helloiamstoned · 5 hours
Hey. You. The American teenager inexplicably reading this. Don't join the US military. You're better than that. The military is a bunch of cops. Are they technically diverse and inclusive? On some level, kind of, almost. But their job is to kill people. They kill innocent people every day. They abuse their own members, especially their members who aren't white cis het middle class Christian men. The US exists through perpetual violence against the global working class, including its own working class. The military is how it carries out a large portion of that violence. You deserve better. You're better than that. Don't join.
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helloiamstoned · 5 hours
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helloiamstoned · 5 hours
I'm sorry, but I'm just too fucking old to pretend that the presidential ticket of "Person who performed some of the first gay marriages in her state while it was still federally illegal" and "governor who created a trans refuge state while other states were making it illegal to transition" is somehow 'jUsT aS bAd foR QuEer pEopLe' as the ticket promising to reverse marriage equality and make trans healthcare next to impossible.
That is such a monumentally stupid opinion that I'm going to have a hard time believing that you're actually that stupid, and I'll probably just assume you're malicious.
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helloiamstoned · 5 hours
i'd love to see them try to play brennan off with music
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helloiamstoned · 8 hours
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Making it abundantly clear.
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helloiamstoned · 22 hours
there’s a thing I think about sometimes when I’m writing that I call ‘the rabies condition’
by which I mean: there are no contraindications to getting the rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis.
every other vaccine usually has a few contraindications like ‘don’t take this if you’re allergic to it’ or ‘if you’re pregnant discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor’ or ‘don’t give to children below age 6′ or something, but not the rabies vaccine. if you’ve been exposed to rabies, there is literally no medical reason that can justify not getting the rabies vaccine–you can be deadly allergic to literally every single ingredient and the correct decision is still to administer the vaccine, because if you don’t, you’re 100% guaranteed to die of rabies. even the life-threatening allergies are a step up in survival rate (especially since anaphylaxis is something that can be managed, even if there are risks associated with it)
which is to say, the rabies condition: if a character has been ‘exposed to rabies’, aka, in some impending absolute worst-case scenario, like the apocalypse or some death curse or the destruction of their entire city via demons or whatever, then that character has to take action and the consequences and risks no longer matter, because literally any other outcome would be better, and 1% chance of survival is still better than 0%. that doesn’t make those actions necessarily good, the same way that injecting yourself with something you know you’re deadly allergic not a good thing to do, but it’s still better than dying horrifically of rabies. desperate times and desperate measures etc
and then, after your character’s prevented some horrible thing by doing some almost equally bad thing, they should absolutely experience the consequences of those choices.
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helloiamstoned · 22 hours
I accidentally opened discord on my laptop and was forced into a 30 second unskippable cutscene
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helloiamstoned · 22 hours
why is it so difficult to not borrow grief from the future
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helloiamstoned · 24 hours
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
Hugh Dougherty
Wed, September 18, 2024 at 11:02 AM MST 2 min read13
The Federal Reserve cut its key interest rate by 0.5 per cent Tuesday—thrusting it into the center of a political firestorm.
It cut its key borrowing rate from 5.25 to 5.50 per cent to 4.75 to 5 per cent. Markets rose immediately on the cut, the biggest since crisis measures taken in 2008 as the economy collapsed into the Great Recession.
But the cut is also the most politically-charged action taken in recent history by the interest-rate setting body—because former president Donald Trump had repeatedly demanded that it keep interest rates stable before the election. He and his aides think a cut in the cost of borrowing would benefit Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign by convincing people that the economy is strong and by reducing concerns over inflation.
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
she asked me if i believed in god and i told her that when i was four i almost drowned in a public pool and in my panic mistook a stranger for my father. i clawed my way up his leg. four years later he’d send my parents a picture of the scars alongside a tin of cookies. he said, “i hope she’s still okay. i carry her with me. it isn’t every day you save a life. it isn’t every day you feel like you were here for a reason. when it does happen, you have to cherish that memory. for once, i had a purpose. just being there was enough. she tore me open but she taught me a lot about love.”
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
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He is so orange
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
Do you think people used to have ADHD Text Reply Anxiety back in the day. Do you think there was some girl in the 1870s going "Oh, a letter from Esther, how delightful! I must make time to write her a reply this evening!" And then later she was like "It has been 5 months since Esther wrote me, and I am yet to reply. I fear I have tarried far too long, and if she receives a letter from me now it will seem terribly rude and she will want nothing to do with me. And yet, it is ruder still to not write her at all! I fear I am the only one to blame for my current predicament, as I am most terribly forgetful. Ah, but what a fool I am! I shall pray this evening for guidance from the Lord"
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
As you might be aware I have big feelings about all besnouted creatures, but recently something has been grating on me. Sometimes, when people draw a snout animal, they draw the snout as a nose with the mouth as a separate entity underneath. This is a stylistic choice I greatly dislike because a snout or trunk is, by definition
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You can see here that the snout is not a separate entity from the mouth in these mammals, but is a fleshy protuberance emanating from the upper jaw. 
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You can see in this illustration how a more anatomically accurate snout position gives an anthropomorphic pig a degree of charm that an inaccurate snout position does not.
Snout positioning can make or break a character design for me.
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helloiamstoned · 1 day
i hate people who know highways. “i’m heading south on I-65” okay man. i’m moving my rook to c2
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