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Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity. (Richard Nixon) 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。 ----美国总统 尼克松
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The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. (Ernest Hemingway) 这世界会打击每一个人,但经历过后,许多人会在受伤的地方变得更坚强。 --海明威
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Social Networking for SMEs
In today’s Internet-savvy world, anyone can establish an online presence. The main question for you as a business owner, however, is: how do you increase your trust in the eyes of a consumer? If anyone can set up a website quickly, easily and cheaply, how do you make your business website stand out among the rest?
Social networking provides a phenomenal opportunity for any company to connect with the consumer on a personal level. Companies of various sizes, from Fortune 500 companies to small & medium enterprises (SMEs), are using varying levels of social networking to communicate with their clients. One of the most helpless feelings as a consumer is when your voice is not heard. The following is a real-life example of the power of social networking, recently witnessed on Facebook.com:
A husband and wife rent a vehicle with a major car rental agency. This car rental agency is worth $12.1 billion, has 68,000 employees and more than 5,700 locations around the world. The couple is charged some fees that were misunderstood, to the tune of around $130.00. They complain at the airport location and speak with a manager who says, “Sorry, we can’t do anything about this.” The husband writes a well-articulated, yet frustrated post on the company’s Facebook page. Within minutes, an assigned customer service representative contacts the husband and wife, gets the Regional Manager involved and all fees are waived.
Is this type of resolution always going to take place? Absolutely not – but this shows a tangible example of the power that lies in social networking from a business perspective. If your customers know that they can have a direct connection with your company, they are more apt to want to do business with you in the first place. We live in a world where we have seen trust betrayed in the highest levels; whether it be governments, CEOs or high profile figures. When you can establish your company as a trustworthy, people-oriented organization, you build rapport and deep connections. These connections make people less likely to go somewhere else, whether or not your competitors are less expensive than you are. Customer loyalty is built on trust.
In order to begin building trust, where should a company start? First off they should ensure that they have an appealing website set up with a reliable host. Next, establish a presence on the major social networking sites:
Facebook.com – Establish a “fan page” for your company,eg. Melody Jia
YouTube.com – Use to post up videos related to your company, instruction and promotional information
LinkedIn.com – Establish your company’s home page, and all corporate officers/owner profiles
Twitter.com – Set up a Twitter feed to be in constant communication with customers, prospects as well as to build credibility,Suc as @lover_machinery, @henanbailing
Each of these social networking websites has a different use. The owners of a small business are going to be busy taking care of the day-to-day operations, so it’s important to set aside a small portion of time (15-20 minutes is adequate) on a daily basis to update the Facebook and Twitter feeds, and to stay in contact with customers. There are various free programs available that allow people to update both Facebook and Twitter with a single click of a button, thus removing the necessity to log into both websites separately. This saves time and money – allowing the business owners to focus their time on making money. Social networking takes a commitment but it can pay off huge dividends.
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9 Common Title Tag Mistakes to Avoid
A website’s title tags are very important for several reasons:
1) The title tag shows up in search results as the blue link, and a good one helps the site get more clicks and visitors from search results. 2) Title tags are a crucial SEO element that can help the website show up higher when people search for the words in it.
3) Title tags show up when web pages are shared on social media sites like Facebook. This is important because social media mentions are now a ranking factor in Google search results.
So if you have the time to optimize one thing on your website, title tags are it.
Here are some of the top mistakes and missed opportunities I’ve seen in title tags. Avoid these and you’ll be ahead of the game. You’ll rank higher in search results and entice more people to click on your site.
9 Signs of a Bad Title Tag:
1. “Home” or “Home Page” in Title Tag It may be logical or helpful to the website owner, but including “Home” or “Home Page” does not help visitors or search engines. All we really care about is what the page is about, and what it offers us. Why take up space with this non-information? You surely don’t want to rank for the terms “home” or “home page.”
2. Domain Name in Title Tag
Including the domain name (like example.com) in the title tag is redundant and takes up prime SEO real estate.
If a searcher cares what site they’ll be taken to, they can look at the green URL that’s visible in the search result before they click. And web pages are automatically going to rank very high (at the top unless something is wrong with your SEO) when people search for your domain name, whether it’s in the title tag or not.
