was killed, right before your eyes by Pitch
~Imagine not coming out of your room for days, sobbing silently
~Imagine Bunnymund, Jack and Tooth all sitting at your door, gently talking to you as you sat on the other side and listened
~Your sobs suddenly stopping and confusing the others, then your breaths become shallow and movement is heard from in your room
~”It’s gone, I lost it, it’s gone!” 
~Toothina picking the lock with a hairpin and rushing in, finding you in the middle of your room, hands over your face
~You lost the necklace
~Helping the guardians defeat Pitch
~Seeing a golden cloud and Sandy stepping out, making your heart stop
~You rushed up to him and cried into his shoulder, apologizing over and over for loosing the necklace
~Imagine Sandy gently taking your face in his hands and staring at you with his bright golden eyes, softly kissing your temples as if saying it’s alright
~You shaking and trembling as you clench his hands and shut your eyes tightly, resting your forehead against his between sharp breaths
~Sandy’s heart cracking at your form and pulling you tightly against him, feeling you instantly relax 
~Sandy forming another necklace and watching you gasp as he puts it around your neck
~Laughing through sobs and Sandy tilts your chin up, his lips slowly touching yours
~The guardians watching the entire thing
~Toothina squealing
~Bunnymund chuckling
~Jack leaning against his staff and smirking
~North clapping and watching you and Sandy both glance at them and grin
~You had your soul mate back
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You’re safe with me
Donatello 2012 x reader
Summary: The reader has a nightmare and wakes up Donnie at four in the morning, and when he awakes your crying, so he lets you sleep with him and comfort you back to sleep
“No!!” Your upper body jolts up and your face leaks with sweet, as you look around desperately, clenching the sides of the couch you slept on in the lair. Your breathing staggers and your eyes water quickly, tears slipping free without you even blinking. With shaking knees, you swallow thickly and stand up, making your way slowly to Donatello’s bedroom. You didn’t want to intrude, but you had to make sure he was alright. You grab the doorknob and pause, vision blurry. What if he got mad for waking him in the middle of the night? “Donnie?” You softly knock, careful not to wake one of the other brothers. A soft snore comes from the opposite wall, and you turn the knob, stepping into the dark room and avoiding tools littered around the floor. When you make it to his bed, Donnie sleeping peacefully in his bed, eyes shut. “Donnie...Donnie, wake up,” You shake his arm gently, feeling sobs rise up your throat. “Donnie, please wake up,” You whisper brokenly. You see him stir, and can’t help the hiccup that escapes, “Donatello,” You plead, which wakes him at the sound of your scared and frightening voice. His eyes open and he sits up slowly, reaching over and flicking on his lamp. “Yn? What’s wrong?” Your body shakes as you stare at him, worrying him more than he already was. “I had a nightmare...I-I just needed to know you were okay,” You explain quietly, Donnie’s heart breaking. “Hey, princess, I’m alright,” He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, embracing you and pulling you closer. You hiccup again and release a soft sob, his hand slowly running up and down your back, “Sweetheart, it’s okay,” He sooths, feeling you relax under his touch. He carefully shuts his lamp back off, laying down and keeping you to his chest, both arms securely around you. A breath finally releases and you put your forehead to his plastron, closing your eyes when he kisses your hair, “I’m here princess, I promise, you’re safe with me,” His fingers rub slow patterns on the small of your back, kissing your temple, forehead, nose, cheeks, and jawline as gentle as possible. You smile weakly and open your eyes to see Donnie’s big brown orbs, as he smiles back warmly. “There’s my beautiful angel,” He breaths, hand rising up to caress your head. “Donnie?” He looks down at you, humming in response. “Please don’t leave,” You beg with a whimper, Donnie frowning deeply. 
“Never, now, try to get some rest, sweetheart
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Midnight kisses
Jay x reader
Request: Can you do an imagine where the reader stays behind when Jay, Evie, Carlos and Ben go to the isle, and you worry sick in fear they’d get caught, but one night when your sleeping peacefully Jay comes back and sneaks into your dorm for a surprise night kiss?
*Just know, Jay is mine ;)*
One hour, three hours, seven hours, UGH. You tossed and turned in your bed at the sickening feeling in your gut, telling you that something bad happened to your friends, You’d try to breathe it off, but the knot would tighten as your mind begged for you to go to the Isle yourself and look for them. What if they got caught? What if Uma did something to them?
