hemilton-steve · 2 years
There is something ESSENTIAL for trading success that almost nobody talks about.
You need to see yourself as a mental athlete.
When I got into trading at 15 years old, I did not have the best habits.
I was not paying attention to what I was eating, I was not going to the gym, and I was not optimizing my energy level.
Now, you will tell me that it’s normal for a 15 years old and I totally agree with you.
What I’m saying is that it’s still something that LIMITED me to achieve my full potential early on in my journey.
When I came to this transformational realization…
I started to change EVERYTHING in my life to optimize my trading results.
I became obsessed with sleeping well, eating the right type of food and doing enough exercice to keep me sharp and focused.
It made a MASSIVE difference in my life.
This is the reason why we have a FULL section in our program about the best mindset for a trader.
It’s a lot more important than we think it is at the beginning and that’s why you get to learn what I do to optimize my results.
It’s much more than just a basic trading course.
So if you’d like to completely change your life and not only improve your trading, but also improve yourself as a person…
Comment ‘’HABITS’’ below 👇
I’ll reach out later today to help you get started :)
Your coach,
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Wanna know what holds back 99% of people from achieving success?
It’s this → POTENTIAL.
I had a realization last week…
I really didn’t sleep well one night and the next day, I woke up being extremely tired.
I usually sleep quite well and feel amazing in the morning.
I felt like 70% of my energy & mental capacity was drained the INSTANT I woke up.
Then, I realized that this feeling was how MOST people are feeling when they wake up and have to go to work and don’t take the time to take care of themselves.
And that’s when it hit me.
Most people are operating at ONLY 10-50% of their true potential…
It’s no WONDER most people fall off their goals 2 weeks into the new year… or can’t stay consistent with their routine… or get burnt out after just 4 weeks of working ‘’hard’’.
If you want to create success *quickly*... you need to BECOME a high performer.
You must be able to work at your 80-95% capacity, CONSISTENTLY, day after day for months & years on end.
And to do this, you have to dial in your:
✔️ Morning & evening routine
✔️ Your DAILY ROUTINE & habits
✔️ Goal setting strategies & execution
✔️ Your DISCIPLINE & mental resiliency
✔️ Your physical & MENTAL diet for optimal mind & body performance
When new students join our program, they’re taught not ONLY the “techniques & tactics” of trading to achieve their goals… but also mindset, high performance, goal setting, routine development (and more).
That’s why my students are able to start to get good results within usually a couple of months in the program…
Because they’re extremely PRODUCTIVE.
So if you want to learn how to do this AND reach ALL your trading goals at the same time…
I’m looking to mentor 5 driven & extremely committed individuals who are ready to take their performance and income:
…to an ENTIRELY new level.
If that’s you & you’re ready for a complete LIFE transformation…
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 “𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌” 👇 and I’ll personally reach out to see if you’re a good fit.
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
10 Habits of millionaires 💰
1. Recognize fake productivity from real productivity. In other words, stop being busy and get work DONE.
2. Know when to let go of things that are pushing you in the WRONG direction.
3. Don't try to multitask. FOCUS on one thing before jumping to another.
4. Schedule work in blocks. Work SMARTER, not harder.
5. Never stop learning. Your mind is powerful weapon, but ONLY if you know how to use it.
6. Know when to unplug. Remember to take CARE of yourself before taking care of your grind. You can’t do good without feeling good.
7. Set regular sleeping habits. Your body NEEDS 35 cycles per week.
8. Have a strong money blueprint. If you fail to PLAN, you plan to fail.
9. Don't fail too often. Smart people learn from their mistakes, but WISE people learn from other people's mistakes.
10. NEVER ever give up.
Keep in mind that your results are directly correlated with how good your habits are 🙏
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
When you take a look at my average day, you'll quickly find out that a lot of things I do are boring.
Every day, I follow the same morning routine, look at the same charts/news, and do the same amount of deep work.
Most people think I live some sort of crazy lifestyle.
Honestly, I could just stop working right now and go have some fun.
Take vacations and just relax.
But truth is, most things I do are the same boring things I do every day.
And there's a reason for that.
Because progress happens by doing boring things consistently.