Put another way – Is it more important to tell people your website address, or to tell them about what you offer and show search engines a keyword?
3. Too Long
Search engines display only the first 70 characters (about) of a web page’s title tag. The rest gets chopped off and replaced with ellipses.
4. Too Short
Short and sweet can be nice, but you might as well use all the space available to tell people and search engines about the web page. Making your title tags close to – but not exceeding – 70 characters is a good way to get the most out of your title tags and optimize your chances of showing up for different keyword searches.
5. No Keywords
The purpose of your title tag is to tell people and search engines what your web page is about. If it doesn’t include keywords, you’re doing it wrong.
6. Just the Business Name
I know it’s tempting to make your title tags be just your business name, especially on your home page. But your business name is 70+ characters long or contains several of your important keywords already, you should really include more so that you’ll be found – and clicked on – by people who aren’t familiar with your business yet.
For example, if you were searching for a local business that sold machinery, how likely would you be to click on a search result that just said a generic business name like “Bailing & Henan Bailing”? You probably wouldn’t waste your time clicking on a search result that doesn’t make it clear the company is in your city and, or that it sells what you’re looking for. Because the title tag doesn’t make it clear what Bailing & Bailing sells, or where they’re located, search engines are less likely to rank that result high in search results.
7. First Few Words Aren’t Important or Eye-Catching
Research shows that people scan search results quickly. Searchers pay the most attention to the first few words in search results, and the first few results on the page. This heat map shows you where people tend to click in a page of Google search results.
Make the first few words of your title tags count by including the keywords you think will be most relevant to searchers. Or write something that will catch people’s attention. Put your best foot forward, and cut the meaningless fluff.
For example, I searched for “cat toilet training” and found this search result. It did catch my attention and make me read the whole search entry to see if it was really what I was looking for. But many people would just skip it, and focus on the search results that mention their search terms right up front.
8. Doesn’t Include Geographic Location – if Location is Important
If you have a physical retail location, or if you want to target customers in a specific region, you should make it clear to searchers and search engines where you’re located. Include your neighborhood, city, state, or county – whatever makes most sense for your business – in your title tag and in other website content.
9. Too Many Keywords (spammy looking)
If your title tag is just a long string of keywords, it might rank well for those keywords, but the real, live people searching for those words will probably be less likely to click that result.
Here are two examples of keyword-filled title tags in a search result:
Example 1
Example 2
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SEO Tips for B2B FAQ Page
Potential customers and clients visit a B2B website for more information. Unlike a B2C focused website, a B2B product or service has business implications and it’s important to choose the product or service that is just right for the business. It’s very rarely a snap decision and the sales cycle is often very long which is why it’s extremely important for a B2B business to provide prospects with lots of content to instill trust. Businesses that don’t provide much content and prefer to keep their strategies and processes a secret will find that they are missing out on lots of opportunities. Perhaps one of the most important places that potential prospects look for information on a business website is the FAQ page. Here are some FAQ page SEO and website content tips:
1.Build a Page for Each Question and Justify It The search engines (and your target audience members) like content. It helps determine your relevancy and a B2B website with lots of good content is viewed more favorably than B2B websites with little to no content or poor content. Frequently asked questions provide a great opportunity to create additional content rich web pages. If you are going to use this strategy, each page needs to be justified. Don’t include a question and one sentence response. That is a wasted page. Instead, expand upon each response. Chances are good that more than one sentence is warranted for each question. Take the time to get inside the customer’s head and provide them with all of the information that they may need. You don’t want to leave them with more questions than answers. If necessary, combine a few questions onto one page.
2.Optimize It Any content that you create online, whether on your own website or on other web properties, should be created with SEO in mind. Include keywords throughout the content of the page naturally. FAQ pages are great places to target some long tail keywords since someone looking for answers has something very specific in mind.
3.Include Meta Tags Far too many websites optimize and write meta tags for only some of their web pages. They focus on the homepage and other primary pages but don’t worry about doing it for deep inner pages. This is the wrong approach. Every page of a B2B website should be optimized. Remember, the search engines rank web pages, not just the homepage. If you do a good job of optimizing the page and writing custom meta tags, it’s another page that could bring in traffic.