Your thoughts are interrupted by two strong arms tightly embracing your waist, pulling you to a broad chest. You gasp and look up at the stranger, releasing your breath when Jay smiles down at you through the dark. “Hey Sunshine, miss me?” You turn and place your hands upon his face, as he grins and slowly kisses your lips. “More like scared me to my early grave Jay, what happened?” You shared a dorm with Mal and Evie, and with Mal gone back to the Isle and Evie searching for her, you were left alone. “Mal won’t come back, she said she doesn’t belong here,” Jay frowns, knowing how close you were to the purple haired female. “Oh Mal...” You sigh. “Ben was also captured by Uma, Carlos is printing a fake version of Fairy Godmother’s wand so we can use it as bait to get him back,” Jay explains, brown eyes staring at you. “So you’re leaving again?” You whimper. “Only for a while,” His hand slides up your back and tangles in your hair, as he kisses your forehead soothingly. “Why can’t I go with you?” You ask strictly, starting to pull back. “Because it’s not safe, and I’d be damned if I’m going to risk something happening to you, that’s why we moved here in Auradon in the first place,” Jay slides you back to him so your faces are inches apart, trying to distract you by putting his lips against yours, his fingers moving in your shirt. You tug slightly on his long dark hair, hearing him groan into your mouth. The beeping of Jay’s watch then makes you both pull back and look down at it, as Jay sighs and glances at you. “Guess I should get going,” He frowns, starting to slide out of the bed. He kisses your forehead once more and walks to the door, opening it with a creek. “Hey, Jay?” He looks back at you, as you sit up in your bed. “Be careful, and come back with Mal and Ben,” Jay weakly smiles, then closes the door, inhaling before walking off.
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Your my villain
Carlos  x reader
Summary: Carlos felt as if Yn was avoiding him, and he wanted to know what he did wrong. He tries to go to Yn but she ignores him, so after practice he corners her in the kitchen, and when she tells him she’s been struggling with her father, she makes up avoiding him by a slow make out
Warning: Make out, kisses, mention of abusive parent
Something was off. You were ignoring Carlos! Did he do something wrong? He’s kept his distance with Jane, what did he do? In the library, you hid behind shelves when you saw him, during classes you kept your head down, and during lunch break you’d hide in your dorm. Finally, he was going to set things straight. 
It was after practice, Carlos was sliding on his jacket and walking to empty kitchen for some water, until he found you at the sink. You glance up and see Carlos, gasping and ushering away, but he’s quick to snatch your wrist and corner you so he’s in front of you and the wall is behind you. “What’s going on? Why are you avoiding me?” He tilts your chin up, eyes full of worry. “Nothing, I should get to class,” You step to the side, but his arms rest upon the wall, keeping you boxed in. “Yn, tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it,” Carlos pleads, hands slowly lowering to your slim hips. With a shaky breath, you look down. “I kept having nightmares about my dad last night...these scars, I’m just scared he’s going to come back, and I didn’t want to sound like a baby so I’ve stayed away,” You explain quietly, rolling up your left sleeve to reveal old scars from your fathers knife. “So you’ve avoided me? Yn, you could’ve come and talked to me,” Carlos breathes. You wipe away loose tears, his thumb and forefinger catching your jaw and bringing your head up for eye contact. “I’m sorry, I’m just scared,” You whimper. “I know how you feel, you can talk to me, about anything, so don’t think I’ll push you away,” He says softly. You nod weakly, a smug grin coming across Carlos’ face. “Now, can I have a kiss?” You giggle silently and look up, pecking his lips and starting to grab your book bag. His hands reattach to your waist, dragging you back as he begins to kiss you again. “Carlos, I gotta get to class,” You breathe against him, unable to stop your arms from wrapping around his neck as he snickers deeply. “Oh no, you owe me, princess,” He murmurs, pressing harder to your lips, causing you to moan silently into his mouth. He places firm hands on your legs and lifts you up onto the counter, moving his lips to your cheek, down to your neck, “What if we get caught?” You gasp in pleasure, looking at the door. “If I was worried would I do this?” He bites your collarbone and you release a moan, loud enough for anyone walking in the halls to hear. He licks the bitten spot as you reach up and tug on his bright hair, earning a groan as he trails back up to your lips, His kiss this time is slower, gentler, as he remembered the conversation from before, knowing you were in pain. You tug on his jacket and bite his lip, suddenly forgetting you were late for science chemistry. He relaxes and grasps your shirt on your lower back, clenching the fabric as he wished to take it off, but knew better. Finally, you end the heated make out with a soft, carefull kiss, pulling away with both of you breathless. “We need to do that more,” Carlos chuckles, panting slightly.  “Next time, in my dorm,”
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Ready to be a princess?