Day after day, month after month, year after year.
If I would change my lifestyle right now and take vacations, I would need to stop working.
That means I would stop making progress, my company would stop growing, and I couldn't create more impact.
The biggest lesson I learned is that the boring things that you do consistently are the things that will get you to your goals.
And this is what trading really comes down to at the end of the day.
You need to have a system that you will always follow.
Your job is just to execute it properly!
Once you have that and the discipline to follow it, you can get amazing results.
This is exactly what we teach you in our program.
Beside that, you also get access to 1-on-1 personalized mentorship.
In other words, you LITERALLY get access to everything you need to become consistently profitable.
Right now is the best time to get started as the markets are crashing.
You have to know what to do in this situation to protect your capital and even profit from the situation!
If that’s something you could be interested in…
I’m looking for 3 individuals who are motivated and ready to learn.
Comment ‘’ME’’ below 👇 and I will directly reach out to you later today and help you get started!
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
SO many people aren’t taking action on their DREAMS, for YEARS – even decades – simply because of a lack of belief in themselves…
This held me back for a long time too.
Face your fear and become profitable I'm life
Send me a DM or just Comment "READY" below so I can reach you today and help you become profitable.
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
This was me in 2010...
I was just an ordinary kid.
I had no special skills.
I wasn’t a genius.
I wasn’t blessed with great genetics.
In fact, I was incredibly insecure, weak, and quite addicted to video games.
(being super vulnerable here)
The ONLY thing I had going for me was my WORK ETHIC.
I realized at a young age that life wasn’t going to magically give me what I didn’t deserve-
So I started putting in the REPS.
Day after day... year after year.
Years later, here I am with a team of almost 300 people, impacting THOUSANDS of lives around the world, living from trading and growing my account to numbers I never thought would be possible.
Here’s what I want you to take from this:
You absolutely do NOT have to be special or talented to create massive success in life.
This is a limiting belief.
SO many people aren’t taking action on their DREAMS, for YEARS – even decades – simply because of a lack of belief in themselves…
This held me back for a long time too.
Before I launched the TRADELET program, my mind was flooded with thoughts like:
“Who would listen to me? I’m too young. I’m no expert… There’s PLENTY of people out there who are much more qualified.”
The thought of launching my program terrified me…
But I knew, deep down, if I simply just put stay focus, put in the reps & took MASSIVE action--
I’d eventually become successful.
So take this from me, an ordinary kid who was deathly afraid of public speaking and was weak, insecure, skinny, and with absolutely NO confidence.
It doesn’t matter if you’re extraordinary, or completely ordinary.
As long as you’re willing to put in the work & take action despite the fear…
You WILL inevitably create success.
I hope this message will give you courage to take action on your dreams, regardless of what you want to do :)
And if you'd like help to learn how to trade properly and achieve massive results in 2022 (even though you have NO prior experience at all)--
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 “𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍” 👇
I’ll personally reach out to you & walk you step-by-step through EXACTLY how to create your dream income and life.
Talk soon :)
Your coach,
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Here’s the truth about trading.
You will NEVER become profitable by doing it half way.
What I mean is that too many people think that trading is easy and that with little work, you will become amazing at it.
I understand where this comes from because I WAS like that too at the beginning.
I thought I could become profitable with just some efforts and that trading was very easy.
I realized that it was just NOT going to work.
You will need to put in a lot of EFFORTS if you want to get results.
What you will also need to have is the right KNOWLEDGE.
Even if you put in the work, without proper education, you won’t achieve your goals.
You really need these two things to become profitable.
So here’s my tip for you ✅
Take two minutes out of your day and really think DEEP about these elements.
Try to see where you’re at and what you can do to IMPROVE.
-If you don’t put in enough hours, try to see how you can be more PRODUCTIVE with the tasks that you have to do in order to have more time for trading. Focus on building the necessary discipline to make that happen.
-If you don’t have access to the right information, INVEST money in yourself and get a personal coach that will help you and guide you in the process.
You have to realize that there is a solution for every problem.
You just need to have the willpower to actually SEARCH for it and DO it.
Right now, I’m looking for motivated and serious people who want to learn how to trade.
