helpinghighlander · 5 years
Ahhh my first art! Thank you so much! I was never expecting this just trying to make someone else’s day just a little better.
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Cerigo Sarior from Balmung! <3 ;-; thank you for being so kind, you have no idea how much it meant. <3 <3 <3
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helpinghighlander · 7 years
Tonight Whiskey Tasting
Free Tasting Tonight (3/12) at Grey Moon Tea Company, 8PM-10PM EDT Goblet Ward 18, Plot 43
This weeks fine whiskey flight available for order, tasting, or just good drinking. Bad drinkers are also encouraged.
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(Give away of a 350 weapon,armor or accessory for two lucky people who stop by and try the samples!)
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helpinghighlander · 7 years
GMTC Open House - 03/12/2018
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Finally finished up with the typeset and it’s off to the printers. A little later than planned, and I’m certain the printers will charge a premium for the rush job to have them ready for tomorrow’s event, but it’s done.
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helpinghighlander · 7 years
Layers: Cerigo
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Name: “Cerigo Sarior, but you won’t find it in any books and few actually use my full name, Hell few actually use my full first name even.”
Eye Color: “Blue, or at least mostly blue. Why do you see some gold in it? I wouldn’t worry about that too much it happens.”
Hair Style/Color: “I am standing right here but fine, if you want me to tell you… why are you writing this down? Whatever, its dark and currently short. It used to be longer but now its not, eventually its going to be longer again and then it will be short. Magic.”
Height: “Six fulms and “ He stopped for a moment looking down tilting his head holding his hand out then shrinking it and then finally deciding, “three ilms.”
Clothing Style: “Functional. I suppose you could say I like blue but most of the time is not filled with holes and fits is about as far as I think about it.”
Your Fears: “Loosing myself.” He reached down to his hip for something that wasn’t there and gave a bitter smile, the next one was a bit slower ”Not living up to what those believe I can be.”
Your Guilty Pleasure: “Drinking. Fighting. Fucking. Not in that order, not in that order at all. Not sure what you are looking for right here but it’s not really guilt but pleasure. Life is too short to not enjoy it, tomorrow could be the last.”
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “People saying that can’t when they really mean they won’t. I can help with can’t, won’t is on you.”
Your Ambition for the Future: “To die well. It was an old plan and seemed to be the one that no matter how hard I try I keep coming back to, sure there were others, but some dreams die some were never meant to be but that one. That is one I can do.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “Where am I?” He gave a smile and then a shrug, “Otherwise not much I keep my mornings most the same. Get up. Clean up. Start the day. Old life habits are hard to break and you have to be prepared for anything.”
What You Think About the Most: “It’s best to simply not. That’s not the answer you were looking for though was it? So I guess the sky? Maybe the stars? Maybe its that cute red head over there? Maybe its you? It all really depends.”
What You Think About Before Bed: “Nothing worth sharing, ghosts and old memories that refuse to fade. It used to be different but that doesn’t really matter. Oh right you were wanting something interesting? Sure… red head… you… pick one those are the good nights at the very least.”
Your Best Quality Is: “I can hold down the floor? I give plants a reason to stay around? Others say that its an earnest striving, what ever that is or something about a good natured heart. I can lift heavy things. That is something that is always useful.”
Single or Group Dates: “Single, group dates usually involve too many people competing in bed and trying to track all that and make sure everyone get…oh wait you mean a date and not sex. Right. Single still. I want to be able to know someone first then know them in a group.”
To be Loved or Respected: “You can’t ask that, you can’t have one without the other. I tried. I tried love without respect, it brought me here. Respect without love, I have enough scars from that too thank you but no. All or nothing.”
Beauty or Brains: “One day I will get to be the pretty one but I keep screwing that up by finding pretty and smart. One or the other isn’t bad, but I would rather have a smart woman in my life that I can rely on that I don’t have to take care of or rescue from herself. Been there, have those scars too.”
Dogs or Cats: “I am a little down on…cats…as a pet. As a pet yes. They are both fine.”
Lie: “Just one, had to use it too many times for my liking. You are gonna be okay. Never gets any easier but sometimes it’s all they need to hear.”
Believe in Yourself: “No room for doubt, no room for hesitation. Commit fully or not at all anything else will end quickly.”
Believe in Love: “Sure, I believe its out there. Its impossible not to see it in this world but for me? I don’t know. Its all consuming like a fire that burns everything in its wake both the one that starts it and the one that its aimed at. The question becomes is it worth it because when the fire is gone… the world is colder and the nights are darker.”
Want Someone: “Yep. I am not exactly subtle.”
Been on Stage: “All of life is a stage and when you are at the center embrace it or it will move on but as far as an actual stage? I don’t have anything that people want to see and how many stages do you know actually want a male stripper…oh you do? Huh well sure I guess I can try it out.”
Done Drugs:  “Ever try Halone’s Mercy, its none of that organic or pure or what ever they use but if I was going to do anything it would be that again.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “I have a hard enough time figuring out who I am let alone changing it for someone else. I change but it has to be for the better for a reason and fitting in? Yeah not good enough.”
Favorite Color: “Blue. How is this even important again?”
Favorite Animal: “Dragon. Flight, form, power and command of the sky? What is not to like… eh maybe the fire breathing part when you are on the wrong end but it’s not that bad as long as you don’t stay in the same place it is”
Favorite Food: “Anything warm. You can look at me all you want but grow up without food or spend anytime as a soldier and warm food is like nectar from the gods and any food is better then none.”
Favorite Game: “Pin the spear on the reinforced target ninety fulms away? That’s not a game you heard of well you see you throw a spear at a reinforced target and try to hit it hard enough to pierce it. Okay fine, that’s not a real game then drinking games will work but I did play truth or dare for the first time and the outcome was enjoyable”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “Soon I think, its about this time last time I really thought about it. I don’t celebrate it though.”
How Old Will You Be: “Thirty something. I lost count when I ran out of things to count it on so around twenty-one”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “Too young, felt good though. Would recommend.”
Does Age Matter: “Only when it too low, I will give anyone a chance but if I am the mature one there is usually a far bigger problem.”
Best Personality: "Let’s see I tried duty bound and that didn’t work, I tried lawful stupid, you can guess my opinion on that. I tried prideful but powerful. I guess if I had to choose again it would be honesty and self-reflection. Seeing the world for what it is and being strong enough to want to change it for the better. Open and caring but resolved to not go back.”
“So I guess I would like the moon, the stars, and the sun?”
Best Eye Color: "Who does this matter to? I would like her to have eyes the color? Really I already got overly picky about who she was and now you want to know color?”
Best Hair Color: “I heard blondes have more fun and red heads are fiery but it doesn’t matter. Maybe longer hair, something to play with and hold onto would be my only preference”
Best thing to do with a Partner: “Comfortable silence. When there is no need to fill it because the presence is enough when you can breathe and feel the peace with that other person. Oh that was too deep wasn’t it? Fine. Sex. Lots of it everywhere.”
I love: “to come back to this question another time.”
I feel: “tired.”
I hide: “from myself”
I miss: “family.”
I wish: “to know your employer and why you are asking all of this. I also wish you to know that yes this is an actual threat but to answer the question. I wish to find myself in a world that no longer needs me”
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