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Henan Bailing Machinery Co.,Ltd. is committed to designing, producing mills, drum dryer, crushers, ball mills, conveyors, rotary kilns, feeding machines, drying and acclimating as well as beneficiation equipments and etc, which are widely applied in electricity, metallurgy, mine and quarry, wharf, granary, chemical industry. Our products have been spreader all over China, and also exported to European, American, Asian, African countries and enjoyed great popularity among our customers.asian,African countries and enjoyed great popularity among our customers.
The staffs of our company are willing to offer you the most ideal products and sincere service. We not only offer clients the products with good capability and competitive price, but also offer top service and solution.  
We have the good service to our customers, if they can't install the machines; we can send our technician come to your location, and install for you. We make every endeavor to satisfy our customer. Always welcome your visit to our factory. 
If you are interest in our products and would like to get more detailed infrmation, you can Visit our websites:
Or contact us by Telephone {86}0371-67996061
Or write to [email protected]
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5 behaviors that get you fired from work
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Whether you love or hate your job, you probably don’t want to put it in unstability because of some behavior you weren’t consciously aware was a career hazard. And there are many risky behaviors out there — you don’t have to send your boss an angry email to get on his or her radar in a bad way. Here are some behaviors you should watch out for:
1. Abuse your sick days. Yes, you have an allotment of sick days at your disposal, but if you read HR’s fine print, you’ll see that they’re not just some sort of wildcard vacation days. If you always use every vacation day to which you’re entitled every year, or have a habit of calling in sick on Mondays, you are flagging yourself as someone who lacks personal integrity and abuses the system.
2. Throw bombs. You’ve probably heard that it’s fine to ask questions, challenge conventional wisdom and say “no.” But that doesn’t mean it’s okay to be confrontational or rude. You can quickly flag yourself as anti-collaborative or difficult to work with if you throw bombs in emails or in face-to-face meetings. Find constructive ways to ask questions and disagree, or you’ll be “the guy” no one wants to work with.
3. Undercut your own team. Know the right time to discuss sensitive issues. If you are concerned with your own team’s ability to meet a deadline or worried about a decision your boss made, make sure your partners aren’t a part of the email thread where you express your reservations. Otherwise, you become the guy that undercuts and undermines your boss and your team in front of partners, and there’s no faster way to the bench than that.
4. Evade transparency. Be honest and up front. It’s the rare boss who has patience for people who misrepresent reality. In the modern age of email, messaging and metrics, it’s difficult to disguise an off-track project for long.
5. Be anonymous. In principle, you might think it’s a good idea to keep your head down and do the work you’re assigned. But most organizations actively try to grow their next generation of leaders from today’s individual contributors. In fact, many companies have an implicit “up or out” policy that requires employees to participate, collaborate, grow and advance. You need to see seen and heard. For starters, see this post on low risk ways to speak up in meetings.
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better results with Less stress
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Ruthless, take-no-prisoners, never-look-back businesspeople are an archetype straight out of central casting.Most of us aren’t like that. Most of us have a healthy concern for how others perceive us. That’s a good quality to possess, if only because people who want to be liked tend to be more likable, and likable is good.
But sometimes our need to be perceived in a positive way can negatively impact how we do business.Do any of the following happen to you?
A customer complains: Your anxiety levels spike, your voice goes up an octave, and the more upset the customer, the more you do to solve the problem — even past the point of justification. You rationalize to yourself: “Customer satisfaction is the key to my business, plus I can’t afford poor word of mouth. And besides, no price is too high to pay to resolve customer complaints…”
A customer asks for a discount: You want to make the sale but you also crave the feeling of validation a sale brings, so you concede more than you should. You rationalize, thinking, “If I hadn’t cut the price I might have lost the sale, and after all, some revenue is better than no revenue at all…”
An employee is late — again: You’re uncomfortable with confrontation, plus a different employee was late yesterday and you let that go, so you settle for throwing a few disapproving glances his way. You rationalize to yourself: “Well, he does a pretty good job most of the time, I spent a lot of time training him, and shoot, no customers were waiting so does it really matter that much if he was late again…?”