Carlos x reader 
No request, just thought of this cute little story
Warning: Slight make out towards the end, lots of kisses, mention of abusiveness
“Anyone have requests?” Ben looked before his friends, Evie first to step up, “There’s this girl, she’s like a little sister to me, I think she would love it here in Auradon,” (Tell me if I spelled it wrong) “Definitely,” Ben smiles. “I have one,” Carlos steps forward, frowning at the memory of your pained face when he told you he was leaving the Isle, “Her name’s Yn. She was really close to me back in the Isle. She deserves to come here, her father tortures her,” Carlos swallows. “Then we will stop that, send a letter to Yn, and all the children of the Isle!”
With a paintbrush in your hand and a pencil in your mouth, you lightly finished up the sun set you see every night before it gets dark. A light tap on your shoulder makes you look back and see two guards, one holding out a letter. Slightly confused, you grab it and open it,
Told you I’d do it. You can come to Auradon and be with me, stop your fathers torturing. I don’t want you to be in pain anymore. Mal, Evie, Jay and I will be at the gates when you arrive. Ready to be a princess?’
You cover your mouth and nod, knowing the guard was watching as you stand up and gather your paintings, not even worried about clothes as the guards lead you to the limo, where other children awaited. 
When you enter the gates of Auradon, your bag releases from your grasp, as you rush to your friends, already in tears. Carlos’ arms tightly embrace you, hand on your head as he whispered soothingly to you, telling you how he would protect you and make sure your father never hurt you again. “I promise, I’ll keep you safe,” He closes his eyes, but your teary orbs stare at his broken expression. Your thumb and palm touch his cheek, causing him to open his eyes and move his gaze up to you. “You’ve changed,” You breathe, confusion in his orbs, “But I like it,” He smiles, as you move your other hand to his chin, dragging his lips gently over yours, bringing him into a kiss you haven’t had since he came to the Isle to rescue Ben. His hand slides down to your lower back, clenching your shirt as he held you closely. You break away and he kisses your forehead, smiling widely. “Ready to be a princess?” He asks, a grin coming to your face. 
That night, for the first time, you wore a beautiful yellow gown, already having the time of your life. 
“You gotta be bold, you gotta be brave, you gotta be free~”
Everyone had a blast. Kicking water and getting soaked as a celebration for the lost kids of the Isle. You joined on the singing and was soon grasping Jay and Carlos’ hands, everyone grouped in a circle as they splashed water around. Carlos laughs as you squeal when he kicks water at you, watching your beautiful dark hair fall damp on your shoulders. You flick water back at him and you both end up having an all out water war, until you stop to take a breath. Carlos comes up and takes your hips, tilting your head up and placing his lips upon yours, only for your friends to surround you and kick water at the same time, soaking you more than you already were. 
As the music began to die down minutes later, Carlos takes your hand and leads you to the railing of the boat. “I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun,” You breathe, head resting on his shoulder as one of his arms wrap around your waist. “It won’t be like the Isle. You don’t have to worry bout your father anymore, you’re here, safe with us,” Carlos kisses your hair and stares down at you, smiling when you glance up at him. “Guess it’s five of us now, huh?” Jay walks over, leaning against the railing and smirking at you. “Guess it is,” You chuckle as Evie and Mal join the three of you. “We’re glad you’re here Yn. We really missed you these last two years,” Mal frowns. You weakly smile. “Yeah, but at least I’m here now, and I’m not leaving,” Everyone smiles, turning and wrapping their arms around each other before walking up the steps to head back to the dorms. 
“See Dude likes you,” You lay on Carlos’ bed later on that night, petting the dog in your lap. “He remembers me, don’t you dude,” You scratch under his chin, Carlos’ chuckling from beside the bed when Dude rushes off. After a moment of silence, you reach out and carefully touch Carlos’ face again. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream, Carlos. Cause if it is I don’t want to wake up,” You whisper. “It’s not a dream. I’m here, and you’re with me, see?” Carlos takes your hand and intertwines his fingers around yours, giving it a tight but gentle squeeze. “Just get up here and kiss me,” You breathe, and you don’t have to ask twice, because before you had a chance to breathe, Carlos was on top of you, hand at your hair, lips lustfully pressing against yours. You missed this, tugging on the collar of his jacket and feeling his free hand slide up your pajama shirt. He pulls back panting for breath, grinning at you then kisses your nose, cheeks, temple and forehead, slowly trailing down to your neck, to which you gasp in pleasure, but the creek of the door opening makes you slide out from under Carlos and look over, Jay smirking, “No no, I’ll leave, continue,”
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A little glitter here, and there
Carlos x reader
Request: Can you do an imagine where it’s the dance at the end of the second movie, and Evie glams up the reader for Carlos, but feels self centered that Carlos won’t like her new look, but he reassure’s her otherwise?
