hello-mylife-blr · 6 years
Got Away With It.
This is what I don’t get why is someone so adamant they did nothing wrong. Yet said person changed his phone number and blocked me on all social media and still gets away with rape. He probably moved back to where he is from which is Greenville, Ca. He will probably do to someone there what he did to me and that is just not right. I feel so bad for anyone he comes in contact with he is immature and runs from everything he has ever done. Why can’t I get closure why does he get to run and hide? Why do I have to have nightmares every night to where I stop breathing in my sleep and have sleep paralysis. This douche just gets away with anything because he fled and made sure that I couldn’t get justice. Because he did all those things I lose out on comfort. I stay up most nights worried he is going to hurt someone else the way he hurt me. There is one thing that triggers me the most and that is he admitted to me he did wrong when I kept saying no. Then the second the police showed up he told them a different story. And to make matters worse for me a few days later cleaning up my room I found his buddhist prayer beads hiding under the pillow. He left them there for me to find and new it would trigger me. But he ran and now he doesn’t have to face anything. I hope you got what you wanted Eric. To be free to hurt anyone else you want because I don’t get my closure. I have to deal with this the rest of my life. 
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hello-mylife-blr · 10 years
The road so far.....
Were do I start..... Oh I know my family isn't like your normal family where you have everyone together at multiple points in your life you help you. My family doesn't do that they wont come around no matter how hard you try to get them to notice you. You will try for months and you will still be invisible. Life is also never easy with my family. They always tell lies and get you to believe them mose of the time but when you hit a certain age you stop believing the things that come out of there mouths. Just try and remember no matter what is going on in your life you have people who are willing to talk. If you don't you can follow me and I will always be open to talking no matter what it is. I've been through a lot and I want others to know they will always have someone no matter how far away they are.
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