If any of the above happens to you, don’t worry. While we can’t change our personalities, we can change our behaviors. Be proactive and eliminate as much judgment as possible from the judgment calls you naturally struggle to make. The better prepared you are to handle a situation where your instinct is to compromise or give in, the easier it will be to remain firm, professional, and still be nice.The following situations are easy to prepare for:
Customer complaints. An upset customer is tough for anyone to deal with, so think ahead. You know your products and services inside out, so list all the things that could go wrong — the more possibilities the better. Then decide what you will do in each situation: Repair, replace, rework, refund, discount, discount on future purchases, etc. Rehearse what you will say and do. When you’re prepared you won’t hem, you won’t haw, and you won’t give away the store because your stress levels spiked and all you could focus on was escaping a horrible situation. If the customer resists a resolution and keeps asking for more, at some point you may have to say, “I’m sorry, but our policy is to (whatever your policy is) and we simply cannot do any more than that.” You can fall back on policies in good conscience when you actually have policies in place.
While you’re at it: For each item on your potential problem list, identify ways to eliminate the root causes of those problems. You’ll improve operations and eventually need to deal with fewer complaints.
Price negotiations. Haggling over price can be especially tough for service providers. The more you need to be liked the more you’re likely to cut your prices. Your self-esteem is at risk and losing a contract feels like a personal rejection and not just a business setback. Make it easier on yourself. Create a detailed price list and think about potential negotiation strategies. Don’t just say, “I’m willing to drop the price by 5%.” Create discounts based on volume instead or determine ways to reduce service levels so a lower price makes sense. The more options you create, the more likely your negotiations will stay more objective and less personal.
While you’re at it: Developing a comprehensive price list, including discounting and negotiation tactics, is a great way to refine pricing strategies. How low can you go and still make a profit? Would a different pricing strategy make the decision to purchase easier for potential customers?
Management decisions. Every employee is different, so great leaders apply judgment and discretion. At the same time, making too many ad hoc decisions can also destroy a work team. Sometimes policies are your best friends, especially in objective areas like attendance, quality, and performance to standards. Determine your expectations, codify your expectations, share your expectations, and manage by those expectations. While it will never be enjoyable, this is fairly easy to say: “John, you know our policy is that no employees are allowed to be absent more than seven times in a rolling twelve-month period. Yesterday was your eighth absence, so I have no choice but to put you on a disciplinary program…” Think about situations that can be “by the book,” and write and follow the book. Then use judgment where judgment makes sense.
While you’re at it: New employee orientation can be easier, managing employees can be easier, and overall performance can increase when you codify your expectations. Employees who understand expectations usually try to exceed expectations.
Saying no. Refusing a request from colleagues, friends, or family can be really hard. Rarely will saying no go as badly as you fear, though. Most people will understand (and if they don’t, should you care too much?) Depending on the situation, “I’m sorry, but I just don’t have the time,” or, “That’s not something I do well; here’s someone you might call…” or, “I’m sorry, but we’re just not in that market. But I appreciate you thinking of us,” all work well.
While you’re at it: If you’re uncomfortable saying no, remember: It’s a great way to have time to get your own work done for a change.
The key is to know what you will do before you are faced with stressful or confrontational situations. Then you can stay objective, make better decisions, and greatly reduce your stress and regret levels.
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What brand perceptions should retailers create?
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Marketing to consumers is at the heart of any retail business and although retailers may follow a similar procedure to roll out their marketing campaigns, the brand perceptions they create are often very different. But, what brand perceptions are our retailers creating? And, can a retailer’s performance be measured by the brand perception it creates?
For the last few years Checkers has embarked on a “better and better” campaign, creating brand perceptions of improved lifestyle by shopping at Checkers. The retailer has shifted focus away from savings, while still maintaining an air of value. Success on this front is clearly evident based on the performance of the Checkers brand.
In difficult times, other retailers have tended to focus on conventional promotional marketing. While this is very important, it doesn’t necessarily uplift the profile of a retailer’s brand.
Bailing, a mining and beneficiation equipment manufacturer, on the other hand, has always focused on quality. However, the retailer has recently developed a pricing strategy that promotes better value, without detracting from the premium image of their brand. This has worked very well.