Show is Descendents and the reader is female
“Evie, can I look now?” The young girl stood before the mirror of her friends dorm room, eager to see what she has become. “One second, fix this here and...there!” Evie’s hands slowly remove from your eyes, giving a full on view of your appearance. “Oh my,” Your hand covers your mouth as you gasp inwardly, eyes glistening at the sight. You wore a dark blue gown with white gloves and black flats, your hair pinned up in all different directions. “Do you like it?” Mal smiles, scanning you over. “Is this me? Oh my gosh I love it!” You squeal, but stop and stare at your reflection. “Carlos isn’t going to like this,” You sigh. “What? How do you know?” Evie asks. “Carlos likes it when I’m myself! I just went from boots and ripped jeans to a gown in one night,” You frown. “Carlos is going to love it Yn, I promise,” Evie sooths, then reaches into a clear box, sprinkling a sparkling dust, “A little glitter here, and there,” You giggle and watch the sparkles land on your shoulders, yelping when Evie and Mal each take one of your arms, leading you out of the dorms. 
“Ready, Yn?” You and Evie stood atop the stairs of the dance, her arm linked with yours, a smile on her face. “Honestly? I’m scared and wanna go home,” She chuckles lightly, bringing you closer to her side. “You’ll be fine, look, there’s Carlos,” She lowers her voice as her eyes move down the steps to a familiar light haired boy standing next to Jay and Mal. “Evie, I can’t do it,” You whimper, her eyes softening towards her friend. “Hey, it’ll be alright, I promise. Do you trust me?” She asks softly. You nod slightly, as she intertwines your fingers and gives it a squeeze before walking out into the open, the crowd of students all silencing and stopping to look at you and Evie. “Evie, they’re staring, why are they staring?” You whisper in a panic. “They love you Yn, trust me, your beautiful,” As you walked down the miles of stares, your gaze shifts onto Carlos, who was beaming the whole time. That was you up there, his girl, his date, and boy was he lucky. Mal and Ben stood side by side with grins, Jay was chuckling at his female friends, and Carlos, well I already explained him. When you get to the bottom, Carlos steps up and offers you his hand. You glance up at Evie, as she smiles, slowly releasing your hand and placing it on top of Carlos’. “Have fun you two,” She breathes, then steps to the side beside Jay. Carlos bows slightly and soon all the men turn to their dates, copying his motion. At once, all the ladies lift their dress and curtsies. “May I have this dance?” Carlos asks gently, as you smile and drag him closer, one arm draped around his neck, the other carefully tangling in his hair. He places his hands behind your back and gently sways you, eyes staring down at your face as your stare back up at him. Slowly, he finds himself leaning in, stopping all movements when his lips softly press up against yours. You inhale a deep breath through your nose, eyes shutting and head tilting as he cupped your chin to deepen his lips more against yours. “Evie, look!” Mal gasps, tugging on Evie’s arm. Evie glances over and her smile widens, watching Carlos grasp your hips and pull away, before you both start laughing. “True loves kiss, works every time,” Evie elbows Mal, the two sharing glances when you link your fingers behind Carlos’ neck, dragging him back down for a longer, sweeter kiss. Carlos breaks away and smiles, as you giggle and silently snort. “I love you,”
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Hello stranger
Lucas and Zay x reader
Request: Could you do an imagine when the reader lived up in Texas with Zay and Lucas, but they move to New York, leaving the reader behind and one day when they go to Topangas after school, they get an unexpected visitor from a close friend?
Leaving Texas was a painful thing for Zay and Lucas to do. Not only were they leaving their home state, but they were leaving her. Yn Ln. Lucas and Yn met in kindergarten, then Zay came along in second grade. Since then, the three of trios stood by each others side, until the boys left you. Moved to New York with a single goodbye. How could they?
