hellodereidunno · 2 years
If I'm arguing I care, if I'm silent, I'm done
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
Lemme Be
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- Gayathri, @lemmebegirls
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
Stay tuned✨✨
There it was, the most awaited day by just any child. He would now be able to spend his time relaxing in front of the television doing absolutely nothing. It was the first day of the summer holidays! 'Golu' was a 5th-grade student, as his mother called him. He was a slender boy. His hair was cut in a thick fringe over his eyes, which had dark circles under them. The first thing anyone would notice. That made him look haggard even though he was merely nine years old. He loved playing video games and occasionally skipped hours of sleep at night, which justified his appearance. Once he came from school, around three-thirty, he threw his backpack on the couch and pried his sneakers from his feet. He rushed into the kitchen and drank a glass of water; in a single gulp as if passing from thirst. A movie he'd been longing to watch was to be premiered on television at four o'clock. There were precisely 20 minutes to prepare popcorn and buy a bottle of cola from Ramesh's confectionery store, which was 1km from his house. He hustled outside his house and picked up his cycle; the seat was burning hot as he had forgotten to put it in the shade the previous evening and had left it out in the scorching heat. He set his butt on the seat and hurried to the store. While he was on his way back, he saw an adorable little puppy hiding from the heat under the shadow of a swing. He felt pity for him. His back limbs seemed to be hurt and somewhat broken. Golu was sure that 'scooby' would not be able to survive if he left him there. He had already imagined him as his pet and was too quick to name him. He hopped off his cycle and picked up the puppy. It was in a deplorable state. Its colour was hazel-brown, and it had sparkling golden eyes. One of the rarest colours. Now, he had to pass the hardest thing to keep the puppy; His mom. Somehow he had to convince his mother to keep the puppy. In this hustle, he forgot about the movie. He was so busy with his thoughts that he didn't realise he was back home.
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
The Whys of her
Why do you never tell me I am good enough,
Why do I always have to fight for you?
Never received the love and care
and still here;
Am I not good enough
Why is this all so tough?
Every day I roam with a heavy heart,
I've mastered to hide it and that's an art
Now that I know my efforts are never recognized,
Why do I feel so despised?
Is this all my fault?
'Cause I'm trying damn hard (hord)
Do you never see my efforts,
Is your vision that befort?
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hellodereidunno · 2 years
Just 1.7 mins since I joined tumblr. I've no clue how to use it
reblog this and say when you first joined tumblr and what your initial fandom/focus was in the tags
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