Also, when you join the program, you get 1-on-1 mentorship and lifetime access to it.
My goal with EVERY member is to turn them into profitable traders as fast as possible.
So… If you are ready to take action on this opportunity, comment ‘’SUCCESS’’ below 👇 and I’ll personally reach out to you today!
Let’s get you results!
Your coach,
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Congratulation to you ma'am,and also thanks for trading with us
Send me a DM now to get started
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Here is my main goal for 2022:
I want to help as many people as possible become PROFITABLE in trading.
I’m at the point now where my trading has been very CONSISTENT for the last 5 years.
I think it’s time for me to focus more than ever on GIVING back my knowledge and experience that I have to others.
The reason why I really want to do this is because every day, I receive messages from people telling me that they lost money on the markets or that they got SCAMMED.
It really pisses me off.
There are so many bad things going on in this industry.
It’s absolutely crazy.
I feel like I can change at least a small part of that by creating content that will reach as many people as possible and get them in the program.
I know that in there…
-They will actually learn how to trade PROPERLY.
-They will actually have a personal COACH that will keep them accountable to make sure to get things done.
-They will actually have a REAL opportunity to achieve amazing results.
I just know that when people are under my wings, everything usually goes well and they actually get what they want.
I want to provide this to everyone who is actually willing to learn.
Does that make sense? I think it does.
So, with that being said, let’s keep it super simple.
If you are ready to get started, comment ‘’RESULTS’’ below 👇 and I’ll reach out to you later today to make it happen!
Cheers to more success everyone!
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
I remember when I made my first 1000$ profit in one single trade.
I really couldn’t believe it at first.
It was crazy.
I had never made so much money before in such a small period of time.
Coming from a middle class family, this was absolutely insane especially that I was only 17 years old at that time.
When it happened, I had already made some money before so I was sitting on a few thousand dollars profit on my hands.
I had to take a step back and think about what that money meant to me and what I was going to do with it.
It would’ve been easy to make a withdrawal and start to spend that money.
But, instead, I realized that it was probably better to just keep it in my trading account and continue to grow it to bigger numbers.
That is exactly what I did and it was an amazing decision.
The lessons here is that when you start to make money, you should always reinvest it directly in yourself or in your trading account.
This is going to help you grow much faster and compound everything.
Keep in mind that the best investment you can make is the one in yourself.
This is what will unlock your full potential and help you get results much faster.
If you want to be the best, surround yourself with people who are better than you and learn from them!
That’s exactly what I did and it changed everything.
Six years later, this is exactly what I do with our program.
My goal is to help every single member become consistently profitable as fast as possible in 2022.
So, with that being said, if you are ready to get started with our program, comment ‘’SUCCESS’’ below and let’s make it happen! 🙏
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Congratulation to you ma'am and also thanks for trading with us..
Send me a DM now to get started if you wish to be profitable through forex now.
Cheers to more success.
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Happy new year from me and the team! 2022 will be filled with health, wealth, love and happiness! Cheers to more success and an amazing year everyone! 🙏🏼🥂
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! 🙏🏼❤️🎄
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hemilton-steve · 2 years
Congratulation to you ma'am and also thanks for trading with us.
Don't stay there and watch others getting ready for 2022,send me a DM now to get started and become profitable.
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hemilton-steve · 3 years
You need to realize that not everyone is going to make big profits on the markets.
That’s just the truth.
This is a very competitive industry and only the best traders will be able to make it happen.
Most people will never really get anything from trading. They’ll just barely get by or lose and eventually stop.
If you want results, you will need to become better than most people.
More knowledge. More work. More focus. More everything.
If you can do this, you will improve your skills like crazy and become consistently profitable.
And if you want to reach the next level in your trading, you can have access to our private group by sending me a DM and doing the course.
You will directly have access to the right information and this will help you achieve your goals.
DM me if you’re ready! Let’s make it happen.
Cheers to more success 🙏🏼
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hemilton-steve · 3 years
I feel happy seeing people becoming profitable through me, it's gives me joy.
Congratulation to you sir.
Send me a DM now to get started and become profitable 📉📊📉💯
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