Two years later, the said boys walk with their friends such as Maya, Riley and Farkle into Topanga’s cafè, an hour after school. It was just a regular day, get drinks and sit in the famous friend circle. But something was off. The original tune of the bell over the door jingles as a young girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes steps into the bakery scented cafè. Neither boys noticed, as she walked behind them in her boots and jeans, smirking lightly. “Hey strangers,” The two turn at the sound of the familiar accent, jaws dropping when they see you grinning widely. “Get up and give me a hug, dang it!” You usher, as they shoot up and run around the couch to embrace you. Lucas lifts you up and turns, setting you down and tightly holding you against him. “You’re here,” He breathes. You tangle your fingers in your best friends hair, arms around his neck. “And I’m staying,” You whisper. “Hey doll! Long time no see!” Zay greets, as you pull away from Lucas and laugh, Zay hugging your waist and swaying you both side to side. “Whoa whoa whoa, who’s the cowgirl?” Maya stands up, arms crossed. “This, is Yn Mn Ln, she lived up in Texas with us,” Lucas introduces. “Where you moved down here, left me behind for two years, then you never came back so I stepped up,” You tease as you throw an arm around his shoulder. “Finally! A Texas chick!” Farkle snickers. “Back off Minkus,” Lucas warns, Zay waving him off. “You must be Farkle?” You question. “How’d you know?” Farkle confusingly asks. “Every Wednesday and Sunday we do a group chat thing to tell each other what’s going on here, and back home,” Zay explains. “Speaking of which, why didn’t you tell us last night on the chat you were coming to New York?” Lucas asks. “Well you haven’t seen me in two years, might as well make it a surprise!” You giggle. After the three trio’s share a laugh, they all embrace one another, Yn putting her head on Lucas’ shoulder, and her hand on Zay’s. They may have been broken once, but they’re just a new puzzle piece waiting to be put together. 
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Your way too important
Lucas Friar x reader
Request: Could you do an imagine when the reader goes to Texas with Riley, Mya, Lucas, Zay and Farkle, and they are at the bon fire but when the others leave, Lucas and the reader stay back, and Lucas asks the reader whats wrong and the reader tells him they don’t feel like they are meant to be in the group and they want to stay in texas like the good old days? 
“Okay, okay, what about this one,” Zay chuckles, holding his marshmallow on a stick over the fire, “Remember that time when Farkle got stuck in the locker and it took us two hours to get him out?” The group of friends laugh at the hilarious memory, all finishing up their smores and goodies. Maya is first to stand up with a yawn, stretching her tense muscles. “Well I’ll be, I’m gonna hit the hay. Comin’ Riles?” She asks the brunet haired female. With a smile, Riley follows her, Farkle and Zay on their tails. You sat silently, which you’ve been all night. “Something bothering you? You’ve been quiet lately,” Lucas asks softly, elbowing you playfully. “Yeah, I just...have a lot on my mind,” You say weakly, poking the firewood with your burnt stick. “Want to talk to me about it?” Lucas furrows his eyebrows with worry, setting down his own stick. “It’s just that...I don’t think I’m cut out to be a New Yorker. I mean, I’ve lived in Texas my whole life and suddenly moving to the big city is a huge change for me, you know?” You glance at him, and he could see your e/c eyes glistening in the fire light. “What’re you saying?” He whispers. “I’m saying...I think I want to stay here in Texas, you and Zay are better off in New York, but that’s just not who I am,” You squeak. “Yn, no, you can’t, we need you,” Lucas grasps your hand tightly, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. “But, I don’t belong in New York. I was raised in Texas,” You slide your hand away from his, standing up and throwing your arms in the air, “This is my life, Lucas! I’m a cowgirl, you know that!” You hiccup, then when you spin around to face Lucas, his hands suddenly slide onto your face, holding you still enough to stare into your teary orbs. “You can’t...Zay needs you, Farkle, Mya, Riley, they all need you. I need you,” Lucas’  voice lowers into a broken sob, as your noses almost touch, your hands grasping his wrists. “Lucas...” You swallow, then, everything stops. Lucas leans down and tilts his head enough to mold his lips perfectly up to yours, keeping you against him as he deepens the kiss slightly before breaking for air. “Please,” He begs, forehead to yours, “If you stay, then I stay, but just know, we’re leaving a whole life behind,” He breathes, breath on your cheeks. You close your eyes and let small loose tears fall, then reach back up and connect your lips again, harder and full of love, your fingers running through his slick brown hair, as you pull back and ghostly keep your lips hovering over his, nose’s brushing, “Okay, I’ll go back to New York,” You whisper. He laughs with relief, spinning you around then dipping you over for one last kiss of the night. 
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