Retailers have created different perceptions through building their brands around quality, savings and value, respectively. We look forward to their future advertising and marketing campaigns. It is evident, though, that branding is as important as price promotion.
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All staff of Henan Bailing visit factory and attend the training about products
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 All staff of e-commerce and sales department in Henan Bailing visited our factory under the guidance of our manager Zhang on the afternoon of January 12, 2012.In the factory,we saw some equipments to be delivered.And there are some semi-finished products.This visiting experience is a treasure for all of us.              In Zhang’s leadership,a technical staff explained us the usage,function and application of these semi-finished and finished products.Seeing these products,they are really different with the pictures.              Here we generally understand the related work processes,and related original parts of jaw crusher, impact crusher,drying machine,ball mill,flotation machine,circular vibrating screen,vibrating screen,washing machine,mixing bucket,bucket elevator and feeder.It showed us that the process is excellent from the original parts to the finished product.              After the visiting,Zhang told us that the structure,function and quality of our products positioned in the first srank.Although the factory is not big,the new plant will be completed in the first half of this year,which is ten times than the former one.And the staff accommodation building will to be built with five floor to improve the conditions of treatment benefits.              We should accept national policies to adapt the changes of market demand, accept the challenges of changing times to complete a successful transition.We provide the ball mill,rotary kin,rotary dryer and other equipments with good adaptable ability.              Henan Bailing Machinery Co.,Ltd. is committed to designing, producing mills, drum dryer, crushers, ball mills, conveyors, rotary kilns, feeding machines, drying and acclimating as well as beneficiation equipments and etc, which are widely applied in electricity, metallurgy, mine and quarry, wharf, granary, chemical industry.              We are a modern enterprise specialized in manufacturing mining–equipment which is integrated with research, production, and marketing of the mining equipments.Our products have been spreader all over China, and also exported to European, American, Asian, African countries and enjoyed great popularity among our customers.
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Dryer has brought opportunities for the development of agriculture
 Drying machine is widely used in industry, also shows its unique advantages in agriculture .Dryer has brought opportunities for the development of agriculture.
    Food consumption is related to the livelihood of people.In recent years, China has maintained a steady number of food policy, and strengthen efforts to benefit farmers for feeding agriculture.Our government has adopted a series of supporting policies,such as:agricultural machinery allowance,  agricultural insurance,rice planting mechanization assistance and professional service of plant protection organization. Even our government have done a series of policies, grain will encounter many related topics in harvest time.      We can use the dryer in agriculture to dry the wheat and grain at any time.Dryer can avoid the quality of wheat which may be affected by weather.Dryer has the features of low cost and consumption and good result.      Dryers produced by Henan Bailing Machinery Co., Ltd. with the advantages of simple structure,easy installation,reliability,data accuracy,long life and so on.      If you have any interesting with our crushers, please telephone us: 0086-0371-67996061 or leave us a message:[email protected] and the professional technological staff will serve you all day long.  
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Henan Bailing Machinery Co., Ltd. is committed to designing, producing mills, drum dryer, crushers, ball mills, conveyors, rotary kilns, feeding machines, drying and acclimating as well as beneficiation equipments and etc.
The staffs of our company are willing to offer you the most ideal products and sincere service. If you are interest in our products and would like to get more detailed infrmation, you can Visit our websites:http://www.blcrushers.com/.
We not only offer clients the products with good capability and competitive price, but also offer top service and solution.
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Jaw crusher is mainly used to crush large stones primarily, widely used in such industry as mining, metallurgy, building material, road, railway, chemical industry, etc.
We Henan Bailing Machinery Co., Ltd. is committed to designing, producing mills, drum dryer, crushers, ball mills, conveyors, rotary kilns, feeding machines, drying and acclimating as well as beneficiation equipments and etc.
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Eating fruits & snacks
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Jaw crusher, impact crusher, hammer crusher, cone crusher, vibrating screen, high-frequency screen, sand-making machine, sand-washing machine, ball mill, dryer, rotary kiln, magnetic separator, floatation machine, mixed barrel, shaking bed, spiral chute, vibrating feeder, Raymond mill, belt conveyor
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